Dear articles in the zone: who is held in high esteem among prisoners

Russian prisons have their own special laws. Here they often meet a person “by his clothes” - during the first conversation with the onlooker, the newcomer must tell him for what sins he is imprisoned. Moreover, in prison no one is interested in biographical facts, but questions regarding articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation should be answered honestly. And if it turns out that the first mover is a rapist or pedophile, then his future life will not be the best. Such criminals are faced with an act of descent, after which the person is included in the caste of the offended.

Along with the shameful ones, there are also respected articles in prison. In addition, life behind bars largely depends on a person's behavior. Below we will talk about the most respected articles in the zone. We will also look at the basics of correct behavior, which will be useful for beginners.


Type and syntactic properties of the combination

from-ve-chat for ba-zar

Stable combination (phraseologism). Used as a verb phrase.


  • MFA:

Semantic properties


  1. cream slang the same as being responsible for your words; take responsibility for what is said; fulfill the promise ◆ “Young man, you will answer for the market,” Super warned gloomily. Sakhnovsky Igor, “The Jealous God of Accidents”, 2003 // “October” (quote from the National Corpus of the Russian Language, see References) ◆ But they do not understand the main thing, that you need to know the Russian language well, otherwise it is impossible to work intelligently in journalism ; that you need to read smart books in order to be, to some extent, a writer; that in general you need to be “responsible for the market” and know that if you write something wrong, you can be taken to court. Alexander Rosenbaum, “Bull Terrier”, 1987-1998 (quote from the National Corpus of the Russian Language, see References)


  1. partial: keep answer





      Perhaps, from the meaning of ch. bazaarit (jarg, crim.) - “chat.”


      List of translations

      The article needs improvement.
      This is an unfinished article. You can help the project by correcting and expanding it. In particular, you should clarify information about:
      • semantics

      (See General Rules).

How to talk to thieves when you run into them, 10 examples

In this publication, a criminal sidekick named Fenka will tell you how to conduct a web when running into trump cards.

Here are 10 examples of how to market properly.

You should not express yourself rudely, but extremely carefully. Golden Rule! Minimum information, and no smile. It can be used to mistakenly judge one’s weak character.

The collision may take place by mistake. It is possible that they have been waiting for you, choosing you as a victim. Please, be careful! And even if in your own eyes you turn out to be not too cool, the best solution would be to scream or run away.

But such an opportunity may not present itself, and you will have to speak the same language as Blatota. An attack, as a rule, begins with presentation. So, listen to the seasoned one.

“I’ve already given up on myself.” There's no use in scaring me. I don’t owe you anything, just like I don’t owe anyone else.

“I don’t bother with a hairdryer and I don’t mind my own way.” So, the cormorant is where the farmhands hang out.

— Blatnye don’t run into random passers-by. This is not according to concepts. Have you heard of these?

- I may be a fraer. But you don’t play like a thieve either. If you want a lot of money, go to the factory.

- And what are you presenting to me! You're taking me for a sucker! Listen, get off the road!

“I’m about to shit my pants—a local racket has surfaced.” Empty all your pockets at once, eh?

- Guys, I see that you are cool. There are a lot of you, and all for one. Ugly!

-Who are you, and what color are you? A thief in law? Authority? Otherwise I was already shaking like crazy.

“You don’t have to show off in front of me!” Your thieves don't bother me. It's you in the hillock zone! Come back there!

- Talk to me normally. And don’t give me bullshit. I'm not a crest or a six. As soon as you run into it, you leave!

Your main task is to demonstrate equanimity. Just watch every word you say! In any attack, try to look courageous and not stutter. Seeing you as a strong personality, the tramps will retreat.

Act according to the situation. Don't break the Law! And if you realize that you are in fornication, make the right move. The favorable outcome of the situation will directly depend on this.

How to talk to "cattle"

Your initial fear comes from the fact that you don’t know how everything works there. The funny thing is that you respect these very rules without knowing it. Direct access there is closed, the full set of concepts is not accessible to a mere mortal, but be that as it may, you have accepted these rules in absentia.

It is obvious that even a slightly scolded dodik will lower you in terms of concepts and verbally besiege you. All because you play by his rules, rules that you yourself don’t understand. In this situation, you are a priori a sucker, and getting from a sucker is a sacred thing.

