What can scammers do if they know SNILS? Protection measures and legal advice

Fraudsters, who had previously asked random passers-by for their SNILS number on the streets, began door-to-door visits. As Kirill Zaitsev, editor of the “Auto” section on 66.RU, said, this afternoon people rang his doorbell and introduced themselves as employees of the Pension Fund and asked him to dictate his SNILS number. “I didn’t talk, I closed the door,” Kirill said. And he did exactly the right thing.

Most often, scammers operate on the street. For example, near the railway station, citizens introducing themselves either as police officers or as employees of the Russian Pension Fund stop passers-by and demand to reveal personal information. There are other options - they try to find out the SNILS number by phone or during a personal conversation. In this case, scammers simply come to your home. They introduce themselves as an employee of one of the non-state funds and ask to dictate their personal account number, citing various arguments: from an allegedly concluded agreement with them to clarifications on the population census.

We explain why telling a stranger your SNILS number is almost the same as giving him a bank card.

Decoding and purpose of SNILS

To understand why scammers need a SNILS number, you need to familiarize yourself with the concept itself and its purpose. The individual personal account insurance number (SNILS) is intended to store pension fees that are transferred to the account from the employer. SNILS is opened in the Pension Fund for every Russian citizen along with receiving a birth certificate.

An insurance code is also assigned to foreigners who are officially employed in Russia. A compulsory insurance card is issued by the Pension Fund or by the employer. For minor citizens, SNILS is used when receiving education or medical care.

Each citizen is assigned one unique number. There is no other identical SNILS. It is impossible to change the received numbers. The individual code encrypts the person’s full name and information about the person’s place and date of birth.

Purpose of issuing SNILS

All Russian citizens receive SNILS immediately after birth, as well as foreigners officially employed in the country. Many people are given a card when they are employed. The employer transfers funds to the received number, which serve as the basis for pension savings.

An insurance certificate will be useful when applying for government benefits. If a minor citizen wants to earn extra money during the holidays, then he must also be given a SNILS. Thanks to a unique card, you can find out the status of your pension savings account.

Consequences in the absence of SNILS

An employee who does not have a personal account with the Pension Fund does not make pension contributions, which means that his time of work is not counted towards his official length of service, so it is not profitable for employees to work without this card.

For the employer, the Labor and Tax Codes do not provide for direct liability for violation of the procedure for registering employees with the Pension Fund. However, if employees do not have SNILS, problems will inevitably arise when submitting reports to social funds, because insurance premiums will not be transferred without an account. If the audit reveals this violation, the employer will be punished for late or incorrect filing of reports.

The violating employer may be charged up to 10% of the annual pension accruals that he was obliged to pay for an employee without SNILS.

Regulation of activities in the field of pension provision

The pension consists of an insurance and funded part . Insurance finances are always kept in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, but savings funds are allowed to be transferred to a non-governmental organization.

Non-state pension funds are organizations that store money and charge interest on it every year. The operating scheme of such companies is similar to banking institutions.

There is no difference where savings are stored, but the legalization of non-state pension funds makes its own adjustments. Now a large number of companies are being created that do not inspire confidence among taxpayers. To transfer savings funds to such an organization, it is enough to provide your SNILS number, personal data and sign a special permission. That is why people have appeared who are trying to find out SNILS by any means.

How pensioners are deceived by fake pension fund employees

According to operational data, the number of phone calls from scammers posing as Pension Fund employees has recently increased. The number usually belongs to a mobile operator or the call comes from another region. Fraudsters call pensioners’ home phones and address them by their first and patronymic names. This immediately encourages older people to talk.

It is important to understand that it is now not difficult to obtain information about the owner of a landline and even a mobile phone. The databases are publicly available on the Internet or can be purchased on removable media.

Important: Pension Fund employees call citizens in exceptional cases and, as a rule, only to coordinate the time of the visit. For communication, notifications sent by registered mail are used.

The main goal of deceiving pensioners by telephone scammers is to gain access to their personal account, persuade them to transfer money to another bank card, or set the proposed mobile phone number as a trusted one, which will allow the scammers to enter the pensioner’s mobile bank.

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Incorrectly accrued payments

Scamming pensioners over the phone allegedly from the Pension Fund often concerns issues of calculating additional payments. The attackers call the pensioner and tell him in a stern voice that his pension was increased by mistake and there was an overpayment. The dumbfounded old man begins to get nervous. When asked how this could happen, there is only one answer: the money must be returned, otherwise the citizen will face a fine for wasting budget money.

The elderly man, in a state of shock, agrees to return the overpaid funds. To do this, the attackers offer to provide the details of the bank card where the pension is credited, supposedly for reconciliation.

