Article 204.1. Mediation in commercial bribery

Art. 204 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Commercial bribery, otherwise called commercial bribery, is similar to Art. 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Receiving a bribe and Art. 291 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Giving a bribe only provides for liability for the giving and receiving of material assets not by an official, but by a person performing managerial functions in a commercial or other organization. Moreover, Art. 204 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, in contrast to Art. Art. 290 and 291 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, combined elements providing for liability both for the illegal transfer of part. 1-4 tbsp. 204 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and for illegal receipt of part. 5-6 tbsp. 204 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation of money, securities, other property, services of a property nature or other property rights.

Simple composition part 1 tbsp. 204 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the transfer of commercial bribery provides for a less severe maximum penalty of up to two years in prison than the simple offense provided for in Part 5 of Art. 204 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, receipt of commercial bribery, which is punishable more severely, and the maximum penalty for which is up to three years in prison. Parts 2, 3 art. 204 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and parts 6, 7 of Art. 204 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation defines offenses with additional qualifying criteria for giving and receiving a commercial bribe, respectively. This is a significant amount (parts 2 and 6), as well as a group of persons, a preliminary conspiracy or an organized group, a large size, for obviously illegal actions (parts 4 and 7) of Art. 204 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Part 7 art. 204 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation contains another qualifying sign of receiving commercial bribery - if it is associated with extortion of the subject of bribery. Moreover, it should be noted that a more severe sanction with the same qualifying criteria for receiving commercial bribery is provided.

Another component of a commercial bribe, Art. 204.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Mediation in commercial bribery. The sanction for both simple and qualified elements of this article is no less severe than for commercial bribery itself, the qualifying features are similar to Art. 204 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, but there is a special qualifying composition provided for in Part 4 of Art. 204.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Promise or offer of commercial bribery.

There is also another independent element regarding commercial bribery, provided for in Art.
204.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Petty commercial bribery, providing for liability for bribery in an amount of no more than ten thousand rubles, the maximum penalty for a qualified composition of which does not exceed one year of imprisonment. CRIMINAL LAWYER call now:8 (495) 532-75-40

Defense in cases of commercial bribery under Art. 204 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

The tactics of defense in cases of commercial bribery regarding the act itself can be very similar to the tactics of defense in cases of bribery. In criminal cases of commercial bribery, the subject is slightly different than in cases of official bribery; in the first case, it is a person performing managerial functions, in the second, an official. When developing a defense position, attention should be paid to whether the defendant is a subject of the crime, whether he was given managerial functions; if this is not the case, then another qualification is possible, and if it is less serious, improving the position of the defendant, then it is advisable to follow such defense tactics. Otherwise, the defense in cases of commercial bribery is formed individually, depending on the circumstances.

Commentary to Art. 204 Criminal Code

1. The commented article combines two independent elements of crime: giving commercial bribery (parts 1 - 4) and receiving commercial bribery (parts 5 - 8). The features of both crimes have much in common with the offenses of receiving and giving a bribe (Articles 290 and 291 of the Criminal Code); Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated July 9, 2013 No. 24 “On judicial practice in cases of bribery and other corruption crimes” is devoted to issues of their qualifications.

2. The subject of commercial bribery is defined in the law as money, securities, other property, services of a property nature, other property rights (clause 9 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of July 9, 2013 No. 24).

3. The objective side of giving the subject of commercial bribery is the illegal transfer of the subject of bribery for the commission of actions (inaction) in the interests of the giver in connection with the official position held by the person.

The action (inaction) for which the subject of bribery is transferred must: a) be performed in the interests of the giver or other persons and b) be related to the official position held by the person. Action (inaction) in the interests of the transferor should be interpreted broadly, including in this concept not only specifically determined both legal and illegal action (inaction), but also general patronage or connivance in the service. The action (inaction) must also be related to the range of rights and obligations that the bribed subject is endowed with, or to his ability to facilitate the commission of actions (inaction) due to his official position.

The moment of transfer of the subject of bribery: before or after the commission of an action (inaction) does not matter (clause 8 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of July 9, 2013 No. 24).

4. The objective side of receiving the subject of commercial bribery is the illegal receipt of the subject of bribery for the commission of actions (inaction) in the interests of the giver in connection with the official position held by the person.

5. The transfer and receipt of property benefits for the formation of commercial bribery must be illegal, i.e. are not provided for by law or the employment contract or do not belong to a type of entertainment expenses (gifts).

6. The giving and receipt of the subject of commercial bribery are considered completed from the moment the recipient accepts at least part of the transferred values ​​(clauses 10 - 11 of the Resolution of the Plenum of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation of July 9, 2013 No. 24).

7. Qualified and especially qualified offenses of commercial bribery (as well as the punishment imposed on the person) are associated, among other things, with the assessment of the amount of commercial bribery, which requires in each case to accurately determine the amount of commercial bribery, including with the involvement of experts.

8. Note 2 to the article provides a special basis for exemption from criminal liability of a person who transferred the subject of commercial bribery if he actively contributed to the disclosure and (or) investigation of the crime and, alternatively, either extortion took place in relation to him, or if he voluntarily reported the bribery to the authority who has the right to initiate criminal proceedings.

