What to do if you are accused of beatings that you did not commit?
As often happens, two people got into a fight: they jostled each other, hit each other a couple of times - and
failure to comply with a court decision
Liability for failure to comply with a court decision by an individual
As directly stated in paragraph 2 of Article 13 of the Civil Procedure Code of Russia in the latter
Personal secret - definition
Unexpected court decision: your photos from VKontakte and other social networks can be used without your consent
We often hear now about the protection of personal secrets; there are also sanctions against the publication of information,
Necessary defense
What is the difference between necessary defense and extreme necessity?
Is an administrative offense always a basis for bringing to administrative responsibility? No not always.
Social engineering: how to stop extortion of trust?
Today, in a society where corruption has become commonplace, it is difficult to resolve issues in a legal way.
Article 229.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation
Article 229.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Time frame for accident investigations
Article 229.1 of the Labor Code is devoted to the timing of accident investigations. It affects those cases that are classified
How to behave if a theft or shortage is detected
The fact of theft of property can be revealed either during an audit (inventory) or at the time of
How to receive compensation for poor-quality treatment under compulsory medical insurance
In what cases is a complaint filed? Work of public and private medical institutions, as well as pharmacies
Slaves and slave owners. Human trafficking in the modern world
Human trafficking: concept, signs, qualifications. Limitation from the use of slave labor.
ST 127.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. 1. Purchase and sale of a person, other transactions in relation to a person, as well as
Bribe Art. 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (Part 7 - stages of receiving a bribe and commercial bribery)
06/09/2017 Malfeasance 0 comments A bribe, if you look at it from the point of view of legislation,
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