Protocol for examining the scene of a theft: concept

The protocol for examining the scene of a theft records the progress of the operational investigative team at the crime scene.
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One of the main types of theft of other people's property is theft. This type of crime is very diverse in nature: there are thefts from apartments, shops, warehouses, etc.

inspection of the scene of the incident


Minsk January 15, 2012

The inspection began at 12:30 p.m.

finished at 13:10

Investigator of the Pervomaisky Minsk district department of the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Belarus, captain of justice V.V. Morozov, in connection with the received statement of a crime from citizen Smirnova L.I., with the participation of the owner of the residential premises Smirnova L.I. , specialist expert-criminologist of the ECO Department of Internal Affairs of the Administration of the Pervomaisky District of Minsk, police captain Ilya Vladimirovich Khodarenko and witnesses Ivan Yurievich Buko, born in 1989. residing at the address: Minsk st. Aerodromnaya, no. 13 and Alexey Aleksandrovich Kovalev, born in 1989, living at the address: Minsk, st. Aerodromnaya 14, in compliance with the requirements of Articles 203 and 204 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Republic of Belarus, inspected a residential building at the address: Minsk st. Knorina, 17.

Before starting the inspection in accordance with the requirements of Art. Art. 193 and 194 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Republic of Belarus, it was explained to all those present that they have the right to draw the attention of the person performing the procedural action to everything that, in their opinion, may help identify the circumstances of the criminal case, as well as make comments to be entered into the protocol.

The specialist, in addition, in accordance with the requirements of Art. 200 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Republic of Belarus explains the purpose of his summons, the rights and obligations provided for in Art. 62 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Republic of Belarus.

It was explained to the attesting witnesses what investigative action they are participating in, its purpose, who is in charge and who is participating in its conduct, the rights and obligations provided for in Art. 64 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Republic of Belarus.

In addition, all of these persons have been warned of criminal liability in accordance with Art. 407 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Belarus for disclosing preliminary investigation data without the permission of the investigator.

Before the inspection begins, all participants are informed that during the inspection, in order to record traces of a crime, photography will be used with a Canon F-680Sh camera, a 4 GB microSD flash card, and scientific and technical means of detecting and recording traces of a crime.

Residential ownerL.I. Smirnova
specialistI.V. Khodarenko
witnessesI.Yu. Buko
A.A. Kovalev

The inspection was carried out under the following conditions: in the apartment - with electric lighting and an air temperature of +20 C, outdoors - in cloudy weather, natural light and an air temperature of -8 C.

The house is brick, one-story. The house is surrounded by a wooden fence 2 meters high. The gate is locked with a metal hook. On the porch, near the front door, 20 centimeters from the right railing and 86 centimeters from the left railing, a hatchet for chopping meat was found. The hatchet blade is metal, the handle is plastic. The length of the hatchet is 34.2 centimeters. The handle has a large number of shallow scratches, the largest of which is 7 millimeters. A visual inspection of the hatchet in oblique light revealed that on the handle, 2 centimeters from the bottom of the handle, there is a faintly visible trace of a capillary pattern. To identify this trace, the surface of the hatchet handle was treated with a magnetic brush using iron powder reduced with hydrogen. The footprint has an oval shape and dimensions 12x33 mm. The trail was photographed using a Canon F-680Sh digital camera with a scale bar. The trace was copied onto dark dactyl film measuring 20x40 mm. The dacteal film is placed in a paper envelope, sealed with the seal No. 4 of the Pervomaisky District Department of Internal Affairs and sealed with the signatures of witnesses. The hatchet was seized and packed in a cardboard box sealed with the seal No. 4 of the Pervomaisky District Department of Internal Affairs and sealed with the signatures of witnesses. The front door is wooden, painted white, and opens outwards. On the outside, on the mortise lock at a height of 120 cm and at a distance of 4 cm from the right side edge of the door, a volumetric trace of a triangular shape with sides 2.4x1x3 mm was found. The sharper corner is pressed to a depth of 3 mm and faces the bottom of the door. The bottom of the track is smooth, slightly covered with a brownish substance resembling rust. The lock is in poor condition. The trace was photographed with a Canon F-680Sh digital camera with a scale ruler, then it was separated from a part of the door by cutting out and packed in a cardboard box sealed with the seal No. 4 of the Pervomaisky District Department of Internal Affairs and sealed with the signatures of witnesses.

The house has two rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom. The doors of all rooms open onto a common corridor. In the hallway on the right there is a built-in wardrobe. On the left is a hanger on which hangs a gray women's coat. In the first room, located on the right side of the corridor, there is the room of the victim L.I. Smirnova. The room measures 2.3x3 m. The door in the room opens onto the corridor, there is one window overlooking the land adjacent to the house. The room has one double bed located near the window, a bedside table located next to the bed, and a chest of drawers on the right side of the front door. L.I. Smirnova’s personal belongings are scattered on the floor in the room. Dry splashes of a brown substance similar to blood in the shape of exclamation marks with upper rounded ends and lower sharp-angled ends were found on the floor. The edges of the splashes are smooth. The splashes are located in an area measuring 25x30 cm. This area is located at a distance of 25 cm from the bed and 48 cm from the front door. The largest mark is 2.4 mm long and 0.3 mm wide, the smallest mark is 0.7 mm long and 0.2 mm wide. A brown substance was scraped from the two largest traces, it was placed in a test tube, which was closed with a rubber stopper, packed in a paper envelope sealed with seal No. 4 and sealed with the signatures of witnesses.

