Kidnapping and features of such a crime, types, how to protect yourself from it

Kidnapping has recently become one of the most common crimes.

This is mainly done for selfish purposes, for example, children of wealthy parents or high-ranking officials are often kidnapped in order to receive a ransom. But the reason can be both jealousy and revenge.

Now such a criminal act has received its own term - kidnapping and is criminally punishable. What is kidnapping and how much do they pay for kidnapping in 2021?

Criminal legal characteristics

What is kidnapping?
Kidnapping is an action involving the capture, movement, or detainment of a person.

Every citizen living in a state is potentially free. This freedom, among other things, implies the possibility of independently determining the place of one’s stay and residence.

An adult capable person can move only at his own request .

Violation of this condition, which results in the forced capture of a person, is regarded as kidnapping from the point of view of the law.


In reality, everything is much more serious. For the abduction of children, if the culprits have been found, the violator is additionally deprived of his work position (applied to social workers and citizens who help adopt stolen children) with a subsequent ban on conducting certain activities. In addition, kidnapping itself is rare in its pure form. And violators are tried simultaneously under several articles. This means that the punishment will be more severe.


Options for defining kidnapping


- this is “a socially dangerous deliberate action aimed at removing a person from his place of permanent residence and forcibly detaining him in a place unknown to loved ones and law enforcement agencies.”

Arrested kidnappers in Rio de Janeiro lie on the ground

However, not all experts include the inaccessibility and unknown location of detention among the necessary signs of kidnapping. Thus, the authors of two books of commentaries to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation define kidnapping as follows: “the kidnapping of a person involves his capture and moving to another place against the will of the victim. This is usually associated with the subsequent retention of the abducted person in captivity” and “kidnapping as a criminal act includes two elements: kidnapping and deprivation of liberty, which are in an ideal combination, since kidnapping is also a deprivation of liberty.” In the Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of May 17, 2000, kidnapping is understood as unlawful intentional actions involving the secret or open taking (capture) of a living person, removal from his place of permanent or temporary residence, followed by detention against his will in another place.

Legal experts are still arguing about the necessary and sufficient signs of kidnapping, and research articles and dissertations are being defended on this topic.

Types of abductions that have their own name

  • Bride kidnapping is the practice of bride kidnapping and forced marriage, common in the Caucasus, Ethiopia and other countries where similar customs persist.
  • “Tiger kidnapping” is the abduction of a hostage in order to force a relative or close person to commit certain actions, for example, taking a child hostage in order to force a store owner to open a safe. The term comes from long-term observation of tigers hunting in the wild.
  • Express kidnapping is one of the modern types of kidnapping for the purpose of obtaining a quick ransom from the relatives of the kidnapped person, contact with whom is usually carried out by telephone. Distributed mainly in Latin America.

Why is kidnapping done?

At one time, such actions were committed only against adults. But the kidnappers also switched to children, because sometimes they can get a larger ransom. Criminals always have a certain motive for committing such acts. Children are most often kidnapped in order to blackmail their parents or relatives. Sometimes they demand money, sometimes to perform some actions in order to sell a person. Sometimes babies are kidnapped for subsequent sale to new parents. Such sales are most often secret. That is, the child’s new parents are not even aware that he was kidnapped. The criminal kidnaps the child and then gives him to new parents, receiving a good monetary reward for this.

Parents think that they are paying a fee, for example, for adoption or something like that, but they cannot even imagine what they are actually giving their money for. And that this child was not abandoned at all, but on the contrary, they were looking for him. But it always seems that this can happen to anyone, but not here and now.

Motives and goals

As already mentioned, the abduction of a child (or an adult) is purposeful. Almost always this action is performed for selfish purposes, for profit. But what is most common in practice?

Theft may be carried out for subsequent resale of the citizen. Human trafficking is widespread underground in many countries. So that no one looks for or suspects the sellers, they are engaged in kidnappings. Even the Hague Convention is not a threat to kidnappers. She is known to protect the rights of people, and children in particular.

In addition, there is the receipt of material or property benefits from relatives (parents, friends, family members, acquaintances) of the abducted person. In this case, the kidnappers make certain demands for the release of the captive. The most common crime is kidnapping for ransom. They demand a certain amount of money to return a person. This is perhaps the most common case.

