What to do if you receive SMS threats from debt collectors - legal advice

  • The spread of threats of physical violence on social networks is far from a rare occurrence. Read on our portal about the features of threats in social networks. networks and on Internet sites, under what articles you can sue the offender. And also what to do and where to go if you are being harassed and insulted by your ex-spouse or threatened with violence by your neighbor or legal husband.
    Telephone threats are quite common. But only if you are threatened with murder or injury does it make sense to contact the police. The circumstances of the case will be checked and it may even be possible to wiretap the phone.

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  • How to bring to justice for threats via SMS

    If you become a victim of incoming messages of a threatening nature, you must act as follows:

    1. When receiving calls from outside numbers, give short, unambiguous answers and do not provide your own name. It will be ideal if you can find out some information about the interlocutor yourself.
    2. When communicating with your opponent, you should remain calm and not react too hotly or inappropriately. Your strictly developed line will make the enemy disarmed, and he will have no claims to make against you.

    3. If this is not the first practical case of all kinds of threats, you simply must take appropriate measures. Make sure to install automatic caller ID and use audio recording devices.

    So, if you receive threatening text messages and calls, your main goal is to find out the motives of the person on the other end of the line. Please take into account the fact that your application to law enforcement agencies will be accepted for consideration only if you attach physical evidence of the incident. It can be:

    • threatening messages in text form;
    • recorded conversation using a voice recorder;
    • printout of telephone calls.

    Having collected a set of evidence, you can contact higher government agencies and wait for the case to be heard. This will allow the violator to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.


    The following contact options are available:

    • In the event of an emergency, a violation can be reported by telephone. For landline phones, the police number is 02, for mobile phones you should dial 102 or 112. It is also possible to contact the duty station of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia directly.
    • A written statement in case of insult is submitted to the police within 10 days after the fact of the incident. The district police officer accepts the document. The address and telephone number of the nearest department can be found on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia by going to the section “Your local police department/district” at the link xn--b1aew.xn--p1ai/district. It is recommended to contact the department where the offender lives: this way the responsible police officer will be more interested in supervising the issue and monitoring the further actions of the offender. At the department, you can file a statement against the offender yourself or with the help of a law enforcement officer. Sample document:
    • The document can be sent to the police department by mail.
    • In electronic format using the official website of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs xn--b1aew.xn--p1ai/request_main.
    • Using the mobile application “Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia” xn--e1abfcmoefj1n.xn--b1aew.xn--p1ai/.

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    If insults were made during the commission of a criminal offense, for example, robbery or beating, then

    statement to the district police officer

    must contain a note about the need for additional consideration of the document by the district prosecutor's office in order to initiate a case of an administrative violation in accordance with Art. 5.61 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

    When the case concerns an administrative violation, it goes to the prosecutor’s office, so to save time, you can immediately contact the prosecutor yourself.

    I received a threatening SMS

    If calls and messages come to the phone, the action plan includes writing an application to law enforcement agencies (police). It must contain all the factual information and provide evidence.

    It is important that the document be drawn up in two copies, on which the official will sign and accept one of them, while the second will remain with the applicant.

    Attention! If the police did not accept the statement, you have the right to appeal to the prosecutor's office.

    So we looked at the reasons why such letters may arrive, and what to do in such a situation. A competent and consistent approach to solving this task will ensure its completion in your favor, and you will get rid of intrusive calls and messages, and the offender will be punished.

    Making threats on the phone during a conversation or sending intimidating text messages are not uncommon in our society. Some people just want to vent their anger, others want to achieve what they want, and others want to get sadistic pleasure. Whatever the reason, telephone threats of murder or grievous bodily harm are illegal and punishable under Art. 119 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. How to act and where to turn for help if you receive a threatening phone call or SMS?

    Practice in resolving such issues

    There are thousands of allegations of unlawful actions by debt collectors, but in practice only a few are brought to justice. The difficulty lies in proving the reality of the threat.

    Favorite threat of debt collectors : “Refuse to repay the debt - we cannot guarantee the safety of your health.” Law enforcement agencies, as a rule, do not take such a threat seriously and do not initiate criminal proceedings upon its commission.

    If the police do not see any crime in the collector’s actions, they will not hold him accountable. But the very fact that the debtor contacts law enforcement agencies will cool the ardor of even the most zealous debt collectors.

    With the adoption of the Law on the Protection of Borrowers, the number of criminal cases of abuse by professional debt collectors has increased. In 98% of cases, the prosecutor's office recognized the police's refusal to initiate criminal proceedings as illegal.

