Sample forms and applications for pre-trial detention centers and correctional colonies: how to fill out and where to download the form

Transferring things

The document is drawn up if the convicted person needs to transfer things that are not food (clothing, household items, personal hygiene items). The paper is written in three copies: one remains with the applicant, the other with the administration of the pre-trial detention center or penal colony, and the third with the citizen serving his sentence.

The document contains the following details:

  • “header” indicating the name of the correctional institution and information about the applicant;
  • the word "statement";
  • a text with a request to accept things for a prisoner, indicating the degree of relationship with him of the person making the transfer;
  • a table indicating the serial number, name of the transferred item, its quality characteristics and quantity;
  • date and signature of the applicant;
  • a note on the acceptance of things and documents by the administration;
  • a mark on the inspection of the transfer;
  • a note indicating acceptance of the transfer by the addressee.

Sample filling:

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Is security watching?

The procedure for the security service during visits is regulated by Chapter 16 of the “Internal Regulations of Pre-trial Detention Facilities of the Penitentiary System” (approved by Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated October 14, 2005 N 189):

  • During meetings with lawyers, the pre-trial detention center officer can see the prisoner and his defense lawyer, but not hear their conversations.
  • When meeting with relatives and friends, security has the right to conduct visual surveillance of the arrested person and his guests, as well as listen to the entire conversation.

When monitoring meetings with a lawyer, only a picture from a video camera is used ; security guards have no right to be present in the room. When a prisoner meets with relatives and friends, the guards must be nearby, in the same room.

Transfer of products

An application for a food transfer is no different from the same for a clothing transfer. They draw it up if it is necessary to transfer food to a citizen who is being held in a pre-trial detention center or penal colony. Documents can be combined together, documenting the transfer of both products and things on one paper. Only for this you will need to add two tables into it: one for things, and one for products.

Sample filling:

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Short-term date

An application for a short-term visit must contain:

  • “hat”, indicating the name of the correctional institution and information about the applicant;
  • the word "statement";
  • a text requesting the opportunity to have a meeting with a citizen held in a penal colony or pre-trial detention center;
  • date and signature.

Sample filling:

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Sample application for permission to have a long-term visit with a convicted person

It happens that a servant of the law is simply “harmful” and then he can be influenced through his superiors, for which it is better to use the services of a lawyer.

But it’s completely different if he explains this by “the interests of the investigation.”

Here it happens that even a lawyer will not be able to break through this barrier and you will not get a meeting with your relative who is in captivity.

  • We arrive at the pre-trial detention center \ IK. It is better to organize contacts with the will of the two of us - while one seeks a meeting, the second relative takes upon himself the sending of the package - the queues for them are somewhat shorter.

With the transfer, you can send, in addition to the necessary things, a letter - the person under investigation will receive it on the same day.

How does a date go? Dates take place in a specially equipped room, usually separated by a partition made of bulletproof glass.

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According to Article 34 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, close relatives of a convicted person include his parents, children, adoptive parents, adopted children, siblings, grandparents, grandchildren, as well as spouse.

  • Agreement on the bank's participation in the authorized funds
  • Sample. Certificate of proof of the fact that a minor is alive
  • Sample. Notification of the state registration authority on the liquidation of a joint stock company
  • Standard purchase and sale agreement (bill of sale) of land
  • Contract of sale of an apartment
  • Sample.

Application for a copy of a court decision



Unified form No. MX-20a - report forms on the movement of inventory items in storage areas Sample. Application for recognition of a citizen as having limited legal capacity Sample.

Long date

A relative or spouse of a prisoner has the right to visit him and stay in the territory of a pre-trial detention center or penal colony. To do this, it is also necessary to send an application to the administration of the institution with the following details;

  • hat;
  • the word "statement";
  • a text requesting a date, which also indicates the degree of relationship and the fact that you are familiar with the rules that do not allow the transfer of unauthorized items.

Sample filling:

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Visit in pre-trial detention center before trial

Until a citizen is found guilty, he awaits a court decision in a pre-trial detention center. Visits in this institution are allowed only with relatives, a lawyer, and a notary. In accordance with paragraph 139 of the internal regulations of the pre-trial detention center, meetings can only be short-term and no more than 2 times a month.


