what is libel
Do I have the right to demand compensation for moral damages for libel and in what amount? (a neighbor spread slander against me at my husband’s work).
Compensation for moral damage But in addition to the punishment provided for by law, compensation can also be demanded from the offender
Punishment for blood feud
Murder committed by a group of persons by prior conspiracy
Despite the development of civilization and culture, in some ethnic groups there is still
Illegal entry into a home: definition, punishment under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
Determining the characteristics of a home when qualifying thefts with illegal entry into a home
The Constitution of the Russian Federation provides for the inviolability of the home (Article 25). No one has the right to enter a home against
What to do if a medical professional divulges medical confidentiality?
We all have to go to doctors. There is always no reason to seek medical help
Tobolsk prison is the most terrible prison in the USSR
Why prisoners in the USSR were afraid to sit in the Tobolsk "krytka"
Where are the Bees "Bees" are former police officers, judges, prosecutors, employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service,
At what amount does criminal liability for fraud and theft begin?
Criminal liability under Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation occurs only for serious social offenses that bring
last death sentence in Russia
When was the last death sentence carried out in Russia?
What horrors did the last criminal executed in Russia, the maniac Sergei Golovkin, commit, Express Gazeta tells
Responsibility for desecration of the bodies of the dead and their burial places
Fundamentals of legislation. How is desecration of the bodies of the dead and their burial places punished?
Any decent and sane person is obliged to treat the death of people with due respect,
Object of crime in criminal law
What is the object and subject of a crime in Criminal Law
Criminal law is the most significant legal area of ​​great social importance. In close combination
child seduction
Criminal liability for child molestation: conditions for initiating a case and possible sentences
The concept of seduction of a minor This definition is not legal. It is quite vague and characterizes many
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