Lawyer in cases of commercial bribery under Art. 204 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

Criminal cases of commercial bribery are specific at the expense of the subject; it is this circumstance that will influence the qualification of the illegal transfer of material assets, whether it is commercial bribery, or a bribe or fraud. In order to ensure yourself the opportunity to take the most advantageous defense position at the very beginning, contacting a lawyer should be at the very beginning of the criminal prosecution, preferably at the stage of verification in accordance with Art. 144-145 Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation. This gives a serious advantage to the defense. If you have been overtaken by criminal prosecution for commercial bribery, do not panic, maintain composure, seek protection from criminal prosecution through a criminal lawyer, call a lawyer at the phone number listed on the website.

Specialization of the norms of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in the context of violations in the field of procurement

Co-author: Alexander Lykov

Lawyer at You & Partners

In May 2021, Federal Law No. 99-FZ of April 23, 2018 “On Amendments to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and Article 151 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation” came into force, which strengthened criminal liability for violations in the field of procurement goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs. First of all, two new crimes have been added to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - abuse in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state or municipal needs and bribery of a contract service employee, contract manager, member of the procurement commission.

According to the explanatory note to the bill, in practice there were gaps in the legislative regulation of liability for abuses in procurement. Thus, for a long time the criminal legislation did not contain special articles establishing liability in this area; in judicial practice1 such crimes were usually qualified under articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on theft of other people's property, abuse of power, including official ones, as well as commercial bribery, giving and receiving bribes.

New crimes

A new article has been introduced into the text of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. 200.4 “Abuse in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state or municipal needs.” The subjects of this crime are employees who are not officials or persons performing managerial functions in a commercial or other organization. For abuses in the procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs, a wide range of punishments is provided - from a fine to imprisonment, while the upper limit of punishment for a qualified crime is established in the form of imprisonment for a term of up to 7 years with deprivation of the right to occupy certain positions or engage in certain activities for a period of up to 3 years or without it. The qualifying features of this crime are its commission by a group of persons by prior conspiracy, as well as causing damage on a large and especially large scale. Let us note that the amount of large and especially large damage corresponds to the parameters established for the articles of Chapter. 22 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in the note to Art. 170.2.

Another novella - Art. 200.5 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Bribery of a contract service employee, contract manager, member of the procurement commission.” The new article is designed to counter the giving and receiving of bribes when making purchases and accepting delivered goods, works, and services. Its main difference from Art. 204 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Commercial bribery” is that in this article the subjects are persons performing managerial functions in a commercial or other organization. In the text of the new article. 200.5 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the subjects of the crime are contract service employees, contract managers, members of the procurement commission, persons accepting goods supplied, work performed or services provided, or other authorized persons representing the interests of the customer in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to ensure state or municipal needs.

In this regard, there is reason to believe that now the effect of the article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on commercial bribery will not extend to the persons named in Art. 200.5 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. The upper limit of punishment for a qualified crime under this article is established in the form of imprisonment for a term of up to 8 years with or without a fine of up to forty times the amount of bribery and with or without deprivation of the right to hold certain positions or engage in certain activities for a term of up to 5 years. .

The stated changes indicate, in our opinion, the “specialization” of the norms of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, since new elements of crimes, in fact, clarify the elements of crimes that were already present in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. It is expected that such legislative changes should contribute to greater clarity in enforcement. However, in practice the opposite effect is also possible.

International standards and foreign experience

International standards in the field of public procurement provide only general principles for protecting competition and fighting corruption in procurement and execution of government contracts, without defining specific offenses and liability for their commission.

Responsibility is established by specialized international standards in the field of combating corruption, for example the Council of Europe Criminal Law Convention on Corruption (Strasbourg, January 27, 1999), the United Nations Convention against Corruption (October 31, 2003).

The most detailed legal regulation of offenses in the field of public procurement is contained in national legislation. At the same time, the legislation of various countries does not have uniform approaches to regulating liability in this area. Thus, the rules on liability for official crimes in the USA are grouped in 4 key chapters of the US Code of Laws: “Bribery, ill-gotten gains and abuse of position” (Chapter 11), “Elections and political activity” (Chapter 29), “Extortion and threats" (ch. 41) and "Public officials and employees" (ch. 93)2. In countries with a common law system, judicial precedents play a significant role in establishing and clarifying liability for offenses.

In countries of the continental legal system, precedent does not have such significance. In Germany, the bulk of procurement offenses fall under administrative law. Nevertheless, the criminal legislation of the Federal Republic of Germany specifically provides for liability for bribery or receipt of benefits (sanctions for bribery include a fine, imprisonment, deprivation of the right to hold a certain position and confiscation of property obtained by criminal means in favor of the state)3. A description of the elements of these crimes and the sanctions to be applied is contained in section. 30 of the Criminal Code of the Federal Republic of Germany “Punishable acts in the service.”

The Austrian Criminal Code includes the following crimes: entering into an agreement that led to a restriction of competition in public procurement (Artikel 168b des Österreichischen Strafgesetzbuches), fraud (Artikel 146 des Österreichischen Strafgesetzbuches), bribery.

Possible problems

From the text of Art. 200.4 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation there is no clear conclusion about what exactly is meant by “abuse” or “violation of the law” in the field of procurement. Is it true that any act, even the most insignificant, that entails a violation of procurement legislation will now be subject to this article? If the norm is interpreted literally, the answer will be positive.

