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Tattoos of stars on the collarbones, along with other tattoos, began to be applied to prisoners more than a hundred years ago.

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The USSR government decided that criminals should receive a mark for the rest of their lives for the atrocities they committed, for which purpose they began to get tattoos on their bodies. It may seem that these are just drawings that mean nothing, however, for the criminal world, each tattoo has a certain meaning. Moreover, not only the image itself plays a big role, but also the place where it is applied.

Tattoos on a prisoner's body can tell a lot about him. Thus, stars on the shoulders indicate a robber serving a second sentence. They are symbols of the camp elite, which give the right to use force. Particular attention was always paid to the “wind rose” tattoo, which meant that this was a real thief in law.

Why do criminals need tattoos?

It is considered a tradition to apply tattoos with various symbols on your body in places of imprisonment. The drawings are filled by professional ringers who have achieved high skill in this matter. However, in their work they mainly use homemade machines and not very high-quality ink. Due to this, the images they produce are not particularly aesthetically pleasing. Therefore, tattoos among inmates are used as special symbols of an informative nature. Based on the embossed picture, an idea is formed about its owner, the article under which he was serving his sentence, and his place in the criminal hierarchy. Among body images, tattoos of the thief in law occupy a special place.

meaning, history, photos, sketches, examples of popular tattoo designs

Here you will learn one of the opinions and how our author sees and understands the meaning of the thieves' stars tattoo , get acquainted with interesting facts from the history of the drawing, examples of drawings. For those studying tattooing, we offer more examples in the catalog:

  • Photo of thieves' stars tattoo
  • Sketches of thieves' stars tattoos

Interesting information about the meaning of the thieves' stars tattoo

If a prisoner has a tattoo in the shape of a star on his body, it often arouses the interest of those around him; it’s not just that he tattooed it. What does a prisoner's star mean? Similar questions come to those who want to get a tattoo without being in prison, that is, while free. What can be printed on the human body, in places not so remote, can look very scary, arouse great interest and a lot of questions. Naturally, no one will put anyone down for this, but the bearer of an undeserved tattoo will have to receive a defiant rattle, feel mockery and jokes in his direction. In addition, you will have to rip it off or burn it. So, before getting any tattoo, it is better to first know its meaning.

Let's look at why prisoners get such tattoos. The thief's star is the main attribute of thieves in law. This is the sign that distinguishes a thief from the rest of the criminal society. Under no circumstances should such a tattoo be applied to the body in freedom, since one day they will definitely ask for it, and they will have to answer according to thieves’ standards. If a person is not familiar with them, then it is unlikely that he will be able to lead the conversation and clearly talk about his clean reputation. And if he knows someone, but got such a tattoo undeservedly, then he will also have to answer for his actions.

Examples of photos:

Significance Many people believe, and not without reason, that wearing prison tattoos on your body and at the same time remaining unnoticed in the criminal world is complete stupidity. This is both unreasonable and dangerous. If a person goes to jail once, he will remain under the supervision of law enforcement agencies for many years, who have an entire database on the person, including photographs of all his tattoos. The worst thing that can happen to a person behind bars is that he will have to tell where he got each of his tattoos, and he will be very unlucky if he ends up in a “goat camp”, where problems will come to him, since there will be “Garbage chaos” all around " Both law enforcement officers and prisoners know what the star tattoo means.

The star is a symbol of a real thieves' conviction. This is a way of life that implies an existence filled with trials and a person always ready for death.

If a person has stars painted on his shoulders or painted on his chest. A person who wears such a tattoo sows human things and promotes thieves in places of detention. Over time, he has a chance to turn into a thief in law.

He, just like in prison, must lead the same way while being free.
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If a person has stars on their knees. A fairly common star tattoo on the knees. Such a tattoo suggests that no regime has broken the person, that he has truly chosen his path and is ready to follow it to the end. Such a tattoo says that there is no turning back for a person. This tattoo also says that the prisoner will never kneel before the “garbage”, that they will never break him under any circumstances.

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Prepared by: copywritedeck (Seregin Sergey Valentinovich)

Drawing a star by cells

Today it has become very popular to know how to correctly draw a beautiful five-pointed star, and how to depict it in an original and bright way. If you are one of those who want to draw an interesting picture, then the lesson is specially selected for you. We will draw by cells.


  • notebook sheet;
  • bright felt-tip pens or markers.

