Article 151. Issuance of permission to process goods for domestic consumption

1. The preliminary investigation is carried out by investigators and inquiry officers.

2. The preliminary investigation is carried out by: 1) investigators of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation - in criminal cases: a) about crimes provided for in Articles 105-110, 111, part four, 120, 126, 127, parts two and three, 127.1, parts two and three, 127.2 parts two and three, 128, 131-149, 170.1, 171.2, 172.1, 185-185.6, 194 parts three and four, 198-199.2, 201, 204, 205-205.2, 205.3, 205.4, 205.5, 208-212. 1, 215 , 215.1, 216-217.2, 227, 235.1, 237, 238, 238.1, 239, 240.1, 242.2, 246-249, 250 parts second and third, 251 parts second and third, 252 parts second and third, 254 parts second and third , 255, 258.1 parts two and three, 263, 263.1, 269, 270, 271, 271.1, 279, 282-282.3, 284.1, 285-293, 294 parts two and three, 295, 296, 298.1-305, 317, 31 8 , 320, 321, 327.2, 328, 330.1, 330.2, 332-354.1 and 356-360 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation; b) about crimes committed by persons specified in Article 447 of this Code, except for the cases provided for in paragraph 7 of part three of this article, as well as about crimes committed against these persons in connection with their professional activities; c) about crimes committed by officials of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, bodies of the federal security service, the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Russian Federation, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, institutions and bodies of the penal system, bodies for control of drug trafficking drugs and psychotropic substances, customs authorities of the Russian Federation, military personnel and citizens undergoing military training, civilian personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies in connection with the performance of their official duties or committed at the location of a unit, formation, institution , garrison, except for the cases provided for in paragraph 7 of part three of this article, as well as crimes committed against these persons in connection with their official activities; d) about grave and especially grave crimes committed by minors and against minors; 2) investigators of the federal security service - in criminal cases of crimes provided for in Articles 189, 200.1, part two, 205, 205.1, 205.2, 205.3, 205.4, 205.5, 208, 211, 215.4, part two, paragraph “b”, 217.1, 226.1, 229.1, 275 - 281, 283, 283.1, 284, 322 part three, 322.1 part two, 323 part two, 355 and 359 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation; 3) investigators of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation - in criminal cases of crimes provided for in articles 111 parts one - three, 113, 114, 117 parts two and three, 122 parts three and four, 123 parts three, 124, 127.1, 127.2, 150 parts second and third, 151 parts second and third, 158 parts second - fourth, 159 parts second - fourth, 159.1 parts second - fourth, 159.2 parts second - fourth, 159.3 parts second - fourth, 159.4 parts second and third, 159.5 parts second - fourth, 159.6 parts second - fourth, 160 parts second - fourth, 161 parts second and third, 162, 163 parts second and third, 164, 165 parts second, 166 parts second - fourth, 167 parts second, 169, 171 parts second , 171.1 parts two, four and six, 172, 172.2, 173.1, 173.2, 174, 174.1, 175 part three, 176, 178, 179, 180 part three, 181 part two, 183, 184, 186, 187, 191, 191.1 part three, 192, 193, 193.1, 195 - 197, 200.1 part two, 200.2, 200.3 part two, 201, 202, 205, 206, 207 part two, 208 - 210, 212.1, 213 parts two and three, 215.2, 215.3 , 217.1, 219 parts second and third, 220 parts second and third, 221 parts second and third, 222 parts second and third, 222.1 parts second and third, 223 parts second and third, 223.1, 225 - 227, 228 parts second and third , 228.1*, 228.4, 229.1, 234 parts of the second and third, 235, 236, 240 parts of the second and third, 241 parts of the second and third, 242.1, 243 parts of the second, 243.2 parts of the third, 243.3 parts of the second, 259, 260 parts of the second and third, 261 parts third and fourth, 264, 266 parts second and third, 267, 268 parts second and third, 272 - 274, 304, 313 parts second and third, 322.1 parts second, 325.1 parts second, 327 parts second, 327.1 parts the second and fourth and 330 part two of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation; ________________ 4) the clause became invalid on July 1, 2003 - Federal Law of June 30, 2003 N 86-FZ; 5) investigators of authorities for control over the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances - in criminal cases of crimes provided for in Articles 226.1 (as regards the smuggling of potent or toxic substances), 228 parts two and three, 228.1, 228.4, 229, 229.1, 230 parts two and three, 231 parts two, 232 parts two and three, 234 parts two and three and 234.1 parts two and three of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

