How to postpone a court hearing and investigative action due to the Covid 19 coronavirus

Grounds for adjourning a meeting

The legal grounds for postponing a court hearing are established in Article 169 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation. The consequences of failure to appear in court are specified in Article 167 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation. These are the rules that should be followed when preparing a motion to postpone a court hearing in a civil case.

Postponement of a court hearing in case of failure to appear

The duty of the court is to notify the participants in the case, but the court will not ensure their appearance. He will only establish the reasons for non-appearance. And on this basis he will decide on the possibility or impossibility of considering the case in the absence of these persons.

Thus, if a citizen wishes to participate in a case and is interested in the results of its consideration, he must inform the court about the reasons for his absence. If there are good reasons, he has the right to file a motion to postpone the consideration of the case.

Valid reasons for failure to appear at a court hearing:

  • illness, hospitalization, or health condition that objectively prevents participation in a court hearing;
  • business trip, urgent call to work on an urgent matter requiring the personal presence of a person participating in the case;
  • emergency circumstances with the personal participation of a person involved in a civil case (fire, crime, road accident, accident);
  • the need for urgent participation in caring for a family member under care (child, disabled person, elderly parent).

These are the main reasons that can be cited as grounds for postponing a court hearing. Their list is not closed, other reasons are possible, the degree of their respect in any case will be assessed only by the court hearing the case.

Other reasons

A court hearing may be postponed not only if one of the participants in the case fails to appear. Even with 100% attendance, the court may postpone the hearing for reasons established by law.

Reasons for postponing the court hearing under the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation:

  • filing a counterclaim;
  • the need for additional evidence;
  • attracting new persons to participate in the case (involving a co-defendant, third parties);
  • changes in claims;
  • technical problems, incl. with a video conferencing system;
  • failure of the representative to appear for a valid reason (the petition is prepared by the principal);
  • application of mediation procedures, judicial reconciliation, etc.

If these reasons exist, the court almost always postpones the consideration of the case. However, it should be borne in mind that the listed reasons are not indisputable grounds for deposition. The court may, after listening to the opinions of the parties and making sure that the presence of such reasons will not interfere with the objective consideration of the case at a given court hearing, decide to continue the trial.

Everything about criminal cases

Petition to postpone the trial: sample

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Objectives of this document:

a) Create a situation in which the court will be forced to either postpone the hearing/or commit a clear violation of criminal procedural norms.

b) Provide evidence of your good faith as a participant in the process.

For a citizen, this is necessary to avoid the application of 113 Code of Criminal Procedure (drive), 117 Code of Criminal Procedure (monetary penalty). And for a lawyer, it is necessary to protect yourself from disciplinary action.

For lawyers, it is necessary to remember that they also have an additional duty - to notify other lawyers participating in the criminal case about their absence. Part 1 of Article 14 of the Code of Ethics “If, for good reason, it is impossible to arrive at the appointed time to participate in a court hearing or investigative action, as well as if you intend to apply for the appointment of another time for their conduct, the lawyer must, if possible, notify the court about this in advance or investigator, as well as inform other lawyers participating in the process about this and coordinate with them the time for performing procedural actions.”

Recommendations for use:

— The main rule is advance. The earlier you notify the court of the impossibility of appearing, the lower the risk of sanctions from the court.

— You must have the 2nd copy. Petitions. If the situation is urgent, then a telephone message is acceptable. That is, we call the court secretary, dictate the text, and be sure (!) to write down the full name and position of the receiving employee.

In the form intended for downloading, we provide the most impersonal sample possible. Here we provide an illustration of one of the options for exactly how you can fill out the form.

Filing a motion to postpone the trial may be necessary for some tactical reasons. But the trial cannot be postponed so easily. Necessary:

a) Notify the court IN ADVANCE of your failure to appear.

b) Justify the REASON for the deposition.


on the postponement of the court hearing due to the impossibility of the lawyer’s appearance

The court hearing to consider the complaint is scheduled for 11:00 am. 4 September.

