Childhood alcoholism is a negative social phenomenon that needs to be combated not only at the level
Expert activity When solving various cases arising in investigative and judicial practice, an important role
Having illegally entered someone else's house, a person will be required to answer before the law. Penalized for this
There are many different crimes for which liability is established in the provisions of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
Updated July 24, 2021 313 Author: Dmitry Petrov Hello, dear readers of the blog. Pursuit
ST 266 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. 1. Poor quality repairs of vehicles, communications, signaling devices or
What is it? Interrogation is an investigative procedure conducted to obtain information,
Reclassification of a case is a change from one crime to another, involving either a milder,
Last updated - March 2021 Almost every day, law enforcement agencies register reports of missing people.
ST 264.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Driving a car, tram or other mechanical vehicle by a person