    If the collector threatens with violence, collect evidence :

    1. Take photographs of threatening messages in the entrance or on your door, as well as signs of damage to your property.
    2. Make video and audio recordings.
    3. Record contact details of persons who witnessed the threats.
    4. Invite the local police officer and record the fact of the threats. Witnesses must be present.

    Write a statement describing the unlawful actions of the collector, attach any evidence and send it to several authorities at once :

    • Central Bank of Russia;
    • District and General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation;
    • Office of Rospotrebnadzor;
    • Roskomnadzor Department;
    • Law enforcement agencies in your area.

    Applications can be sent electronically through online receptions, which are available on the official websites of each of the listed organizations.

    Any deviations from the requirements of the law, including contacts with the debtor, accompanied by threats, are an unconditional basis for depriving the collection company of its license and filing a lawsuit for compensation for moral damages.

    What to do if they call you on the phone and send you SMS messages with threats?

    When faced with threats over the phone, many people try to ignore the attacker: he will get bored and won’t make any more calls. Unfortunately, this does not always work and often makes the situation worse. An inappropriate attacker can easily turn threats into reality, so it’s worth taking action.

    The Criminal Code has a special article that provides for punishment for death threats - Art. 119. The norm indicates that it is possible to bring an attacker to justice only in one case - to prove his intentions. Follow a number of rules to protect yourself and bring a telephone terrorist to justice:

    1. Find out the attacker's name

    When answering an unfamiliar number, do not give your name. But be sure to ask who is calling you and why.

    1. Do not panic

    When faced with threats for the first time, it can be easy to become confused. Calm down, do not react emotionally - this is exactly the reaction the attacker expects from you. It's better to quickly end the conversation and hang up.

    1. Record the conversation

    If you are threatened on the phone with enviable frequency, prepare for the next conversation. Install caller ID, a voice recorder and record the conversation. If you don't have audio recording devices, record the conversation on paper. Be sure to indicate the time of the incoming call and its duration.

    1. Remember the characteristics of a criminal

    Try to get the caller to talk. Threats over the phone can come from a person with a memorable voice or accent. From the conversation you can also find out his name, age, location by the background.

    1. Find out the purpose of the call

    Ask your interlocutor the reasons and motives for the threats. Try to figure out what the attacker wants from you and how to contact him to fulfill his demands.

    The more information you collect about the criminal, the easier it will be for law enforcement to catch him.

    Another option to stop threats over the phone is to warn the attacker that the conversation is being recorded and you will contact the police if the calls do not stop. You can also try blacklisting the number or blocking calls from unknown numbers.

    What evidence is required

    It is problematic to confirm unpleasant words spoken without witnesses, but it is possible. In the event of a public offense, it is not difficult to prove the fact of illegal actions, since there are witnesses.

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    To collect evidence it is recommended:

    • Record the conversation on a voice recorder or video camera. If this was unsuccessful, and the desire to punish the aggressor has not faded away, you can start a dialogue with him again, making sure in advance that you have a recording device.
    • Find a witness. It is desirable that each of the parties to the conflict have people who confirm or refute their actions. If necessary, witnesses are called by the judge.
    • If offensive and incorrect words were addressed as a result of personal Internet correspondence, it is worth taking a screenshot and contacting a notary. He will legally certify the fact of actions discrediting honor and dignity and draw up a protocol.
    • In case of public squabbles on social networks that discredit honor and dignity, it is also necessary to take a screenshot of the page and have the data notarized.
    • Confirmation of an insult made public through the media will be a clipping from a magazine or newspaper, or a video recording of a television show.

    Having collected the necessary evidence, you can file a complaint with the police, court or prosecutor's office.

    Procedure for dealing with threats by phone

    The threat of deprivation of life or harm to health is a criminal offense in a number of countries, including Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, etc. In the legislation of the Russian Federation, this act is qualified under Art. 119 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. This means that for such actions you can get a real prison sentence.

    At the same time, any actions of an attacker are regarded as a threat to the life and health of a person. This could be personal insults and threats, intimidation on the Internet or by telephone, etc. In other words, the manner in which the crime was committed is important in the collection of evidence, but does not affect the punishment.

    A person who receives threats must respond to them correctly. Then there is a real chance to bring the criminal to justice. If intimidation occurs via mobile phone, you must:

    1. Find out the name of the caller.
    2. Calmly listen to your interlocutor.
    3. Record the conversation on a voice recorder.
    4. Find out the reason for the threats.
    5. Try to find out a way to contact the criminal.