The lawyer does not actually have the opportunity to take part in the court hearing on the specified date, for objective reasons:

— a court hearing with the participation of a lawyer in the Tverskoy District Court in a criminal case has been scheduled for the same date, September 4.

When making a decision on this petition, I ask the court to pay attention to the following factual circumstances:

The petition can be justified on the fact that a hearing was scheduled in another court EARLIER, that is, the lawyer does not disrupt the court hearing through HIS fault. Considering that a practicing lawyer has a lot of processes, this method is quite realistic.

1) The date of the court hearing in the Tverskoy District Court was determined long before the court scheduled the court hearing for the date of September 4. That is, the lawyer has no reason to petition to postpone the court hearing in the Tverskoy District Court and is forced to make this request to this court. Also, a lawyer does not have the right to disrupt a court hearing in the Tverskoy District Court - because A significant number of persons are planned to participate in the court hearing (3 defendants and 3 lawyers).

2) The time for consideration in the Tverskoy District Court is 10:00 a.m. - excludes the possibility of a lawyer appearing at both court hearings.

The petition must also contain an indication that it is unacceptable to consider the case without the presence (in this case of a lawyer).

3) The need for a lawyer to participate in a court hearing:

the client considers the participation of a lawyer mandatory.

The lawyer and the client prepared in advance for the court hearing - suggesting joint participation and an agreed position of the defense. The absence of a lawyer prevents the defendant from fully protecting his rights and is tantamount to leaving the defendant without qualified legal assistance, a violation of his rights guaranteed by Part 2 of 48 of the Constitution.


Move the court hearing to any other date convenient for the court. (When determining the date of the court hearing, I ask you to take into account the schedule of court hearings in the Tverskoy Court - the schedule is indicated in the attached notice)


— Notification of the Tverskoy District Court at 10 a.m. 00 min. 4 September

Note: a motion to postpone the trial may be necessary, for example, in order to have time to make some necessary preparations for the case and a time resource is needed. (Or maybe the defense bases its tactics on delaying the process). And this document must be drawn up in such a way that the court has no choice but to force it to postpone the court hearing.

The downloadable form contains 2 samples:

First: for lawyers.

Second: for the citizen.

The forms themselves are extremely simple and impersonal.
There can be dozens of specific reasons for postponing a court hearing. Therefore, we have provided only an empty application form. Request a consultation

How to file a motion to adjourn a civil case

When drawing up a petition to postpone a court hearing, you should be guided by the general rules for preparing documents in court. Additionally, this document indicates the reasons for postponing the case.

Contents of the request for adjournment:

  1. name of the court in which the case is heard
  2. Full names, addresses and telephone numbers of the participants in the case
  3. name of the application - Petition to postpone the court hearing or Petition to postpone the civil case
  4. reasons for inability to appear at the court hearing at the time appointed by the court
  5. request to postpone the consideration of the case
  6. date and signature
  7. evidence of valid reasons for failure to appear in court

Filing a petition to the court

It is better to prepare a request for adjournment in advance, taking into account the possibility of it being received by the court before the hearing of the case. The petition must be accompanied by documents confirming the justification for failure to appear and/or inability to participate in the court hearing.

The petition must be submitted in writing. If the situation arose directly on the day of the court hearing, you can file a petition orally by telephone. Or send it through a proxy without attaching written evidence. In this case, you need to indicate to the court how it can check the validity of the reasons for failure to appear (indicate the hospital number and full name of the doctor, details of the police officer, etc.). Then you will need to submit written documents at the next court hearing.

In some cases, instead of a petition to postpone the court hearing, it will be correct to draw up a petition to postpone the consideration of the case. This is done in cases where the court is asked to change the date or time of the court hearing.

Note! Request to postpone the hearing

If there are reasons for adjournment established in the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, it is not necessary to prepare a separate written request for adjournment. You can reflect the request for postponement in the document itself or state it orally, at the stage of resolving this issue in court.

Procedural maneuvers of the investigation and trial within the framework of Art. 125 Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation

The refusal to consider these complaints is a kind of “judicial reflex” that is triggered even despite the position of the appellate court.

