Who is the devil in prison language

Who is Murka in the zone?

Murka is understood by many prisoners as fenya, thieves' slang, but this is not entirely true, this is only part of everything that is included in murka. Murka is the laws and postulates of thieves' concepts; they include everything thieves that comes from the lawyers.

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Main prison castes

Before considering who the “devil” is in the zone, let’s talk about all the existing castes:

  1. Blatnye are the highest level of the prison hierarchy. It is occupied by professional criminals, and they also have power in the zone. A prisoner who served in the army or worked in the service sector upon release cannot become a thieves. Representatives of the suit almost never work; they manage the common fund and resolve conflict situations and disputes.
  2. “Men” are the main part of the prisoners. Their main task is to serve their sentence as quickly as possible and get out of prison. They work, have no special powers, and do not participate in disputes.
  3. “Goats” are corrupt, collaborating with representatives of the prison administration. Sometimes (for example, in "red" zones) goats are given an important role in ensuring the welfare of groups of prisoners, but usually they are made outcasts.
  4. “Rinsed” are practically “roosters”, but without homosexual tendencies. It is enough to finish smoking the “rooster’s” cigarette or eat from his dishes to “become” rinsed (the principle of oral contact is triggered).
  5. “Roosters” and “lowered ones” are representatives of the lowest caste. Passive homosexuals without the right to vote, doing the dirtiest work. “Omitted” persons are required to enter into sexual contacts with other prisoners - in some cases by personal consent (the right to choose a partner), in others by force.
  6. “Chushki” are unkempt, don’t take care of themselves, and in the zone the attitude towards them is negative.

There is also a kind of “servant” - these are sixes, shnyri, woolen ones, fuflyzhniki, shalupen . By themselves, they mean nothing, but for certain merits and fulfillment of orders they can win favor with thieves. Well, about what the word “devil” means, further.

Who is called the “devil” according to concepts

Getting the word “damn” in the zone means sinking to the bottom. Until the 80s of the last century, such prisoners were called “chushkas” in slang, which means a completely degraded person. Such prisoners were distinguished by an unkempt appearance and did not take care of personal hygiene, which is not welcome among prisoners.

Not every person can endure the hardships of life in prison with dignity. Many people plunge into deep depression, stop taking care of their appearance, and become like homeless people. Their bodies emit unpleasant odors, and in this case such people have a great chance of becoming what is called a devil in the zone. Usually these are weak-willed and weak-willed people.

Such inmates do not have the right to argue with authoritative prisoners and must follow all their orders. “Devils” in the zone have a status corresponding to the lower “men”. The latter include prisoners who received their sentences for crimes committed through negligence or as a result of a tragic accident.

The caste of “devils” is not present in every closed correctional facility for adults. This division of inmates in areas for young children is widespread. In ordinary prisons, this group of prisoners may include “men” who have become complete drug addicts.

Who are devils in mythology

Who is the devil in the ordinary life of ordinary people of the modern and ancient world? For a long time it was used as a character in the folk demonology of the Slavs. This designation included both the enemy of the Christian people, the so-called Devil, an archangel overthrown by God at the beginning of time from heaven to hell, and the pagan belief about demons and spirits inhabiting the whole world. They have many names, which is explained by the scope of their activity or influence on human consciousness. With the advent of Christianity in Rus', the new faith called all devils, kikimoras, banniks, brownies and others devils. In the modern world, in places of deprivation of liberty, the devil personifies one of the castes dividing prisoners along the hierarchical ladder.

Who the hell is this?

In a prison environment, this word refers to prisoners belonging to the lowest caste. They must do the most humiliating and dirty work. This category includes psychologically weak and unstable people who cannot stand up for themselves. This prison term is on a par with “chushkas” and “sniffs”. They all do jobs that cannot be done by a normal top-level prisoner. As a rule, they can do laundry or cleaning. They do not have the right to vote and impeccably and unquestioningly carry out the orders of the zone authorities.

They live together with the “men”. The latter end up in prison for a crime due to a tragic incident. She usually waits until the term ends and they return to normal life. They are, by definition, representatives of the middle stratum of the prison community. Based on what was written above, we have an idea of ​​who the devils are in the zone.

Who is the “DAMN” in the zone?

Good day, dear subscribers.

In everyday life, you can often hear the humorous or not-so-comical insult “damn.”

But God forbid this statement comes across to a former prisoner, it won’t seem too much. Why?

Yes, because “damn” in the zone is not at all promising. Now I will explain why.

Whether you know it or not, in the zone everyone is divided into so-called castes or suits.

And the “devils” in this chain are at the lowest subcaste, because they play the role of slaves and laborers, and also have zero authority from their cellmates.

Who falls under the title of “devil”?

For the most part, weak, downtrodden people who are easy to break become devils.

“Devils” or “sniffs”, “pigs” do all the grunt work in the zone. They wash the floors, scrub the toilets, sweep, and in general do whatever they are told to do.

Devils are not allowed to live among the higher castes in the zone. Most often they live with “lowered”

“Chushkas” were called “devils” back in the eighties. This is in a new way they began to be called “devils.”

Why are they called that?

Because a person, entering the zone, may not be able to cope with such circumstances, begins to oppress himself, and also gives up.

As a result, he stops taking care of himself and becomes like a homeless person, dirty, smelly, weak-willed and indifferent.

It’s not far from “devil” to “rooster”.

But below the “line” in the zone there is another lower caste, they are called “roosters”.

