What is the penalty for an adult for purchasing alcohol for a minor?

Drinking alcohol in public places is an illegal act for everyone, regardless of age, gender, nationality, citizenship, etc. Despite the fact that almost everyone knows this postulate, not everyone strives to fulfill it. Those who ignore the rules accepted in society are brought to administrative responsibility. Drinking alcohol by minors, as well as by adults, entails prosecution under the relevant article of the Code of Administrative Offences.

You can avoid punishment if you clearly distinguish between the concepts of “public place” and another place. It would be a good idea to consult an experienced and competent lawyer who will help not only avoid liability, but also prevent illegal behavior.

Did you know

Criminal punishment for drugging children involves administrative liability in the form of a fine and criminal liability - up to imprisonment for up to 4 years. You can read the details in the article here

The article on drinking alcoholic beverages by minors (Article 20.20 of the Administrative Code) establishes liability for drinking alcohol in crowded places. The gradation of punishment depends on the following factors:

  • personal characteristics of the person who violated public order;
  • behavior of the offender;
  • places of events;
  • time of day;
  • Are there similar cases in the past?

The degree of guilt is determined only by the competent authority. According to the rules, a number of actions must be performed: draw up a report on the administrative violation, wait for the 10-day period given to appeal the decision, and then (if the appeal does not occur), wait for the fine to be paid. This is given 60 days from the date the decision comes into force.

The law establishes a list of places classified as “public” (Federal Law dated November 22, 1995, serial number 171, as amended). This includes educational institutions, stopping points, park areas, transport, entrances, markets and other places for free use of people and their large gatherings.

Is buying alcohol for a minor considered engaging in drinking?

The question of whether the purchase of alcohol to a minor falls under Article 6.10 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation remains open. The comments to this norm say that involvement can be expressed in persuasion, treats, promises of any benefit, threat or deception; it is committed with direct intent, and the motive can be self-interest, personal interest or the desire to increase one’s authority in the eyes of minors. Nothing is said about buying alcohol.

Meanwhile, on the official website of the Levoberezhny District Administration of Moscow, it is reported that a buyer who purchased alcoholic beverages to give to children may be fined under Article 6.10 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Izvestia, citing sources, writes that this article may include liability for the purchase of alcohol to minors. But in practice, it usually punishes citizens for active actions, for example, for inviting a teenager to drink alcohol. Therefore, initiatives have emerged to introduce separate administrative liability for those who buy alcohol to minors.

Can parents drink alcohol in front of their children? Here's what the experts say

First, let's be clear: parental alcoholism is a large and complex problem that has an extremely negative impact on the lives of parents themselves and their children. In this article, when we talk about alcohol consumption, we mean periodic, situational consumption of alcoholic beverages, such as a glass of wine after a hard day or on holidays.

It is important to note that children see and notice much more than we imagine. So if you periodically drink in the presence of children, rest assured that they are aware, not only of the frequency of your alcoholic libations, but also of your relationship with alcohol and even the special vocabulary that you use in the process.

So, for example, if you see alcohol as a way to distract yourself and relax, and throughout the day you remember how you can’t wait to be on the couch with a glass of white, and then you finally pour it, sit down and say “Well, finally,” the children are all they notice this, remember it, and they develop an image of alcohol as some kind of life-saving remedy that helps from all problems.

“We know from several studies that as early as age three, children are aware of the circumstances in which or where adults drink alcohol—whether it's on holidays or in arguments that lead to violence,” says Foundation for Alcohol Research and Education director Michael Thorn. . “Children understand what happens when their parents drink.”

Family has an important influence on the kind of relationship a child will have with alcohol in the future. Children who see their parents drunk are more likely to have a negative attitude towards alcohol, but in the future this often leads to the fact that they themselves drink irresponsibly.

But in reality, how a child will drink alcohol when he grows up (or whether he will drink it at all) depends on many other factors: genetics, environment, peer relationships, government policies and the public image of alcohol.

The best things parents can do for their children to help them develop a healthy relationship with alcohol: don't make alcohol seem too attractive (as a cure for all worries and a way to quickly relax), be honest about possible risks and dangers (but also don't be too intimidating) and be prepared to answer any questions directly and honestly.

