attempted murder sentence
What is the penalty for attempted murder?
Have you ever thought about how, according to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, you could evaluate
Differences between robbery and extortion
Extortion and its distinction from robbery and robbery
All law students should know the differences between crimes such as robbery, extortion, robbery. For
What is the penalty for insulting the President of Russia?
Putin signed a law punishing insulting authorities
In life, it does not happen that absolutely all citizens of the country are satisfied with the current government.
Punishment for setting a car on fire in Russia, fine, article of the Criminal Code and possible sentence in 2021
Home/Damage to a car/Arson of a car The legal framework of the Russian Federation classifies arson of a vehicle as an unlawful act. AND
How to protect yourself from the imposition of unfavorable contract terms
02/20/2020 Vladlen Golubyatnikov Expert The concept of a contract in a market economy in most cases implies
Women's hell: terrible things are happening in the Moscow pre-trial detention center “666”
History The Lefortovo detention center is one of the oldest places of detention in the territory
woman is boiling
Murder committed in a state of passion: elements of the crime, terms
Among all existing crimes, it is the murder of a person that is considered to be the most serious. Can soften it
Police officer
Act correctly: how and where to complain if a police officer is rude to you
The 66.RU journalist in the story of the alcohol shop that sells beer at night on Elmash, and the district police officer,
Necessary defense and extreme necessity: concept, conditions of legality, meaning
Hello, friends! I haven’t written notes on interesting topics for a long time, and here’s my question:
Property damage statement
How to file a police report about property damage
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