Both candidates of science and cleaners steal. How supermarket security guards catch shoplifters

Both candidates of science and cleaners steal. How supermarket security guards catch shoplifters

The buyer is always right, even if for some reason it is more convenient for him to carry the goods in his pocket rather than in the basket. The staff and security have only one thing left to do - unobtrusively accompany the client to the cash register, leaving him the opportunity to pay for the purchase. It happens that they were not going to pay.

Security guards at Slutsk and Soligorsk supermarkets told Kur'er about the shoplifters they had caught.

Nothing is alien to a PhD

An elderly man in the trading floor of a hypermarket in Slutsk stuffed a can of coffee and a bottle of vodka into his bosom and walked out without paying.

The guards saw this on the CCTV monitor. When they began to investigate, the man showed his PhD diploma. Despite his scientific merits, the man was taken to the police department.

Free Women's Shopping Day

A 20-25 year old girl in the same Slutsk shopping center robbed three stores in one visit: she stole a hairdryer from a supermarket, shoes from a shoe store, and stole a third item from an electronics store.

The thief was noticed some time later on CCTV footage. The police were looking for her.

Children need an eye and an eye

Four schoolchildren took boxes of headphones from a stand in a store, supposedly to look, and then put back the empty boxes and left. The next day, two security guards with printed screenshots of recordings from CCTV cameras walked around Slutsk schools. A social worker from one of the schools recognized her students. Then the police took care of the children.

The cleaning lady's genius scheme

Thefts are committed not only by customers, but also by their employees. Security guard of the Soligorsk shopping center Vladimir exposed the restaurant cleaner who was stealing dishes.

The cleaning lady had a special cart on which she carried a mop, a bucket of detergent and a bucket of rinse water.

One day, a security guard noticed on CCTV footage that a cleaning lady took five porcelain plates and immersed them in a bucket of cleaning liquid. Then I washed the stairs and went to clean the public toilet for visitors. In the toilet, I emptied the plates from the bucket into a garbage bag and took them out along with the trash. “I think this was not an isolated incident,” says Vladimir. “And at home she put together a complete set for herself.” The restaurant broke up with this employee. But she only compensated for the damage that we could prove.”

Stuffed 20 chocolate bars into his pockets

According to the security guards of the Soligorsk Green supermarket, sometimes a person’s passion for thievery cannot be comprehended - they take so much that it bulges out of their pockets. Just recently, a man was detained at the cash register line, and they began to watch him on the sales floor. He was hiding something in his jacket and trouser pockets. During the search, 20 chocolate bars and two packages of chocolates were taken out of the pockets.

Another Soligorka resident “accidentally” put it in her bag and forgot to pay for stationery, food, and souvenirs in the amount of 84 rubles at the checkout. The product was confiscated and returned to the sales area.

Not a thief, but also an interesting person

This year, CCTV cameras in the Green hypermarket captured a strange man. He walked behind the young woman. When she stopped at the racks and selected an item, the man behind her leaned over to the bottom shelf and took photos of her underwear with his cell phone. The security guards identified the “photographer” and passed his information on to the police.

One man had to blush for his wife, who took a bar of soap out of the store. In another store, two men decided to drink expensive cognac in the middle of the sales floor.

Thieves are getting into our wallets

Zhanna Samoilenko , head of the StroyMARKET store in Slutsk, says that in their retail network, the security service, together with the local inspector, investigates almost all cases of theft.

“In our store there are video cameras installed along the entire perimeter and rows,” notes the interlocutor. “Even if the security guard did not notice the moment of the theft and the thief left the store, sooner or later he can be identified. Video camera recordings are regularly reviewed by the security service. And if it captures the moment of theft, we contact the local police officer. Then a criminal case is initiated, and photographs depicting the suspect are duplicated: one remains with the store employees, the second with the district police officer.”

As a rule, the thief has to reimburse the cost of the stolen goods and pay a fine, which is at least 210 rubles. Also, a store representative has the right to file a claim for compensation for moral damages. Therefore, a stolen bar of soap can cost a considerable amount.

“Decent and wealthy people who can afford to buy whatever their heart desires often turn out to be dishonest,” Zhanna Samoilenko marvels. “But they probably just want to steal.”

Recently a family came to the StroyMARKET store - a husband, wife and child. After some time, the security guard, looking at the CCTV footage, noticed how the woman unpacked a box of soap and put several pieces in her bag.

Later, the head of the family came to do some shopping and was invited to talk in the security room. The man was shocked that his wife stole the soap. He explained that their family lives in abundance and that he did not even suspect what had happened.

Both pensioners and children get caught stealing. There was a case when a grandmother refused to buy a calculator for her grandson and he decided to carry it through the cash register. Before the New Year holidays, several guys wanted to take out fireworks, but they were also stopped.