Problems associated with appealing under Art. 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation are well known to everyone. The advantages that can be gained by resorting to this criminal procedural institution were systematized in the article by Andrei Grivtsov.

Here I would like to illustrate with a particular example, which plays a local role in a high-profile criminal case in which I represent one of the parties, the persistent reluctance of district courts to consider such complaints, as well as the attitude towards this practice on the part of higher courts.

The media covered in detail the criminal case against businessman Valery Pshenichny, the circumstances of whose death in pre-trial detention center-4 in St. Petersburg were shocking.

There were several criminal cases developing in parallel to each other, where the same defendants acted in different procedural statuses. The details of these criminal cases are not the subject of this material; I will only mention points that are important in the context of the identified topic.

In addition to the criminal case being investigated by the Main Investigative Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region in relation to Valery Pshenichny, at the district level, at the request of Pshenichny, a criminal case was opened (later also transferred to the Main Investigative Directorate) against the general director of the Pshenichny company - NovIT PRO JSC - Andrey Petrov. In this case, she was recognized as the victim, and Pshenichny himself, who became the general director, was recognized as the victim’s representative. Further events related to Pshenichny became the subject of an investigation by the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, which refused to admit that the murder had been committed and qualified the actions against Pshenichny as negligence and incitement to suicide.

As part of the criminal case against Andrei Petrov, the victim organization NovIT PRO was left without a representative allowed to participate. At the same time, the case itself was suspended under a far-fetched pretext - allegedly in connection with Petrov’s illness, and therefore the investigation denied admission to the new general director as a representative. These actions of the investigation were appealed to the Kuibyshevsky District Court of St. Petersburg, after which we went through three rounds in which different judges of the said court tried, under any pretext, not to consider the complaint on the merits.

“In the first round,” judge Ekaterina Botantsova did not burden the court composed of herself with “extra” work and refused to accept the complaint, citing the standard formulation about the absence of the subject of the appeal: the investigation was suspended, therefore the refusal to admit the victim’s representative is legal.

In the appeal we stated quite natural arguments that the illness of the accused does not prevent the resumption of the investigation to admit the victim's representative, and the court of first instance actually considered our complaint outside the court hearing. The St. Petersburg City Court took our side, citing the fact that the refusal to admit the new general director after the death of Valery Pshenichny interfered with the protection of the rights of the victim, and the court, by refusing to consider our complaint, violated the requirements of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation. The prosecutor's office also supported our position, contrary to the standard opinion about its total agreement with the investigation. As a result, the case was sent for a new trial.

During a new examination, the material was transferred to judge Artem Korolev. The hearing of the case was repeatedly postponed, since the investigators of the State Investigative Directorate did not appear at the court hearing, and Judge Korolev was simultaneously busy with the trial of Vladimir Kumarin.

As a result, when the investigator’s appearance was finally ensured, the case was considered. Judge Korolev reproduced the same violations that were identified by the St. Petersburg City Court in the first “refusal” decision of the Kuibyshevsky District Court, but gave these violations a different procedural form. Thus, the court terminated the proceedings on the complaint, citing the same lack of “subject of appeal”, as well as the fact that Valery Pshenichny had already been admitted as a representative of the victim. Judge Korolev did not pay attention to the known factual circumstances in connection with which it was impossible for Pshenichny to represent the interests of NovIT PRO JSC, thereby authorizing the illegal actions of the investigation to limit the rights of the victim. Reproducing the same violations in the appeal after the cancellation of the previous decision (even with all the fakeness of the consideration of cases in higher authorities in our justice system) was simply irrational on the part of Judge Korolev.

The case on our complaint was again sent to the St. Petersburg City Court, which again established that the violations by Judge Korolev had not been eliminated, that the previous leader Pshenichny, due to his death, could not represent the interests of the organization, that the complaint should be considered on its merits.

