How to check a person for wanted purposes using a passport

Let's talk about the search: both missing persons and criminals. Namely: what kind of search happens, how to correctly register people on the wanted list and when it ends.

In the Russian Federation, on average, about 200 people go missing per day. Several tens of thousands per year. Most of them are found.

The reasons why people disappear are completely different:

  • these are elderly people who, due to their age-related diseases, forget where they live;
  • these are children who got lost and started playing;
  • these are criminals and delinquents, etc.

To find such people, there is a special procedure - search.

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What types of search exist in the Russian Federation?

In Russia we have a total of 5 wanted categories:

  1. The very first and most common is a local search , which is organized in a specific locality of the missing person and its surroundings.
  2. Regional , covering the region in which the missing person lived.
  3. Federal search, which covers the territory of our entire country. Announced in relation to especially dangerous criminals and repeat offenders. Including if local and regional ones did not bring any results.
  4. Interstate - applies to the territory of the CIS countries.
  5. The international search covers the whole world and is carried out with the help of the Interpol organization.

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ICPO value

The structure of the International Tracing Service includes the General Secretariat. This body is permanent.

The General Secretariat coordinates activities on an international scale and ensures that the database of wanted criminals is updated. This body is also authorized to cancel actions to search for persons due to a violation of the Interpol Charter or insufficient information.

In what cases is a citizen declared wanted?

There is a list of reasons why authorities can begin operational search activities:

  • in relation to a suspect or accused of committing a crime;
  • in relation to a missing person;
  • in relation to persons who evade military service;
  • in relation to debtors for whom there is enforcement proceedings by the Federal Bailiff Service.

Moreover, Article 65 of the Federal Law “On Enforcement Proceedings” gives the bailiff the right to put a debtor on the wanted list (including the federal one, if local regional ones have not yielded results) for a debt of more than 10,000 rubles.

It is clear that in practice, only those debtors who owe more than half a million are put on the federal wanted list. But nevertheless, the possibility of filing a federal search for a debtor for smaller amounts is also spelled out in the law

Checking an individual using the Ministry of Internal Affairs database online

The Ministry of Internal Affairs database contains information about all citizens of the Russian Federation who are on the wanted list, have a criminal record and have been charged under other charges. Access to the database is limited, but the CheckLic service, officially cooperating with the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, can provide data on the criminal records of any citizen using their passport.

To check an individual’s number in the Ministry of Internal Affairs database, you should enter the personal data of the person being checked in the appropriate fields, the system will automatically send an official request for information, after which you will see reliable information about the person being checked.

The information obtained here is updated together with the Ministry of Internal Affairs database, that is, in real time. Therefore, you can be sure that all the data you receive is current at the time you receive the report.

How to write a missing person report?

As a rule, the department has ready-made samples, since the application form is standardized. It states:

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- who is missing,

- under what circumstances (when it became known that he stopped answering phone calls, when was last seen);

It is necessary to indicate what the person was wearing.

— possible places where he could be: distant relatives, he went somewhere to some friends’ dacha.

- all contact details.

Provide as much detailed information as possible so that operational staff can quickly check. It often happens that a person just gets drunk. It is clear that the relatives are very worried and are writing a statement. If this application indicates “addresses and appearances,” it will be easier to find this person.

- a photograph of the missing person, as close as possible to the day he disappeared.

Types of search

Search activities are a whole range of measures aimed at finding missing persons or people hiding from justice. Often a person goes on the run for no apparent reason. Such people are driven by a feeling of fear or reluctance to communicate with relatives. If attempts to hide from the investigation are made by the suspect, then this fact will be taken into account when sentencing.

There are several types of search:

  1. Local. Such events are carried out in the area where the missing citizen lives or in his populated area.
  2. Regional. Assumes a wider search area. They are looking for a person within the region, region, district.
  3. Federal. In this case, the missing person is searched throughout the country. In addition, vehicles involved in fatal accidents may be put on the federal wanted list.
  4. International. If there is information that a criminal has crossed the border, he may be wanted all over the world. Law enforcement officers send leads to various countries, involving the customs service in the search. Only those criminals who have committed high-profile and major crimes are put on the international wanted list. These include politicians, hackers, and terrorists.

What is included in operational search activities?

This includes a survey of acquaintances, relatives, spouses (including former spouses), an inspection of the missing person’s home, requests to medical institutions, morgues, and work. And what is most important is establishing control over those alleged persons with whom the missing or absconding person (this applies primarily to criminals) may have contact.

Simply put, wiretapping and surveillance.

Orientations are also sent out to: the traffic police, line departments of the transport police, train stations and airports.

Who checks individuals using the Ministry of Internal Affairs database?

Often individuals go through the Ministry of Internal Affairs database when applying for employment, issuing loans, weapons licenses, obtaining visas and other things.

It is impossible to get a job with a criminal record only for certain positions that entail great responsibility, but most organizations do not hire people who previously had a criminal record, even for lower positions.

Usually, the presence of a criminal record must be indicated in the questionnaire, which is usually filled out when concluding any loan agreement or drawing up a resume for employment, but most companies have their own security service, which in any case will check the citizen for his number in the Ministry of Internal Affairs database.

Where can an ordinary citizen find out whether this or that person is wanted?