Next is the extraction of any intangible benefit. For example, the abduction of a child may be committed with the aim of demanding the resignation of parents from certain positions. Intangible benefits are also not so rare. Therefore, you shouldn’t be surprised. It is usually combined with a ransom.

Another option is not so much human trafficking as the sale of a child to potential new parents. Very often, such abductions occur in relation to newborn children or very young children. People who are unable to have a child in principle, or those who have lost one, as well as those who are unable to give birth to a healthy person, are willing to pay for the adoption of a newborn. Or just a healthy baby. Therefore, sometimes the abduction of a child has a motive for resale, but hidden. Prospective guardians pay kidnappers for, say, adoption fees, but have no idea that the baby has been kidnapped.

Types of kidnapping

Kidnapping can be roughly divided by purpose.

  • The most common purpose of kidnapping is to obtain material rewards for them. If it is provided, as a rule, the abducted person is in no danger. The controversial point in this case is the assistance of law enforcement agencies. If criminals become aware that special services are involved in the case, the risk of harm to the abducted person increases significantly. Therefore, the ransom is often handed over according to the clear instructions of the kidnappers, without recourse to the assistance of official guardians of order. This is especially the case if the kidnapped person is a child. Parents are very afraid to risk the health of their beloved child and are ready to do anything to quickly return him home under their care. However, even in the case of resigned submission to the demands of the attackers, there remains the risk of additional blackmail, deception on the part of criminals, etc.
  • It is quite common for a child to be kidnapped by one parent from another. This often happens after a divorce or a serious disagreement, separation, etc. In a certain sense, this type of kindnapping is the safest for a child. Often such situations cannot be resolved without the court and the assistance of bailiffs.
  • A fairly common goal of kidnapping is revenge - personal or professional, blackmail. In this case, children are often the victims, since the abduction of a child can cause the most severe pain to his loved ones and force him to comply with any demands in the shortest possible time.
  • The most vile purpose of kidnapping is sexual assault. Acting out someone's perverted sexual fantasies leaves the victim emotionally traumatized, especially if the kidnapped person is a child. Unfortunately, there are frequent cases of physical injury and even deprivation of life to abducted persons. If there is even the slightest suspicion that the purpose of kidnapping is sexual violence, then the alarm must be sounded immediately. It’s hardly worth sitting and waiting for the kidnapper’s call in the hope that he will demand a ransom, especially if one day has already passed. Contacting law enforcement services must be immediate.
  • There are cases when kidnapping was carried out with the aim of selling children from intact families to childless ones.
  • The most dangerous purpose of kidnapping is the sale of the internal organs of a kidnapped person.
  • Also, terrorist organizations often do not disdain kidnapping in order to put forward certain political demands or satisfy religious beliefs.

What is the goal?

The main and most common goal of criminals is to obtain a ransom, in this direction it is impossible to come up with something “better”, without competition - kidnapping. The criminal elements do not think that this is a terrible grief for parents. This is terrible, but not yet critical. The ransom presupposes some kind of contact with the kidnappers (at least the appointment of a place where the money will be transferred) and the hope that the child will remain alive. In this case, it is better not to disturb the security forces (police, etc.) - they can cause trouble. The second, according to sad statistics, case of kidnapping is the return of a child to one of the unfortunate parents, as a rule, after a divorce. This is the safest case for the child. Here you need to negotiate (sue, settle unclear relations) with your ex-spouse. The most critical and dangerous goals of kidnapping are sexual violence, even obtaining internal organs, and selling children to childless parents (for example, abroad). In these cases, the kidnappers, of course, will not contact the parents. If within 24 hours there is no news from the child and there are no demands for his release, in this case it is necessary to contact law enforcement agencies!

Corpus delicti

As a rule, such a crime includes 3 main components:

  • capture, that is, direct theft;
  • moving;
  • holding against a person's will.

There is not always a capture in this scheme. Criminals can arrange the situation in such a way that the victim himself arrives at the place of his subsequent detention.

For example: a wife is informed that her husband is out of town, he was in an accident and urgently needs help. The woman goes to the specified coordinates, where criminals are already waiting for her. But even such a situation will not be considered as a mitigating circumstance.

The object of the crime is human freedom. The optional subject is his life and health, both physical and psychological.

The crime will be considered completed at the moment of capture of a person or his illegal detention, if the victim himself arrives at the place of the criminals.