Having received the data, telephone scammers gain full access to the pensioner’s account.

Scammers call about pension supplements

Telephone scams for money can have another option - an elderly person is entitled to an increase. Scammers call and say that the citizen should receive a payment that was not accrued on time (for example, a new governor's bonus). The appeal is that notices were sent to the home address, but the recipient never showed up at the Pension Fund.

Most often such calls occur at the end of the month.

The main argument when deceiving a pensioner is: if they do not have time to transfer the money, the elderly person will never receive compensation.

False employees of the Pension Fund of Russia offer the citizen to check the balance at the ATM for the presence of a surcharge. A person sees that there were no cash receipts, then he is recommended:

  • Link the proposed phone number to the card as a trust number. This is how fraudsters gain access to mobile banking and can manage the money of the defrauded person.
  • Make a transfer from account to card. Please note that scammers do not name the amount, for example, “ten thousand”. They work differently: enter the numbers “one, zero and three more zeros.”
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Is it okay to show your insurance certificate to strangers?

Some government agencies may ask you to show proof of insurance. But it is prohibited to give your personal code to dubious people you meet on the street. It is also prohibited to provide third parties with notarized photocopies of personal documents. Serious scams , so it is better not to disclose personal information.

Why did the lawyer at the legal consultation make a copy of my SNILS for himself?

From the end of October 2021 There have been important changes in the procedural legislation of the Russian Federation. Now persons participating in the case have the right to submit documents to the court through electronic document management via the Internet. When sending a claim and its attachments, the online service of the State Automated System “Justice” requires you to fill out a form in which you must indicate, in particular, the SNILS of the citizen-applicant. Therefore, in this situation, you should not worry if your lawyer made a copy of it for the civil case.

Does the insurance code provide access to personal data?

SNILS allows you to find out the amount of pension savings of a particular citizen of the Russian Federation. Fraudsters use an insurance certificate to find out the amount of income in a specific period of time. The number itself does not allow you to receive money for personal use.

Alexander Vadimovich

Civil lawyer. More than 12 years of experience

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But information about income allows scammers to identify rich people who can be deceived in the future.

If an outsider receives the code, then the pension savings may end up in a non-state pension fund. To steal money, scammers falsify applications or obtain a signature by slipping other documents to the person. To avoid becoming clients of unscrupulous organizations, do not sign papers without first and thoroughly reading them.

Many people do not understand why scammers need SNILS if it cannot be used to obtain a loan, withdraw money from a bank account, or re-register property. But with the help of an insurance certificate, it is possible to hack into a personal profile on the State Services website , and there is information that allows access to the taxpayer’s funds.

Foreign workers and an account with the Pension Fund of Russia

If foreign citizens get a job in Russia, they, like residents of the Russian Federation, must be officially insured. This is required by Article 7 of Federal Law No. 167 of 13/15/2001.

It does not matter how long citizens of other states live on the territory of the Russian Federation, or whether they are stateless persons. It is only necessary to establish their official status, which determines what document they must provide to issue SNILS as an identity document instead of a Russian citizen’s passport. Foreigners staying in the Russian Federation are assigned one of three statuses:

  • permanent residents - their identification document in Russia is a residence permit, which is renewed every 5 years;
  • temporary residents - they are issued a temporary residence permit for 3 years, which in the future can be replaced with a residence permit;
  • Those temporarily staying in the Russian Federation prove their identity with a “native” document; they are allowed to stay in the Russian Federation by a visa or other international regulations that do not provide for a visa regime. For this category of guests, official employment and receipt of SNILS are not provided.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION! The procedure for obtaining SNILS for citizens of other states and stateless persons is no different from the usual one, only instead of a passport, another document required by law is presented.

Receiving schemes

To get a SNILS number, scammers are developing various schemes. The most popular method is a visit from a fake PF employee. The scammer claims that indicating an individual code is required to reduce the amount of the monthly payment or issue supplements. Sometimes scammers call you by phone and ask you to dictate your SNILS number.

There are also online scams when scammers create websites identical to official portals. Large-scale deception schemes are implemented during employment. The citizen thinks that he is signing cooperation documents, but in fact the person is being given permission to transfer savings funds to a non-state pension fund.

Often, gullible citizens provide copies of documents, hoping to get a well-paid position.

Obtaining information through a survey

Typically, well-dressed young men and women interview citizens. They introduce themselves as government service employees. During the communication process, the person calls the SNILS number, which is supposedly intended for registering the profile. To gain the trust of citizens, scammers use fake IDs.

People are intimidated to get a photograph of a document. Fraudsters claim that if the insurance certificate code is not written down now, part of the pension will be written off.

Through lies, manipulation and intimidation, swindlers obtain a citizen’s signature.