Usually such a courtyard gazebo begins with the banal “Hey, here you go!” Consider this message as a direct invitation to the psychological tatami. The answer “Come up yourself” is only possible if you are a master of martial arts in combat sambo. All you have to do is show interest and wait. As a result, they come to you. With close visual contact, you can already ask, “How can I help?”

If the gazebo begins without provocation, but, for example, with an outstretched hand, a gesture of good will, so to speak, after slapping his paw, he has the right to rightly be indignant, “I extended my paw to him like a barefoot, and he canceled it in the end, it was like that, right? And the Kents saw it, and then he started showing off...”

You kind of break it off at the very beginning. You don't pull your paw. The bazaar is not enough, it’s a little hard, after all, the stencils of politeness are driven deep into us, but we need to stand until the thaw. Sobsna “Who are you?” You have the right not to extend your hand; in the zone, for example, it’s generally not customary to shake hands because there is a risk of running out, maybe some kind of sucker is asking you, and you’ve already beaten him to pieces.

At this moment, the thought creeps into the guy that perhaps you also know the rules of the game. The main task is to stay within the boundaries of the designated rules and play by them; there is no point in appealing to morality.

What's next? If you are not yet lying with your face on the asphalt, then all is not lost. If they are not afraid of you, then at least they are afraid of you.

You freeze until it's thawed. Any questions are either ignored or “I don’t know you.” If suddenly it didn’t work (it didn’t work), specific attacks begin, the main thing here is to feel the edge and start pushing yourself. Best defense is attack. The universal answer: “For what purpose are you interested?”

## That's it, it's a dead end, you're in a bag.

It’s important to understand and remember: in order to make you crazy, you need a reason. Aggression without a reason is lawlessness. They are waiting for a reason from you. As long as you don't give it, you're safe.

As indicated above, do not answer any questions. As soon as you gave an answer, even the most neutral one, and later went to cancel, the type has a moral right to ask you for disrespect.

You don't have to make excuses. When until thawed. NO EXCUSES. Not answering questions like “I respect you, but...”, your “BUT” is a weakness. If you are asked further, “What are you making excuses for? Do you feel something behind you?”, then you have nothing to cover. All. Then either flight, beating, or humiliation with loss of material values.

The cycle can be repeated several times. You just stand your ground. The one who started the conversation should explain the reason. (Rusik's teapot).

The type has one reason - to find a moral reason to humiliate you. But of course he doesn’t say this openly, otherwise this would be sheer lawlessness. You are asking a question that he cannot answer, but he MUST according to his own rules. The type must observe diplomacy, and admit that the goal was to stupidly run into him, he cannot with the same moral concepts, and to retreat and leave means to admit that this was precisely the purpose of the demand from you.

By any standards, you can demand to state the reason first, or qualify this as a direct attack.

A draw on a foreign field is already a victory. If a guy doesn’t want to be considered defeated, then as a rule he has only one option - to beat you up stupidly, which automatically puts him in the camp of offenders, as well as in the category of lawbreakers, from a conceptual point of view. All he needs is to simply rise in the eyes of the Kents and his own, at the expense of your omission.

Every person has a taboo against spontaneous aggression. Even if complete thugs come up to you, they always need a reason, even the most ridiculous or far-fetched one. Here, even if you suffer physically, you will retain your dignity; you are no longer a loser, but a warrior who lost the battle, but not the war.

Torture and press huts

The lawlessness of the cops in the zone and the lawlessness in the prison are aimed at suppressing the will of the prisoners. These are criminal offenses, but it is extremely difficult to find out about them and collect evidence about such illegal actions. In the press huts, various types of torture and moral humiliation can be applied to prisoners. The history of judicial practice has recorded many cases of beatings, violence and even murders in such cells. Prisoners who are activists find in bullying other inmates a way of self-affirmation and relaxation of the regime.

Why you shouldn't be responsible for your words

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How magnificent and generous the Russian language is!

It is one of the richest languages ​​in the world. It contains about 500 thousand words. How many great works of art are written in Russian. They are known not only to our compatriots, but also abroad. And how often they use it crazy!