    If the attacker continues to threaten lives via SMS, then all messages should be saved on the phone. During a conversation with an unknown person, you should pay attention to all extraneous sounds, noises, etc. If the criminal provides very little information during a call or SMS, you can pretend that he has the wrong number. Then he will have to take additional actions, call back, etc. This will help collect more evidence.

    Can a debtor be threatened?

    According to the instructions of collection companies, collectors are given up to 180 days to verbally pester the debtor. If during this period the client is “not intimidated,” a “field department” is set on him, whose main task is to disgrace the borrower in front of witnesses and intimidate him.

    In order to convince the debtor to pay the bank, various methods are used : harsh colloquial language, raised tone, calls, SMS, VKontakte messages, communication with work colleagues and relatives of the debtor. Often the banks themselves threaten to become debt collectors, admitting their inability to collect the debt.

    Special material prepared by our editors: what to do if debt collectors threaten relatives of debtors?

    The most common threats include::

    • Take property;
    • Get fired from your job;
    • Take the child through the court;
    • Disgrace yourself in front of friends and neighbors;
    • Use physical violence against the debtor and his relatives;
    • Ensure that criminal proceedings are initiated against the borrower.

    Can debt collectors make similar threats? The answer is no. The law allows them only to inform the borrower about the debt, when it is due and how to repay it.


    If debt collectors threaten you, before thinking about what to do, you should study the articles of the criminal law under which it is possible to bring them to justice:

    • 119 – if a death threat is voiced;
    • 111-112,115 – if a citizen has suffered physical harm of varying severity;
    • 167 – in case of property damage (windows were broken, tires were punctured, etc.);
    • 163 – you can be charged with extortion if threats are made to criminally prosecute the debtor, create problems at work, or the amount of debt is unreasonably increased. And also, if, in order to recover a debt, a citizen is physically harmed or his property is damaged;
    • 126 – 127 – if the citizen’s right to movement was limited;
    • 179, 330 – we can talk about coercion to carry out a transaction or arbitrariness if, in order to repay a debt, they demand to transfer property for a similar or greater amount;
    • 158, 161, 162 – if the money was taken by force, such an act is qualified, depending on the circumstances, as theft, robbery or robbery.

    In some cases, when a desperate debtor, in an attempt to free himself from persecution, decides to take extreme measures, it is even possible to apply Art. 110 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which provides for liability for driving a citizen to suicide.

    Along with criminal liability, administrative liability may be applied under the following articles of the Administrative Code :

    • 5.61 - in case of insult;
    • 20.1 – for petty hooliganism, which may be considered, for example, obscene language;
    • 13.11 – if the legislation on personal data was violated and information about the debt was transferred to unauthorized persons, for example, work colleagues.

    Despite the fact that collectors do not have the right to threaten by law, it can be quite difficult to prove their illegal actions.

    We find out where to go if there is a threat from debt collectors in a separate article.

    Where to contact

    Threats made over the phone may not be dangerous, but it's not worth checking. After the first call or message, you should contact the police. Only law enforcement officers can help identify the criminal and collect evidence for trial.

    To do this, the victim needs to draw up and submit a corresponding application. For registration, you can use the standard form. You should definitely check whether the application details were entered in a special journal. If the police refuse to accept it (which is illegal), you must complain to the employee’s superiors or to the prosecutor’s office.

    Then a check will be carried out not only on the fact of the commission of a crime, but also on the fact that the police officer failed to fulfill his duties. But you can contact the prosecutor’s office directly, since based on the submitted application, prosecutors are also obliged to take certain measures.

    The police report must contain:

    • details of the head of the department (an application is filled out in his name);
    • Full name and contact details of the victim;
    • a detailed description of the circumstances of the case;
    • information about the attacker (if his identity is known);
    • list of evidence;
    • list of witnesses (minors can be involved);
    • date and signature.

    If threats are made against a child, then a statement is written by his parents, guardians or other adult family members.

    Threats on social networks

    Social networks are one of the most common ways of communication in the modern world. Through social networks, agency employees can find out the client’s social circle, identify his relatives and colleagues.

    The law prohibits writing to a defaulter on social networks without his written consent to such actions . If the collector tries to establish a connection through VKontakte or another site, this is regarded as an invasion of a person’s privacy.

    To prevent communication with debt collectors on a social network:

    • limit the circle of users who will have access to the profile;
    • close the social network page;
    • change your last name, remove your photo.

