The procedure for receiving, registering and resolving applications and reports of crimes, administrative offenses, and incidents in the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

When is a notification ticket issued?

A notification coupon is issued to a citizen who contacts the police duty station with a statement (report) about a crime or other incident.

The notice is part of a general coupon, consisting of two components: the counterfoil and the notice. The last one indicating the full name. the employee who accepted the appeal, the date, time and registration number are given to the citizen, and the counterfoil remains in the duty station. The notification must be certified by the personal signature of the police officer who accepted the application. As a rule, this is the operational duty officer or his assistant.

The applicant keeps the notification as evidence of his appeal to the police, and the ticket stub remains in the duty station.

A sample coupon notification of acceptance of an application to the police is established at the level of departmental documents of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and it looks like this:

This is important: a notification coupon is issued not only in the case of a report of a crime, but also in other situations when citizens report administrative offenses or other incidents that require verification by internal affairs bodies. For example, the duty station should issue a coupon confirming the acceptance of a statement to the police about the loss of a passport.

The procedure for receiving, registering and resolving in the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation applications and messages from citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens, stateless persons, officials and other persons about crimes, administrative offenses, incidents is established by the Instruction approved by order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated August 29, 2014 No. 736. The territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia receive, register and resolve the following applications: About a crime - a written statement about a crime signed by the applicant; protocol for accepting an oral statement about a crime; statement of confession; protocol of confession; a report from an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation on the discovery of signs of a crime; materials sent by tax authorities in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees to resolve the issue of initiating a criminal case; the prosecutor's decision to forward the relevant materials to the preliminary investigation body to resolve the issue of criminal prosecution; order of the prosecutor (head of the investigative agency) to conduct an investigation into a report of a crime disseminated in the media; statement of the victim or his legal representative in a criminal case of private prosecution; An anonymous (without indicating the applicant's last name or postal or email address to which the response should be sent) statement containing data on signs of a terrorist act committed or being prepared. About an administrative offense - a written statement containing information indicating the existence of an administrative offense event; a report from an internal affairs officer, which contains information indicating the existence of an administrative violation event. About an incident - a written statement about events that threaten personal or public safety, including accidents, traffic accidents, accidents, catastrophes, emergencies, mass poisonings of people, natural disasters, in respect of which verification actions are required in order to detect possible signs of a crime or administrative offense. Reception, registration and resolution of the following messages: About a crime - a message stated orally, which contains information about circumstances indicating signs of a committed or impending crime; An anonymous message containing information about signs of a terrorist act being committed or being prepared. About an administrative offense - a message stated orally, which contains information indicating the existence of an administrative offense event. About an incident - an oral statement about events that threaten personal or public safety, including accidents, traffic accidents, breakdowns, catastrophes, emergencies, mass poisonings of people, natural disasters, in respect of which verification actions are required in order to detect possible signs of a crime or administrative offense; a message about the activation of a fire and alarm alarm at an object protected by a police post(s) of a private police security unit, a mobile object equipped with a monitoring system, a critical and potentially dangerous object, an object subject to mandatory police protection in accordance with the list approved by the Government of the Russian Federation Federation. The procedure for receiving, registering and resolving applications and reports of crimes, administrative offenses, and incidents does not apply to: Reports of road accidents received by units of the State Road Safety Inspectorate, which do not require verification to detect possible signs of a crime or administrative offense, the only consequence of which are mechanical damage to vehicles. Their registration is carried out in accordance with regulatory legal acts regulating the recording of road accidents in internal affairs bodies. Anonymous statements (messages) containing information about an illegal act being prepared, committed or committed, as well as about the person preparing, committing or committing it. In addition to information about a terrorist act committed or being prepared. Appeals about the presence of a threat to the life, health and property of judges, officials of law enforcement and regulatory authorities in connection with their official activities, as well as victims, witnesses and other participants in criminal proceedings in connection with their participation in criminal proceedings, subject to consideration in accordance with federal laws of April 20, 1995 N 45-FZ “On state protection of judges, officials of law enforcement and regulatory authorities”, dated August 20, 2004 N 119-FZ “On state protection of victims, witnesses and other participants in criminal proceedings.” Reception of applications and messages about crimes, administrative offenses, incidents Reception of applications and messages about crimes, administrative offenses, incidents is the receipt of applications and messages by an employee of the internal affairs bodies, for whom organizational and administrative documents of the head (chief) of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russia or the person performing his duties has been entrusted with the appropriate powers. Statements and reports of crimes, administrative offenses, incidents, regardless of the place and time of the commission of the crime, administrative offense or occurrence of the incident, as well as the completeness of the information contained in them and the form of submission, are subject to mandatory acceptance in all territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Round-the-clock reception of applications and reports of crimes, administrative offenses, and incidents is carried out by the operational duty officer of the duty unit of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (department, department, police station, line department, line department, line police station). To receive statements about crimes, administrative offenses, and incidents in electronic form, sent through official websites, software is used that requires the applicant to fill in the details necessary for working with statements about crimes, administrative offenses, and incidents. Outside the administrative buildings of the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia or in the administrative buildings of the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, in which there are no duty units, statements and reports of crimes, administrative offenses, and incidents are accepted by authorized employees of the internal affairs bodies. When receiving a written statement from the applicant about a crime, the applicant is warned of criminal liability for knowingly false denunciation in accordance with Article 306 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, about which a note is made, certified by the signature of the applicant. Registration of statements and messages about crimes, administrative offenses, incidents Registration of statements and messages about crimes, administrative offenses, incidents is the assignment of each accepted (received) statement (message) to the next serial number of the Book of registration of statements and messages about crimes, about administrative offenses, incidents and recording in it brief information on the substance of the application (message). Registration in KUSP of statements and reports of crimes, administrative offenses, and incidents is carried out regardless of the territory of operational service immediately and around the clock in duty stations. The operational duty officer of the duty unit, who accepted a statement about a crime, an administrative offense, or an incident personally from the applicant, simultaneously with registering the application in the KUSP, is obliged to issue a coupon, which consists of two parts: a coupon-stub and a coupon-notification, both having the same registration number. The notification coupon indicates: special rank, surname, first name, patronymic of the operational duty officer who accepted the statement of a crime, an administrative offense, an incident, registration number according to KUSP, name of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, address and office telephone number, date and time of reception , signature of the operational duty officer. The applicant signs for receipt of the notification coupon on the coupon stub, and puts down the date and time of receipt of the notification coupon. Upon receipt of a statement of a crime, an administrative offense, an incident sent through postal operators with the delivery of written correspondence to the building of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, official websites, fax, federal courier communication and special communication, a mailbox received during a personal reception , or from an employee of the internal affairs bodies, as well as when a message about a crime, an administrative offense, or an incident is received by telephone, a coupon notification of acceptance and registration of the application is not issued. Resolution of statements and messages about crimes, administrative offenses, incidents Resolution of statements and messages about a crime, an administrative offense, an incident is a verification of the facts set out in a registered statement (message) by an authorized official of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and acceptance within the limits its competence to make decisions in the manner established by legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation. The verification of the registered application (message) is carried out by an employee of the internal affairs bodies on the appropriate instructions of the head (chief) of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia or his deputy (head of the department, police department or his deputy) or persons replacing them, as well as the head of the preliminary investigation body of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Russia, exercising the relevant procedural powers of the head of the investigative body or his deputy. The internal affairs officer carrying out the inspection is obliged to check the validity of the applicant’s application (report) about a crime, an administrative offense, an incident, the accuracy of the applicant’s data: last name, first name, patronymic, address, and in case of incompleteness or absence of such data, take measures to establish them. If during the verification of an application (report) about a crime, an administrative offense, or an incident, it is established that the applicant is a person who did not apply to the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, or the application and message contain a fictitious address and (or) last name, first name, patronymic, then the statement (message) is considered anonymous. Statements and reports of crimes are subject to verification in the manner prescribed by Articles 144 and 145 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation. Based on the results of consideration of applications and reports of crimes, the body of inquiry, the inquiry officer, the investigator, the head of the investigative body, within their competence, makes one of the following decisions:

  • to initiate a criminal case;
  • refusal to initiate criminal proceedings;
  • on transfer under jurisdiction in accordance with Article 151 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, and in criminal cases of private prosecution - to the court in accordance with part two of Article 20 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation.

If, based on a statement (report) of a crime, a decision is made to refuse to initiate a criminal case, a copy of the decision to refuse to initiate a criminal case is sent to the applicant and the prosecutor within 24 hours from the date of its adoption. At the same time, the applicant is explained his right to appeal this decision and the procedure for appealing. The refusal to initiate a criminal case may be appealed to the prosecutor, the head of the investigative body or to the court in the manner established by Articles 124 and 125 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation. Applications and reports of administrative offenses are subject to consideration in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. The period for consideration of such applications and messages is calculated from the moment of their registration in the KUSP, determined by the head (chief) of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, taking into account the requirements of Part 3 of Article 8 and Article 12 of the Federal Law of May 2, 2006 N 59-FZ “On the procedure for considering applications citizens of the Russian Federation, as well as the statute of limitations for bringing to administrative responsibility established by Article 4.5 of the Administrative Code. Based on the results of consideration of applications and reports of administrative offenses, the official authorized to draw up protocols on administrative offenses, within his competence, makes one of the following decisions:

  • on the initiation of a case of an administrative offense;
  • on refusal to initiate proceedings regarding an administrative offense;
  • on the transfer of an application (report) about an administrative offense and the materials of its verification for consideration by a state body, local government body, organization or official whose competence includes resolving relevant issues, according to their jurisdiction;
  • on the transfer of an application (report) about an administrative offense and materials for its verification to another territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia according to territoriality.