In addition, in Art. 200.4 establishes that an act is considered a crime if it is “committed for mercenary or other personal interest and causes major damage.” That is, to qualify an act as criminally punishable, it is necessary to simultaneously comply with two of the above conditions - selfish or other personal interest and causing major damage. In this regard, it seems logical to supplement the article with a note, where, by analogy with Art. 170.2 (referenced in the explanatory note to the bill), a clear definition of “major damage” will be given.

Several questions arise regarding the wording of Art. 200.5 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which does not define the minimum amount transferred as a bribe, starting from which criminal liability begins. Based on the wording of the article, receiving any amount or service may be classified as a crime. However, in similar articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation concerning receiving and giving a bribe (Articles 290 and 291 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), as well as in the article devoted to commercial bribery (Article 204 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), the minimum amount of a bribe (bribery) is also not specified.

Main conclusions

Changes to the legislation regulating public procurement procedures are a frequent occurrence (only for 2021 in the text of the Federal Law of April 5, 2013 No. 44-FZ “On the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, services to meet state and municipal needs” (hereinafter referred to as the Law on the Contract System) amendments were made 14 times). However, the previously adopted changes mainly affected the provisions of the Law on the Contract System.

The trend of increasing liability for acts committed by civil servants and representatives of state corporations has been observed in legislation over the past few years. Thus, in 2015, the concept of “official”4 was expanded in relation to Ch. 30 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Crimes against state power, the interests of public service and service in local government bodies.” The category of “officials” included heads of state-owned companies, state and municipal enterprises, joint-stock companies with state participation (clause 1 of the Notes to Article 285 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Abuse of Official Powers”). In addition, Law No. 265-FZ established liability for negligence causing particularly large damage (Article 293 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation), and introduced administrative liability for failure to fulfill state and municipal contracts.

New amendments to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation tighten sanctions both in relation to participants in procurement procedures and executors of government contracts, as well as to the organizers of tenders themselves and persons accepting works, goods, and services under government contracts.

1 Examples include the Cassation Ruling of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated October 16, 2012 No. 201-O12-10; Cassation ruling of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated December 26, 2021 No. 19-UD17-38.

2 Title 18 USC June 28, 1989

3 Section 30 of the German Criminal Code “Punishable acts in service” (Strafgesetzbuch (StGB). Dreißigster Abschnitt. Straftaten im Amt).

4 See Federal Law No. 265-FZ of July 13, 2015 “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation.”

Object and subject of a criminal offense

As an offense, commercial bribery refers to a group of crimes against the legitimate interests of service in organizations.

Its direct object is the normal work of a commercial or other organization, in accordance with current legislation and constituent documents - and, first of all, its managerial apparatus.

For clarity, let us turn to the definition of the term “commercial organization”. The official definition was given by the Plenum of the RF Armed Forces. A commercial organization is an organization whose activities are aimed at making a profit (production cooperative, business partnership, etc.).

Other organizations in this context are legal entities that have the right to carry out business activities strictly to achieve the goals specified in the constituent documents. The law prohibits the distribution of profits from such activities among the participants of the organization.

The subject of this crime is understood quite broadly: it includes cash, and funds in non-cash circulation, and securities of any kind, and property (both movable and immovable), and services of a property nature. Money means not only Russian rubles, but also any foreign currency, as well as all types of payment documents (including those in foreign currency).

There is little point in dwelling on the meanings of the above terms, since all of them are exhaustively described in civil legislation. It is only necessary to clarify that property within the meaning of this article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation can be both movable and immovable. As for services of a property nature, they are understood as paid services, as an exception, provided to the management staff of the organization free of charge. Such services may include home and car repairs, travel vouchers, garage construction, leasing and rental, and opening a bank account.

The main thing is that all these actions lead to the manager having a property right or a specific material benefit.

It should be borne in mind that actions of a non-property nature are not the subject of commercial bribery (as is the case with bribery).

Part one

In the first part of Art. 204 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for a crime, the objective side of which can be alternative actions: the transfer of material benefits to a person responsible for performing managerial functions in an organization, or the provision of property services to this person. The transfer of material goods and the provision of services are not carried out disinterestedly, but in exchange for the manager performing an action (inaction) in the interests of the value offerer, and the action (inaction) can be performed only through work in the corresponding managerial position.

In simple words, the objective side of commercial bribery can be described as “illegal gratification.” In practice, it is not always the giver who directly benefits from the crime. Often he represents the interests of an organization or enterprise. In many ways, the methods of transferring such illegal remuneration, as well as the interests of the giver, are identical to similar concepts in another crime, namely, giving a bribe.

What is the difference between bribery and commercial bribery? The latter does not imply patronage or connivance at work.

Types of bearing

Bearing 204 has a wide range of applications, which is why it is so common on sale. It is installed in engines, power take-offs, crankshafts, camshafts, rear bearings, gearboxes, pumps, generators, and fuel system mechanisms. The part is suitable for cars, trucks, agricultural vehicles, etc.

This model belongs to the category of radial ball bearings that perceive high radial loads and insignificant axial loads.