The room of the victim's daughter, Daria, measures 2x3 m, the door opens into the corridor, there is one window facing the street. Knorina. In the room there is a bed near the window; opposite the bed there is a wooden wardrobe with mirror inserts. There is a carpet on the floor with a flower depicted on it consisting of seven petals of different colors. The order and furnishings in the room are not disturbed.

Kitchen size 1.5x3. The door opens into the corridor. On the right side of the entrance door there is an Indesit refrigerator; in the center of the kitchen there is a dining set consisting of a table with a round top and four stools. The order and furnishings in the room are not disturbed.

During the inspection, photographs were taken with a Canon F-680Sh camera.

The following were recovered from the scene:

– a hatchet packed in cardboard box No. 1;

– dactyl film with a trace of a capillary pattern, packed in envelope No. 2;

– scraping of brown substances, packed in envelope No. 3;

– a section of the door with traces of breaking into package No. 4;

Everything discovered and seized during the inspection was presented to the persons indicated above and placed in bags and envelopes.

All packages and envelopes are sealed with seal No. 4 for packages of the Pervomaisky District Department of Internal Affairs of Minsk. Explanatory notes were made on them, as well as signatures of the investigator, specialists, and witnesses.

The packages and envelopes were taken to the Pervomaisky district police department in Minsk.

The protocol was read aloud by the investigator, everything was written down correctly. We have no statements or comments.

What to do when drawing up a protocol on an administrative violation.

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Currently, there is a steady trend towards tightening administrative liability; in other words, the amount of fines for various administrative offenses is constantly growing. For example, many articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (CAO RF), establishing liability in the field of entrepreneurial activity, are supplemented with notes indicating that individual entrepreneurs are liable as legal entities. This increased the amount of fines for entrepreneurs tenfold.

Previously, many believed that even if they did not agree with the punishment and the fact of committing a violation in general, it was still easier, faster and cheaper to pay a fine of 500-1000 rubles than to challenge it. Now, when the size of the fine has increased many times over, the situation, you see, is already different; it makes sense to try to challenge the decision on sentencing. In addition, any of us is not immune from unjustified prosecution in all areas of life - from traffic to recreation and fishing.

In this regard, it is useful for everyone to know the basic rules of behavior when drawing up a protocol on an administrative offense.

A protocol is a document drawn up by an official (police officer or other regulatory or supervisory authority) after an administrative offense has been detected. From the moment the protocol is drawn up, in the vast majority of cases, the actual proceedings in the case of an administrative offense begin. It is important to understand here that a protocol is a document that only records the event of an offense; punishment for the offense (fine or otherwise) is not assigned when it is drawn up. The protocol and other evidence will be subsequently considered by a judge or other authorized administrative body, and based on the results of this consideration, a document is adopted - a resolution in the case of an administrative offense (in an arbitration court - a court decision), which can either impose a punishment or terminate the proceedings in the case.

In most cases, a protocol is drawn up immediately - where the offense took place (at the scene of an accident, at the workplace, at home, etc. - depending on the nature of the violation). However, there are also frequent situations when the violator is called to another day and to another place to draw up a protocol, and immediately after the violation is discovered, only a notice of the time and place of drawing up the protocol is handed over in person or sent by mail (otherwise) (this is typical for violations detected later, than they were actually committed, as part of control or supervisory measures and in case of ongoing violations - for example, you did not file a declaration). The law allows you to delay the preparation of a protocol up to 2 days from the moment the administrative violation is detected, however, failure to comply with this deadline in practice happens often and is not considered a gross violation (it will not allow you to avoid liability).

There are several exceptions to the general scheme outlined:

- the prosecutor, who has the right to initiate cases of administrative offenses, draws up a document called not a protocol, but a resolution. But only the name is different here, the essence (purpose) of the document and content are the same as the protocol, this name - “resolution” - should not confuse you, the prosecutor, when passing it, does not find you guilty, does not impose punishment. All the following rules of conduct are also true when a prosecutor draws up a resolution.

- in some cases, an administrative investigation is allowed, about which a ruling is made (by the prosecutor, again, a resolution), and a protocol is drawn up only after the completion of such an investigation. This is permissible for the categories of offenses listed in Art. 28.7 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation in cases where it is necessary to conduct examinations or other procedural actions that require time. In cases of beatings (Article 6.1.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) and petty theft (Article 7.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation), an investigation is required.

— sometimes the stage of drawing up a protocol is absent in principle; a decision is immediately issued with the imposition of punishment. This is possible if the person who discovered the violation has the authority to consider the case, and the punishment is imposed in the form of a warning or a fine. If the person held accountable disputes the violation or does not agree with the punishment, then a protocol is drawn up.

— a protocol is not drawn up even in the event of detection of traffic offenses (Chapter 12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation), recorded using special technical means operating in automatic mode

The protocol, according to the Code of Administrative Offences, is evidence in the case (sometimes even the only one), everything that is written there can be used against you.

