What salary do those sentenced to forced labor in the Russian Federation receive?

Business is ready to cooperate with convicts; 715 places have already been created in 11 regions at various enterprises for those sentenced to forced labor, the Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN) told Izvestia. The service considers construction, agriculture, processing of solid household waste, and the implementation of large government projects to be promising areas for work. The average salaries of convicts are 20–24 thousand rubles, and in some cases reach 220 thousand rubles, the FSIN said. True, both human rights activists and representatives of the business community called such amounts fantastic.

Bondage to work: the regions support the replacement of migrants with prisoners

The FSIN initiative will not be able to cover even half of the need for workers, experts say

How much do convicts receive?

The average salary of those sentenced to forced labor in enterprises is higher than that of prisoners. As the head of the press bureau of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation, Kristina Panshina , told Izvestia, in the Novgorod region it is 24 thousand rubles.

According to Panshina, in a number of cases the salary of those sentenced to forced labor exceeds the average salary in the region. Thus, in the Belgorod region the salary reaches 224 thousand rubles, in the Novgorod region - up to 102 thousand rubles, Primorsky Territory - up to 94 thousand rubles, Volgograd region - up to 80 thousand rubles.

However, the vice-president of the division of the International Committee for the Defense of Human Rights in Russia, Ivan Melnikov , believes that the amounts cited by the FSIN can only be in two cases: this is not a salary for a month, but for a year, or these are isolated episodes.

Question answer

Can a convicted person be released on parole for life?

What will be the average salary of FSIN employees?

As in any paramilitary structure, the FSIN salary has a complex but transparent calculation principle. When calculating it, many factors are taken into account:

  • position and title;
  • length of service and qualifications;
  • special achievements in service and conscientious performance of duties.

The official salary is influenced by the category of the correctional institution and its occupancy. In addition to the basic two salaries, allowances are provided:

  • for risk and secrecy;
  • special working conditions;
  • regional significance.

Additionally, FSIN employees receive compensation for renting housing, financial assistance once a year, and a one-time social payment for the purchase or construction of housing.

Therefore, the salaries of employees with the same title and position may differ radically.

According to statistics, the average earnings in the structure are 22,000 rubles. After the October recalculation, they will increase to 22,950 rubles. For a more accurate calculation, let’s look at how salaries have changed by position and rank in the penal system.

Where can convicts get a job in the near future?

Earlier, the Federal Penitentiary Service stated that working at BAM could become an alternative to serving time in prison. According to the head of the department for organizing the execution of punishments, Elena Korobkova, prisoners will be able to be released earlier if they work at enterprises of the Baikal-Amur Mainline (BAM). There is currently a shortage of workers at construction sites at the Eastern Polygon not only due to the scale of construction, but also due to the outflow of migrants due to the pandemic. In this regard, the Federal Penitentiary Service launched a pilot project to attract convicts to the construction of the BAM. In the near future they plan to attract 600 people, Kommersant reports, citing its sources.

How has the procedure for pardoning convicts changed? More details

Dynamics of changes in salaries of FSIN employees

In fact, before the increase in 2021, FSIN salaries remained for 5 years at the level approved in 2012.

Table 1. Salary growth by rank in the penal system (calculated)

Special rank of internal service2012–2017, rub.2018, rub.From October 1, 2021
Private5 0005 2005 424
Lance Sergeant6 0006 2406 508
Sergeant6 5006 7607 051
Staff Sergeant7 0007 2807 593
Sergeant Major7 5007 8008 135
Ensign8 0008 3208 678
Senior Warrant Officer8 5008 8409 220
Ensign9 5009 88010 305
Lieutenant10 00010 40010 847
Senior Lieutenant10 50010 92011 390
Captain11 00011 44011 932
Major11 50011 96012 474
Lieutenant colonel12 00012 48013 017
Colonel13 00013 52014 101
Major General20 00020 80021 694
Lieutenant General22 00022 88023 864
Colonel General25 00026 00027 118

All positions in the Federal Penitentiary Service are divided into standard ones, that is, those directly involved in the penal service, and non-standard ones, which include doctors, teachers, psychologists, accountants and other employees of educational, scientific and medical institutions. Salaries of both categories are regulated by one resolution.

