“Moleletka” - according to concepts or according to the law, juvenile criminals live in a colony

Prison castes (“suits”)

- those who are classified as professional criminals. Next come the “criminals” (close to the “criminals”) and the “third table” (close to the “criminals”). The most numerous category of camp inmates are “boys”. This is the name given to guys who have committed the first crime in their lives and are determined to return to normal life after serving time. They do not violate the rules established by the "thieves", they do not cooperate with the administration, but, as a rule, they do not aspire to join the "thieves". Each representative of these castes can rise to the highest “suit”. Representatives of lower castes will never get such a promotion. These castes include: “forshmak” (those who committed an offense out of ignorance), “shortcutters” (always hungry, hiding bread in their pockets, finishing off pieces of food for their comrades, etc.), “shnyri” (servants), “goats” (informers ), “roosters” (passive homosexuals). However, each colony has its own variations of names and rules established for all “suits”. Perhaps, the status and names of only three “suits” remain unshakable: “thieves”, “boys” and “roosters”.

The order of production in "suit"

Each new arrival is given a “registration” in order to find out the moral qualities and status of the person. There is a rule: no admission tests can be given to a person until all the norms of behavior and traditions of the zone are explained to him. In the “youngster” zones, the tests look, according to the descriptions of experienced “inmates,” on the one hand, like an initiation ritual that exists in various primitive tribes, on the other, like an extremely cruel, but still a game. The subject is asked questions based on his wits. For example: “Why does Zhukov ride a white horse?” Correct answer: "On the ground." He may be forced to jump from the top tier of a bunk upside down to test how brave he is. If he decides to jump, his comrades will have time to stretch the blanket. Information about the newcomer received “from the outside,” his “track record,” so to speak, is also of great importance. If it becomes known that the newcomer was once “omitted,” then the most brilliant passage of “registration” will not help him. If an experienced “thieves” turns out to be in the cell, then registration is not required, honor and respect are guaranteed as is. However, any representative of the “higher castes” should keep their ears open so as not to be “let down.” It is not only the one with whom sexual intercourse was performed that is considered “lowered”; they can be “lowered” by splashing urine or touching the skin with the genital organ. In addition, you can fall into the category of “roosters” simply by unknowingly sitting at the same table with them, and even... mending your socks. The teacher can also lower him, on purpose, as a form of punishment, transferring him from a prestigious sleeping place to “devils” or “goats”, and even worse - to “roosters”.

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What awaits rapist Magomed in prison?

Butyrka (Matroska, Pyaterka, Presnya, it doesn’t matter). Shared house. About fifteen lads. Evening. The person standing on the brakes (controls the doors to the cell) shouts loudly: “Brakes! Check in to the house! The iron doors open with a clang and a young Caucasian man covered with stubble enters the cell. All attention is focused on the new guy. Have a seat. Chifirni. Where from, brother? What trouble did you come for? I am Magomed. First mover. I came to Moscow to visit relatives. While drunk, he molested a minor. Section, this and that. Touched. I thought she liked it. And she started screaming. I went along 131st. In thirty. Attempted rape of a minor. So are you conscious? Do you agree that he wanted to rape the minor? Yes. - So who the f... did you, scum, sit at the human table? Did Fanych touch (the cup) with his hands? Guys, he came up with a hairy article! I wanted to fuck the teenager. Those sitting at the table move away from Magomed. Someone disdainfully removes the cups that stood near him. Several people come from behind and stand around Magomed. The observer, a gray-haired and very thin prisoner, looks contemptuously at Magomed and slowly says: Brothers, don’t get dirty. Yes, Magomed. You're lucky, you bastard, that you didn't end up in an endless house. But you won't live here. Now you are collecting your belongings and breaking out of the hut. Still alive. - How’s that? You slam on the brakes and shout to the cops that you can’t be in the cell. Let them isolate. Otherwise, we will decide your fate ourselves. And this is blood. So I... No, I won’t. Our thieves will write to you for me. That I am mine. That you don't need to touch me. And then the looker explodes: Remember, you nit! Not a single criminal in life, not a single tramp will sign for a pedophile rapist . Understood? And you, bastard, will live in a cockpit . Until the bell. The beholder strikes first. Bitter and tough. Then a hail of blows rains down on Magomed from all sides. Everything happens in silence and only the quiet hum of the TV and the moans of the rapist are heard. A minute later, Magomed crawls to the brakes and, standing up, begins pounding with both hands and shouting “They are killing!” The door opens almost immediately. It seems that the duty officer was standing nearby and watching what was happening. He examines the quiet hut and Magomed himself, on whom there is not a single trace of blows, except for a torn sweater, and says with emphasis: Well done to you. Is your sweater torn? So, probably, he got caught on the bunk. Well, let's go, rapist, into isolation. We will save you from the lads. Magomed is taken away. And in the hut, the shnirs remove all objects that the rapist touched. The supervisor writes little things about other buildings that “Magomed, 18 years old, may come to your house. Attempted rape of a minor. In consciousness. Deal with him according to your principles and as the prisoner’s conscience dictates...” This is the prison-camp fate that awaits the rapist of the minor, Magomed, throughout his entire sentence. And the period will be quite long - six or seven years, no less. And he will live as an eternal outcast. Far from the table and close to the bucket. And further. There are no nationalities in prison or in the camp. It doesn’t matter whether you are Dagestani, Chechen, Tajik or Italian. Initially, you are a brother in misfortune. They will break bread with you and gather you to the stage with the whole world. But if you are complete scum, then you will sit like scum.