If you have not done this kind of drawing, follow the instructions provided. Anyone who has already made drawings using squares can come up with their own design, and the star will become even more interesting. Let's start:

Read also: Color Purple Science Fandom

  1. Let's start drawing the star from the top ray. Take a felt-tip pen and circle one square. Below from the top we will circle another square. The next two rows need to be made out in two cells. The first beam is ready.
  2. We retreat six cells from the last outlined cell. Let's circle them. We repeat the action on the other side. From the end of the line we draw four squares obliquely.

  3. From the circled cells, now in the other direction, circle two times two cells and once three. The result was a third ray.
  4. We finish drawing one half of the star. Add two to the three circled cells on the left. On top there is a row of one cell and two rows of three. Half the star is ready. Now, on one side that is already finished, you can finish drawing the second.
  5. There will be small eyes in the center of our star. Make them horizontal from three cells. If desired, you can make a mouth for the star.

What does a 4 pointed star mean?

Today this symbol means

light in the night darkness.
It is often used to denote good luck in career growth or victory in sports competitions. The four-pointed star
can be found on departmental service awards.
If you need to indicate the correctly chosen path with a symbol, then this type of star
is suitable.

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Application method

Previously, tattoos were made in prisons using a needle and a substance containing soot. The pigment was obtained from burnt boot soles. Understanding what the stars on the shoulders of convicts mean, it should be noted that the technology of application, as well as the meaning of the design itself, has changed over time.

Later they began to use ink from ballpoint pens as paint. For the image itself, a special stamp was used. The needles were stuck into a thick piece of rubber so that they protruded by 1-2 mm. They were dipped in paint and pressed into the skin in one motion, leaving a certain pattern.

Subsequently, special electric razor machines began to be used. Instead of a needle, they used guitar strings.

Star tattoo meaning prison: what do the images symbolize?

Prison star tattoos and their meaning.

Everyone loves to get stars as tattoos - men, women, and very young girls.
However, not everyone knows that stars are very popular in the criminal world, and when they find out about this (often after getting a tattoo), they begin to frantically search for information about what such images symbolize. Therefore, you should not be surprised that the query “ star tattoo meaning prison
”, driven into the search engine, is quite popular.

In this article we will answer this question by talking in detail about the meaning that such pictures carry.

Prison star tattoo meaning:

Often there are stars pinned on the shoulders. It is generally accepted that they are inflicted by people who have earned the status of thieves in law. But it is not so.

Indeed, you need to earn the stars on your shoulders, but you don’t have to be a thief in law to do this. They are also inflicted by those “in the zone” who openly, without fear of consequences and repressive actions, oppose the prison administration, and do not obey the established regime.

The number of rays of a star can be different - a minimum of six and a maximum of ten. But most often it is eight.

It is also extremely important what exactly is applied in the center of the star - the following symbols are most often found:

  • scull;
  • lightning;
  • swastika;
  • and other symbols.

Although they are not always interpreted unambiguously. The same skull can be deciphered as:

  • Born to suffer;
  • Come what may;
  • Shooting will fix me.

The lightning bolt icon has one interpretation - “crush cops.” And if there is a swastika inside the star, then it means “beat the communists,” although now in most cases it has a more obvious fascist connotation and means “beat the Jews.”

Therefore, when trying to understand what exactly a star on a criminal’s body can mean, you must first of all pay attention to what is pinned inside such a design. The central part of the composition is the most important for the interpretation of the tattoo.

By the way, it is not uncommon to come across the opinion that the stars on the shoulders symbolize shoulder straps. But this version does not stand up to criticism. After all, no self-respecting criminal will ever be able to wear shoulder straps. Even the symbolic ones.

If we generalize the meaning of stars tattooed on their shoulders, then it should be said that people with such tattoos do not want to live by generally established rules, they will never give up their true beliefs, and therefore are aggressive towards other people and their value system .

Thieves' tattoos: what they are and what they mean

As we wrote above, every tattoo must be earned. For example, the so-called elite are insignia. They are applied only for certain “achievements” in the field of thieves.

There is also a so-called category of shameful tattoos. They are pinned on a person’s body for some offenses committed by him. Often they are stuffed by force - after all, such a brand is a sign of indelible shame. And the most “distinguished”, who violated thieves’ laws and concepts, have such a brand stamped on their neck or even on their forehead. Which is the greatest manifestation of shame.

Thieves' tattoos and their meaning, examples of tattoo photos

Thieves' tattoos belong to the category of tattoos of the criminal world and carry deep meaning and information about the person who has such tattoos. The criminal environment has its own law, to which thieves’ tattoos and their meaning .

Thieves' tattoos are applied according to this unwritten law of the criminal world. It is he who determines who gets the appropriate tattoo and for what. If the tattoo was applied undeservedly, then the punishment for this will be very severe.