    If all else fails and debt collectors continue to write on social networks, contact the prosecutor’s office.

    How to prove the fact of threats

    Threats of violence must be punished. But bringing an attacker to real criminal liability is not so simple. The more material evidence the victim has, the easier it will be to punish him. Therefore, it is so important to collect the following evidence:

    1. Audio recording. Even if the victim gets confused at the first threatening call and does not have time to turn on the recorder, this can be done later. Typically, attackers try to intimidate their victims for a long time.
    2. Witnesses. If there are strangers present during a conversation, it is advisable to turn on the speakerphone. Then it will be heard that the subscriber is trying to threaten. Witness testimony will become additional evidence in court.
    3. Call printout. This information is usually provided at the request of law enforcement agencies.
    4. SMS. Under no circumstances should they be deleted.

    The likelihood of whether a criminal will be punished depends on many factors. For example, from determining the identity of the attacker. If a person threatens to go incognito and uses technical devices to hide personal data, it will be difficult to find him. It’s another matter when all personal information is known to law enforcement agencies.

    If the collector threatens to sue

    Debt collectors rarely go to court to force collection of a loan, because... They do not benefit from judicial intervention for a number of reasons:

    1. legal costs often exceed or equal the amount of the debt;
    2. the court may side with the citizen and oblige collectors to write off the debt in whole or in part;
    3. After going to court, any interaction with the debtor is prohibited.

    In 99% of cases, words about going to court are nothing more than psychological pressure on the client.

    If agency employees nevertheless say that they will file a claim, first establish the legality of transferring the loan debt to collectors. To do this, ask the company for all documentation on the assignment of rights. Compare the details of the assignment agreement with the loan agreement.

    If you identify inconsistencies or the agency lacks supporting documents, you don’t have to be afraid. This is just a bluff, and collectors will not file a claim for collection.

    What is the punishment?

    In order for an act to be qualified under Article 119 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, it must have the appropriate characteristics. The object of the crime is the mental state of a person. From the subjective side, the act has direct intent. It is important to distinguish between a threat to commit murder or harm to health and attempted murder.

    Reference: the main qualifying feature of the crime under Art. 119 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is the absence of physical violence.

    That is, intimidation is expressed verbally or in writing. The display of weapons is also considered a threat to kill. But when there is an attempt on life, the criminal uses certain actions that clearly express his intentions to be completed.

    To qualify as a threat to kill or cause bodily harm, it does not matter whether the attacker intended to carry out his threats. The crime is considered completed from the moment criminal intentions are expressed towards the victim. It is also necessary to distinguish between a threat of murder and extortion. Blackmail is always accompanied by demands to perform certain actions. Most often, extortion has the goal of financially enriching the attackers.

    As for punishment, then, according to the sanction of Part 1 of Art. 119 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the offender may face:

    1. Forced labor (up to 2 years).
    2. Mandatory work (480 hours).
    3. Imprisonment for 2 years.
    4. Probation (up to 2 years).

    If threats were used on the basis of religious, racial or national differences, then the punishment under Article 119 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation will be more severe. The sanction of part 2 provides:

    1. Forced labor (up to 5 years).
    2. Imprisonment (up to 5 years).

    In addition, the attacker may be deprived of the right to hold a certain position. The maximum term of imprisonment is 3 years.

    Responsibility and punishment

    A person cannot actually receive punishment for threats via SMS. But for threats of murder not through SMS (meaning one-on-one), causing grievous harm to life and health under article number 119 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, a person can be punished in the form of a fine and actual imprisonment if he takes action. There are also mandatory jobs.

    For intimidation or death threats that are not comparable to reality, for example, the words “I’ll twist the head off” of a fragile girl, it is almost impossible to achieve punishment. Let us note that for the implementation of these types of threats the punishment will be real.

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    How to protect yourself from an attacker

    The easiest way to protect yourself from a criminal is to contact law enforcement. Where exactly to go, to the police or the prosecutor's office, is up to the victim to decide. You can do otherwise and simply warn the attacker that the investigator is already in possession of the application. This scares the bullies, so they stop harassing the victim with their calls.

    Sometimes blocking incoming calls from an unknown number solves the problem with strange calls. But this measure does not always help, since criminals often change SIM cards. You can change your SIM card, but if the attacker has serious intentions, he may find another way to intimidate.