“Roosters” do more dirty work than “devils”, and are also used for pleasures with higher authorities. But if the “devil” has let himself go, then he can be lowered even lower, to “rooster”, and from there it’s not far from pleasure.

Here is a short manual about “devils”. Thumbs up if you found it interesting.

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The meaning of a devil tattoo in the criminal world

Tattoos of devils in a zone can have different meanings. It all depends on their shape, size and location on the human body. Most often, people with a criminal record get such a tattoo in order to show others their fearlessness and willingness to survive in any conditions.

A tattoo of a devil sitting on the moon means that the prisoner is confident that he will never disappear even in space and will be able to adapt to any environment and living conditions. A tattoo of a devil on a zone, tattooed against the background of a woman’s face or body, has a different meaning. She says that the tattoo wearer committed the crime out of great love.

The meaning of a tattoo depends on its details. A tattoo with a bag in its image indicates that the person received a prison sentence for theft. The devil undressing a woman indicates that the person belongs to the lower caste.


Why is it better not to say the word “damn” in a Russian prison?

There is an expression - “Devil” in the zone is worse than “rooster”. By definition, “damn” is a serious insult. Such people in a prison or zone are charged with the responsibility of performing the dirtiest work. Sometimes individual inmates are deliberately “broken,” transferring them to the caste of “devils.” They do this to people who have committed particularly heinous crimes. For example, child molestation or murder.

It is not worth using any jargon in Russian prisons and zones without an accurate understanding of their meaning. You will have to answer for your “bazaar” to the fullest extent of the laws of thieves. You should not use the word “devil” in your speech without understanding who he is in the zone and why they call him that. You can pay for this with your life or become dejected.

“Devil” in prison - who is he, and is this title honorable?

Many have heard that in prisons there is such a caste as “devils”. Rather, it is not even a caste, but a status. Many of those who are unfamiliar with the prison hierarchy are sure that “devil” is some kind of honorary title, something like a representative of the forces of evil, and evil is crime in its purest manifestation.

In fact, the title of “devil” is not at all as honorable as some people think, moreover, this title is low, only “lowered” ones are lower.

Let's start from afar so that everything is clear and understandable. A prison is its own world, and there are processes going on there. Naturally, there is also a lot of dirty work that the prisoners need to do. But a normal prisoner, at least the same “man,” will never stoop to scrubbing toilets or doing similar dirty and humiliating work.

If a “man” starts doing this, he will automatically become “low.” The “thieves” will especially not do such dirty work; that’s why there are “thieves” in prison.

But sometimes it happens that the work is so dirty and unpleasant that even the “low-down”, who have practically no rights in prison, refuse to do it. What to do then, one wonders, since the work won’t do itself?

It is precisely for such cases that the title “devil” was invented. The “devils” are the same as the “lowered ones”, only a little higher, they are the ones who do all the dirtiest work in prison.

With all this, “devils” are not roosters, which also needs to be understood; in this regard, they are higher in status.

Any prisoner who did not take care of himself at all could become a “devil” - did not wash, did not shave, wore dirty clothes, and so on. These prisoners were first called “pigs,” and then assigned to do the dirtiest work.

By the way, the “devil” not only has to wash floors and scrub toilets, his direct responsibilities also include washing and mending clothes. It seems that the latter is not such a dirty job, but in prison it is considered shameful.

By the way, not every “junk” will be a “devil”. If there are no “bugs,” then a “devil” can be made of any psychologically weak person who is unable to defend his interests and breaks down under the pressure of more arrogant prisoners. After all, someone has to do all the dirty work!

As for the “sniffs”, these are also a kind of “devils”, only higher in status, since they are often, as it were, servants of the “thieves”.

Currently, in Russian prisons, there are fewer and fewer “devils” and “sneakers” every year - life “by convention” is becoming a thing of the past. And only in the “young children” does this entire prison caste system still flourish, unfortunately.

In any case, to this day in prisons and zones, calling someone a “devil” is a terrible insult for which you will definitely be questioned. If the person who was called this way does not call the caller to account, then it will be considered that he is this very “devil”, and he will be treated accordingly.

In general, all the best to everyone, I wish you not to commit crimes, and if this happens, then avoid punishment!


Who is the “devil” according to thieves’ concepts?

The word "devil" in prison slang is used to denote a lower caste whose members are forced to do the dirtiest work.

Below the “line” there can only be “lowered” and “ingots”. Unlike the “rooster”, the “devil” does not enter into sexual relations, but this does not make the attitude towards them any better.

Typically, representatives of this suit perform work for thieves - for pay and other privileges. “Devils” live in prisons with “men”, but the “men”, despite the lack of voting rights, are much higher.

According to various studies, until the 80s of the last century, “devils” were called “chushek”; later these castes were divided.

Why is the devil worse than a rooster in the zone?

Who is called the “devil” in the zone, we figured it out, and why are “devils” worse than “roosters”? The whole point is that “roosters” provide intimate services for a fee (if this happens for free, for love, the other party is also included in the caste of “roosters”), and “devils” are simply a despicable caste.

The meaning of the word “devil” is degraded, unkempt, forced to do any work, humiliated.

The prison world lives according to a strict hierarchy. Representatives of the lower castes are far from being in a privileged position, but there are certain differences among them.

For example, “devils” do not engage in sexual intercourse, but are considered worse than “roosters.” It’s very easy to go down the “ladder”, but it’s almost impossible to go up.

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