Older citizens are more likely to try to steal socks and toothpaste. Some of them complain about low pensions, others have nothing to say in their defense.

“But the cost of the stolen goods has to be reimbursed to the store employees. That’s why thieves get into our wallets,” sums up the store manager.

Eating cutlets on the sales floor

Slutsk youth have such a concept as “go to Mayak”. The guys arrive at about 17:00 and stay here until closing.

“At first glance, there is nothing wrong with this. However, about a hundred children gather, and they don’t behave very well,” says Sergei Nikolaevich, administrator of the Mayak shopping center. — They disturb customers, block the aisles and make noise. In the toilet, teenagers used to break down the doors and unwind rolls of toilet paper.”

There are cases when young people behaved obscenely near the Mayak, smoking or drinking alcohol. The administration of the shopping center contacted the education department so that specialists could conduct conversations with teachers and parents. Therefore, this issue is already being resolved.

As for theft, small goods are stolen more often. Moreover, people who live in abundance often commit thefts.

It happens that a woman takes a chocolate bar from a shelf, unpacks it and treats it to her child on the sales floor.

Some of the Belmarket visitors weigh a cutlet in the finished products department, and then eat it in the middle of the hall. It turns out that you don’t have to pay for the goods at the checkout, because they are no longer there.

“I remember an incident when two men came to the supermarket. In the sales area, they drank some of the expensive cognac from the bottle, screwed on the cap and put it back in place,” the interlocutor recalls. “While watching the video footage, we noticed the offenders and contacted the police.”

Sergei Nikolaevich had experience working in a hypermarket in Soligorsk. As he notes, many times more miners stole in the capital. In the security room, the entire wall was covered with photographs of people who went to steal as a job.

There was a case when a woman hid four sticks of sausage in the sleeves of her mink coat. When the guards stopped her, the lady offered to pay three times more for the sausage, as long as the store employees did not call the police.

What threatens a shoplifter?

“The amount stolen is important. If the value of the goods stolen in a store is less than 10 basic units, then the person’s actions are regarded as petty theft. This is an administrative offense. He faces a fine of 10 to 30 basic units or administrative arrest for up to 15 days,” Vitaly Protasenya , deputy head of the Slutsk ROSC, told Kur’er. - If the amount exceeds 10 basic, we are talking about a criminal offense - theft. Punishment includes a fine, correctional labor and even imprisonment for up to three years.”

The actions of a person who secretly stole goods, but did not take them out of the store and was detained, are regarded as attempted theft.

If a citizen is stopped by a security guard, and he rushes to run away with stolen goods, then this is already regarded as robbery. And the cost of what was stolen no longer plays a role.

Every year, the Slutsk ROSC initiates about 15 criminal cases regarding thefts and robberies in stores.

REFERENCE. According to UNESCO, the retail industry worldwide loses over $10 billion annually in theft. It is clear that at the moment it is impossible to completely eliminate theft, so trade is forced to create security services and spend money on modern surveillance systems that help identify thieves.

Groups of shopper thieves

All shopper thieves can be divided into several main groups:

  • professionals who make a living by stealing. They steal more expensive goods to order or resell the stolen items themselves to buyers;
  • children (school age and students). Most often they need sweets or souvenirs. They can eat candy, ice cream or chips right in the store without paying;
  • shoplifters. Stealing is entertainment for them. They show off photos of misappropriated goods and share their impressions on the Internet;
  • Kleptomaniacs. They steal repeatedly and get pleasure from their actions;
  • thieves in an inadequate and insane state (drunk or under the influence of drugs). They are the easiest to spot.

Order for Celentano

After Klim was crowned, Turikela had no rival thieves left in Novosibirsk. But in the city at the beginning of the 2000s, the organized criminal group (OCG) of Alexander Trunov operated - one of the largest and most powerful in Siberia. The Trunovskys (according to various estimates, from 200 to 300 people) were involved in racketeering and money laundering.

A separate unit of the organized crime group - a team of killers led by Anatoly Radchenko, nicknamed Celentano - specialized in contract killings

However, Turikela was not afraid of all this. The thief in law told the Trunovskys that they are obliged to deduct money from their dark deeds for the maintenance of prisoners serving their sentences.

In addition, Turikela explained to the bandits that money was also needed to support various criminal structures, including the institution of thieves in law. However, the Trunovskys were not convinced by the Georgian’s agility. According to some sources, they regarded his words as extortion, according to others, they decided to simply remove the insolent man.

Head of the organized crime group Alexander Trunov (left) and killer Anatoly Radchenko (Celentano)

Photo: from the criminal case materials

Finally, according to the third version, the decrowned Klim, whom the group considered one of their own, asked the “Trunovskys” to liquidate Turikela. The leader of the organized crime group Trunov asked his best killer Celentano not only to kill Turikela, but to do it brightly and demonstrably, turning the liquidation into an act of intimidation.