The subject of the crime in this case is a person 16 years of age or older. It should be noted that in this case the criminal’s guilt will always be recognized as intentional, since it is impossible to accidentally kidnap and hold a person.

Is it punishable

In any case, whatever the motive for the crime, responsibility for the abduction of a child (and a person in general) in Russia and other countries is mandatory. If the kidnappers were caught. Otherwise, a thorough investigation is conducted until the criminals are caught.

In general, it is quite difficult to answer what the punishment is for kidnapping a child in Russia. The court considers each situation separately. And many factors are taken into account. But you can be sure: there will definitely be punishment. After all, crimes against human freedom are punished seriously. As soon as we are talking about children, and even more so.

What is the article for kidnapping?

Liability for kidnapping is regulated by Article 126 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation . There are 3 possible cases, each of which is considered in its own part of Art. 126.

Article 126 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: content and structure

The text of this article provides a definition of the criminal act called kidnapping. The legislator did not interpret the actions of the criminal, believing that the meaning follows from an unambiguous definition. Kidnapping means forcible deprivation of liberty followed by detention.

The object of the act is personal freedom. Kidnapping directly contradicts the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Article 27 of the latter describes the right of citizens to freedom of movement and choice of place of residence at their own discretion. And the kidnapper, by his actions, interferes with the implementation of a constitutional human right. An additional object (optional) is the health of the abducted person, which is at risk.

Article 126 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation includes three parts (clauses) characterizing the nuances of criminal acts. According to the tradition of the code, the first paragraph describes a “simple” crime. This is an act without aggravating (qualifying) factors. It consists of restricting the freedom of the victim.

The second paragraph describes a qualified misdemeanor. Its text lists special circumstances that increase the guilt of the criminal. Among them:

  • committed by a group by agreement;
  • use of violence against the victim, including threats of violence;
  • the presence of weapons or other objects (substances) that can fulfill his role;
  • abduction of a pregnant woman, a child, or several people at the same time;
  • selfish intent.

The third paragraph describes particularly qualified personnel. It represents circumstances that further increase the social danger of the offense. The legislator identified two of these:

  • death of the victim due to negligence (if a person dies at the request of the kidnapper, then murder is qualified);
  • committed by a gang (an organized criminal community that has jointly committed more than one criminal offense).

Hint: the legislator divided the groups into simple and organized. The former act together only when committing a crime under investigation, and the latter - on an ongoing basis.

General composition (part 1)

This is an abduction without aggravating (qualifying) features. Punishable by forced labor or imprisonment for up to 5 years. The penalty is determined taking into account the characteristics of a particular case.

For the composition of kidnapping provided for in Part 1 of Art. 126 of the Criminal Code, the following methods of taking possession of a person are typical:

  • deception (for example, a child is lured into getting into a car with the help of gifts);
  • abuse of trust (family ties or friendships with the victim are used to carry out the seizure);
  • use of violence (pushing into a car, beating, tying up, rendering the victim unconscious using substances that are not hazardous to health);
  • use of threats (blackmail, threat of damage to property, etc.).

Qualifying staff (part 2)

This part examines and takes into account various aggravating circumstances, namely:

  • The kidnapping was committed by a group of criminals in a preliminary conspiracy.
  • The crime involves violence or the threat of violence.
  • The attackers are armed.
  • The target of the abduction is a minor, a pregnant woman or more than 2 people.
  • There is a selfish goal.
  • There is an organized group of criminals with a clear hierarchy and distribution of roles.
  • The crime is accompanied by grave consequences (injury, death).

Responsibility for a criminal act qualified under Part 2 of Art. 126, is provided for in the form of imprisonment for a period of 5 to 12 years.

Kidnapping for personal gain, especially kidnapping for ransom, is considered an aggravating factor of the crime. For attempts at extortion, the offender is given additional punishment under Art. 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Particularly qualified personnel (part 3)

This is the most serious category of kidnapping, which meets one of two legislative criteria:

  • The crime was committed by an organized group that acted according to a pre-prepared plan.
  • The victim suffered serious harm to his health or the actions of the kidnappers led to his death.

Punishment for a particularly serious crime, part 3 of Art. 126 – imprisonment for up to 15 years . Additionally, the court has the right to restrict the freedom of attackers for 2 years.