Personal position: In this case, the concepts of ZONES are more fair than our laws. This horseman will be made a girl, and even four teeth in his mouth will be knocked out, for perverted sex. And this is correct, although cruel. An eye for an eye, and that's all.

What is considered “bad” in the “youngsters”

In the zones where juvenile offenders are kept, there are a lot of different “taboos”, the violation of which threatens immediate punishment. Even the prisoners themselves don’t always know why this or that action cannot be performed, but there is only one answer: it’s a shame to do it. So, it's better not to take risks. So, it’s a shame to pick up fallen objects from the floor, especially a toothbrush and cigarettes. It is absolutely forbidden to lift soap in the bathhouse. It’s categorically “bad” not to wash your hands after using the toilet, and the point here is not only about hygiene, but also about the fact that the hand that touched the genitals becomes, as it were, “ritually unclean,” desecrating everything it touches. In the bathhouse you should use two washcloths, one to wash the body above the waist, the other below. The “thieves” eat black bread with tea, and especially dry bread. By the way, “youngsters” amaze with a number of strange “food taboos”. So, you can’t eat sausage, it looks like a man’s penis. Lard too, since the pig was “paraffinized” (impregnated) with the smell of sewage, the bread is raised by communists, so it is also “bad”, the chicken was trampled by the rooster, and so on. Of course, these rules were not followed everywhere and not always, but sometimes they served as a reason for finding fault with the person they intended to “put down.” In some colonies, young prisoners refuse to eat barley porridge, since chaff is “rooster food,” and cabbage is “goat food.” While eating, you need to make sure that the last spoon does not touch the bottom of the plate; there should always be something left at the bottom, otherwise they will be considered “not enough” (aka “gut fornication”). And finally, “zapadlo” is everything that is red. Red is the color of Soviet power, and power is the enemy of all “thieves” and “right boys.” Not a single correct convict in the “youngster” will ever pick up a red object in his hands. You couldn’t even smoke Prima cigarettes, because they came in a red pack. If someone’s mother comes on a date wearing a red jacket or a red scarf, the prisoner is obliged to refuse the date. However, after 1991 this taboo disappeared along with the “red power”.

A little boy found a machine gun - no one else lives in that house

The story of a girl in a juvenile colony

Remember: “A little boy found a machine gun - no one else lives in that house...”

The boys and I found a pistol in a ravine. It was cool, after that our game began to bring real real income... At home they didn’t give us a penny of money, everything we had acquired through honest and dishonest “labor” was quickly drunk away, so we were constantly looking for somewhere to steal something to sell to Vitka the huckster.