On the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the “Attention Wanted” section, where you can find out whether a person is wanted by his last name or not. A citizen can also go directly to the police if he is a relative and can prove this with documentary evidence. It’s not enough to come and say that I’m a cousin.

Only the closest relatives can make such a request to the territorial police department or to the bailiff. Relationship will have to be proven. Usually they only answer:

  • spouses (current spouses, no former spouses);
  • children;
  • adopted and natural brothers and sisters;
  • grandparents.

Useful: Mitigating circumstances - Article 61 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

What is a criminal record?

According to Article 86 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, a criminal record is a court sentence that is assigned to a citizen who has committed a crime. After the expiration of the period specified in the sentence, or by decision of the court, the criminal record is removed, but a note about the person’s participation in criminal cases remains in the databases of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Having a criminal record negatively affects a person’s future; after it, he remains with the following restrictions:

  • You cannot be elected to government bodies;
  • No right to work in public service;
  • You cannot work in law enforcement agencies;
  • It is prohibited to hold responsible positions in organizations;
  • You cannot buy or store weapons;
  • Travel abroad may be restricted;
  • You cannot serve under a contract in the Russian Army;
  • You cannot study at some universities and in some specialties;
  • Free movement within the country may be restricted.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs database contains accurate information about a person’s criminal record.


In addition to the Ministry of Internal Affairs database, you can obtain information about persons on the websites of the Federal Bailiff Service and the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate.

The FSSP website will tell you about whether a person has debts under enforcement documents, as well as about the measures taken by bailiffs, both in relation to the person and in relation to his property.

The traffic police website will allow you to obtain information about a person’s unpaid fines, as well as other administrative penalties imposed against him.

To obtain information about a person’s possible criminal record, you can also use court websites in the “Court Proceedings” section, but it is worth keeping in mind that not all categories of cases are subject to publication on the Internet.

Death on the side of the road

According to law enforcement agencies, Valery Andreev committed his crimes according to the same scheme. A truck driver offered a ride to a young woman who was walking along the road, standing at a bus stop, or voting on the side of the road. The gray-haired and seemingly good-natured man did not cause fear among his victims. But such trips ended in rape and massacre in the forest. At the same time, Andreev chose certain types of women - he preferred young and thin ones.

The Orsk maniac’s reprisals against the victims, whose remains were found in forest belts along the highways, were quickly linked by investigators into a series and began searching for suspects

On September 30, 2013, in a forest belt near the village of Dzhanatalap not far from the Orsk-Chelyabinsk highway, the remains of 18-year-old Olga Zhuravleva were found - a buried skull and bone fragments.

She went missing on June 30, 2012. At that moment, operatives interviewed witnesses, and they said that they saw the girl get into a SsangYong SUV before disappearing. The car was tracked by cameras: it turned out that it had arrived in Orsk.

Olga Zhuravleva

Photo: PSO “OrenSpas” page for the Eastern Orenburg region on VKontakte

The investigation showed that there are only two cars in the city that fit the description, and one of them is registered to Valery Andreev. According to billing data, Andreev and Zhuravleva were in the same place shortly before her disappearance. Therefore, in early July of the same 2012, the truck driver was detained and interrogated. However, at that time the investigation had no direct evidence, and the suspect was released. The maniac did not give the investigators a second chance.

Where can I find new episodes of “Wait for Me”?

The basis of the television program “Wait for Me,” known to readers, was the Soviet radio program “Looking for a Man,” which aired on Mayak radio from 1964 to 1973. Only in 1988, with the release of the program “Looking for You” on the RTR television channel, the project received a television format and began to develop rapidly. Since then, the program has changed the channel and name more than once, and now appears on the NTV channel under the name “Wait for me.”

Nowadays the television project “Wait for me” is airing on the NTV channel

Over the years of its existence, the project has helped find more than 200 thousand people. The program acquired volunteers, connections with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, acquired an international character, and even its own newspaper. Users also have access to the website of the “Wait for Me” program, which can help in finding the people we need. We will consider the features of working with it further.

Statutes of limitations on the federal wanted list

If a person has been declared missing, they will search for him until they find him. Reasons for stopping searches may be as follows:

  1. A person's body was discovered or there was indisputable evidence of his death.
  2. The citizen was declared dead through the court.

If a criminal has been put on the wanted list, the search will end when the statute of limitations expires. It all depends on the severity of the crime committed. There are the following statutes of limitations in criminal cases:

  1. For minor crimes – 2 years. We are talking about those criminal acts for which the maximum sentence is less than three years.
  2. If the attacker committed a crime of medium gravity, then the statute of limitations will be 6 years. We are talking about those acts for which a maximum penalty of 5 years of imprisonment is provided.
  3. If the criminal's actions caused major damage, he will be wanted for 10 years. The maximum penalty for serious crimes is 10 years in prison.
  4. For especially serious crimes, the statute of limitations is 15 years. These are criminal acts for which the punishment exceeds 10 years in prison.

The statute of limitations begins from the moment the crime was committed. If the attacker is not found within the allotted period of time, the criminal case is closed. Subsequently, a person cannot be held accountable for a crime for which the statute of limitations has expired. If the attacker deliberately hides from the investigation, the statute of limitations may be suspended. The countdown is restored when a suspect is detected.

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