The murder was supposed to take place on the night of July 30, 2000 - Turikela’s birthday, which he celebrated at his mistress’s dacha in the village of Nizhnyaya Kamenka. The thief in law’s partners in dangerous business from all over Western Siberia gathered there.

The most honored guest - 40-year-old authority Bagrad Gelashvili, nicknamed Zaza - Turikela seated at the head of the table

The guests, carried away by the feast, did not pay attention to the car that stopped near the country house. A man who came out (he was the killer Celentano) aimed five shots through the window at Zazu, whom he mistook for Turikela, and then fled in a car. The wounds became fatal for Zaza - he later died in the hospital.

After this, Turikela decided not to tempt fate and left Novosibirsk for a while, moving to Kemerovo. However, even there the thief in law did not settle down, but instead constantly moved between different cities, in each of which he had his own interests.

How to deal with shoplifting?

To minimize theft from customers, the following measures should be taken:

  • ensuring good lighting in the room;
  • elimination of poorly visible places by installing special mirrors;
  • installation of video surveillance systems that allow monitoring not only cash register areas, but also the entire trading floor;
  • installation of frames at the exit from the store and in the checkout area;
  • training staff in basic theft deception schemes.

A few practical tips can protect you from theft:

  • when meeting customers after greeting them, you should try to establish eye contact with them;
  • you need to especially watch out for store visitors in baggy clothes who move chaotically through the departments;
  • it is better to use price tags that are difficult to re-stick;
  • products should be checked for compliance with their barcodes;
  • You should not place expensive goods close to the entrance; it is better to place them in closed display cases equipped with additional security sensors;
  • It is necessary to count the items that customers try on, and be sure to check the contents of easy-to-open product packages.


If material losses from theft exceed established standards, most store owners deduct the shortfall from employee salaries. The loss rate depends on the type of store and the goods sold there and can vary from 1 to 5% of turnover.

Some owners try to reward staff to prevent theft.

If you are interested in preventing theft from your store and would like to justify your actions from the point of view of the law, our company’s experienced lawyers will help you with this. Contact us through the website or call the numbers provided.

“He constantly threatened detectives”

In Moscow, Mamuka met fellow countrymen well known in the criminal world, who were both older and more authoritative than him. According to some reports, the fugitive carried out several simple orders from Akaki Bilanishvili (Kako Sagarejoisky) and through him contacted one of the most influential Georgian thieves of that time, Tristan Sichinava (Goro Tristan).

In the files of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, this man was listed among the ten most authoritative thieves in law throughout Russia.

However, there is information that Goro Tristan met Mamuka without any intermediaries, became his curator and helped him acquire a Russian passport

In 1997, in one of the Moscow restaurants, it was Goro Tristan and two other Georgian thieves who crowned Mamuka: from now on he was called Mamuka of Kakheti, or Turikela. Soon after this, the newly-minted holder of the thieves' title left the capital. He actively participated in the struggle of his patron Tristan for control over Kemerovo enterprises and businessmen.

Thief in law Tristan Sichinava (Goro Tristan)

Photo: Prime Crime

It was in the Kemerovo region that Goro Tristan repeatedly served prison terms and had support from both Georgian and local criminals. Therefore, Turikela moved to Novosibirsk and began to carry out orders from his boss, spreading his criminal influence to Western Siberia.

On November 4, 1999, Turikela first appeared in the media after Major Sergei Filippov, the head of the anti-banditry department of the West Siberian Regional Organized Crime Control Department, was killed in the center of Novosibirsk.

A policeman was waiting for a tram at a stop on Karl Liebknecht Street when a killer approached him and shot him twice in the head with a Makarov pistol

Investigators established that Filippov was dealing with Caucasian authorities from Tristan’s group. Shortly before his death, he seized counterfeit vodka from an Armenian businessman, and he promised the policeman problems with Turikela. On November 7, three days after Filippov’s murder, police detained the thief in law and found a live grenade in his possession.

During his arrest, the thief in law constantly threatened the detectives and even said the following phrase: “Soon I will be released and will make meat out of you.”

from Novokuznetsk media publications about the detention of Turikela

However, on November 10, Turikela was released: the regional prosecutor's office released him on his own recognizance. On the same day, at the entrance of one of the residential buildings in Novokuznetsk, a native of Armenia was found with a bullet through his head - the alleged killer who shot Major Filippov.

As local media wrote, this was a kind of “gift” to the operatives from thieves in law for Police Day - it was celebrated on November 10. It was impossible to interrogate the dead “gift”, but investigators established that the murdered man had previously worked for Turikela. Then they decided to interrogate the thief in law, but by that time he had gone on the run again.