The case entered a new cycle, this time being considered by Judge Andrei Dondik. But the investigative authorities did not waste time, connecting different and unrelated criminal cases, after which, within the framework of the situation set by the investigation, NovIT PRO JSC was assigned the role of a “transit” organization, through which Pshenichny allegedly withdrew the funds received in the process execution of the state order, and the previously issued decision recognizing Pshenichny’s company as a victim was cancelled. Through such simple procedural manipulations, the investigation “removed” the issue of admitting a representative of the organization into the case, which allowed Judge Dondik to terminate the proceedings on the complaint (I cannot help but notice that, in parallel, Judge Dondik was considering the case of bringing Mikhail Borisov to administrative responsibility in connection with his participation in an unauthorized event, the proceedings on which were terminated due to formal violations in the preparation of the protocol, which is a rarity in the general conveyor belt of this type of case).

We are currently appealing the investigative decision to terminate the status of victims, but in the foreseeable future the result is predictable. Indeed, as Moscow City Court judge Vladimir Usov said at one of the hearings, “the court cannot force the investigator to think differently.”

Consideration by the court of a petition to postpone the court hearing

The request for adjournment is considered by the court at the same court session. The court reads the petition, examines and reads out the documents presented, and listens to the opinions of the persons who appeared at the hearing.

Based on the results of the consideration, the court makes a ruling. If the request for adjournment is denied, the court continues to consider the case.

If the request is granted, the court issues a ruling to postpone the court hearing to another day, and indicates the date and time of the next trial. This notifies all persons involved in the case by judicial notices in accordance with Article 113 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation.

When a court session is adjourned, the court does not consider the case on its merits, does not hear explanations from the persons participating in the case, does not examine evidence and does not question witnesses. However, the court may resolve other existing petitions of the participants in the case, the main thing is to submit them before the closing of the court hearing.

Article 158 of the Arbitration Procedure Code of the Russian Federation. Postponement of trial (current version)

1. Although the arbitration court should strive to promptly consider cases, there are often cases when it is impossible to make a decision based on the results of one meeting. Postponement of consideration of a case is an independent procedural action of the arbitration court aimed at rescheduling the proceedings to another date.

In Part 1 of Art. 158 of the APC establishes cases when postponing the consideration of a case is mandatory:

- if a person participating in the case does not appear at the hearing, in the absence of information about proper notification of him about the time and place of the trial;

- when the mandatory deposition is established by the APC, such cases include:

a) absence at the meeting of persons participating in the case, whose appearance was recognized by the arbitration court as mandatory (part 5 of article 158, as well as part 3 of article 194, part 2 and 3 of article 200, part 3 and 4 Article 205, Part 2 and 3 Article 210 of the APC, etc.);

b) non-arrival of translators, experts, witnesses at the meeting in the absence of a request from the parties to consider the case in the absence of these persons (Part 1 of Article 157 of the Arbitration Procedure Code).

2. Since one of the main objectives of legal proceedings in arbitration courts is to facilitate the formation and development of partnerships and business relations, including by taking measures to reconcile the parties and end the case peacefully, if there is the will of the parties to conclude a settlement agreement, the possibility of seeking assistance from the court or a mediator, including a mediator, filed appropriate petitions, the court has the right to postpone the consideration of the case.

3. Postponement of the consideration of a case at the request of one of the persons participating in the case who did not appear at the hearing is allowed only in cases where the reasons for failure to appear are recognized by the court as valid (for example, the presentation by an individual participant in the case of evidence of his illness (certificate from a medical institution) , preventing attendance).

4. The failure of a representative of a person participating in the case to appear is not in itself grounds for postponing the consideration of the case. In each specific case, the court considers the petition and may postpone (but is not obligated to) the consideration of the case only if the reasons for failure to appear are considered valid. Reasons usually presented in support of a request to postpone the consideration of a case, such as the representative going on vacation, or the participation of a lawyer who has entered into an agreement with the organization in another process, cannot always be recognized as valid. If the case materials allow the dispute to be considered, the plaintiff or defendant (individuals) or the head of the organization is present at the meeting, the judge, as a rule, rejects the said petition.

