Liability for causing harm to health of moderate severity
Signs, liability and compensation for causing harm to health of moderate severity
Determining the severity of harm caused to health is an extremely important legal procedure that finds
Insulting a person’s honor and dignity - what do you need to know?
Why do insults appear? At times of increased neuropsychic excitability, during conflicts, people say words such as
Aggravated murder
17 aggravating circumstances when committing premeditated murder
Murder under aggravating circumstances, committed intentionally, according to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, Part 2 of Art. 105 subject
To be slaves for 75 rubles. What you need to come to terms with in order to get parole
Drunk hit-and-run due to the driver's fault
Hitting a pedestrian in situations - penalties and how to avoid them?
Hitting a person - what liability can there be? So, as we indicated above, such
crimes against sexual integrity
Crimes against freedom, honor and dignity of the individual
General characteristics of crimes against freedom, honor and dignity of the individual Crimes against personal freedom Crimes
Drunk hit-and-run due to the driver's fault
A pedestrian was killed in an accident. Your actions, responsibility, punishment
An accident involving a pedestrian is a very common occurrence, and it is sad when it entails
Activists paint over spice advertisements.
Drug propaganda: article and responsibility under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation
1. Propaganda or illegal advertising of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their precursors, plants containing
Butyrka prison inside. 1937
“This terrible place should be wiped off the face of the Earth” Moscow’s main prison keeps bloody secrets. They decided to close it forever
The Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN) of Russia has decided to close Butyrka, the largest investigative prison.
Sample act on damage to property or its destruction
Any item can be damaged, spoiled, broken, smashed, that is, spoiled. Damage to property may
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