Why you need to be more careful with your words in 2021: what is the penalty now for slander and insults?
Slander is In the modern world, there are often various confrontations and conflicts that are not always carried out
Rights and responsibilities of a specialist in criminal proceedings
Rights and responsibilities of a specialist in criminal proceedings
Article 58 specialist The Code of Criminal Procedure defines the concept of specialist clearly. The article in question states that this is:
Rules for installing a gun safe in an apartment 2021
February 26, 2020 Legislation Igitkhanyan Alevtina Currently there are no difficulties in purchasing a durable
Responsibility for violating the rules of carrying bladed weapons in Russia
Let's find out what is possible and what is not possible when carrying and storing knives from the point of view
Just a difficult age? How children become cruel at the instigation of family and society
Just a difficult age? How children become cruel at the instigation of family and society
Reports of child cruelty are increasingly appearing in the news, with rates on the rise across the country.
Receiving a summons
Evasion from military service in 2021 - what punishment will follow?
Types of evasion Evasion from military service consists in the fact that a person does not show up
what to do if your ex-husband threatens you with violence
“He started threatening to kill me”: stories of girls who survived domestic violence
Despite the fact that family support programs in Russia are developing rhythmically, divorce statistics remain
Property damage act. Part 1
Act on damage to property - how to write, examples of samples
By means of an act of damage to property, the fact of damage to the property of a person or entity is documented.
Careless handling of fire: responsibility and causes of fires
Careless handling of open flame sources is one of the most common causes of
The powers of bailiffs when collecting debt and what to do in case of excess
The main task facing the employees of the Bailiff Service is to ensure the principle of legality. Their breadth
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