And I came up with this method because I lived with my boyfriends for a long time, and I knew that I was beautiful. In the evening we went out onto the road outside our village. I stood near the road. Foot forward. The young, white knee glowed in the dark (by the way, I never sunbathed, because this is all city nonsense). The body must be white, then any man will fall for it. And they carried on, and how!

Almost every car, if the man was alone, stopped near me, but I didn’t get into every car... I didn’t need sex or hitchhiking so I could get there and not have to pay. I needed the man's tchotchkes and his money.

During the time that we “earned money” like this, more than once I had to work “for this”, and then lie on the road while my boys found me, so I somehow quickly learned to determine whether it was a Chukhonian who was attracted to me or a normal guy with real money. . I have never been stupid, and I got my appearance from my granny - that’s who turned the men around as he wanted. If I lived with my grandmother, I would roll around like cheese in butter, and I would hardly end up in a colony, although, to be fair...

Village ballet (1 part)

Just imagine the picture: a girl is sitting on a stone, and when the headlights illuminate her, you can see that the girl is blowing on her knee and crying, poor thing, it hurts.... The car stops, and I look - should the boys shout or can I work with the man. Yeah, a normal guy, I start working: ...I supposedly only have to walk to the neighboring village, but, unfortunately, I sprained my leg, it hurts to walk...

Accordingly, the man carefully puts me in his car and carefully tells me that I didn’t cry (it hurts). And my face is tear-stained, my eyes are green with specks, my lips are like a bow... Shine! Our other village is about 80 kilometers away, so it takes us a long time to drive, we talk about everything, different things, and I tell them what kind of drunkards my parents are, in short, I lay out the whole truth... Guys, they are like radars, when you start to drive a blizzard, they immediately sense , but I’m telling the truth... His voice trembles, his eyes fill with tears, and here he is, poor fellow, stopping the car.

The boys and I had everything figured out, so around the next turn our village would again be visible (if it weren’t for the night), and the guys were all in the bushes by the road and with cameras (we later bought a camera from Vitka). The man begins to console me, then more and more, and then the harassment comes, so that, that means, he can comfort an orphan deprived of the joys of life to the end (excuse me, his end..). And as soon as he took off my panties, and his..., it’s clear that my guys appear... And let’s take pictures of him, in all kinds, but I can’t get rid of him anymore, I’m “afraid” of these guys ! The guys pull us out into the light of day, under the headlights, I scream, they say, don’t leave me, you’re a man. And the guys said to him: Just throw away the money and spend it while we have fun with her. And they play with a pistol like that...

Believe it or not, not a single man stood up for me. There are four guys, all healthy, why get involved?

The guy will pay the money and quickly get into the car to leave, but I squeal, I’m finishing my role, and I stuff my panties deeper into his glove compartment. The guys will look at his license and take a photo so they don’t get caught by him a second time. Later we even got a file cabinet on our computer (we also bought it from Vitka).

Village ballet (part 2)

Finding a man based on labor rights is not a problem, but if he is rich and married, then here comes the second part of our “ballet.” We find his phone number, call and offer to send my wife photos of him making out with me. The man is trying to threaten us: I will tell you, etc., etc. And we sent a letter to his business address... And somehow the men immediately withered and began to bargain. We didn’t get impudent, we took so much that it was good for us and it wasn’t too expensive for the man. This is where we parted.

“Beautifully, we entered his sinful life... Beautifully, we left it...” - a good song.. But this is not about the time when I went to the colony. That guy suddenly started defending me (he fell in love with me, just like that, it happened at first sight, damn it). We all played out the script, everything was as always, but the guy stuck to me, and none of his threats were of any use. He went at the guys with his bare hands, they threatened him with a gun, and he waved his arms in response. If only he were healthy, otherwise you’d be “snotty,” well, Sashka shot foolishly. They were thinking in the air, and the man suddenly fell, grabbed me by the hand, explained in love that he had been waiting for me all his life, then he got on his knees and the guys: “Let the girl go, I ask Christ God, let me go. Take the car, the money, they’re lying there at my house, but let the girl go...” I was so angry, I felt like I’d punch him in the face!