On the other hand, gross violations committed by an official when drawing up a protocol may be grounds for termination of the case by a court or other body of administrative jurisdiction, even if you committed an administrative offense.

Thus, it is clear that depending on what and how is reflected in the protocol, how the procedure for drawing it up took place, the future fate of your entire case will largely be decided, and that is why it is important to know how to act correctly.

So, what is important to remember if you are in a situation where a protocol on an administrative offense is being drawn up against you.

1. It makes no sense to refuse to sign the protocol or not to appear when called to draw it up (if the protocol is not drawn up immediately). The administrative body will do just fine without your signature and appearance (the Code of Administrative Offenses has appropriate procedures) and you do not create any special difficulties and do not help yourself in any way.

2. Before drawing up the protocol, your rights must be explained to you; the fact of explanation is certified in writing by a note in the protocol. If your rights have not been explained to you, there is no need to ask to do so, remain modestly silent, then in the “comments” section of the protocol we write: “my rights were not explained to me.” It should be taken into account that in cases where the protocol is drawn up later, and not immediately at the site of the violation, the descriptive part will most likely be filled out in advance. If the violation is multi-episode, complex, the official will prepare in advance and will not write out the entire text in front of you. This is fine. In this case, “before drawing up” means that this is the first thing the official does in relation to the protocol from the moment of your appearance and identification.

3. The main points of the procedure are as follows: drawing up a protocol by an official, your familiarization with the protocol, your signing of the protocol, your making comments on its contents and written explanations. Exactly in this sequence. You should be the last person to read the protocol and write something on it. If you are given a protocol for review and signing, then after reading it, ask the question: will any other information (changes) be added to the protocol by the person who compiled it. If yes, return it, let him fill out everything first, if not, feel free to put Z in all unfilled places of the protocol form (for now - except for the sections with your comments and explanations). This is necessary so that after you read the protocol nothing new appears there .

4. If you see that the protocol contains witnesses, ask them to present them (they are possible when drawing up the protocol “on the spot”) and check the correctness of their data in the protocol. If witnesses are indicated, the same applies to recording “on the spot”. If you have witnesses who can confirm your innocence (even close relatives) and they are not listed, ask to do so; if they refuse, indicate this in the “remarks” section, and write their data in the “explanations” section.

5. You have the right to make comments on the contents of the protocol. In addition to the already mentioned note that your rights were not explained to you or your witnesses were not indicated, all other shortcomings of the protocol can and should be noted here. It must contain an indication of the place where it was compiled, the position, surname and initials of the person who compiled the protocol, information about you, the place, time of commission and event of the offense, the article of the law providing for administrative liability for this administrative offense. Please indicate if there are errors in the description of the violation event (incorrect place, time, other circumstances - quantity, duration of something, etc.). If there are such errors, and you sign without comments, it means you agreed with what was written. Refutation will be possible only with the help of other reliable evidence. Also note the absence of necessary information, unclear handwriting, and the presence of corrections. If you have no comments or there is free space left, put Z.

6. Do not rush to write something in the “explanations” section about admitting or not admitting guilt or the facts stated in the protocol; you will have time to do this at the stage of consideration of the case on its merits. No matter what the officer drawing up the protocol tells you (as a rule, they say exactly that, they say, write - I admit it or not), you are NOT OBLIGATED at this stage to express your attitude towards the accusation. It is your right to provide an explanation. Moreover, this should not be done if you are not sure whether you committed a violation or not. An acceptable option is to write in the explanation column “I can’t give an explanation, because I’m very worried. Need legal help." Or “I will provide explanations during the consideration of the case, the assistance of a defense attorney is required.” This is correct from a practical point of view, since drawing up a protocol is a stressful situation in any case. You must remember that the protocol is evidence, and the less you write about yourself and your attitude, the easier it is to later correct your position, and for the lawyer (defender), if you resort to his help, to better defend your interests. Then, in a calm atmosphere, you will carefully study the protocol, if necessary, seek legal assistance and form your position on the case. If there is any free space left in this section of the protocol, be sure to put Z.

7. You must be given a copy of the protocol. If it is drawn up immediately, then, as a rule, this is a version of the protocol on a form that is filled out as a carbon copy. After you have made all the necessary marks in the protocol, simply take the second copy. If the protocol is drawn up later, then most likely you will be provided with 2 copies of the protocol, printed on a computer. In this case, the first copy will be taken from you in order to send it for consideration on the merits. If the filling is not a carbon copy, you will have to write everything again and in exactly the same way in your copy, or at least take a photograph of the first copy of the protocol. Do not leave without having a complete and final version of the protocol with you, because, for example, if you ask a lawyer for help, he should know exactly what the protocol looks like when the court or other body of administrative jurisdiction looks at it.

You should also know that a person brought to administrative responsibility has the right to use the legal assistance of a defender (lawyer or other person by proxy). Such assistance can be provided not only when considering the case on its merits, but also at the stage of drawing up the protocol. In our experience, appearing to draw up a protocol on an administrative offense with a lawyer can significantly change the position of the administrative body. Appearing with a lawyer means that the person will defend his position and, most likely, will appeal the decision in the case in the future. If the case is lost, the costs of the lawyer will be recovered from the administrative body, and this fact forces the relevant officials to terminate the proceedings in doubtful cases.