Table 2. Increase in salaries of the Federal Penitentiary Service for typical positions (selected, calculated)

Job title2012–2017, rub.2018, rub.From October 1, 2021
Central office
Director of the Federal Penitentiary Service42 00043 68045 558
Head of Main Department34 00035 36036 880
Department head29 00030 16031 457
Department Director27 50028 60029 830
Investigative Officer for Particularly Important Cases26 00027 04028 203
Detective officer, inspector24 00024 96026 033
Main departments in the constituent entities
Head of Main Department33 00034 32035 796
Department head21 50022 36023 321
Senior detective for particularly important cases19 00019 76020 610
Chief Inspector18 50019 24020 067
Investigative Officer16 50017 16017 898
Institutions executing punishments, pre-trial detention centers
Head of the institution24 000– 27 00024 960–28 08026 033–29 300
Department head19 00019 76020 610
Department Director16 50017 16017 898
Head of the detachment, guard; senior:
  • duty Officer;
  • detective;
  • social teacher;
  • social work specialist;
  • psychologist;
  • engineer;
  • inspector;
  • legal advisor;
  • teacher;

medical specialist

15 50016 12016 813
Operational specialists15 00015 60016 271
Rank and junior personnel in administrative centers
Admin. centers OthersAdmin. centers OthersAdmin. centers Others
  • Assistant operational duty officer;
  • junior detective;
  • junior inspector 1st category
12 50010 50013 00010 92013 55911 390
  • Special Accounting Officer;
  • part-commander;
  • assistant chief of guard;
  • sub-inspector
  • 2nd category;
  • dog handler
11 50010 50011 96010 92012 47411 390
Sub-Inspector11 0009 00011 4409 36011 9329 762
Cadet6 5006 7607 051

The maximum increase for both salaries was about 4,000–5,500 rubles. And for ordinary personnel, the provision increased slightly – by 1,000–1,200 rubles.

But other bonuses are also tied to salaries, which in total can reach 50–200%, depending on length of service, experience and working conditions. Therefore, the advertised data on average earnings is no more than 20,000 rubles. in the system do not correspond to reality.

Even an ordinary private without experience and length of service as a junior inspector will earn 21,000–22,000 rubles after promotion.

Operational employees in correctional institutions of various levels, including duty officers, detective officers, social work specialists and social educators, psychologists and inspectors, will earn from 36,750 rubles, and heads of prisons, colonies, and settlements will earn about 60,000–120,000 rubles.

Therefore, we can conclude that the widespread opinion of the FSIN as the “poorest” structure is a myth. Income in the correctional and criminal system is not much different from the salary of other military personnel.

What is forced labor and when is it used?

Forced labor is imposed for a period of 2 months to 5 years for crimes serious enough for a regular fine, but not severe enough to serve the sentence in custody. Such work is used if the criminal act was committed for the first time, if the citizen had no motive, or when the crime was committed frivolously.

As a rule, convicts serve such punishment near their place of residence. Under the guidance of a curator or foreman, convicts can sweep streets, collect garbage, paint curbs and perform other socially useful work. An example of forced labor would be work to improve municipal territories.

Convicts are paid a monetary reward for performing forced labor. At the same time, by court decision, the state can withhold from 5 to 20% from the salary. Earnings can also go to the victims until the convicted person has fully repaid the debt.

FSIN salary increase in 2021 in Russia: latest news

In order to find out how much the salaries of FSIN employees will be increased in 2021, depending on the position held or the special rank assigned, you can use one of the tables below, which lists the new salaries that will be in effect from October 1.

Table 2. Salary for special rank of FSIN employees since 2019

rank and file:
private of the internal service5423,6
junior command staff:
junior sergeant of internal service6508,32
internal service sergeant7050,68
senior sergeant of internal service7593,04
foreman of internal service8135,4
warrant officer of the internal service8677,76
senior warrant officer of internal service9220,12
average command staff:
junior lieutenant of internal service10304,84
internal service lieutenant10847,2
senior lieutenant of internal service11389,56
internal service captain11931,92
senior command staff:
Major of the Internal Service12474,28
Lieutenant Colonel of the Internal Service13016,64
Colonel of the Internal Service14101,36
senior management:
Major General of Internal Service21694,4
Lieutenant General of Internal Service23863,84
Colonel General of the Internal Service27118

Table 3. Official salaries of FSIN employees from 2021 in the Main Directorates of the FSIN

Deputy boss 30372,16
Head of department (as part of the main department)27118
Deputy head of department (as part of the main department) 26033,28
Assistant Chief24948,56
Department head23321,48
Deputy head of department 21694,4
Head: departments, services, inspections21152,04
Senior detective for particularly important cases20609,68
Senior Inspector for Special Assignments20067,32
Senior detective18982,6
Senior Specialist18982,6
Chief Inspector18982,6
Senior operational duty officer18982,6
Senior psychologist18982,6
Senior Engineer18982,6
Senior Legal Advisor18982,6
Investigative Officer17897,88
duty Officer17897,88
legal adviser17897,88