3. The inquiry is carried out: 1) by investigators of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation - in all criminal cases specified in part three of Article 150 of this Code, with the exception of criminal cases specified in paragraphs 3-6, 9 of this part;8) 2) the paragraph has lost force since July 1, 2003 - Federal Law of June 30, 2003 N 86-FZ; 3) investigators of the border authorities of the federal security service - in criminal cases of crimes provided for in Articles 253 and 256 (in the part relating to the illegal production of aquatic animals and plants discovered by the border authorities of the federal security service), parts one and two of Article 322 and part one of the article 323 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation; 4) investigators of the Federal Bailiff Service - in criminal cases of crimes provided for in Articles 157 and 177, part one of Article 294, Article 297, part one of Article 311, Articles 312 and 315 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation; 5) the clause became invalid on December 8, 2011 - Federal Law of December 7, 2011 N 420-FZ; 6) investigators of the state fire supervision authorities of the federal fire service - in criminal cases of crimes provided for in Article 168, part one of Article 219, parts one and two of Article 261 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation; 7) investigators of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation - in criminal cases of crimes provided for in part three of Article 150 of this Code, committed by persons specified in subparagraphs “b” and “c” of paragraph 1 of part two of this article; inquirers (investigators) of authorities for control over the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances - in criminal cases of crimes provided for in Articles 228 part one, 228.2*, 228.3, 230 part one, 231 part one, 232 part one, 233, 234 parts one and fourth, 234.1 part one and 327 parts one and three of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation; 9) investigators of the customs authorities of the Russian Federation - in criminal cases of crimes provided for in Articles 194 parts one and two, 200.1 part one of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

4. In criminal cases of crimes provided for in Articles 215.4, part two, paragraph “b”, 275, 276, 283, 283.1 and 284 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, for which the persons specified in subparagraph “c” of paragraph 1, part two of this article are accused , the preliminary investigation is carried out by investigators from the federal security service.

5. In criminal cases of crimes provided for in articles 146, 158 parts three and four, 159 parts two - four, 159.1 parts two - four, 159.2 parts two - four, 159.3 parts two - four, 159.4 parts two and three, 159.5 parts second - fourth, 159.6 parts second - fourth, 160 parts second - fourth, 161 parts second and third, 162, 171 parts second, 171.1 parts second, fourth and sixth, 172, 172.2, 173.1, 173.2, 174, 174.1, 176, 183, 187, 190, 191, 192, 193, 193.1, 194 parts one and two, 195 - 197, 200.1 part one, 200.2, 201, 202, 205.4, 205.5, 206, 207 part two (except when this the crime was detected by the authorities for control over the circulation of narcotic and psychotropic substances), 208 - 210, 215.4 part two of paragraph "a", 222 parts two and three, 222.1 parts two and three, 223 parts two and three, 223.1, 226 parts two - four , 226.1, 228 parts two and three, 228.1*, 228.4, 229.1, 234.1 parts two and three, 239, 243 part two, 243.2 part three, 243.3 part two, 263.1, 272 - 274, 282.1 - 282.3, 284.1, 28 5, 286, 308, 310, 327, part two and 327.1, parts two and four of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, a preliminary investigation can also be carried out by investigators of the body that identified these crimes. 6. In criminal cases of crimes provided for in Articles 150, 285.1, 285.2, 306 - 310, 311 part two, 316 and 320 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, a preliminary investigation is carried out by investigators of the body whose jurisdiction relates to the crime in connection with which the crime was initiated relevant criminal case.

7. When combining criminal cases under investigation by different preliminary investigation bodies in one proceeding, the jurisdiction is determined by the prosecutor in compliance with the jurisdiction established by this article.

8. Disputes about the jurisdiction of a criminal case are resolved by the prosecutor.

Article 151. Issuance of permission to process goods for domestic consumption

Federal Law of 03.08.2018 N 289-FZ (as amended on 08.06.2020) » Chapter 23. CUSTOMS PROCESSING FOR DOMESTIC CONSUMPTION » Article 151. Issuance of permission to process goods for domestic consumption

1. A permit to process goods for domestic consumption can be obtained by any interested Russian person, including one who does not directly carry out operations for processing goods, who, on the basis of Article 83 of the Code of the Union, can be a declarant of foreign goods specified in the permit to process goods for domestic consumption ( further in this article - interested person).

2. To obtain permission to process goods for domestic consumption, the interested person submits an application for processing of goods for domestic consumption in writing or in the form of an electronic document signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature to the customs authority in the region of activity of which he is registered as a taxpayer in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on taxes and fees.