We hope that these simple rules will help you get out of the situation with administrative penalties with minimal losses and, at a minimum, without harming yourself.

If you need a lawyer, here is the approximate cost of our services.

© Liliya Mishchuk

What to do when drawing up a protocol on an administrative violation.

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Apartment inspection protocol sample filling

The Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation inspected apartment No. 69 in house No. 15 on the street. Tolstoy, Moscow, about which, in accordance with the requirements of Articles 141 and 182 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation, this protocol was drawn up. Before the inspection began, the above persons were explained their right to make comments to be included in the protocol, to be present at all actions carried out during the inspection. They announced the use of photographic equipment during the inspection process, and the possible use, if necessary, of certain technical means. Witness T.I. Fadeeva. and Sidorov R.A. in accordance with Art. 185 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation explains their obligation to certify the fact, content and results of the inspection of the scene of the incident. /Fadeeva T.I./ /Sidorov R.A./Forensic expert Stepanov S.K. his duties as a specialist in criminal proceedings, provided for in Art. 1331 Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation.

Certificate of inspection of the premises. Sample and download form 2021

The scope of application of the premises inspection report is very wide, since the need to inspect the condition of the premises arises as a result of many civil and criminal legal relations.

Files in .DOC: Form of premises inspection reportSample premises inspection report

The structure of the act practically does not change depending on the type of legal relationship that caused the inspection, but the content and name of the act may depend on many factors, starting with the composition of the commission and ending with the measures taken after the inspection.

Types of premises

There are two types of premises - residential and non-residential. Residential buildings are divided into apartments, rooms, apartment buildings, and privately owned residential buildings.

Non-residential premises are divided into a huge number of subtypes, namely:

  • industrial premises;
  • office rooms;
  • garages, sheds, warehouses;
  • industrial buildings and facilities;
  • retail premises, etc.

Most premises have a common feature - they belong to the category of real estate, which means they are inextricably linked with the land. Of course, there are also premises that are not real estate.

These are garages and sheds without a foundation, household carriages, residential mobile homes, etc.

The need for inspection may arise for any of the above types of premises and for various reasons, which we will discuss below.

Housing survey

In fact, a survey of living conditions is the purest inspection of a living space. It’s just that the objectives of this inspection are clearly defined - to determine the suitability of the premises for living in it, the degree of its amenities, etc.

The need for an inspection to examine housing conditions may arise:

  • in connection with the consideration of applications for improvement of living conditions;
  • in connection with the consideration of applications for recognition of housing as unsafe;
  • in connection with the consideration of disputes regarding the placement of a child in foster care. In this case, the inspection is carried out by employees of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities.

Determining the harm caused

An inspection of a premises (residential or non-residential) can be carried out with the aim of determining and assessing the degree of damage caused to the premises as a result of human actions or as a result of emergencies and natural disasters.

As a rule, in such cases, the act is drawn up either by an expert group, or a specially created commission, or a representative of the insurance company. If necessary, it is allowed to draw up accompanying acts on opening the premises and sealing the premises.

The most common reasons for conducting an inspection to determine the harm caused are:

  • room flood;
  • there was a fire;
  • collapse of structures;
  • other anthropogenic and natural impacts on the premises.

Actions of investigative authorities

A protocol for examining the scene of an incident or a protocol for a search are equivalent to an act of inspecting the premises, provided that the investigative actions are carried out on the premises.

Protocols are drawn up by the person responsible for conducting investigative actions, with the obligatory presence of witnesses.

Inspection of purchased property

Another reason for drawing up an inspection report of the premises may be the buyer (tenant) checking the real estate objects he has purchased (leased).

As a rule, acts are drawn up in cases where, after concluding a purchase and sale agreement or a lease agreement, the seller or tenant discovers certain defects in the premises he purchased.

In this case, the purpose of the act is to record the fact of detection of defects for subsequent filing of claims.

Inspection after repair

In this case, drawing up an inspection report of the premises is carried out as a result of accepting repair, construction or installation work. During the inspection, violations committed during the performance of work are revealed, and the report is a way of recording the identified violations.

An act is drawn up by a specially created commission of the customer with the participation of a representative of the developer or contractor. If there are no defects, the act will become the basis for drawing up a transfer and acceptance certificate, and if there are defects, it will become the basis for filing claims.

Government services

During the acceptance of real estate objects for operation, inspection reports of the premises are drawn up:

  • fire inspections for fire safety of the premises;
  • sanitary inspections to ensure the premises comply with sanitary standards;
  • environmental inspections to ensure the premises comply with environmental standards;
  • urban planning and technical inspections.


Regardless of the reason for the inspection of the premises, a special commission is created to carry out this inspection. The composition of the commission is determined by the tasks facing it. Thus, the commissions may include:

  1. representatives of the housing department, management company, neighbors, residents;
  2. experts in various fields;
  3. fire safety inspectors;
  4. electrical system inspectors and experts;
  5. inspectors of sanitary and environmental services;
  6. employees of other government bodies with powers to monitor compliance with various standards in construction, etc.

The quantitative composition of commissions has no upper limits, and the minimum composition of commission members must be at least three people.