Survey features:

  • Some scammers pose as employees of non-state pension funds. Through manipulation and indirect threats, these people achieve the transfer of a citizen’s savings funds to the organization they represent.
  • Other scammers claim to work for the government. They invite citizens to sign certain papers, which include loan agreements and paid services from various organizations.

You need to remember that you cannot sign any documents without first studying them. NPFs are actively looking for clients and encouraging people to transfer funds to their company. But a person should be suspicious that a representative of the organization is visiting apartments and trying to find out SNILS.

Andrey Andreevich

Criminal lawyer. Work experience over 17 years

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If a citizen does not plan to transfer his savings to another company, then there is no need to show his card to strangers.


When a person gets a job, he is obliged to provide SNILS or give permission to issue a card if the insurance certificate has not yet been issued. Personal data of employees is stored in the accounting department. They are not distributed to third parties. Often, employees of non-state pension funds ask company managers to conduct campaigns among its employees in order to attract new clients.

Sometimes promotions are held where each person who brings a friend receives a financial bonus. In some cases, the employer requires that employees transfer to a non-state pension fund, since the company has entered into an agreement with this organization. It is important to remember that no one under the law can force you to cooperate with another fund.

Internet fraud

Many fraudulent schemes are built on the Internet. Personal data may be required when logging into a website.

Schemes for obtaining a SNILS number via the Internet:

  • Information is requested to provide some services or information.
  • Fraudsters develop clone sites that are identical to government resources. The person does not suspect that he is entering personal data on an unofficial portal.

To avoid being scammed, pay attention to the name of the site. If the portal only collects SNILS numbers, then no further confirmation is required.

The insurance certificate does not need any additions; it is issued once and for life.

Risks of quick registration on a government service resource

The official website of government services is designed for the convenience of citizens. Your personal account stores information about a person. Thanks to the portal, you can order some services remotely, familiarize yourself with the procedures, and obtain the necessary information. To quickly register on the state services website, enter your SNILS number. But to avoid falling into a scam, it is recommended to replace the insurance certificate with an e-mail. Registration takes longer, but guarantees protection.

Safety rules for SNILS owners

There are no plans to make any changes to pension legislation in 2021. Therefore, the safety rules for SNILS owners are standard:

  • the regulations of the Pension Fund of Russia do not provide for employees of the fund to visit their clients at home (we emphasize: PFR EMPLOYEES CANNOT BE IN THE HOME OF THEIR CLIENTS );
  • Before signing any papers or documents, study them carefully;
  • when applying for a job, do not tell a recruitment agency your SNILS - it does not need such information;
  • if any website asks you to provide the insurance certificate number, go to the main page (in Russia, such information can only be requested on the Gosuslugi web resource);
  • Do not give your insurance certificate card to strangers.

Following simple rules will help you avoid many troubles.

Why do scammers collect SNILS codes?

The main goal of scammers is to obtain new clients from NPFs. Employees of a non-governmental organization are financially rewarded for each taxpayer they attract.

You cannot get a loan using an individual insurance code, since banks do not issue loans without a passport and TIN.

Another option for scammers to use SNILS is to try to log into an account on a government services website. But in addition to the code, you also need a password, so the chance that scammers will hack your account is small. There is no need to fear that scammers will issue a loan in your name, since this is impossible without a passport, TIN and your signature.

Where scammers use someone else's SNILS

Scammers obtain SNILS in order to transfer the savings portion of a citizen’s funds to a non-state pension fund. In other situations, the individual code has no value. Non-governmental organizations are trying to attract more customers, so they use all the tricks.

Fraud with passport data

Separately, we should consider the situation of what fraudsters can do with passport data, since this is much more relevant and sadder than using information about SNILS, because in this case the injured party may suffer real material damage. That is why you should keep your personal data and passport information secret.

How scammers use data

Often, scammers don’t even need an original identification document. Information about what fraudsters can do with a copy of a passport has long been disseminated by law enforcement agencies everywhere. Regardless of when the criminal received your information, he may use it immediately or over time.


The limitation period as a general rule is 3 years. This means that during this time you can go to court with a statement about the criminal act committed. If the deadline has expired and there are no valid reasons for the delay, the court may refuse to consider the claim. We will tell you more in this article.

Using a person’s personal passport data, attackers can:

  • obtain credit funds from a bank and non-bank organization;
  • drive you into debt;
  • make you the founder of a shell company;
  • make a copy of the original document and use it for your own selfish purposes in the future;
  • regulate the movement of funds in your bank accounts;
  • perform certain actions on your behalf on the Internet.

These situations are not an exhaustive list of possibilities - the imagination of swindlers knows no limits.