Types of bearing 204

It is noteworthy that one bearing can have so many varieties. Numerical and alphabetic addition of a number means a certain size, change in design, or other modifications. For example, a closed bearing 204 will be designated 60204, 80204 or 180204. In the first version, the part is closed with a steel washer on one side. In the second version, on both sides. And the latest modification is a completely closed structure with rubber seals.

Also in the designation 204 bearings there are additional letters that make it clear about the material of the cage and the features of the model. Let’s say increased load capacity is designated by the letter “A”. If there are noise level requirements, “Ш” is added to the code. If there were any design changes, usually insignificant, the letter “K” is indicated in the marking. A bearing with a polyamide cage is designated by the letter “E”. Separators made of brass – “L”, from bronze – “B”. If the design of the spare part contains stainless steel parts, the manufacturer indicates the letter “U” in the marking.

Bearings 6204

Bearing 6204 is an analogue of bearing 204, and is the most popular. The internal size of such a part is 20 mm, the outer diameter is 47 mm, and the width is 14 mm. This standard size is common in various mechanisms, which makes the bearing universal.

Before you buy a bearing 6204 , you should decide on the desired design of the part, which in turn can be open or closed. for a sealed 6204z bearing will be higher than for an open design part. But at the same time, such a model can last many times longer, since the closed housing prevents various particles, dust, and dirt from entering the mechanism, which negatively affect the functionality of the bearing and its performance.

Manufacturers and prices

In many ways, the cost of a bearing is determined by its quality of workmanship, the cost of the materials used for its production, as well as the country of manufacture. The high price category includes products from the Swedish manufacturer SKF, the German plant FAG, the Japanese ASAHI, Koyo, NTN, the American FAG, TIMKEN, the French SNR, and the like. But the quality of such spare parts is very decent, and the risk of purchasing a defective part is zero, unless of course we are talking about fakes. If you buy a 204 bearing from one of the above-mentioned manufacturers, it will last for many years and will work flawlessly throughout.

The middle price segment is set for bearings NB, NASHI, FYH, IBC, NKE, HFB, FKL. for bearing 204 will be lower than for parts from previous factories, but the quality is quite good. The reduction in cost occurs mainly through the use of less expensive materials. But in general, such bearings last a long time.

for a 6204 bearing can be extremely cheap, and this should definitely alert you. You can't find a quality product for pennies. At best, using cheap bearings will lead to rapid failure of the part. And in the worst case scenario, the entire mechanism will lose its functionality. However, there are manufacturers who control the quality of their products while maintaining reasonable prices. These plants include LSK, KDF, FBJ, ISB, NBS.

When purchasing a bearing, it is important to choose not only the brand, but also a reliable seller. It is recommended to cooperate with stores that work directly with the manufacturer, or its official dealers, trading houses. This will allow you to purchase high-quality original products, and not overpriced fakes.