Drawing up an act

An act is always a written document, which means it is impossible to create it by dictating descriptions of the premises onto a voice recorder. The act is not regulated, which means it is drawn up in free form in compliance with certain principles and rules of business correspondence.

Structurally, the inspection report of the premises includes several mandatory blocks, namely:

  1. date and place of inspection;
  2. a list of names of all members of the commission, their positions and authorities that they represent. Other participants in the inspection procedure may also be indicated, for example, invited specialists;
  3. address of the premises where the inspection is carried out;
  4. the reason for the inspection;
  5. general description of the premises indicating its main technical characteristics;
  6. separate descriptions of certain features of the premises, depending on the purpose of the inspection. For example, an inspection during flooding involves recording smudges, traces of water, visible damage, possible signs by which the source of flooding can be determined;
  7. information about what time of day the inspection is carried out and under what lighting;
  8. information about the technical means of recording used during the inspection - video, photos, detectors, etc.;
  9. conclusion of an invited specialist (optional);
  10. conclusions of the commission based on the results of the inspection;
  11. information about applications or tables (if necessary);
  12. signatures of all commission members and the date of signing the act.

An act is drawn up in a number of copies corresponding to the number of persons interested in the act.

Premises inspection protocol: sample filling

The corridor of this apartment is rectangular in shape. It has two directions. The first one to the left is towards the kitchen, the second one is straight from the front door. In the left wall of the second direction there are entrances to rooms No. 1 and No. 2.

This direction ends with the entrance to the combined bathroom. Inspection of the corridor The dimensions of the first direction of the corridor are 1.5 x 1.2 m, the second 3.7 x 1.2 m, height - 2.7 m. Illuminated by a lamp located on the wall to the right of the entrance door. The floor of the corridor is covered with brown linoleum, and the walls are covered with beige-brown wallpaper. It was found in the corridor... Inspection of the kitchen The door to the kitchen is single-leaf, wooden, white, has no locks or locks. At the time of inspection the door was open. The kitchen is rectangular in size, 2 x 3 m in size, ceiling height is 2.7 m. The floor is covered with yellow linoleum. In the wall to the right of the entrance to the kitchen, there is a double-hung single-frame window with a window in the upper left part.

One-room apartment inspected

Investigator of the Saryarka district of Astana, police captain Imangali N.K., having received a telephone message at 23:55 from the police department on duty about a murder at the address: st. Berezovaya, 15, apt. 28, at 00:30 arrived at the scene of the incident.

With the participation of forensic expert EKO GOVD of Astana, police lieutenant Akhmetov O.K., in the presence of witnesses.

Meshkova Tamara Ivanovna, born in 1975, living in Astana, on the street. Berezovaya, 15, apt. 30, beats identity No. 035114202, issued on 04/03/08 by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Malakhov Ivan Mitrofanovich, born in 1966, living in Astana, on the street. Berezovaya, 15, apt. 37, beat. Personality No. 036965789, issued on July 15, 1998 by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan

on the basis of Art. 221, 224, 226 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Republic of Kazakhstan inspected the apartment located at the address st. Berezovaya, 15, apt. 28 about which in accordance with the requirements of Art. 156 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Republic of Kazakhstan compiled this protocol.

Before the inspection began, the above-mentioned persons were explained their right to be present at all actions carried out during the inspection and to make statements to be included in the protocol; they were also informed about the use of photographic equipment during the inspection, and the possible use, if necessary, of certain technical means.

Witness Meshkova T.I. and Malakhov I.M. in accordance with Art. 135 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the RSFSR explains their obligation to certify the fact, content and results of the inspection of the scene of the incident

Forensic expert Akhmetov O.K. was explained his duties as a specialist in criminal proceedings, provided for in Art. 84 Code of Criminal Procedure of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Warned of liability for refusal or evasion to perform the duties of a specialist.

A five-story white brick building, consisting of 5 entrances directed into the courtyard. The house is located along Berezovaya Street.

The place of inspection is apartment No. 28, located on the second floor of the second entrance, a five-story brick building, located at the address: Astana, st. Berezovaya, 15.

The approach to the inspected apartment is through a flight of stairs, consisting of 3 flights, each of which consists of 12 steps.

On the landing of the second floor there are doors to apartments No. 27 and 29. The door to apartment No. 28 is closest to the flight of stairs and is located to the left of it. In the inspected entrance there is a garbage chute, the working parts of which are in good working order. Protocol for examining the scene of an incident involving theft from a store? The door to the dumpster is on the ground floor, on the outside of the house. The door was closed at the time of inspection. The door was opened by the invited employee of DEZ No. 7 Ivanova V.I. During an inspection of the dumpster, a knife was found sprinkled with a small amount of household trash.

On the inside, the entrance door has one metal bolt, which at the time of inspection was not damaged and is located at a height of 1 m 30 cm from the floor. The deadbolt is in the retracted position.

The corridor is square in size, 2 x 2 m in size, ceiling height is 2.7 m. Illuminated by a lamp with one incandescent lamp located on the wall to the left of the entrance door.

The corridor floor is covered with brown linoleum. On the floor, directly next to the door jamb described above, in an area of ​​25 x 28 cm, there are wooden chips and crumbs.