Art. 126 does not provide for cases where kidnapping is committed for the purpose of murder. Such an act is classified as murder and is regulated by another article.


Kidnapping (kidnapping, in other words) can be carried out by a certain organized group. It does not matter in relation to whom exactly it was carried out: just an adult or a child. Russian legislation provides for special measures for such an offense.

It is worth noting right away that a restriction of freedom may be imposed. The term should already be clear - 2 years. This is the limit for any type of kidnapping. In addition, prison arrest will be imposed on the kidnappers. Here his term increases to 12 years. The minimum increases to 6. If the kidnapping was committed against children or women, you can count on capital punishment. These are the decisions that judicial practice demonstrates to us.

What punishment is provided by law?

Criminal liability for the act is described in Article 126 of the Criminal Code. It depends on the presence/absence of qualifying factors. Thus, for kidnapping (ordinary) there are two types of punishment. The villain may be sentenced to forced labor or imprisoned. The term of both sentences is up to five years.

A qualified criminal offense is punishable more seriously. These are acts that have the characteristics listed in the second and third paragraphs of the article. If weapons were used during the kidnapping, the punishment is provided exclusively in the form of imprisonment. The period for this is determined by the court after examining all the circumstances. The legislation makes it possible to determine the period of imprisonment from five to twelve years. A kidnapper who encroaches on the freedom of a child, several people or a pregnant woman, who uses or threatens violence, or who demands a ransom, is also punishable.

Article 126 provides for the most severe punishment for kidnapping committed by a gang (organized criminal community). The law allows the court to impose imprisonment on criminals for a period of six to fifteen years. At the same time, the role of each gang member in committing a criminal act is clarified.

It is also worth considering how much they give for kidnapping if the person dies. The law allows a criminal to be imprisoned for up to fifteen years. The inquest will determine the cause of death of the victim. The perpetrator will only be charged with kidnapping if he did not want the death of the kidnapped person, but it happened due to negligence. For example, if the person being held suffered from a disease, he needed immediate help, which the kidnapper was unaware of. In a different situation, the villain is accused under two articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation: kidnapping and murder.

In addition, the code allows the judge to apply an additional measure to the kidnapper. In the article, for a qualified crime, the main measure is to sentence the kidnapper to restriction of freedom for a period of up to two years. The convicted person serves this sentence after being released from prison. It is assigned due to the particular social danger of the offender. For example, a repeat offender - a person who has kidnapped a child for the second or third time.

Hint: the exact punishment the kidnapper will receive is decided by the court.

During the investigation, it becomes clear whether the suspects have committed other crimes. If such a circumstance occurred, then the punishment is assigned based on the totality of guilt. And if there are mitigating circumstances, the punishment is reduced.


It does not matter for what purpose the crime was committed. If the kidnapping took place, then it will be punished accordingly. The first case in modern Russian legislation is the most common offense that occurs against an adult citizen.

Thus, for kidnapping a person is punishable by forced labor for a maximum of 5 years or imprisonment. For how long? For a similar one - a maximum of 5 years. Serious punishment, if you think about it. Only this is a case of kidnapping an adult citizen by one person. When it comes to children, the penalties are more severe.

When is the offender not criminally responsible?

Current legislation considers 3 situations in which a criminal is released from punishment:

  • He voluntarily released the kidnapping target . This means that the attacker released his victim despite the fact that he had every opportunity to hold him further. Moreover, this must happen before the police get on the trail of the attacker. Voluntary release does not include cases when the kidnapper received what he wanted (ransom, services), was unable to hold the victim further (for example, due to lack of premises), or when the victim herself escaped from the criminal.
  • The court did not recognize the actions committed by the accused as a crime . For example, a mother or other close relatives kidnap a child, thinking that they are protecting his interests. Moreover, the fact of deprivation of parental rights does not play any role in this case.
  • The kidnapping is imaginary . The “kidnapper” and the “victim” agreed in advance to abduct for the sake of obtaining a reward or for other purposes. Such actions do not qualify under Article 126, which we are considering, but can lead to liability for extortion.

If the kidnapper, while carrying out the planned crime, caused physical harm to the victim and then voluntarily released him, then he will be punished under other articles of the Criminal Code - 111,112 or 115.

A criminal case for kidnapping is initiated on the basis of a statement, which can be taken and filled out at the police station.