3. It is allowed to submit an application for processing of goods for domestic consumption to the customs authority in the region of activity of which the branch of the interested party, created in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, is located, if the production facilities of the specified person or organization directly carrying out processing operations are located in the same region goods.

4. The application for processing of goods for domestic consumption shall indicate the following information:

1) about the interested person (declarant);

2) about the person (persons) who will directly carry out processing operations;

3) about foreign goods intended for processing and products of their processing, as well as about waste and residues (name, code in accordance with the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity, their quantity in basic or additional units of measurement in accordance with the Commodity Nomenclature of Foreign Economic Activity, cost or its range);

4) about operations for processing goods, about the methods and timing of their implementation;

5) about the location of production facilities using which operations for processing goods are carried out;

6) on the norm(s) of yield of processed products;

7) on methods for identifying foreign goods in their processed products;

8) about the processing time of goods;

9) on the possibility of further commercial use of waste;

10) on documents confirming the right of ownership, use and (or) disposal of goods;

11) on the customs authority (customs authorities), which intends to place foreign goods under the customs procedure of processing for domestic consumption and complete the operation of such a customs procedure.

5. The application for processing of goods for domestic consumption shall be accompanied by documents confirming the information specified in it.

6. The customs authority shall consider the application for processing of goods for domestic consumption and the documents attached to it within fifteen working days from the date of registration by the customs authority of the application for processing of goods for internal consumption in the prescribed manner.

7. The customs authority has the right to request from third parties, as well as from state bodies, documents confirming the information specified in part 4 of this article. These persons are required to submit the requested documents within ten working days from the date of receipt of the request.

8. In this case, the customs authority has the right to extend the period for consideration of an application for processing of goods for domestic consumption, but not more than thirty working days from the date of its acceptance.

9. The customs authority refuses to issue a permit for the processing of goods for domestic consumption if, when submitting an application for processing of goods for domestic consumption, the interested party does not comply with the conditions for placing goods under the customs procedure of processing for domestic consumption, established by international treaties and acts in the field of customs regulation, the legislation of the Russian Federation on customs regulation, as well as in the event that the customs authority makes a decision to refuse to approve the norms for the output of products of processed goods and (or) the period for processing of goods.

10. The refusal of the customs authority to issue a permit for the processing of goods for domestic consumption must contain justification for the reasons for the refusal.

11. The customs authority notifies the declarant of the said refusal in writing or in the form of an electronic document signed with an enhanced qualified electronic signature of an authorized official of the customs authority.

12. The application form for the processing of goods for domestic consumption and the procedure for filling it out are established by the federal executive body exercising the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of customs affairs.

13. The format and structure of the application for the processing of goods for domestic consumption and the notification of the customs authority about the refusal to issue a permit for the processing of goods for domestic consumption is determined by the federal executive body exercising the functions of control and supervision in the field of customs affairs.

  • Article 150. Permission to process goods for domestic consumption
  • Article 152. Amendments to the permit for processing goods for domestic consumption

Federal Law of November 11, 2003 No. 151-FZ



On introducing amendments and additions to the Federal Law “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation”

Adopted by the State Duma on October 17, 2003
Approved by the Federation Council on October 29, 2003

(As amended by Federal Law No. 157-FZ dated June 23, 2014)

Article 1. Introduce the following changes and additions to the Federal Law of May 31, 2002 No. 62-FZ “On Citizenship of the Russian Federation” (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, No. 22, Art. 2031):

1. Paragraph “d” of part one of Article 12 shall be stated as follows:

“d) both of his parents or his only parent living on the territory of the Russian Federation are foreign citizens or stateless persons, provided that the child was born on the territory of the Russian Federation, and the state of which his parents or his only parent are citizens is not grants the child its citizenship."

2. In Article 13:

a) paragraph “a” of part one should be supplemented with the following sentence: “. The period of residence on the territory of the Russian Federation for persons who arrived in the Russian Federation before July 1, 2002 and do not have a residence permit is calculated from the date of registration at the place of residence”;

b) in part two:

paragraphs “a” - “c” should be deleted;

Points “d” - “e” shall be considered points “a” - “c” respectively;

c) add part four of the article as follows:

"4. Citizens of states that were part of the USSR, undergoing at least three years of military service under a contract in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations or bodies, have the right to apply for admission to the citizenship of the Russian Federation without complying with the conditions provided for in paragraph “a” "Part one of this article, and without presenting a residence permit."