In the corridor there are two doors leading to the kitchen and to room No. 1. The door to the kitchen is located in the wall opposite the entrance to the apartment. The door to the kitchen is single-leaf, wooden, white, has no locks or locks. At the time of inspection the door was open. The door to the room is single-leaf, wooden. It has a bolt in the form of a metal latch, which is installed on the side of the room. Peculiarities of inspection of the crime scene following a robbery? The latch and its counterpart on the door jamb, made in the form of a metal bracket, are not damaged. The latch bolt is in the retracted position.

The kitchen is rectangular in size, 2 x 3 m in size, ceiling height is 2.7 m. The floor is covered with yellow linoleum. In the wall to the right of the entrance to the kitchen, there is a double-hung single-frame window with a window on the left side. The window has no damage. Closed at the time of inspection.

Upon further inspection of the room, its walls will be marked: wall with the entrance door - 1; the wall to the right of the wall with the entrance door - 2; the wall opposite to the wall with the entrance door - 3; the wall to the left of the wall with the entrance door - 4.

The room is rectangular in size, 5 x 4 m in size, ceiling height is 2.7 m. The floor is covered with parquet boards. The wallpaper on the walls is green, with a pattern of diamonds and ovals of the same color. The room is illuminated by a chandelier consisting of three incandescent lamps located in the central part of the ceiling. The lighting is activated by a switch, which is located on wall No. 1 to the left of the entrance door, at a height of 1 m from the floor. The switch is white, with a smooth surface. At the time of inspection, the lighting was in good working order.

Description of the table with dishes (objects with traces of saliva, sweat and teeth) (Appendix 9)

Near this window there is a wooden table, rectangular in shape, brown. The edge of the table is adjacent to the window sill. The table is covered with a white oilcloth tablecloth with a pattern of red flowers with green petals.

Near the table, on the right side, there is a chair with a seat made of gray fabric, on which a dark-colored hair, 5 cm long, was found. The hair is packed in a paper bag, on which a tag with an explanatory inscription is placed. Samples of microparticles located on it were taken from the surface of the seat onto white fingerprint film measuring 15x20.

Inspection of the scene of the incident

The shooting was carried out by placing the subject between the light source and the lens on film 64 units, aperture 2, shutter speed 1/30s. Negatives of photographs of fingerprints obtained on a scale of 1:1 are packed in an envelope with the inscription “Photocopies of fingerprints found during inspection on a bottle of Stolichnaya vodka during an inspection of the scene of the incident - apartment No. 69 in building No. 15 on the street. Tolstoy October 9, 1996" The envelope is sealed and signed by the specialist who prepared the negatives in the presence of witnesses, the investigator, and witnesses. Further along the inspection along the wall separating the room from the kitchen, to the right of the entrance to the room there is a Saratov freezer, a Polyus 2 refrigerator; there is no other furniture. A detailed plan of the room is given in Appendix 1 to this protocol. On the left when exiting the room there is a 3 * 3 m kitchen.

Premises inspection report for 2021

  • Passport information of the future owner and the person representing the construction company.
  • The degree of completion of finishing work (with or without finishing) is displayed.
  • The coincidence of the actual footage of the living space with the design documents is checked.
  • Quality of joints and finishing works.
  • Working condition of ventilation ducts and utility networks.

Identified deficiencies are reflected in a protocol of comments, which is signed by the parties for the developer to eliminate the deficiencies. If the buyer signs for the housing, eliminating defects will become his problem. Therefore, when inspecting a home, you cannot trust the developer.

Premises inspection report

The cash register occupies a corner room on the second floor, one window of which overlooks the factory territory, the second - onto 1st Northern Lane. The entrance to the ticket office is directly from the corridor, which stretches along the entire second floor. It is reached by two staircases located 20 m to the left and right of the main entrance.

The entrance door to the cash desk is single-leaf, upholstered on both sides with light iron. The door has two mortise locks. During the inspection, the door was opened by cashier V.V. Smirnova. The room is divided into two adjacent parts by a partition, into which is built a door, upholstered in light iron and having a window measuring 26 by 30 cm, which opens from the part in which the cashier is located during work.

This room is almost square in shape, its size is 3.5 by 3 m, its height is 3 m 30 cm. The existing window faces 1st Northern Lane; there is no grill on the window. At the very beginning of the inspection, the participating persons are explained their rights, duties, responsibilities, as well as the procedure for inspecting the premises. V.Ya. Rukharev I.N. Mironova T.I. Smeshkova I.M. Palakhov Witness Smeshkova T.I. and Palakhov I.M. at the same time, at the beginning of the inspection, their rights, duties and responsibilities, including those provided for in Art. 60 Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation. T.I. Smeshkova I.M. Palakhov The investigator verified the competence of Vyacheslav Yakovlevich Rukharev as a specialist, found out his relationship to the suspect, accused and victim and explained his rights, duties and responsibilities, including those provided for in Art. 58 Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation. V.Ya. Rukharev The participants were also informed about the use of technical means: a Zenit-TTL camera with an Industar-44 lens and photographic film with a sensitivity of 130 units, as well as a Chaika electric flash by specialist V.Ya. Rukharev.

Inspection of the area, home, other premises


(place of compilation)

Inspection started at19h25min
Inspection completed at20h15min
Investigator of the Investigative Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Ensk, Captain of Justice Nikolaev A.A.