For those who do not yet fully understand what exactly scammers can do if they know their passport details, we inform you that the most profitable and common type of fraud is obtaining a bank loan . In the future, it can sometimes be extremely difficult to prove the fact that you did not participate in fraudulent schemes. This may require years of litigation both with banks and with actual borrowers and third parties.

Methods for obtaining data

The most common way is to obtain a copy of your passport from the organization where you provided this copy (the so-called criminal conspiracy). Often such schemes are carried out by unverified companies that have just appeared on the market. Providing your passport to such an office increases the risk of being deceived. Often on the Internet you can find an advertisement for the sale of a copy of a passport with relevant information.

Your copy will subsequently be used by:

  • for registration on casino sites and online games;
  • to gain access to dating sites;
  • for registering electronic wallets;
  • to participate in lotteries, etc.

Procedure if a swindler has taken possession of personal data

Most often, pensioners (a vulnerable category of the population) become victims of scammers. In any case, it is important not to panic, contact the Pension Fund, and, if necessary, a lawyer.

Procedure if the SNILS number is in the hands of scammers:

  1. If scammers transferred part of the funds to a non-state pension fund account, then by law a citizen can return these funds to a government organization. First you need to contact the Pension Fund and write an application to return the funds ahead of schedule.
  2. Next, it is recommended to change the nickname and password for accessing your account on the government services resource.
  3. In order for fraudsters to be held accountable for their actions before the law, significant evidence of their deceptive activities is required. You are allowed to contact the police if a person did not sign the permit, but the money still ended up in the NPF.

People often panic and don’t know what to do if scammers find out their SNILS number. It is important to immediately check for changes in the PF account and change the login parameters on the government services resource. To win a case in court , you need strong evidence and the help of a lawyer. Otherwise, the application will not be accepted, since it does not constitute a crime.

What to do if SNILS is already in the hands of scammers

If you realize that you have dictated or passed on your SNILS number to suspicious persons, the best solution would be to contact the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with a statement that you do not intend to transfer your savings to any non-state structure in the near future, explaining the current situation. If the transfer has already taken place, then the reverse process will occur in March next year, and the interest earned on your NPF savings will also be returned.

As for statements to the police about bringing the perpetrators to justice for fraud (Article 159 of the Criminal Code), this will not happen, since according to the law, real damage must be caused to the injured party, and in this case the money is not appropriated by anyone, but only the place is changed their storage. It is often almost impossible to prove the fact that a pensioner signed documents without knowing where he was putting his signature.

It would be more rational to go to court with a claim for the unlawful enrichment of a non-state pension fund at the expense of your savings. The benefits of this process will be significantly greater than the costs. True, the process is long and can last not just several months, but several years.

Recommendations on how to avoid falling for scammers' tricks

To avoid becoming a victim of scammers, follow a few simple rules. Fraudsters always rush people and try to find out personal information.

Recommendations on how not to fall for the tricks of scammers:

  • Officials do not go door to door to collect personal data.
  • A representative of no authority can force a person to show an insurance certificate. If you refuse to present SNILS, then no penalty will follow.
  • The SNILS number must be provided when applying for a job, consulting at the Pension Fund and authorizing on the state service portal.

When a swindler shows some identification and threatens with fines, it is easy to succumb to manipulation and provide any information. To protect yourself and your loved ones, it is important to remember the laws and cases when you are required to provide SNILS.

What does SNILS look like?

SNILS is a laminated piece of pale green or pale yellow paper, which directly contains the SNILS number, full name of the insured person, his date and place of birth.

All data indicated in SNILS must correspond to passport data!


What should an employer do if an employee who does not have this document gets a job? How to resolve the issue of registering SNILS with hired employees if they are citizens of another state? How to correctly go through the procedure for registering SNILS, and who should take the initiative? Let's consider these points from the perspective of the employer and employee.

Scam by phone using money from the funded portion of a pension

A new way to deceive pensioners over the phone is to transfer money to non-state pension funds (NPF). An elderly person receives a call from a certain NPF. The pensioner is addressed by his first name and patronymic and informed that they want to inform him about the status of his personal account.

The deceived person begins to say that he did not enter into anything, to which the answer on the phone is that his former employer did it. Then they say that they will call him back from another number and ask him to answer yes to three questions:

  1. Your name is …?
  2. Have you entered into an agreement with NPF “...”?
  3. Do you have the contract in your hands?

The essence of a telephone scam is for the deceived pensioner to give his consent to transfer to another fund. For this, the agent calling by phone receives a certain commission from the NPF (several thousand rubles - it all depends on the amount of savings of the pensioner). The elderly person himself has no benefit. And if the transition is completed more than once every five years, all savings are lost - this is the law.

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