Application of bearing 204

Bearing designation, GOSTBearing Application
204 520-2002 00Passenger cars - GAZ power take-off
204Car BelAZ BelAZ-549 Motor-wheel
204 ACar BelAZ BelAZ-549 (75t) Motor-wheel
204 ABelAZ car BelAZ-7420-9590 Motor-wheel
204Car BelAZ BelAZ-7509 Motor-wheel (A)
204 ACar BelAZ BelAZ-75091 (75t) Motor-wheel
204Car BelAZ BelAZ-7519 Motor-wheel (A)
204 ACar BelAZ BelAZ-75191 (110t) Motor-wheel
204Car BelAZ BelAZ-75211 Engine/Speedometer drive
204 ACar BelAZ BelAZ-75211 (180t) Speedometer:drive
204Car GAZ GAZ-3502 Power (A)
204Car GAZ GAZ-3503 Power (A)
204 ACar GAZ GAZ-4301 Special equipment
204 K 3Car GAZ GAZ-4509
204 ACar GAZ GAZ-53 B
204Car GAZ GAZ-SAZ-4509 Special equipment
204Car GAZ GAZ-SAZ-53 B Power
204 520-2002 00Truck - KAMAZ all models cooling system
204Car ZIL ZIL Cooling system (A)
204 K 3Car ZIL ZIL-133 VYA Engine-cooling system/Water pump (A)
204Car KAZ KAZ-4540 Cooling system (A)
204 K 3 C 10KamAZ car KamAZ engine/rear support/driven shaft fan fluid coupling
204KamAZ KamAZ car Cooling system (A)
204 AKamAZ car KamAZ-4310 Engine-cooling system/water pump (A)
204KamAZ car KamAZ-43105 Engine-cooling system/water pump (A)
204KamAZ car KamAZ-5320 Engine-cooling system/water pump (A)
204 AKamAZ car KamAZ-53211 Engine-cooling system/water pump (A)
204KamAZ car KamAZ-53212 Engine-cooling system/water pump (A)
204 AKamAZ car KamAZ-53213 Engine-cooling system/water pump
204 AKamAZ car KamAZ-53222 Engine-cooling system/water pump
204 AKamAZ car KamAZ-5325 Engine-cooling system/water pump
204 AKamAZ car KamAZ-5410 Engine-cooling system/water pump
204 AKamAZ car KamAZ-54112 Engine-cooling system/water pump
204 AKamAZ car KamAZ-54122 Engine-cooling system/water pump
204 AKamAZ car KamAZ-5425 Engine-cooling system/water pump
204 AKamAZ car KamAZ-55102 Engine-cooling system/water pump
204KamAZ car KamAZ-5511 Engine-cooling system/water pump
204 AKamAZ car KamAZ-55111 Engine-cooling system/water pump
204 AKamAZ car KamAZ-6410 Engine-cooling system/water pump
204KamAZ car KamAZ-740 Engine-cooling system/water pump
204 ACar LiAZ LiAZ-5256 Engine
204 AMAZ car MAZ-537 gearbox/compressor
204MAZ car MAZ-537 G gearbox/compressor
204 AMAZ car MAZ-7310 RK/Hydromotor
204MAZ car MAZ-73101 RK/Hydromotor
204MAZ car MAZ-7410 RK/Hydromotor
204MAZ car MAZ-Semi-trailer Support device
204Car MoAZ MoAZ
204 ACar SAZ SAZ-3502 checkpoint
204 ACar SAZ SAZ-3503 gearbox
204 ACar SAZ SAZ-4509 Special equipment
204 ACar SAZ SAZ-53 B gearbox
204 ACar Ural Ural Cooling system
204 ACar Ural Ural-4320 Gearbox/Engine
204 ACar Ural Ural-5557 Gearbox/Engine
204 ACar Ural Ural-5920 Gearbox/Engine
204Automobile transport
204Tower cranes
204Internal combustion engines
204Road cars
6-204 520-2002 00Mechanical engineering – Traction equipment power mechanisms speedometer drive
204 520-2002 00Mechanical engineering for MPS - TEM TEM-2 speed meter drive
204Motoblock MTZ MTZ-05 (and its modifications) Gearbox/Final drive
204Processing equipment Converting machine MPL-150
204 520-2002 00Processing equipment MPL-150 converting machine
204Main and auxiliary equipment of mining and processing plants
204Main and auxiliary equipment for metallurgical production
204Processing equipment
204Agreecultural machines. Agreecultural equipment
204 520-2002 00Agricultural machinery - Combine harvesters - SK SK-5A Other components and mechanisms
204 520-2002 00Agricultural machinery - Combine harvesters - SK SK-6A Other components and mechanisms
204 520-2002 00Agricultural machinery - Combine harvesters - SK SK-6-Ts Other components and mechanisms
204 520-2002 00Agricultural machinery - Combine harvesters - SKP SKP-5A Other components and mechanisms
204 520-2002 00Agricultural machinery - Combine harvesters - SKP SKP-5M Other components and mechanisms
204 520-2002 00Agricultural machinery - Processing equipment 2M-3 Other components and mechanisms
204 520-2002 00Agricultural machinery - Processing equipment 5ВС-15М Other components and mechanisms
204 520-2002 00Agricultural machinery - Processing equipment A1-BKG-1 Other components and mechanisms
204 520-2002 00Agricultural machinery - Processing equipment A1-DZV Other components and mechanisms
204 520-2002 00Agricultural machinery - Processing equipment A1-DRV Other components and mechanisms
204 520-2002 00Agricultural machinery - Processing equipment A2-ShLK Other components and mechanisms
204 520-2002 00Agricultural machinery - Processing equipment A9KLR Other components and mechanisms
204 520-2002 00Agricultural machinery - Processing equipment A9-KLS Other components and mechanisms
204 520-2002 00Agricultural machinery - Processing equipment A9-KLS00.400 Other components and mechanisms
204 520-2002 00Agricultural machinery - Processing equipment A9-KR2-G Other components and mechanisms