Do you speak simply, clearly and at the same time witty, bright, metaphorical? You are smart and a rare exception to the rule. Because they often use only a very small part of their vocabulary. The average citizen with a higher education uses approximately 10 thousand words, while erudites have a vocabulary of 50 thousand. What about filler words? They often roll off the tongue. Please note that unnecessary words are used regardless of status and intelligence. Let's remember M. Gorbachev))

Cop (garbage) lawlessness

The garbage chaos in zones and prisons lies in the excessive cruelty of the administration towards prisoners. From time to time, in the media and reports of human rights activists, you can find information about the facts of beating of prisoners and their systematic humiliation. Cop lawlessness in zones and prisons is expressed by placing prisoners in press huts or punishment cells. In prisons, press huts are created on the direct orders of the heads of closed institutions.

They house notorious scumbags who carry out orders from the administration to intimidate unwanted prisoners. For this they have some relaxations in the regime of detention. Such prisoners collaborating with prison authorities may be tacitly allowed to have mobile phones and other prohibited items. Lawlessness in Russian prisons and pre-trial detention centers is used to “extort” the necessary testimony or confession, money or personal hostility from prisoners.

Does this happen to you too?

Maybe you don't attach much importance to this? But in vain! You need to understand the essence of what was said. Have you thought about the real (read psychological) meaning of your sayings and sayings? Since these are not just unnecessary words in speech, they indicate your internal problems. In this note I want to share with you my research on this issue.

First, a real example. One of my friends used the words in everyday life: “Nightmare!” Horror!" This was his favorite sentence. He no longer noticed how appropriately and inappropriately he inserted these words. Without noticing it, he brought bad events upon himself. At first on a small scale - such as loss of documents, then it got worse and worse. And when he went to prison, he realized what real horror and nightmare was. In such a harsh way, unfortunately, his life treated him and freed him from parasitic words.

You never know such words!

I propose to analyze the true meaning of some of them.

The constantly used “as if” indicates that you perceive your life as a convention, a game, a rehearsal, and constantly compare yourself and others.

The often repeated particle “yes” speaks of your lack of self-confidence and the fact that you constantly need someone’s consent to do even something insignificant.

“Simply” - you are bringing simpleness (stagnation) into your life, or you already have it.

“And so on” - if you often say this, then you have nothing to say, or you have an impoverished vocabulary that does not give you the opportunity to describe this “and so on” in a language accessible and understandable to your interlocutor.

"Wow". Do you really think you can achieve something? And for whom, if nothing for yourself?

“About nothing” - this magnificent trinity may indicate that you are unconsciously thinking about the meaninglessness of your stay in this world. This also includes delirium (fear of madness), dregs, stupidity, etc.

What about brain drain? I hope you don't want your brains to be served on a plate, do you?

We are now talking about trash words, broken records, and in no way about expressions that are appropriate and tastefully chosen.

Who is respected in the zone?

Thieves have always occupied a special position in prisons. Almost any illegal activity related to theft allowed a person to take a worthy place in prison society. Tweezers, swindlers, thieves who commit major crimes as part of gangs were and are respected here.

People who have received an article for financial fraud, especially for crimes against government agencies and the system, are also respected. For example, in places of deprivation of liberty, persons who have committed crimes against security services are honored. They treat criminals who have committed a robbery of a bank or a cash collector's car with special respect. Blood feud is also held in high esteem in prison.

However, it should be understood that respect for a specific article is given in advance. That is, a person may lose the trust of his cellmates if time shows that there is nothing to respect him for. In the first weeks, the inmates take a closer look at the newcomer, and here it is important for him to be able to stand up for himself, possessing intelligence and character. Any manifestations of weakness can lead to the fact that cellmates will make the prisoner a six or even enroll him in the caste of the offended.

In addition, the newcomer must behave with dignity, adhere to the code of thieves - live according to the “concepts”. So, in the zone you will have to forget about your thieving habits, because here theft from your own people or from the common fund implies severe punishment.

Thus, the article under which the attacker was convicted will only matter in the first few months. During this time, he will have to prove that he deserves authority. And first of all, those who are respected here are those who do not complain about fate, behave like men and are ready to share parcels received from relatives.

Your personal benefit.

Does this information offend you (did you feel unpleasant, caused a storm of indignation, did you think that this was definitely not about you)? So the time has come for a total cleansing. You’re not a pirate to say “matchboxes”)) (trees and sticks, in short, etc.)

I offer several simple exercises that will help you make your speech clear and beautiful. And at the same time, you will influence the quality of your life, it will become rich, and you will become confident.

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