And he told me: “I’m sorry, dear, I didn’t protect you, I didn’t have time, just remember that I fell in love with you at first sight...”. And I died, can you imagine?! What a bastard!!!

A week later the cops came for us, and they tied everyone up for the gun. The gun turned out to be a cop's, they killed someone with it, and they took us under it. Now I’m in the colony for now, then I’ll go to the zone when I’m older. And my guys have been worrying for two years already, and for no reason, for some wimp who was killed with an unnecessary pistol! Why did we take that gun, let it lie...

I was talking about airplanes

If the above-mentioned traditions and taboos have at least some explanation, then there were customs among the “youngsters” that did not lend themselves to any interpretation at all. These oddities can be explained only by one thing: they were born from senseless and cruel, but childish games. How, other than a game, can one explain such a custom, for example: a new arrival in the zone on the evening of the first day had to climb onto the bars and shout: “Prison, prison, give me a chase, but not a simple one, but a thieves’ one!” So the newcomer hung on the grid until he was given a nickname. At the same time, it was necessary to be on guard, since they could offer, for example, the sonorous word “quantus” as a nickname. Out of ignorance, the newcomer agreed, and thus became the bearer of a nickname meaning a stick for cleaning a latrine. Even more senseless was this custom: if a plane flies by, you had to immediately hide under the table, and in other colonies, you also had to put a bowl on your head, no matter whether there was still gruel there or not. The plane also became a problem for those who went to relieve themselves. If the need was great, then you had to stay in the toilet until another plane flew over. Knowledgeable people made an airplane out of paper, launched it, and this served as permission to get off the shock. Most of these customs and taboos existed in the colonies in the 70s and 80s. Nowadays, the etiquette of “youngsters” has become somewhat simpler.

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Children under 14 years of age are considered minors. Russian legislation, for the purposes of, for example, determining legal capacity, appointing guardianship and determining guarantees upon termination of an employment contract, recognizes children under 14 years of age as minors (clause 1 of article 28 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation; part 4 of article 261 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation; clause 1 Article 2 of the Law of April 24, 2008 N 48-FZ).

In criminal legislation, when resolving this issue, legal uncertainty arises due to the presence of unrelated concepts “minor”, ​​“minor under 14 years of age”, “person under 12 years of age”. The term “minor” is used when talking about circumstances that mitigate or aggravate the punishment of the person who committed the crime. So, for example, a mitigating circumstance is recognized as the presence of young children with the perpetrator (clause “d”, part 1 of Article 61, clause “h”, part 1 of Article 63, clause “c”, part 2 of Art. 105, paragraph “b”, part 2 of Article 111, paragraph “c”, part 2 of Article 112, paragraph “b”, part 2 of Article 245 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). Two other concepts are used when it comes to crimes against the sexual integrity of minors (part 1 of article 57, paragraph “a” of part 1 of article 73, paragraph “e” of part 3 of article 79, part 4 of article 80, part 1 of article 82, clause “e”, part 1 of article 97, clause “b”, part 4 of article 131, part 3 of article 134, part 2 of article 135 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation) . In relation to a person under 12 years of age, the legislation specifies that this person, as a victim, is in a helpless state due to his age. At the same time, judicial practice explains that the helpless state of the injured person due to age characterizes a minor or an elderly person (note to Article 131 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation; paragraph 5 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated December 4, 2014 N 16). At the same time, in the statistical card for the identified crime, when describing the characteristics of the victims, a minor is understood to be a person under 14 years of age (Appendix No. 4 to the Order of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, the Ministry of Justice of Russia, the FSB of Russia, the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia dated December 29. 2005 N 39/1070/1021/253/780/353/399). Also, the legislation regulating the procedure for criminal proceedings provides that if the convicted person has a young child, the execution of the sentence may be deferred until the child reaches the age of 14 years. From this provision we can conclude that minors include children under 14 years of age (clause 2, part 1, article 398 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation). Thus, the concept of “minor” both in criminal and civil legislation coincides and a minor child is considered a minor who has not reached the age of 14 years.

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