204 520-2002 00Agricultural machinery - Processing equipment A9-KRI Other components and mechanisms
204 520-2002 00Agricultural machinery - Processing equipment A9-KRL Other components and mechanisms
204 520-2002 00Agricultural machinery - Processing equipment A9-KRM Other components and mechanisms
204 520-2002 00Agricultural machinery - Processing equipment AB-6 Other components and mechanisms
204 520-2002 00Agricultural machinery - Processing equipment AK-2M-40 Other components and mechanisms
204 520-2002 00Agricultural machinery - Processing equipment B-12 Other components and mechanisms
204 520-2002 00Agricultural machinery - Processing equipment B2-ORU Other components and mechanisms
204 520-2002 00Agricultural machinery - Processing equipment V2-F001/10 Other components and mechanisms
204 520-2002 00Agricultural machinery - Processing equipment V2-FNA Other components and mechanisms
204 520-2002 00Agricultural machinery - Processing equipment VAR-6 Other components and mechanisms
204 520-2002 00Agricultural machinery - Processing equipment VAR-8 ​​Other components and mechanisms
204 520-2002 00Agricultural machinery - Processing equipment ASU Other components and mechanisms
204 520-2002 00Agricultural machinery - Processing equipment G2-OT2-A Other components and mechanisms
204 520-2002 00Agricultural machinery - Processing equipment D9-AP1N Other components and mechanisms
204 520-2002 00Agricultural machinery - Processing equipment D9-VR Other components and mechanisms
204 520-2002 00Agricultural machinery - Processing equipment DTK-20MZ Other components and mechanisms
204 520-2002 00Agricultural machinery - Processing equipment EV-ELM-24 Other components and mechanisms
204 520-2002 00Agricultural machinery - Processing equipment I1-FSHN Other components and mechanisms
204 520-2002 00Agricultural machinery - Processing equipment I2-ORK-6 Other components and mechanisms
204 520-2002 00Agricultural machinery - Processing equipment IO-6-2 Other components and mechanisms
204 520-2002 00Agricultural machinery - Processing equipment K7-FDM Other components and mechanisms
204 520-2002 00Agricultural machinery - Processing equipment KSM Other components and mechanisms
204 520-2002 00Agricultural machinery - Processing equipment L5-FAL Other components and mechanisms
204 520-2002 00Agricultural machinery - Processing equipment M1-FUR Other components and mechanisms
204 520-2002 00Agricultural machinery - Processing equipment M1-FUT Other components and mechanisms
204 520-2002 00Agricultural machinery - Processing equipment M6-OR2-D2 Other components and mechanisms
204 520-2002 00Agricultural machinery - Processing equipment M8-AKS Other components and mechanisms
204 520-2002 00Agricultural machinery - Processing equipment OM-1A Other components and mechanisms
204 520-2002 00Agricultural machinery - Processing equipment OP6 U Other components and mechanisms
204 520-2002 00Agricultural machinery - OSB processing equipment Other components and mechanisms
204 520-2002 00Agricultural machinery - Processing equipment R3-ShPF-22 Other components and mechanisms
204 520-2002 00Agricultural machinery - Processing equipment RZ-KCHI Other components and mechanisms
204 520-2002 00Agricultural machinery - Processing equipment T1-VRA-6A Other components and mechanisms
204 520-2002 00Agricultural machinery - Processing equipment T1-OM-2T Other components and mechanisms
204 520-2002 00Agricultural machinery - Processing equipment FSA Other components and mechanisms
204 520-2002 00Agricultural machinery - Processing equipment FSHG Other components and mechanisms
6-204Machine tool industry 1IS611V High-precision screw-cutting lathe, universal circuit Reducer
6-204Machine tool industry 1IS611V High precision screw-cutting lathe, universal diagrams Headstock
204Machine tool industry 1IS611V High precision screw-cutting lathe, universal circuit diagrams Feed box
204Diesel locomotive TE TE-3 Power mechanisms
204Diesel locomotive TEM TEM-21 Power mechanisms
204Tractor DT DT-20
204Tractor DT DT-75 With SMD-14G engine
204Tractor DT DT-75 M Hydraulic pump drive.
204Tractor DT DT-75 MV With A-41 engine
204 ATractor DT DT-75 N Installation of hydraulic pump NSh 50 U-2-L
204Tractor K K-701
204 ATractor MTZ MTZ-082 (mini-tractor) Front axle/Articulated frame
204 ATractor MTZ MTZ-100 Clutch gear
204 ATractor MTZ MTZ-102 Clutch gear
204Tractor MTZ MTZ-2
204 ATractor MTZ MTZ-220 (mini-tractor) Axle drive shaft
204Tractor MTZ MTZ-5
204Tractor MTZ MTZ-5 K
204Tractor MTZ MTZ-5 L
204Tractor MTZ MTZ-5 LS
204Tractor T T-150
204Tractor T T-150 K
204Tractor T T-16 self-propelled chassis
204Tractor T T-40
204Tractor T T-40 A
204 520-2002 00Trams KTM-5MZ controller KV-42G
204 520-2002 00Trams KTM-5MZ rheostat switch EKG-33B
204Excavator ESH ESH-10/70 A Other mechanisms and components