A pre-investigation check is carried out within 10 days, based on the results of which an investigation begins. The punishment of criminals is determined by the court.

Arbitrage practice

Warehouse worker A. kidnapped the son of the head of the enterprise, S., in order to obtain a ransom from the latter. He offered to release the boy if the father paid 3 million rubles. A week later the demand was reduced to one million. S. collected the required amount, but did not agree to give it to the criminal before the child returned home. A. brought the boy and demanded money. At that moment he was arrested.

The court of first instance did not see any signs of kidnapping in A.’s offense. He referred to the commentary to Article 126 on voluntary release. After all, the accused never received the money. But the Judicial Panel did not agree with this decision. There is no provision in criminal law that the money must be in the possession of the criminal. The composition is determined by actions expressed in retaining the child and demanding funds from the father. A. was convicted under Part 2 of Article 126 of the Criminal Code and went to prison for eight years.

“All the pain cannot be expressed in words”: stories of mothers

Dana Ameeva from Almaty sent us photographs of her three-year-old son Arseny. She had not seen the boy, whom her ex-husband took from Kazakhstan with a fake power of attorney, for about two years.

My son's father doesn't even let me wish him a happy birthday. I haven't congratulated him for two years now. This is how he has grown up already. His father sometimes sends photos to tease me...” she told Reedus.

© provided to Reedus by Dana Ameeva

What to do if a person is kidnapped

Often the fact that a person has been kidnapped, that is, a crime has taken place under Art. 126 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, it is almost impossible to establish initially. It is possible to correctly assess the act of the perpetrator under this article after all the circumstances have been established.

We can talk about signs

Most often, all that is immediately clear is that the person has disappeared, is not in contact, or something happened to him. And to establish how this happened is a task for law enforcement officials.

Where to go

Reports of missing persons or, as law enforcement officials call it, missing persons, are submitted to the police department . It would be better if it was a department in the place from which the victim disappeared. The possibility of submitting an application to any police department is not excluded.

There are no reasons why an application may not be accepted. The interdepartmental instructions on this issue indicate that such messages are accepted and registered regardless of how long ago, where the person disappeared, the availability of information about the place of residence, the completeness of personal data, photos, or information about previous cases of disappearance.

Conducting checks and investigating criminal cases of kidnapping falls within the competence of investigators of the Investigative Committee - the Investigative Committee, therefore a statement about the disappearance of a person can be written to its territorial department.

How to write an application correctly

The application for kidnapping is addressed to the head of the police department to which the applicant is applying, and contact information is indicated. It is drawn up in a simple form; there are no special requirements for the content of such an appeal. The main thing is to describe the event that became the basis for the appeal, to state a request to search for the missing person.

Information boards in police department control rooms usually contain examples of the most common statements.

The application to the Investigative Committee is drawn up in the same way, only it is addressed to the head of the territorial department of the Investigative Committee.

What happens after you submit your application?

After registering such a message, the applicant is asked a number of questions, the purpose of which is to restore the circumstances of the person’s disappearance and to understand whether they indicate a crime. This is necessary to put forward versions of the loss.

If the established circumstances of a person’s disappearance indicate that he has been kidnapped, a report of an unknown disappearance received by the police department is transferred to the territorial division of the Investigative Committee (IC) for conducting a pre-investigation check and subsequently making a procedural decision.

An exchange of information has been established between the Investigative Committee and the police on the unknown disappearance of citizens. We can say that investigators of the Investigative Committee carry out procedural checks and investigate criminal cases, collecting evidence, and police officers accompany the inspection and investigation of the case, carrying out operational search activities.

Based on the results of the check, if there is sufficient information that the victim was abducted, the investigator of the Investigative Committee initiates a criminal case; if there is no or insufficient information, he refuses to initiate it. You can file a complaint against this decision with the head of the investigator, the prosecutor or the court.

Despite the decision made based on the results of the inspection, if the missing person has not been found, the search for him continues by the police during operational search activities.

Ways to protect yourself from kidnapping

As paradoxical as it may seem, children who neglect basic safety rules often become victims of kidnapping. You should remind your child more often that:

  • you should not walk in uncrowded places, especially in the dark;
  • you cannot carry on a conversation on the street with strangers;
  • you cannot take gifts from strangers;
  • You cannot get into a car or elevator with strangers, in principle you cannot be alone with a stranger, etc.