(position of investigator (investigator), class rank or title, surname, initials)

in the presence of witnesses:

1.Varlamov Sergei Ivanovich

(Full Name

live: Ensk. Dekabristov st. 34, apt. 6

and place of residence of the witness)

2.Radulov Igor Yurievich

(Full Name

living area : Ensk, Tankovaya str. 56. kv.67

and place of residence of the witness)

withIVF criminologist specialist of the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Ensk

(procedural position, surname, name, patronymic of each person,

police captain Semenov S.S., o/u OBEP Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Ensk captain

participating in the investigative action, and, if necessary, his address and other information about his identity)

police Biryukova I.V. and suspect Smirnov I.I.
based on the resolution of "15»February11and in accordance with Art. 164,

Part 1 Art. 176, art. 177 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation carried out an inspection of the area, home, other premises,

located at:Ensk, Dekabristov st. 34, apt. 5

Before the inspection begins, the persons involved are presented with the specified resolution, their rights, duties and responsibilities are explained, as well as the procedure for carrying out the investigative action.

Persons involved:signatureSemenov S.S.

(signature) (surname, initials)

signatureBiryukov I.V.

(signature) (surname, initials)

signatureSmirnov I.I.

(signature) (surname, initials)

In addition, before the start of the inspection, the witnesses were explained their rights, duties and responsibilities under Art. 60 Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation.


(signature of witness)


(signature of witness)

Specialist (expert)Semenov S.S.his rights are explained,

(Full Name)

duties and responsibilities provided for in Art. 58 and art. 57 Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation.

(signature of a specialist (expert)

Persons participating in the investigative action were warned in advance about
use of technical means during investigative actions

(which ones

digital camera "Kodak V 603" with a resolution of 6.1 m.p. specialist

and by whom exactly)

Semenov S.S.
The inspection was carried out under conditionsunder artificial light

(weather, light)

Inspection established:Apartment 5 of building 34 on Dekabristov Street is subject to inspection.

(what exactly, procedural actions are described

Ensk. The apartment is located in the 1st entrance on the 3rd floor of a 9-story brick building.

in the order in which they were produced, significant

The door to the apartment is iron. The apartment is two-room. The bathroom must be inspected

circumstances for this case, as well as statements (explanations) of the persons involved

converted into a sauna, as well as a loggia. Sauna size 2x2x3 m. 3 walls and ceiling

in investigative action; technical means used during the investigation

finished with linden lining. The width of one board is 12 cm. In addition, on one side of the sauna

actions, conditions and procedure for their use, objects to which these means were

at a height of 1 m there is a shelf measuring 1x2 m. A two-step ladder is attached to it.

applied and the results obtained)

The shelf and ladder are made of 25 mm thick boards. and 20cm wide. Loggia size
1.5x4x2.7 m. Side walls measuring 1.5x2.7 m., front part of the loggia measuring 1.2x 4 m. and
the wall on the side of the door to the loggia measuring 3x2.7 m, as well as the ceiling, are finished with “lining”
from pine. The width of one board is 12 cm, thickness 10 mm. The floor is made of planks wide
20 cm and 30 mm thick. In the loggia on the right side on the floor there are 10 scraps of various
lengths from the “lining” of both pine and linden, as well as 3 trimmings from the floorboard.
During the inspection it was carried outphotography

(photography, video, audio recording, etc.)

Seized during investigative action1) one piece of board 46 cm long from

(list of seized

linden; 2) one piece of pine board, 42 cm long; 3) one piece of floorboard long

objects indicating their individual characteristics and characteristics, method

36 cm. These trimmings are packed in a burlap bag, the neck of which is tied

packaging, sealing (with what seal) and certification marks with the signatures of the investigator (inquiry officer),

twine and to which is attached a tag with an explanatory inscription, certified by signatures

witnesses and other persons participating in the investigative action, where the items

participants in the investigative action.

sent after seizure or the place of their subsequent storage)

Everything discovered and seized during the investigative action was presented
witnesses and other participants in the investigative action.
Attached to the protocolphoto table

(photographic negatives and photographs,

films, slides, phonograms, video cassettes, computer storage media,

drawings, plans, diagrams, casts and prints of traces made during investigative actions)

The protocol was presented for review to all persons participating in the investigation.
action. At the same time, these persons were explained their right to make contributions subject to
comments on its additions agreed upon and certified by the signatures of these persons in the protocol
and clarification. Having familiarized yourself with the protocol by reading out loud by the investigator

(personal reading

or announcement of the protocol by the investigator (interrogating officer)

participants in the investigative action made the following comments about its addition
and clarification

(indicate the procedural status, surname and initials of the participant in the investigative action

and the additions and clarifications he made to the contents of the protocol)

Witnesses:signatureVarlamov S.I.

(signature) (surname, initials)

signatureRadulov I.Yu.

(signature) (surname, initials)

Specialist (expert)signatureSemenova S.S.

(signature) (surname, initials)

Other persons involved:signatureBiryukov I.V.

(signature) (surname, initials)

signatureSmirnov I.I.

(signature) (surname, initials)


(signature) (surname, initials)

This protocol has been drawn up in accordance with Art. 166, 167 and 180 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation.