5. In part 5 of Art. 158 lists other cases when the court may postpone the consideration of the case, including when it is identified at the meeting the need to request (present) and examine additional evidence, perform additional procedural actions - ordering an examination, calling witnesses, sending a letter of request, examining evidence at its location , as well as in the event of technical problems when using technical means of communication (dictaphones, computers, video conferencing) at a meeting.

In cases where a judge is ill or cannot hold a meeting on that day for other valid reasons, the postponement of the proceedings is made by decision of the chairman of the court, his deputy or the chairman of the judicial panel. The period of such deposit is no more than 10 days (working days). If it is not possible to postpone the proceedings within the specified period, the judge must be replaced (Article 18 of the Arbitration Procedure Code).

6. In order to avoid the occurrence of additional legal costs, to prevent further distraction of citizens from their main activities and simply out of respect for them, the Arbitration Procedure Code has provided for the possibility of questioning witnesses who have appeared at a hearing, the consideration of which the court must postpone for various reasons. The testimony of such witnesses is announced at the next meeting, and they are called back to the meeting only if the need arises. The only condition for interrogation at the hearing, which the court will have to postpone (which became clear before the start of the questioning of witnesses), is the presence of the parties at the hearing. Thus, if the case materials do not contain evidence of notification of the parties about the time and place of the hearing, as well as if they fail to appear, if it is recognized as mandatory, the interrogation of the witness cannot be carried out, since this violates the right of the parties to take part in the interrogation of the witness.

7. In Part 7 of Art. 158 sets the deadline for postponing the consideration of the case - one month. The proceedings may be postponed for a period not exceeding two months only for reconciliation of the parties. Postponing the consideration of a case for a longer period, not permitted by law, is a serious procedural violation, entailing for a judge who systematically violates the deadlines for consideration of cases, possible consequences provided for by the legislation on the judicial system and the status of judges.

8. The results of the court hearing, which ended in the adjournment of the consideration of the case, are formalized by a ruling. If significant justification is required for the need to postpone the consideration of the case or it is necessary in the operative part to indicate a large list of evidence that should be presented to the parties, or other procedural actions, the court formalizes the postponement by a ruling in the form of a separate document.

In most cases, at present, the deposit is formalized by a protocol determination with information posted on the Internet.

There is no possibility of appealing the decision to postpone the consideration of the APC case. Participants in the process can protect their right to a speedy trial in the event of repeated postponement of the trial by the court either by filing an application to expedite the consideration of the case (Article 6 of the Arbitration Procedure Code) or by filing a complaint against the actions of the judge to the disciplinary bodies of the judicial community.

9. The court notifies about the time and place of a new hearing by posting relevant information on the Internet (if the ruling is made as a separate document, it is posted on the Internet in the form of an electronic document). Persons present at the meeting are notified of the time and place of the new meeting directly at the meeting when the judge announces the postponement of the consideration of the case; the fact of notification in this case is certified by a corresponding receipt in the minutes of the court session.

Notification by telegram, email, etc. the postponement of the consideration of the case of those participants in the process who were absent at the previous meeting is carried out only in the event of technical failures in the information service (clause 15 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 2013 N 99).

10. The Arbitration Procedure Code allows, in order to save the time of the court and persons participating in the case, to begin the next trial from the moment from which it was postponed, without considering the evidence that was examined in the previous court hearing. But we should not forget that a new trial still begins with the preparatory part - the announcement of the number and name of the case, the composition of the court, identification and verification of the credentials of the persons present at the hearing, the resolution of their petitions and statements.

Comment source:



Sample request to postpone a court hearing

We suggest using the provided sample petition to postpone the court hearing. fill it out. indicating your information. The sample petition can be downloaded and retyped or written by hand.

In ___________________________ (name of the court) Plaintiff: ____________________ (full name, address, contact numbers and e-mail)

Defendant: _____________ (full name, address,

contact numbers and e-mail)

within the framework of case No. ______

Request to postpone the hearing

Civil case No. ______ is being processed by _____________ (name of the court) on the claim of __________ (full name of the plaintiff) against _________________ (full name of the defendant) about _____________ (essence of the claim). The court hearing in the case is scheduled for “___”_________ ____ at ____ hour. ___ min.