    It is still not recommended to ignore such threats, even when they clearly have hooligan rather than personal motives. It is almost impossible to find out whether the person calling is mentally unstable. This means that you will not be able to guarantee absolute safety for yourself and your family.

    The invasion of privacy by a stranger with hostile intentions frightens everyone. If an attacker knows the phone number, he may also know the address. And sooner or later they will make their threats come true. Therefore, you should not treat such threats leniently, especially if it is possible to prove the crime and convict the ill-wisher.

    How to deal with debt collectors if they come home

    Collectors have the right to come to the debtor’s home to conduct an oral conversation or hand over a written notice. However, the apartment (cottage) is private property. They will not be able to enter without permission under any circumstances. The conversation can be held at the door.

    If the debtor admits his guilt and is ready to pay the debt, he will be able to invite agency employees to enter.

    If debt collectors break into private property without the owner's invitation, make threats, cause bodily harm and damage property, you should immediately call the police. This will make it possible to catch attackers at the crime scene.

    Threats or insults via SMS. What can be done?

    For uttering threats you can end up in the dock. First of all, for committing such actions, Article 119 of the Criminal Code is provided for, which is formulated as “Threat of murder or infliction of grievous harm to life and health.”

    The legislation contains several norms of Russian criminal law that are responsible for bringing criminals. responsibility for intimidation. The article in the law that provides for punishment for threats is considered to be 119 of the Criminal Code. But liability for threats is not limited to this norm alone - the chapters of the criminal law also provide for signs of threats as part of certain crimes.

    The Internet has long become a place of communication not only for users, but also for criminals. That is why, in order to avoid threats via SMS or the Internet, it is strongly advised not to upload photographs of an intimate nature. But even if these recommendations are followed, blackmail or intimidation via SMS is by no means uncommon.

    SMS with threats - it is important to understand that all requirements regarding the level of perception of various intimidating phrases by the victim must be met. And at the same time, it will be more difficult to prove guilt. Quite often, threats from debt collectors come via SMS this way.

    Example - A woman came to a man, having met him earlier through online dating, but when she met, she didn’t like the gentleman, she refused to go meet him. Further, offended, Ermolaev began sending Morozova SMS and threatening letters, which indicated his intentions to beat her, break her legs, and make her disabled.

    The question arises, if you receive threats via SMS, what should you do? A threat via SMS allows you to contact the police. The woman wrote a statement. After the refusal to initiate a case under Article 119, they nevertheless opened it. In this case, the main one was the fact that Ermolaev was serving a sentence for causing harm to health, meeting Morozova every evening near her entrance, as a result of which she had to ask her colleagues to accompany her home.

    What rights do debt collectors have and what does the law say about them?

    When applying for a loan, a citizen must be clearly aware of the need for timely repayment of the debt. Otherwise, he may face collection of funds in court or with debt collectors.

    The last option is most preferable for a financial organization. By contacting the agency, she will be able to partially repay the debt, protecting herself from litigation with the borrower.

    The activities of collectors and their rights to collect debt are clearly stated in Federal Law No. 230. The agency must undergo state registration, receiving the official right to work. Otherwise, employees of the organization do not have the right to demand repayment of debts from borrowers.

    A special role in the law is given to methods of debt collection.

    According to Article 4 of Federal Law No. 230, collectors have the right:

    • Meet with the debtor for an oral conversation, no more than once a week;
    • Call the debtor (during business hours) no more than twice a week and send written notifications by mail;
    • Leave voice messages for the debtor;
    • Notify the debtor about the need to repay the debt via SMS;
    • Go to court with a claim to collect the debt;
    • Call and send notifications about the need to pay the debt to the official guarantors who signed the loan agreement

    Collectors have the right to call relatives of the debtor only with the written consent of the borrower. At the same time, for his part, he can revoke the permission, prohibiting him from disturbing loved ones. The exception is guarantors .

    Collectors do not have the right to call the debtor at night, and weekends are no exception. Calling employers, posting notices in hallways, and communicating with neighbors is prohibited.

    Collectors, according to Art. 7 Federal Law No. 230, do not have the right to collect debts from citizens declared incompetent or bankrupt by court. Transferring the obligation to pay the debt to relatives is also impossible. In this case, documents confirming the status of the debtor must be in his hands (a copy of the court decision, medical certificates).

    When conducting oral conversations, telephone conversations, and writing written notices, collection agency employees must be polite and prudent. Threats against the debtor or his close relatives, deliberate damage to property, or its forced seizure without a court decision are excluded.