Investigator (interrogator)signature



Apartment inspection protocol sample filling

The document is drawn up by the developer and handed over to the buyer after completion of construction work.

  • If the owner's rights are violated, an inspection is carried out to present the document at the request of the relevant authorities.
  • If emergency circumstances arise, for example, flooding by a neighbor, an act is drawn up to compensate for the damage caused. Such a document is filled out in the presence of interested parties (the culprit, the victim, authorized persons - these are, as a rule, housing office employees).
  • When drawing up the act, the presence of two disinterested witnesses is required. The document must be signed by everyone present during the inspection. If it is difficult to assess the damage, an expert is called. Example of filling out The form of drawing up the document depends on the reason for registration.

Protocol of inspection of the scene of the incident.

How to draw up a room inspection report When inspecting a building, the commission fills out a report showing comments on the site and detailing the elements. What data is entered in the act?

  • Before writing the act, the date and time of the survey, the address showing the locality in which the object is located and the type of building are recorded in the document.
  • The next paragraph records the details of the institution conducting the inspection, as well as information about the members of the commission and other citizens present during the inspection of the premises.
  • The form must reflect all the activities carried out by the commission and the information revealed during the survey.

Basic rules for drawing up an act

There is no unified, single template for drawing up this document, so you can write it in free form. You can fill out the act by hand or print it on a computer. The main thing is that it contains information about the object being inspected, information about the members of the inspection commission, an accurate description of their conclusions, as well as comments and shortcomings identified during the procedure. If an inspection of the premises is carried out to establish the fact of damage, then this must also be noted, indicating the cause, the alleged culprit, as well as the identified cause-and-effect relationships.

The document can be created in a descriptive form, or it can be compiled in the form of a table.

The more complex the structure of the inspected premises is, the more ambitious the objectives of the inspection are, the more voluminous and broad the act becomes.

Sometimes separate annexes are attached to the act - they must also be indicated in the main document.

Quite often, during inspections, the object is photographed, and then the photographs are also included in the act as attachments. If, during the inspection of the premises, electrical equipment, ventilation, heating and water supply systems are checked, the report must certify that their condition complies with established norms and standards.

The act is drawn up in several copies - one for each of the interested parties. Each copy of the act must be certified by the original signatures of the members of the commission conducting the inspection, and also certified by the seals of the relevant organizations. A correctly drawn up act acquires legal force and can serve as evidence in court.

Premises inspection protocol: sample filling

The cabinet doors and glass are closed with magnetic ties; the general order of things inside is not disturbed. All three cabinets have double-leaf mezzanines above them. Then in the right corner of the room, formed by the wall opposite the entrance and the right wall, there is a polished “light wood” cabinet, 90 cm high with two doors, facing the center of the room, so that its back the wall forms a triangle with the walls of the room. In the wall of the room to the right of the entrance there is a window with a double frame and a double door to the balcony. The latches on the window and door sashes are closed. The curtains on the window of the room are open, there is a tulle curtain. At the window of the room there is a coffee table, polished “light wood” with two dark chairs on opposite sides of the table. On the table there is an empty bottle of transparent glass, capacity 0.5 l, with the label “Vodka Stolichnaya” and two glasses of clear glass, cut.

Protocol for inspection of the premises (sample filling)

The act is drawn up both during the inspection of residential premises and non-residential objects (warehouses, industrial buildings, offices, etc.). The main reasons for drawing up an act are the need to confirm or refute any harm caused to the premises, or to describe the condition of the premises at a certain point in time without reference to any event.

Acts on inspection of premises are divided into two types:

  • optional (for property transactions),
  • mandatory (when conducting forensic examinations, investigative activities and investigations).

FILESDownload a blank form for a premises inspection report .docDownload a sample of filling out a premises inspection report .doc Premises inspection procedure As a rule, several people are involved in the premises inspection procedure. All their data must be included in the inspection report of the premises.

Instructions for writing a premises inspection report

The act is drawn up according to standard office work rules, so it should not cause any special difficulties.

  • In the “header” of the document in the middle, its name is written and the essence is briefly indicated (in this case, “inspection of the premises”), and the locality in which it is being drawn up and the date : day, month (in words), year.
  • Then the composition of the commission that conducts the inspection is entered: the position of each member of the commission, the full name of the organization that he represents, last name, first name, patronymic are indicated.
  • Next, information related to the object itself . Here you need to enter information about its name and purpose, indicate the owner, as well as the address where it is located.
  • The commission's conclusions are published below : if the premises and all inspected elements are in good condition, then this should be noted, but if there are any complaints or comments about its condition, then they should be described in as much detail as possible.
  • In the final part of the act, it must be signed by all members of the formed commission and, if necessary, certified with seals.

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It is also required to display comments, opinions of commission members and other important data.

  • After completing the examination, the commission is obliged to write down in the document its full name, position, and sign.

The number of copies of completed documents depends on the number of interested parties. Residential premises inspection report A residential premises inspection report is drawn up, as a rule, in 3 cases:

  1. In a real estate transaction.
  2. In case of violation of the owner's rights.
  3. In emergency situations.
  4. When purchasing a home, especially in new buildings, a deed must be drawn up.
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