The applicant was notified of the time and place of the court hearing. However, I am not able to appear in court to participate in the court hearing for the following reasons: _________ (indicate valid reasons for the impossibility of participating in the court hearing).

I will be able to participate in the court hearing after “___”_________ ____, when _________ (indicate when the applicant will be able to participate in the court hearing, for what reasons this period is necessary).

Based on the above, guided by Article 167 of the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation,


  1. Postpone the court hearing _________ (indicate the number of the civil case, full name of the plaintiff, defendant, the essence of the stated requirements) for a period not earlier than "___"_________ ____.
  2. Notify me of the time and place of the next court hearing _________ (indicate a new address if the applicant is not at his home address; telephone number to which notice can be sent; email address).

List of documents attached to the application:

  1. Notification of sending (delivering) a copy of the application to the participants in the case (if necessary)
  2. Documents confirming valid reasons for failure to appear at a court hearing

Date of application “___”_________ ____ Signature of the applicant: _______

petitions (applications):

Request to postpone the hearing

How to postpone a court hearing and investigative action due to the Covid 19 coronavirus

The coronavirus epidemic in Russia has seriously affected the entire judicial and law enforcement system. The essence of the problem is that participation in court hearings and investigative actions may pose a risk of infection for all participants in the process. Here everyone is equal before infection.

On April 8, 2021, the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the Presidium of the Council of Judges of the Russian Federation issued a joint resolution in which they limited the admission of people to the courts, and also limited the consideration of most cases, ordering the courts, in fact, to consider only urgent cases. This regime is introduced until April 30, 2021. Most of the cases have been postponed by the courts, and judges are trying to consider some of the cases. As a rule, these are cases that are not classified as urgent, but which have already been considered by the court for quite a long time. However, participation in a court hearing may pose dangers:

Firstly, any consideration of a case in court involves the participation of several people in the court hearing, which means a gathering of a group of people, which entails the risk of contracting an infection.

Secondly, going to the place of trial means the defendant violates the self-isolation regime, therefore, creates a threat of infection with coronavirus and may lead to administrative liability due to violation of self-isolation.

Why is it possible to consider cases that are not classified as urgent?

The fact is that, according to paragraph 4 of the Resolution, the court has the right to independently make a decision to consider a criminal case, taking into account the opinions of the participants in the process and the high alert regime. It is allowed that if the participant in the process does not object, then the court hearing can be held.

How not to put yourself in danger and postpone the court hearing?

It is necessary to send a petition to the court asking to postpone the trial. The petition must state the above reasons, something like this:

“Currently, the defendant expresses disagreement with holding a court hearing due to the serious risk to the life and health of all participants in the process, as well as his reluctance to violate self-isolation and bear administrative responsibility for this. I believe that participation in a court hearing should not pose a threat to the life and health of the participants in the process. Health and safety are an absolute priority. According to Part 1 of Article 9 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, during criminal proceedings it is prohibited to carry out actions and make decisions that create a danger to life and health. I believe that if a trial is held, there will be a real threat to the life and health of all participants in the process. Thus, taken together, the listed circumstances are absolute grounds for postponing the court hearing. I ask the court to treat the current situation with understanding and postpone the court hearing to __specify date___.”

The fact is that the court is obliged to take into account the opinion of the defendant and, as a rule, the petitions are granted. It is also recommended that a copy of the petition be sent to higher courts in order to draw their attention to the situation, and in case of refusal of the petition, it would be possible to more effectively appeal the court’s refusal. In a situation with a preliminary investigation, you can act by analogy.

I consider it my professional duty in difficult times to share with you a sample petition. Hope it helps. A sample petition is attached to the article and can be used for criminal, family, labor, civil, arbitration and any other cases, as well as investigative actions .

ATTENTION! The petition is a sample only. It must be adjusted depending on your situation and agreed upon with your lawyer. Also, the petition should not be a way of abuse of rights and an attempt to mislead the court. Apply a petition only if there are real grounds!

I wish you success! Everything will definitely be fine!



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