Sample statement of claim to establish paternity
Our family lawyer will explain the procedure for establishing paternity and tell you what documents are needed to
Categories of cases within the jurisdiction of the Moscow City Court
Categories of cases within the jurisdiction of the Moscow City Court The Moscow City Court as a court of a city of federal significance
Article 194. Evasion of customs duties levied on an organization or individual
ST 194 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. 1. Evasion of customs duties levied on an organization or
Girl with a gun
Is it possible to get a weapons permit with an expunged criminal record?
In the process of obtaining a permit that allows you to carry or store civilian weapons, each owner faces
What to do and where to go if neighbors threaten with violence?
Prices for legal services in criminal cases Conflicts between housemates are constant
punishment for medical negligence
The Constitutional Court clarified when there will be a criminal offense for negligence
Negligent performance by an official of his duties is a criminal offense. In the same time,
Possession of bladed weapons - responsibility and article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for carrying bladed weapons
Edged weapons represent weapons that are used to hit a target using human muscle power
necessary defense
Necessary and permissible defense in the criminal law of the Russian Federation
Characteristics of the concept The concept of self-defense in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is presented as causing harm to another person when
Statute of limitations for murder in the Russian Federation
Statute of limitations for murder in the Russian Federation: how long does the statute of limitations last and what does it depend on?
The statute of limitations applies not only to murder, but also to fraud, theft, consumption and
What liability is provided for under Art. 109 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for causing harm to health resulting in death? What if this happened due to negligence?
New edition of Art. 109 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation 1. Causing death by negligence is punishable by correctional
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