The meaning of thieves' tattoos on the body directly depends on the personality of the criminal: what place he occupies in the criminal world, the type and complexity of the crime he committed.

Thieves' tattoos and their meaning

In the distant past, bandits and convicts received tattoos by order of the state - in this way they were branded - a sign for life, so that everyone would see and know that this person had committed a crime.

Any tattoo in the criminal world must be earned. From elite tattoos to shameful tattoos, everything has its own significance and meaning. Shameful tattoos are tattooed against a person’s will, this is reminiscent of the Middle Ages, and serves as a sign of shame for life.

Thieves' tattoos can tell a lot about the life and fate of the owner. Each symbol, each phrase printed on the zone has its own meaning and significance. Some tattoos express protest or propaganda. Thieves' tattoos are not applied to decorate the body; they always have a criminal essence and symbolize the fate of a criminal.

Here are some thief tattoos and their meanings

A star is a symbol of inner power, spiritual strength.

The knife is a symbol of sacrifice, death, revenge.

The crane symbolizes the highest justice, a merciful soul.

The eagle represents fortitude, royalty, greatness, and pride.

An epaulette is a badge of honor for some merit.

The Mother of God means that she has been involved in theft from a young age. Also wears a symbol of amulet.

Subclavian stars have the meaning of denied, or thief in law.

The beetle symbolizes a pickpocket. And it is stuffed onto the hand or other parts of the body.

A church depicted with domes indicates how many domes there are, so many people served or years served.

The tiger is a symbol of cruelty and rage, anger towards the authorities and the police.

The symbol of a thief is a spider in a web . Crawling up - “I will continue to steal”, down - “I’ve stopped stealing.”

The cat symbolizes a pickpocket.

The crime boss wears a crucifix tattoo .

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Criminal tattoos

Criminal tattoos are usually tattooed in places of detention. For prisoners and former prisoners, criminal tattoos play an important role and a special meaning, which not everyone understands. A tattoo on a prisoner’s body can tell a lot about the owner: from the number of prisoners to character and status in the criminal world. Nowadays, the concepts of certain tattoos have changed somewhat, and without knowing all the intricacies of criminal sketches, you can accidentally get yourself a prison tattoo.

In the first decades of Soviet power, the caste division of the criminal community was very strict. If a drawing was pinned “out of order,” its owner could be punished severely, even with death.

Gradually, morals, as throughout society, softened, and the final “liberalization” occurred with the end of the Soviet system and its cultural taboos. The first legal tattoo parlors opened, and the masses flocked to the recently semi-forbidden decoration. The drawings were filled with a variety of designs, including those with prison significance. Then one of the newly created owners of “beautiful pictures” went to prison, and there he was puzzled by the information that he had chosen the wrong picture, and the tattoo was considered criminal. It could have ended sadly.


Thief in law Jap

If a prisoner has a tattoo in the shape of a star on his body, it often arouses the interest of those around him; it’s not just that he tattooed it. What does a prisoner's star mean? This is clearly a prison tattoo. Similar questions come to those who want to get a tattoo without being in prison, that is, while free.

What can be printed on the human body, in places not so remote, can look very scary, arouse great interest and a lot of questions. Naturally, no one will put anyone down for this, but the bearer of an undeserved tattoo will have to receive a defiant rattle, feel mockery and jokes in his direction.

In addition, you will have to rip it off or burn it. So, before getting any tattoo, it is better to first find out its meaning and whether the sketch is a Zonov tattoo.

The thief's star is the main attribute of thieves in law. This is the sign that distinguishes a thief from the rest of the criminal society. Under no circumstances should such a tattoo be applied to the body in freedom, since one day they will definitely ask for it, and they will have to answer according to thieves’ standards.

If a person is not familiar with them, then it is unlikely that he will be able to lead the conversation and clearly talk about his clean reputation. And if he knows someone, but got such a tattoo undeservedly, then he will also have to answer for his actions.

The meaning of thieves' stars

Many people believe, and not without reason, that wearing prison tattoos on your body and at the same time remaining unnoticed in the criminal world is sheer stupidity. This is both unreasonable and dangerous. If a person goes to jail once, he will remain under the supervision of law enforcement agencies for many years, who have an entire database on the person, including photographs of all his tattoos.

Thief in law Nodar Aloyan - Nodar Tbilissky

The worst thing that can happen to a person behind bars is that he will have to tell where he got each of his tattoos, and he will be very unlucky if he ends up in a “goat camp”, where problems will come to him, since there will be “Garbage chaos” all around " Both law enforcement officers and prisoners know what the star tattoo means.