In case of danger, the child should know that he needs to run not into a gateway or entrance, but into a crowded place and attract the attention of other adults with loud screams.

In addition to theory, you can take care of the following measures:

  • so that the child is less likely to be unaccompanied (depending on the situation, hire a bodyguard, a nanny, ask friends, acquaintances, neighbors to look after him, at least ask the child himself to go out with friends, and not alone);
  • so that the child’s mobile phone contains a GPS module and a program that informs you of his location;
  • so that there is no information on social networks about places your child often visits, etc.

How to prevent a missing child

• Convince that you cannot run away. Hiding away from home - in the forest or in a foreign city on an excursion - too. • Give your child a simple cell phone and provide shortcut keys. A phone - because its battery charge lasts longer, besides there are fewer temptations - games, and it is not so attractive to thieves and robbers. You can also use a GPS tracker. • Whenever your child deviates from the planned route, he should call you. Do not scold for such deviations, otherwise the child will hide them; it is better to convince them - establish contact. GPS tracking services will also help. • The child should not go alone into gateways or secluded places, should not go to other people’s apartments and houses, or get into cars. Should not correspond online with adults. • The child should not accept gifts from strangers and should not exchange anything with them. Even a stranger of the same age can be a trap from adults. • Your child should immediately tell you about any contact with strangers. This is your task, do not hesitate to call again or ask questions at home in the evening. But not every 5 minutes, have a conscience and a sense of proportion - don’t get bored with guardianship, look for a middle ground. For example, if a child does not want you to call him often, let him call you himself, as mentioned above.

One of the results of trusting a stranger

Basic but important things

There is an opportunity for crime prevention to be accessible to everyone, and kidnapping is no exception. What is this? Usual caution! The victims of kidnappers are often children who ignore the simplest safety rules. Try to talk with your child about basic but very important things:

  • You cannot talk on the street with strangers.
  • You should not take gifts from strangers from adults.
  • You can't go anywhere with strangers.
  • In case of danger, the child should not shout “Help!” (this is often perceived by others as an ordinary family quarrel), and “This is not my father! I do not know this person!".
  • If a child is being chased, he should run not into a dark gateway or the first entrance he comes across, but to a public, crowded place: a store, a cafe, a bus stop.

Consequences of kidnapping

Sometimes it goes much further. And kidnapping can result in the victim's death or serious harm. In this case, the violator is charged under several articles at once, and in this case the term can be significantly increased. This happens even if causing harm was not the intent of the kidnapper. Again, if this is done in relation to minors, then the criminal should not expect any concessions, whatever his motives, the punishment awaits him very seriously.

We can only hope that the fight against such phenomena will produce results and that it will be possible to rid society of such problems. You should always keep a close eye on your child, even if you are sure that he will not go anywhere with a stranger and there are a lot of people around.

We agreed

What will happen in Russia for conspiracy followed by kidnapping? Forced labor is already losing its power. But imprisonment appears again. But the period is increasing. It can now be set between 5 and 12 years. Depending on the specific case. Additionally, conspiracy is punishable by restriction of freedom after imprisonment for a maximum of 2 years. But you can do without such a measure. In practice, this is what usually happens.

Also, criminal liability for child abduction comes after the perpetrators are caught. But what exactly is the punishment for this? To be honest, an offense committed against minor children is equivalent to the same act of conspiracy.

It turns out that the punishment will be similar. Each kidnapper can be imprisoned for a maximum of 12 years, as well as additional restrictions on freedom. In practice, the term of imprisonment is set as a maximum. After all, the rights and freedoms of children are protected very actively in Russia.

Movies about kidnapping

Kidnapping is a favorite plot of thriller creators on paper and on screen. Kidnapping is a situation that will keep even the most spoiled book lover or movie fan on edge. Reading books and watching films about kidnapping is not only an interesting, but also an educational pastime. Here are some films based on kidnapping:

  • Captive (2013)
  • Alarm Call (2013)
  • Captives (2013)
  • Kidnapping (2003)
  • Stone (2011)
  • Hostage (three parts 2007, 2012, 2014)
  • Wrath (2004)
  • The Chase (2011)
  • Ransom (2007)
  • Along Came a Spider (2001)
  • 24 hours (2002) and others.
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