Step-by-step instructions for debt repayment + personal experience
Money lent to friends and acquaintances is not always returned on time. Most often your own funds
Motive and purpose of the crime. Affect and its criminal legal significance
Motive and purpose of the crime The subjective side of the crime is, as is known, the mental attitude of the person
Road accident causing grievous bodily harm, characteristics, punishment
No driver is immune from being involved in a traffic accident. And if the result is
The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation established the procedure for reconciliation in court
What's happened? The Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation supported at the meeting the draft resolution “On approval of the Regulations
Slander and deliberately false denunciation: differences in crimes and liability
Deliberately false denunciation is one of the forms of dissemination of information that can cause significant damage
How to behave if a police officer asks to see documents
According to sociological studies conducted annually in Russia, many citizens are classified as employees
Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated October 16, 2009 N 19 (as amended on June 11, 2020) “On judicial practice in cases of abuse of official powers and abuse of official powers”
Conditional early release under Article 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
In the colonies of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia today a huge number of people convicted under articles are serving their sentences
Article 335. Violation of the statutory rules of relations between military personnel in the absence of subordination relations between them
Commentary to Art. 335 of the Criminal Code 1. The objective side of this composition is the violation
Statement of claim for child support for an adult child
It is well known that in the event of a parent leaving the family, where there are also
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