Article 324 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Purchase or sale of official documents and state awards
They want to expand the list of criminally punishable methods of obtaining tax, banking and commercial secrets
Access to bank secrecy The bank secrecy regime provides for limited access to information about accounts,
In 1996 she was sentenced under Part 2 of Article 145, Part 3 of Article 148 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR to 3 years in prison,
Home / Uncategorized / Article 144 Part 2 In the USSR ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
Liability for negligence of official duties
Concept and characteristics Negligence - what is it? Negligence is considered to be improper performance (or
Article 224. Careless storage of firearms
1. Careless storage of firearms, which created conditions for its use by another person, if this
Responsibility for non-payment of taxes: administrative, tax, criminal
For non-payment of taxes or late payment of taxes, an organization or individual entrepreneur may be brought to
General characteristics, concept and types of sexual crimes
General characteristics, concept and types of sexual crimes The “Sexual Revolution” in developed Western countries is rapidly
Attempted murder: sentence under Articles 30, 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
In jurisprudence, a huge number of difficulties arise when a certain case comes up that is extremely difficult to interpret
Application for review due to newly discovered circumstances
Even after a supervisory appeal, there remains a chance to use an application for review due to newly discovered circumstances
Article 254 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Corruption of the Earth (new edition with comments)
1. Poisoning, contamination or other damage to land by harmful products of economic or other activities due to
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