Bearing modifications 204

Bearing Category Frictional torque Radial clearance AccuracyBasic bearing designationDesign Material Temperature Lubrication Vibration Separatord mmD mmB mmweight kgAnalogueFirmStandardFactory
4-204MTR4204MTP2047140,107TU 3900-A4
4-20442042047140,1076204/P4SKFGOST 520-894
5-204AK5204AK2047140,10760204/P5SKFGOST 520-8920
5-204B5204B2047140,1446204MA/P5SKFGOST 520-894
5-204B5204B2047140,144ETU 1004
5-204BT25204BT22047140,144ETU 1004
5-204ESh25204ESH22047140,1076204T/P5Q6SKFGOST 520-894
5-204ESh35204ESH32047140,105TU 4477-E-824
5-204MTR5204MTP2047140,1076204HV/P5S1SKFGOST 520-894
5-204Ш2У5204Ш2У2047140,107TU 4477-E-824
5-204У15204Yu12047140,14266204/PSHWSKFGOST 520-891
5-20452042047140,1076204/P5SKFGOST 520-894
5-20452042047140,107GOST 520-8923
5-20452042047140,107TU 37.006.068-824
5-20452042047140,107TU 37.006.086-784
5-20452042047140,1076204/P5SKFTU 37.006.087-794
6-204A6204A2047140,1076204/P6SKFGOST 520-8914
6-204A6204A2047140,0996204/P6SKFGOST 520-8918
6-204A6204A2047140,099TU 37.006.068-8218
6-204A6204A2047140,099TU 37.006.086-7818
6-204A6204A2047140,1076204/P6SKFTU 37.006.087-794
6-204A6204A2047140,1076204/P6SKFTU 37.006.087-7918
6-204A6204A2047140,1076204-2Z/P6SKFTU 37.006.143-8513
6-204A6204A2047140,107TU 37.006.154-8914
6-204AK6204AK2047140,1076204/P6SKFGOST 520-895
6-204AK6204AK2047140,1076204/P6SKFGOST 520-8920
6-204AK6204AK2047140,107TU 37.006.087-7920
6-204AK26204AK22047140,1076204/P6SKFGOST 520-894
6-204AK26204AK22047140,1076204/P6SKFTU 37.006.087-794
6-204АШ6204AS2047140,1076204/P6Q6SKFTU 37.006.060-804
6-204K6204TO2047140,107TU 37.006.068-8218
6-204K6204TO2047140,107TU 37.006.086-7818
6-204K26204K22047140,1076204/P6SKFGOST 520-894
6-204K26204K22047140,1076204/P6SKFTU 37.006.087-794
6-204K2SH6204K2SH2047140,1076204/P6Q6SKFGOST 520-894
6-204U6204U2047140,107ETU 1004
6-204Ш6204Sh2047140,1076204/P6Q6SKFGOST 520-8911
6-204Ш16204Ш12047140,1076204/P6Q6SKFGOST 520-894
6-204Ш16204Ш12047140,1076204/P6Q6SKFTU 37.006.087-794
6-204Yu6204YU2047140,1076204/P6HWSKFGOST 520-894
6-204Yu6204YU2047140,107ETU 1004
6-204Yu6204YU2047140,1076204/P6HWSKFTU 37.006.087-794
6-204Yu6204YU2047140,107TU 3706-OP-744
6-204UT6204UT2047140,107ETU 1004
6-204УУ6204YU2047140,107ETU 1004
6-20462042047140,107ETU 5004
6-20462042047140,1076204/P6Q6SKFETU 50023
7-204A7204A2047140,1076204ESKFGOST 520-894
7-204A7204A2047140,1026204ESKFTU 37.006.154-8914
7-204AK27204AK22047140,1076204ESKFGOST 520-894
7-204АШ7204AS2047140,1076204E/Q6SKFGOST 520-894
7-20472042047140,1076204SKFGOST 520-894
7-20472042047140,1076204SKFGOST 520-8911
8-20482042047140,107TU 37.006.154-891
25-204B25204B2047140,144ETU 1004
25-204T225204T22047140,107ETU 1004
25-204У625204Yu62047140,138TU 3706-OP-744
25-204Yu6P25204Yu6P2047140,138TU 3706-774
25-204252042047140,107ETU 1004
30-204E530204E52047140,102TU 37.006.087-793
35-204BT235204BT22047140,144ETU 1004
35-204Р435204P42047140,151ETU 1004
35-204Р535204P52047140,151TU 3900-A4
35-204У135204Yu12047140,1426TU 3706-771
35-204У1135204Yu112047140,143TU 3706-771
35-204Yu11P35204Yu11P2047140,143TU 3706-771
35-204Yu11P35204Yu11P2047140,143TU 3706-SK-741
35-204У235204Yu22047140,127TU 3706-774
35-204У435204Yu42047140,127TU 3706-774
35-204У935204Yu92047140,138TU 3706-774
35-204Yu9P35204Yu9P2047140,138TU 3706-774
35-204У9Т35204Yu9T2047140,138TU 4300-754
36-204Yu36204YU2047140,1076204/P6CSMHWSKFGOST 520-894
70-204A70204A2047140,1076204E/C3SKFGOST 520-891
70-204A70204A2047140,1076204/C4SKFGOST 520-894
70-204A70204A2047140,1026204/C3SKFGOST 520-8914
70-204A70204A2047140,0996204/C3SKFGOST 520-8918
70-204A70204A2047140,0996204/C3SKFTU 37.006.087-7918
70-204E570204E52047140,1026204TN9/C3SKFTU 37.006.087-793
70-204K70204TO2047140,1076204/C3SKFGOST 520-893
70-204K270204K22047140,1076204/C3SKFGOST 520-894
70-204K270204K22047140,1076204/C3SKFTU 37.006.087-794
70-204702042047140,1076204/C3SKFGOST 520-893
75-204B75204B2047140,1446204/P53SKFETU 1004
75-204ESh275204ESH22047140,1076204TA/P53Q6SKFTU 4477-E-824
75-204UT75204UT2047140,1076204/P53HWSSKFTU 4300-754
76-204A76204A2047140,1076204/P63SKFGOST 520-8918
76-204A76204A2047140,1076204/P63SKFTU 37.006.087-794
76-204A76204A2047140,1076204/P63SKFTU 37.006.154-8914
76-204AK276204AK22047140,1076204/P63SKFTU 37.006.087-794
76-204K276204K22047140,1076204/P63SKFTU 37.006.087-794
76-204Sh2U76204Ш2У2047140,1076204/P63Q6SKFTU 4477-E-824
80-204A80204A2047140,1076204/C4SKFGOST 520-891
80-204AE80204AE2047140,1056204TA/C4SKFGOST 520-891
80-204AC3080204AC302047140,107GOST 520-891
85-204BUT285204BUT22047140,1446204/P53S2SKFETU 1004
90-204A90204A2047140,107TU 37.006.154-894
1M5-2041M52042047140,107TU 44794
2V0-204A2B0204A2047140,16204ESKFGOST 520-898
2M4-2042M42042047140,107TU 3900-A4
204A204A2047140,1076204ESKFGOST 520-891
204A204A2047140,1076204SKFGOST 520-894
204A204A2047140,1076204SKFGOST 520-898
204A204A2047140,1076204SKFGOST 520-8913
204A204A2047140,1076204SKFGOST 520-8914
204A204A2047140,1076204SKFGOST 520-8918
204A204A2047140,06576204SKFGOST 520-8923
204A204A2047140,1076204SKFGOST 520-89100
204A204A2047140,099ETU 50018
204A204A2047140,1076204SKFTU 37.006.060-804
204A204A2047140,099TU 37.006.068-8218
204A204A2047140,099TU 37.006.086-7818
204A204A2047140,107TU 37.006.087-791
204A204A2047140,0996204SKFTU 37.006.087-7918
204AE204AE2047140,1076204.TVNSKFGOST 520-8923
204AK204AK2047140,1076204ESKFGOST 520-895
204AK204AK2047140,1076204SKFGOST 520-8920
204AK204AK2047140,107ETU 50020
204AK2204AK22047140,1076204SKFTU 37.006.060-804
204AK2SH204AK2SH2047140,1076204/Q6SKFTU 37.006.060-804
204АШ204AS2047140,1076204/Q6SKFTU 37.006.060-804
204E25204E252047140,1026204TSKFGOST 520-893
204E5204E52047140,102TU 37.006.087-793
204K204TO2047140,107GOST 520-893
204K204TO2047140,107ETU 50018
204K204TO2047140,107TU 37.006.068-8218
204K204TO2047140,107TU 37.006.086-7818
204K2204K22047140,1076204SKFGOST 520-894
204K2SH204K2SH2047140,1076204/Q6SKFGOST 520-894
204U204YU2047140,1076204/HWSKFGOST 520-894
2042042047140,1076204SKFGOST 520-891
2042042047140,1076204SKFGOST 520-893
2042042047140,1076204SKFGOST 520-8911
2042042047140,1076204SKFGOST 520-8912
2042042047140,1076204SKFGOST 520-8917
2042042047140,1076204SKFGOST 520-8920
2042042047140,1076204SKFGOST 520-8933
2042042047140,107TU 37.006.068-823
2042042047140,107TU 37.006.087-793
2042042047140,107TU 37.006.170-90100
2042042047140,107TU 37.006.170-90300
2042042047140,107TU 37.006.170-90600
2042042047140,107TU 37.006.170-90800
2042042047140,107TU 37.006.170-90900
2042042047140,107TU 37.006.170-901000