    Threats from debt collectors

    This also includes threats from debt collectors. In order to initiate a case, it is not necessary to go and submit an application - these cases do not have a separate character in the legal sense, but are initiated only upon discovery of the offense itself. In other words, every victim who wishes to bring his offender to justice does not have the right to subsequently “withdraw” his statement, as is possible in case of beatings under Article 116 of the Criminal Code.

    Example 1. The collector Petrov I.S. and the debtor Makarov A.S. quarreled in the courtyard of the house, after which Makarov took Makarov by the throat and began to choke him. There were witnesses in the yard of the house who saw everything and called the police. The local police officer who arrived found out the circumstances and gave the matter a turn. Before this, collectors threatened the debtor by sending him SMS over the phone (but it is worth considering that it is almost impossible to hold him accountable for SMS messages alone).

    Reality of threats

    This is one of the main criteria by which qualifications are actually determined. There is also some nuance here - the main thing is that the victim perceives the ongoing intimidation as if the action could actually be carried out. Circumstances can help to understand how much the victim understood the seriousness of the statements.

    The reality of intentions to cause harm may be indicated by:

    the use of weapons and other objects that can be used to carry out reprisals. These can be brass knuckles, stun guns (often used by debt collectors), or simply household items. It is not necessary to use them - it is enough to demonstrate the objects in front of the victim and threaten; actions that confirm the words: beating, etc. Threats via SMS, what should I do? The existing article of threats via SMS, Article 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, prescribes punishment for carrying out this type of threat. If debt collectors send SMS messages with threats, you should take this as seriously as possible and, if possible, write down these threats. If you receive insults via SMS, then liability for this is not provided for by law.

    Example 2. During a conflict between a debtor and collectors, two men got into a verbal altercation, during which citizen V.V. Petrov said to Sidorov: “I would kill you debtor now, but I don’t want to sit.” Since this phrase was thrown during a quarrel, without touching citizen Sidorov, without using funds, the investigator refused to initiate a case under 119 of the Criminal Code (the reason is that there is no reason to consider the threat real, and just the SMS messages that collectors sent earlier in order to intimidate the debtor - obviously not enough).

    As we can see, in the example it is impossible to argue about the danger for the male victim, although the applicant himself believes otherwise.

    Does the collector have the right to take care of your debt?

    Recently, more and more often, disputes have arisen about whether collectors have the right to act on behalf of the creditor and what their powers are. Many argue that collection organizations are completely outlawed. Others claim that they were simply renamed and now many of them are called debt agencies, the activities of which are in no way regulated by Russian law. In any case, collectors have no right to threaten the debtor under any circumstances. His powers include:

    • notification of the amount of debt and the period of non-payment;
    • expressing your demands for immediate payment of debt;
    • negotiations are carried out with the participation of the Russian Post (official correspondence), as well as the debtor’s lawyer and the company’s lawyer;
    • if the debtor refuses to pay, the debt with all supporting documents is transferred to the court.

    It should be noted that the borrower has the right to protest against the sale of his debt to collectors if his period of delinquency is less than 4 months. Then they undertake to return the debt to the bank and cancel the sale transaction.

    It is written about this here: The bank sold the debt to collectors: what to do and who to contact

    Do not forget that the creditor has the right to contact any law firm to represent his interests. Which on his behalf has the right to demand payment of debts on the basis of a previously signed agreement. For this, the consent of the debtor himself is not required!


    If the debt was sold to collectors, is it worth repaying it?

    If you have a debt and you are not going to go through the personal bankruptcy procedure, then you will have to pay it off; no one will forgive you the debt. There is a lot of fraud in this area now. Therefore, first of all, find out from the first creditor whether your debt was actually sold to collectors. Then ask the collectors for a document on the basis of which they demand money from you. And be sure to get a certificate from the first creditor with the exact amount of your debt. Ask a question that interests you - contact the online consultant form on the right.

    Can you trust organizations that promise to legally get rid of debts?

    The only legal way to get rid of dogs today is bankruptcy. There are many companies on the market that provide this service and most of them can be trusted. If you have chosen an organization, then read the reviews, see how many years it has been operating. Ask for the name of the arbitration manager with whom they work and check it against the EFRSB database. Ask a question that interests you - contact the online consultant form on the right.

    Can collectors come to my place of registration if I don’t live there?

    Yes they can. If you do not live there and do not want to communicate with collectors, then warn those who live there that collectors may come and not to give your contacts to them. Ask a question that interests you - contact the online consultant form on the right.

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