Table 4. Official salaries of FSIN employees from 2021 in FSIN Departments

Head of Department of the Federal Penitentiary Service32541,6
Deputy head of the FSIN department 27118
Assistant Head of Department of the Federal Penitentiary Service22779,12
Department head22236,76
Deputy head of department 20609,68
Head: departments, services, inspections20067,32
Senior detective for particularly important cases19524,96
Senior Inspector for Special Assignments18982,6
Senior detective17897,88
Senior Specialist17897,88
Chief Inspector17897,88
Senior operational duty officer17897,88
Senior psychologist17897,88
Senior Engineer17897,88
Senior Legal Advisor17897,88
Investigative Officer16813,16
duty Officer16813,16
legal adviser16813,16

Table 5. Official salaries of FSIN employees from 2021 in the FSIN Directorates

First level manager34711,04
Second level manager33626,32
Deputy first level chief 29287,44
Deputy second level chief 28202,72
Head of department (as part of a territorial body)26575,64
Deputy head of department (as part of a territorial body) 25490,92
First level assistant manager24406,2
Second level assistant chief23321,48
Department head22779,12
Deputy head of department 21152,04
Head: departments, services, inspections20609,68
Senior detective for particularly important cases20067,32
Senior Inspector for Special Assignments19524,96
Senior detective18440,24
Senior Specialist18440,24
Chief Inspector18440,24
Senior operational duty officer18440,24
Senior psychologist18440,24
Senior Engineer18440,24
Senior Legal Advisor18440,24
Investigative Officer17355,52
duty Officer17355,52
legal adviser17355,52

Table 6. Official salaries of FSIN employees from 2021 in FSIN institutions executing punishments and pre-trial detention centers

Head of institution 1st category.29287,44
Head of institution 2nd category.27118
Head of institution 3 cat.26033,28
Deputy Head of the institution 1st category.24948,56
Deputy Head of the institution, category 2.23863,84
Deputy Head of the institution, category 3.22779,12
Department head20609,68
Deputy Head of Department18982,6
Head of department17897,88
Squad leader16813,16
Head of the guard16813,16
senior operational duty officer16813,16
senior detective16813,16
senior social teacher16813,16
senior social work specialist16813,16
senior psychologist16813,16
senior engineer16813,16
senior inspector16813,16
senior legal adviser16813,16
Senior Lecturer16813,16
senior medical specialist16813,16
duty Officer16270,8
social teacher16270,8
social work specialist16270,8
legal adviser16270,8
medical specialist16270,8

Table 7. Official salaries of FSIN employees from 2021 in Institutions directly subordinate to the FSIN

Head of an institution with a staff of more than 200 people32541,6
Head of an institution with a staff of 100 to 200 people31456,88
Head of an institution with a staff of less than 100 people30372,16
Deputy head of an institution with a staff of more than 200 people 28202,72
Deputy head of an institution with a staff of 100 to 200 people 27118
Deputy head of an institution with a staff of less than 100 people 26033,28
Assistant to the head of the institution23321,48
Department head22236,76
Deputy Head of Department20609,68
Department Director19524,96
Senior detective for particularly important cases18982,6
Chief Specialist18440,24
senior detective18440,24
medical specialist18440,24
Leading Specialist17897,88
Senior detective17355,52
Senior Specialist17355,52
Chief Inspector17355,52
Senior operational duty officer17355,52
Senior psychologist17355,52
Senior Engineer17355,52
Senior Legal Advisor17355,52
Investigative Officer16813,16
duty Officer16813,16
legal adviser16813,16


It is quite difficult to give accurate data on what the salary of FSIN employees will be, because the final budget for the coming year has not been approved, and accordingly, they cannot announce exact figures. However, we can rejoice in the fact that service employees can count on the indexation of salaries to the level of inflation and the absence of the likelihood of another wave of layoffs (as part of optimization), which in itself can already be considered excellent news.

Previously, the issue was discussed that the indexation of salaries for FSIN employees could be abolished altogether, but therefore the authorities decided to refute it. It is impossible to cancel the only event that today, even if only slightly, increases the salaries of state employees, especially since there are funds in the budget for its implementation. There are no funds in the country today for an additional increase in salaries of public sector employees.

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