Thief in law Mamuka Shubitidze (Turikela, or Mamuka of Kakheti)

Photo: Prime Crime

[edit] See also

  • Promotion
  • Market
  • Freebie
[ + ]

1) Shoplifting (completely prohibited in Russia) 2) ??????? 3) PROFIT!

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Employee theft: what to do in such a situation?

It is quite difficult to find honest and principled people who would not take someone else’s property under any circumstances. Especially if this is not the property of a specific person, but of a large store.


The possibility of theft by sellers of a retail outlet depends on whether appropriate conditions have been created for this. Some cashiers are calm about a blank check and do not consider it theft, but perceive it as compensation for difficult work.

There are many ways to steal from store personnel. These include:

  • special errors in the acceptance process;
  • sale of “unaccounted for” products or goods at an inflated cost;
  • re-taping tags or barcodes;
  • appearance of extra goods on the receipt. After the customer leaves, the cashier cancels the check and takes the difference;
  • applying discounts for yourself. The buyer purchases the goods without discounts, and the seller takes the difference;
  • selling an additional product without a receipt;
  • theft during loading or unloading;
  • special damage to product packaging and write-off of perishable products ahead of time;
  • collusion with suppliers and purchasing goods at inflated prices, through counterfeiting, and fraudulent returns.

How to deal with employee theft?

To ensure that store employees do not engage in theft, a certain atmosphere should be created in the team. People must understand that stealing is not only shameful, but also fraught with criminal liability.

In order to be able to constantly monitor the sales floor and warehouse premises, you need to install CCTV cameras there. This will help track suspicious transactions and identify fraud by unscrupulous cashiers.

Everything necessary should be done to ensure that there are no unnecessary items and papers at the cashier’s workplace. Setting up access rights in the cash register program will help you control the activities of employees.

Violations of cash handling rules must not be allowed. Management should provide training, talk about penalties for theft and other legal nuances. It would not be superfluous to use a secret shopping system.

Responsibility for shoplifting

Depending on the composition and amount of the stolen goods, the law provides for a certain age of responsibility for committing shoplifting. According to Art. 7.27 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation administrative sanction, in accordance with Part 1 of Art. 2.3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, applies from the age of 16. After committing an administrative offense, the Commission on Minors' Affairs takes into account the specific circumstances of the case, as well as the identity of the offender aged 16 to 18 years, and may release him from administrative liability in accordance with Part 2 of Art. 2.3 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. If a minor thief has not reached 16 years of age, then his parents may be prosecuted under Art. 5.35 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and be fined from 100 to 500 rubles.

Part 2 art. 20 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation allows for criminal liability for theft from a store from the age of 14. A guilty person can be released from punishment only in case of mental retardation.

Bullet for a policeman

One of those with whom Mamuka communicated in the early years of his criminal career was thief in law Akaki Davituliani (Kakula), who was involved in drug trafficking from Azerbaijan. Kakula’s house was located next to the path along which drug couriers secretly walked from the Azerbaijani side. True, as a result of his business, the thief in law himself became a drug addict.

One day Mamuka turned to Kakula with a request to resolve the difficult issue of dividing spheres of influence in the area that the latter controlled

But he was under the influence of drugs and could not help. Then Mamuka turned to other authorities, showed them the state of Kakula and asked them to resolve his issue.

These authorities noted the young man’s zeal, desire to do everything “according to the rules” and respect for elders. From that moment on, Mamuka began to be recommended as a person with whom one could do business. And on December 28, 1992, he was detained by Georgian police for car theft, and a firearm was found on the bandit.

Photo: Anatoly Rukhadze, Alexander Saakov / TASS

By some miracle, Mamuka was able to avoid prison: it was rumored that it was not without a bribe. But the corruption of individual police officers ultimately cost the life of one of their colleagues: on September 20, 1993, Mamuka shot and killed an employee of the Georgian Ministry of Internal Affairs with a pistol when he stood in his way. There are no details of this crime in open sources.

Be that as it may, Mamuka was immediately put on the wanted list, but he managed to escape from Georgia and move to Russia

Soon he settled with his fellow countrymen in Moscow: at that moment, Georgian authorities actively participated in the raging criminal wars and took control of the capital's markets. Somehow, Mamuka, who was on the wanted list, managed to obtain a Russian passport in the name of David Baratashvili and began a new life.


  • 1 Facts and figures
  • 2 Who steals from stores
  • 3 How to bully a product 3.1 Do you need it?
  • 3.2 Internal barriers, conscience and cockroaches in the brain
  • 3.3 Equipment and the right time to raid
  • 3.4 Process
  • 3.5 Observation of anon from the outside and nuances
  • 4 Security systems
      4.1 Acoustomagnetic gates
  • 4.2 RF gate
  • 4.3 Electromagnetic gates
  • 5 Safety precautions and small tips
  • 6 Trolling
  • 7 Five heroes of shoplifting
  • 8 Links
  • 9 See also
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