Thief in law Gursel Saifulov - Guram Tashkentsky

The star is a symbol of a real thieves' conviction. This is a way of life that implies an existence filled with trials and a person always ready for death.

Thief in law Gocha Maisuradze - Gogita

If a person has stars on his shoulders or on his chest, then this person is “sowing” humanity and promoting thieves in places of detention. Over time, he has a chance to turn into a thief in law. He, just like in prison, must lead the same way while being free.

Thief in law Irakli Dzhabua - Ika Rostov

If a person has stars on his knees (a fairly common tattoo in the form of stars on his knees ), then such a tattoo indicates that no regime has broken the person, that he has really chosen his path and is ready to follow it to the end.

Such a tattoo says that there is no turning back for a person. This tattoo also says that the prisoner will never kneel before the “garbage”, that they will never break him under any circumstances.

What kind of stars are there?

“Thief Star”, as a rule, is a paired tattoo. Two identical figures are located symmetrically on the body. So the stars are depicted in pairs on the shoulders, under the collarbone or on the knees.

“Thief Stars” is one of the few tattoos that is not accompanied by any inscriptions. They simply do not need them, since all knowledgeable people already know the meaning of each of them. However, often in the center of the star you can see images of other symbols, various objects, animals, and even portraits of historical figures.

Thus, the most common eight-pointed star, each ray of which is divided into white and black halves, means “Crush the activists!” By the way, black symbolizes the thieves, and white symbolizes the human. These colors, in turn, indicate that the thief “sows thieves’ and human things in freedom and in prison” and lives according to certain rules. The star with the image of a wolf should be “read” as “Man is a wolf to man.” And a cat's face can be a symbol of a pickpocket.

photo, symbol, tattoo, on the knees, meaning, on the collarbones, on the shoulders, aue

The thief's star is a popular tattoo among authoritative prisoners. Since not everyone gets a star tattoo, this means that the criminal has a certain status in the criminal world. In the article we will look at where the symbol came from and what it means in the criminal world.

What do the stars of thieves in law look like?

This image comes from the compass rose that sailors used to apply when setting sail. At that time, the celestial bodies served as landmarks in the sea, which is why such a symbol was chosen, which served as a kind of amulet for them. Since then, a lot of time has passed, and the stars began to signify the difficult life path of their owner.

In their modern form, star tattoos came from the mid-20th century. The tattoo has the shape of an eight-pointed star with black and white rays, and is tattooed in pairs and symmetrically to each other. Such an image defines a person who honors human and thieves’ laws, living according to certain concepts.

As a rule, the symbol is printed without inscriptions, although sometimes you can see portraits, animals and various symbols depicted inside. There are many associated elements and their meanings, and each of them has its own unique meaning. For example, the image of a cat means a pickpocket.

What do the thief in law stars mean?

Thieves' stars on the shoulders have many meanings in the zone. The main thing is an indicator of the status of a thief in law. Also, the symbol can indicate that a person is an excellent gambler or does not agree with the system. Or perhaps he is, one of the representatives denied.

Depending on the affiliation with theft, the place where the tattoo is located is of great importance. One of the most dangerous is considered to be a star tattoo, tattooed under the collarbones: this is a popular Denialist paraphernalia. It was mainly inflicted on those who served time again and were able to earn authority. Denial is a situation in which prisoners do not recognize prison rules and refuse to comply with them. They have a negative attitude towards the administration and try to harm its work.

Stars on the knees often pricked those who were ready to follow the chosen path to the end, without bending under the system. It was assumed that the owner of such a tattoo would not break under the prison regime and, literally, would not kneel.

Stars on the chest mean that the prisoner is a thief in law. Those who promote thieves' ideas in prison also wear stars on their chests.

The eight-pointed figure in which a candle is burning is a neutral tattoo, meaning that fire is freedom. And two lightning bolts inside have negative meanings, one of them: “The Communist Party is the worst enemy of the people.”

Also, the eight-pointed symbol is an attribute of a gangster association. It is called “AUE”, which means “the prisoner way of life is one”. This youth community supports prison and thieves' concepts, where the thief's code of honor is observed.

This tattoo communicates a certain lifestyle of a person who has endured many trials and is always ready for death. If you have no connection with the criminal world, then it is better to refrain from this kind of tattoo. In addition, it is customary for prisoners to test their fellow inmates for strength: wearing the image must be proven by one’s actions.

How to draw a five-pointed star

We put a mark at 72 degrees and draw a straight line.

Add more lines in the same way. As a result, we got five segments, the ends of which will be the vertices of the star.

For convenience, you can mark the vertices with letters or number them.

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