Part four

In the fourth part of this article of the Criminal Code, commercial bribery is described as a qualified crime.

Signs of qualifying compositions:

  • The crime was committed by a group of persons in the presence of a preliminary conspiracy.
  • The crime was committed by an organized group.
  • The crime involves extortion of illegal remuneration.
  • The crime was committed for obviously illegal actions (inaction).

The concept of “extortion” should be clarified here. It means that the manager either directly demands illegal remuneration, or deliberately puts the victim of a crime in a position in which the victim is forced to transfer illegal remuneration to the manager in order to avoid harm to his legitimate rights and interests.

Part three

The third part of this article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provides for criminal liability for receiving illegal remuneration by a person responsible for performing managerial functions in an organization.

The objective side of the analyzed crime is expressed in one of the following alternative actions: there is either the illegal receipt of material benefits, or the illegal use of the offered services of a property nature for an action (inaction) in the interests of the person offering the reward. Actions (inaction) must be directly related to the job responsibilities of the person accepting the values.

How can a culprit use his own official position? It is noteworthy that even committing inaction (that is, abstaining from committing an active action, passivity), within the meaning of the law, should be within the powers of the perpetrator.

An action (inaction) can be either illegal or simply unlawful (for example, an unreasonable reduction in the value of a product).

Consequently, signs of commercial bribery within the meaning of Part 3 of Article 204 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation include the presence of the following circumstances:

  • Subject – material assets (Russian and foreign currency in cash or non-cash form, securities of all types, movable property and real estate) or specific services of a property nature.
  • The above values ​​are accepted by an employee of an organization performing managerial functions in it.
  • Values ​​are accepted in exchange for actions (inaction) directly related to the manager’s official position.
  • The actions of the giver and the receiver are interdependent.

The corpus delicti is recognized as formal. As a criminal offense, commercial bribery is over if the manager has accepted at least part of the material benefits or partially accepted a property-related service. Performing an action in the interests of the giver is not necessary to recognize the crime as completed.

The intent in such a crime is direct, since the perpetrator is aware of the criminality of his actions and still wants to commit them. The motives and goals in such a composition can be anything, although it is obvious that the culprit is driven primarily by self-interest.

The subject of the crime is special, since he must occupy a corresponding official position in the organization.

Subject and subjective side of a criminal crime

The intent is direct, the goal is special. The person offering illegal remuneration is aware of the illegality of his actions, but wants to commit them in order to encourage the manager to perform an action (inaction) related to his official position in the interests of the value offerer.

Any person can become a subject subject to sanity and reaching the age of sixteen. That is, within the framework of such an offense as commercial bribery, the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation implies the possibility of benefiting almost any citizen.

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