Applications and reports of incidents are considered within the time period determined by the head (chief) of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, taking into account the requirements of Part 3 of Article 8 and Article 12 of the Federal Law of May 2, 2006 N 59-FZ. Based on the results of consideration of applications and reports of incidents, the head (chief) of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia makes one of the following decisions:

  • on the transfer of a statement (report) about an incident and the materials of its verification for consideration by a state body, local government body, organization or official whose competence includes resolving relevant issues, according to their jurisdiction;
  • on the transfer of a statement (message) about the incident and the materials of its verification to another territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia according to territoriality;
  • on attaching the statement (report) about the incident and the materials of its verification to the materials of the nomenklatura file;
  • on adding a statement about the incident to the search file;
  • to transfer the incident report to the records management department.

Information on decisions on applications and reports of crimes, administrative offenses, and incidents is sent to the applicant in writing or in the form of an electronic document within 24 hours from the moment of their adoption. At the same time, the applicant is explained his right to appeal this decision and the procedure for appealing it.

V.A. VIDIAGIN, Chief of Staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Orichevsky"

What to do if they do not issue a notification ticket?

Issuing a ticket to the applicant is not a right, but an obligation of the duty officer. Therefore, if you were not given this document and this issue is of fundamental importance, you should immediately, while at the police department, draw the attention of the officer on duty to this fact.

Perhaps he simply forgot about the coupon and then the issue will be resolved on the spot. If the notification coupon is not issued intentionally, then in this case you should request that the person responsible for the department be called from the management and inform him of the violation. You can also call the helpline at a higher police department or the prosecutor's office. As a rule, in duty stations the numbers of such telephones are posted in a visible place.

In what cases is a notification issued?

A notice is a document that can be drawn up in a variety of situations. Let's look at the most common reasons for registration:

  • There is a need to notify employees or trade unions about something . For example, it is necessary to notify employees about changes in the provisions of the contract, liquidation of the organization, or layoffs.
  • There is a need to notify the employment service or other government agency . A notice of liquidation of the company must be sent to the employment service, and a notice of hiring a non-resident must be sent to the tax authority.

Notice in writing is required in these circumstances:

  • It is required to notify the employee of changes in working conditions.
  • It is necessary to obtain the employee's consent to change working conditions.
  • It is required to record the employee's refusal.

The notification is drawn up in free form. However, it is recommended to develop your own design rules and record them in local acts. For example, they can be reflected in the office work instructions.

Types of documents

Let's look at the most common types of notifications:

  • About the meeting of creditors or auctioneers.
  • About the transition to the simplified tax system.
  • About changing the company name.
  • About the change of general director.
  • About changing the legal address.
  • About changing details.
  • About changing the size of the salary.
  • About vacation.
  • About repayment of debts.
  • On termination of the contract.

Notifications can be sent to employees, department managers, contractors, suppliers, government agencies, and tenants.

Features of compilation

The rules for drawing up a notification depend on who its recipient is:

  • External users . For example, these could be counterparties, legal entities, government agencies and persons who do not work for the company. To compose the notification, a general letter form is used. The document may contain tables. It must be signed. It is advisable for the notice to include a signature. Sometimes the notice is sent along with a cover letter.
  • Internal users . For example, these could be company employees. To draw up a document, a form is used that contains the necessary details: company name, name of the document.

As a rule, more stringent requirements are imposed on the document for external users. There must be a signature and seal on it. Completeness of information is indicated: details of the sender and recipient, name of the company, name of the document.

Components of a notification

A standard notice typically includes the following information:

  • Date . The date of signing the document is indicated. In this case, the digital method is used (for example, 09.09.18).
  • Registration number . Represents an individual designation for each outgoing document. It may include both letters and numbers.
  • Addressee . The recipient's details will need to be indicated even if it is an internal document. It is required to reflect the name of the department where the employee works and the full name of the employee.
  • Heading . It should be brief and reflect the content of the document.
  • Notification text . It is necessary to record the information about which the recipient needs to be notified.

The notification is signed by the head of the company or a person authorized to sign. It is also necessary to include a transcript of the painting in the document.

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