3. Article 14 shall be stated as follows:

“Article 14. Admission to citizenship of the Russian Federation in a simplified manner

1. Foreign citizens and stateless persons who have reached the age of eighteen years and have legal capacity have the right to apply for admission to citizenship of the Russian Federation in a simplified manner without complying with the conditions provided for in paragraph “a” of part one of Article 13 of this Federal Law, if these citizens and faces:

a) have at least one parent who has citizenship of the Russian Federation and lives on the territory of the Russian Federation;

b) had citizenship of the USSR, lived and are living in states that were part of the USSR, did not receive citizenship of these states and, as a result, remain stateless;

(Paragraph no longer in force - Federal Law dated June 23, 2014 No. 157-FZ)

2. Foreign citizens and stateless persons residing on the territory of the Russian Federation have the right to apply for admission to citizenship of the Russian Federation in a simplified manner without complying with the conditions for the period of residence established by paragraph “a” of part one of Article 13 of this Federal Law, if the specified citizens and persons:

a) were born on the territory of the RSFSR and had citizenship of the former USSR;

b) have been married to a citizen of the Russian Federation for at least three years;

c) are disabled and have a capable son or daughter who has reached the age of eighteen and is a citizen of the Russian Federation.

3. Disabled foreign citizens and stateless persons who arrived in the Russian Federation from states that were part of the USSR and registered at their place of residence in the Russian Federation as of July 1, 2002, have the right to apply for admission to citizenship of the Russian Federation in a simplified manner procedure without complying with the condition on the period of residence on the territory of the Russian Federation established by paragraph “a” of part one of Article 13 of this Federal Law, and without presenting a residence permit.

4. Foreign citizens and stateless persons who had USSR citizenship, who arrived in the Russian Federation from states that were part of the USSR, registered at their place of residence in the Russian Federation as of July 1, 2002, or who received a temporary residence permit in the Russian Federation, are accepted to citizenship of the Russian Federation in a simplified manner without complying with the conditions provided for in paragraphs “a”, “c” and “d” of part one of Article 13 of this Federal Law, and without presenting a residence permit, if they declare their desire before January 1, 2006 acquire citizenship of the Russian Federation.

5. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War, who had citizenship of the former USSR and resided on the territory of the Russian Federation.

6. A child and an incapacitated person who is a foreign citizen or stateless person is granted citizenship of the Russian Federation in a simplified manner without complying with the conditions provided for in part one of Article 13 of this Federal Law:

a) a child, one of whose parents has citizenship of the Russian Federation - upon the application of this parent and with the consent of the other parent for the child to acquire citizenship of the Russian Federation. Such consent is not required if the child lives on the territory of the Russian Federation;

b) a child whose only parent has citizenship of the Russian Federation - at the request of this parent;

c) a child or an incompetent person over whom guardianship or trusteeship has been established - at the request of a guardian or trustee who has the citizenship of the Russian Federation.”

4. Remove paragraph “h” from Article 16.

5. From part five of Article 29 the words “in exceptional cases” should be deleted.

6. In paragraph “e” of Article 30, replace the words “admission to citizenship” with the word “citizenship”.

7. In paragraph “e” of Article 31, replace the words “admission to citizenship” with the word “citizenship”.

8. Part four of Article 32 should be supplemented with the words “at the place of residence of the applicant or at the place of residence of a child or incapacitated person.”

9. In Article 35:

a) part two, after the words “on admission to citizenship of the Russian Federation,” should be supplemented with the words “and on renunciation of citizenship of the Russian Federation”;

b) part three should be stated as follows:

"3. Decisions on admission to citizenship of the Russian Federation and on renunciation of citizenship of the Russian Federation in a simplified manner in accordance with Article 14, part three of Article 19 and part three of Article 26 of this Federal Law are made by the federal executive body in charge of internal affairs and its territorial organs.

Decisions on admission to citizenship of the Russian Federation and on renunciation of citizenship of the Russian Federation in a simplified manner in accordance with parts one and six of Article 14, parts two and three of Article 19 and part three of Article 26 of this Federal Law are made by the federal executive body in charge of issues of foreign affairs, and diplomatic missions and consular offices of the Russian Federation located outside the Russian Federation.";

c) part four, after the words “on admission to the citizenship of the Russian Federation,” should be supplemented with the words “and on renunciation of citizenship of the Russian Federation.”

Article 2. This Federal Law comes into force one month after the day of its official publication.

President of the Russian Federation V. Putin

Moscow Kremlin

November 11, 2003

No. 151-FZ

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