Prison in Russia differs in the conditions of detention of convicts - general, special and strict regime. Those, in turn, are divided into light, normal and strict conditions of detention. You can compare the difference in this article

Permission to visit a pre-trial detention center can be given by the following officials:

  • investigator, if investigative actions have not yet been completed;
  • a judge, if the investigation is completed and the case is transferred to court (clause 18 of Federal Law No. 103-FZ of July 1, 1995);
  • the head of the pre-trial detention center when the court has already passed a sentence;
  • the appeal board, if the case is referred for appeal (by the way, you can read about the time frame for considering an appeal here)

After receiving permission, the citizen who requested a visit must appear at the pre-trial detention center with permission and his passport. It is worth noting that pre-trial detention center employees have the right to inspect a person who comes to a meeting with a prisoner.

Directly at the pre-trial detention center, visits are granted on a first-come, first-served basis. You can sign up for this queue via the Internet through the electronic queue website, or during a personal visit to the pre-trial detention center through the terminal. If this institution does not have such technical equipment, then in this case you need to take a place in the live queue.

Marriage registration

You can marry a citizen who is in a penal colony or a pre-trial detention center. However, the procedure requires permission from the administration. To do this, write an application that must contain the following details:

  • a header similar to previous documents;
  • the word "statement";
  • a text requesting permission to register a marriage with a person in a correctional facility;
  • date, signature and its transcript.

Sample filling:

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If circumstances arise that prevent a citizen from being in a pre-trial detention center or correctional facility, his relatives have the right to ask the administration to transfer him to another correctional institution. A special statement is also written for this. It should contain:

  • a “hat” similar to those described above;
  • the word "statement";
  • a text with a request to transfer a citizen to serve a sentence or detention in a specific pre-trial detention center or correctional facility, indicating the reasons for such a request;
  • date, signature and transcript.

Sample filling:

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Refusal and methods of appeal

Refusals to grant meetings with suspected persons are not uncommon. There are many reasons for this, and most often they are used legally. The investigator may refuse relatives on the following grounds:

  1. There is a suspicion that the petitioner is also related to the crime committed.
  2. The visitor is under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  3. The applicant has no reason for the visit (he is not a close relative).
  4. The applicant does not have personal documents (passport) with him.
  5. He provided false information.

Sometimes the investigator uses refusal to meet as a way of putting pressure on the suspect. It is quite difficult to prove this, since another reason is usually indicated. But an illegal refusal can still be appealed.

First, you should receive a written document from the investigator indicating the reason for the refusal. And then file a complaint addressed to his immediate superior. If management ignores the applicant, you should contact the prosecutor's office. An appeal to the prosecutor's office for help should only be made if there is documentary evidence of the illegal actions of the investigator or the head of the pre-trial detention center. Therefore, many officials do not provide an official refusal.

To confirm that you have contacted the investigator for an explanation, you must use a registered letter with notification. Such a document should be sufficient for the prosecutor's office. Then you should file a complaint:

  1. Detailed information about the investigator, as well as about the person under investigation, must be written.
  2. Facts indicating a violation of the law by an official (investigator) are described.


Based on the application, an appropriate check will be carried out. If these facts are confirmed, a meeting between the applicant and the defendant will be scheduled.


In some cases, a certificate confirming that a relative is in a pre-trial detention center or penal colony is required. To receive it you also need to write an application. It should contain:

  • "hat";
  • the word "statement";
  • text requesting a certificate indicating information about the convicted person (prisoner) and the degree of relationship of the applicant with him;
  • date, signature and transcript.

Sample filling:

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How are they going?

For holding meetings, two types of halls are equipped in the pre-trial detention center . The first is for investigative and legal conversations. Their peculiarity is their small size and the ability to ensure the confidentiality of conversations (supervisors can only observe, but not eavesdrop). The conversation takes place directly, without a dividing partition or telephone.

For short-term meetings with relatives and friends, there is a hall with booths fenced off from each other. Communication with prisoners occurs through a partition made of transparent polymer material that is shock-resistant. In some pre-trial detention centers, in addition to a partition between those talking, there are also bars and a corridor about a meter wide, along which the guard moves. The conversation is carried out through a telephone.

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