Family consultant Mayra Mendez notes that there is no need to completely hide from children the fact that parents sometimes drink alcohol - it is much more important to demonstrate a responsible approach to drinking. “Children can see it as appropriate and moderate drinking at dinner or at a family gathering,” she explains. “It’s important to introduce children to alcohol because it helps them learn social norms and cultural expectations about its use.”

Clinical psychologist Robin Goodmin also drew the attention of parents to the fact that they should first develop a line of behavior regarding alcohol issues. “Parents must first decide on their attitude towards alcohol,” she explains. — Drinking in the presence of children is not illegal. There are simply things that adults can do, but children and teenagers can’t.”

As in most other educational issues, here a lot depends on the personal example of the parents and their ability to set boundaries - strict prohibitions work much worse. You can drink at home in front of your children, but do it responsibly.

Don’t idealize alcohol, but don’t demonize it either (even if you don’t drink it yourself) - answer questions honestly and use only trusted sources of information.

Talk about the dangers of alcohol, introduce safety rules (for example, do not drive even after one drink) and follow them yourself. Keep in touch with your children during their teenage years so you know what they are doing and what their friends are doing.

Drinking alcohol is not a crime, but another aspect of adult life that can be fit into the life of any family so that it brings pleasure, rather than problems and worries. However, if you decide to give up alcohol completely, that’s also great, the main thing is to remember that your child just has to make his choice regarding alcohol, and for this it is better for him to be informed.

Read more on the topic

How to get back into wine (and alcohol in general) after a break: 6 simple tips

Where did jokes about moms and vino come from?

How to survive a hangover if you have children

Who wants to introduce a separate article on the purchase of alcohol by minors?

In March 2021, State Duma deputy Vitaly Milonov proposed to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Vladimir Kolokoltsev, to evaluate the idea of ​​​​introducing administrative liability “for citizens who transfer alcohol and tobacco-containing products for consumption to minors, bypassing existing laws and regulations,” according to a RIA Novosti report. In his address, the parliamentarian described how teenagers approached him in one of the shopping centers in St. Petersburg and asked him to buy them cigarettes in a nearby store. According to Milonov, there is a gap in the legislation: “Adult citizens can freely purchase goods prohibited for children and legally transfer them to them.”

Similar legislative initiatives have arisen at the regional level. In October 2021, Bashkir deputies proposed introducing a bill prohibiting adults from purchasing alcohol for minors, the local portal news102.ru reported. In December of the same year, a draft law on introducing responsibility for the purchase of alcohol for teenagers was prepared in the Tyumen region; it was submitted to the regional Duma by the regional prosecutor Vladislav Moskovskikh , as reported by the Uralinformburo agency.

Is it possible to sell non-alcoholic beer and wine to children? More details


The rules of behavior accepted in society do not allow drinking alcohol and alcohol-containing products that cause intoxication in public places. That is why these acts are classified as offenses and are punishable in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses, which contains three articles establishing liability for drinking alcoholic beverages.

Article 20.20 establishes punishment specifically for drinking alcoholic beverages and alcohol-containing liquids. This article consists of several parts, which establish different levels of responsibility: from a fine to deportation from the country (for foreigners) or administrative arrest.

Article 20.21 will punish for being in a public place under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Responsibility is expressed in the form of a fine or administrative arrest.

Article 20.22 of the Code of Administrative Offenses establishes penalties for drinking alcoholic beverages in public places by minors under the age of 16, as well as for drinking alcohol.

The article for drinking alcohol by minors entails administrative liability for the parents of the minor. It can be expressed in the form of a fine in the amount of 1,500 to 2,000 rubles.

The minor himself (over the age of 16) may also be punished, and it will overtake him under any of the three specified articles, depending on what was committed.

In addition to administrative responsibility, the teenager will be subject to registration with the police, which will subsequently create a number of problems and restrictions. The person will also be subject to forced registration at a drug treatment clinic.

The teenager’s parents will be required to receive notification at their place of work, and the teenager who has committed a violation will receive notification at their place of study.

For the sale of alcohol-containing products to a teenager, the seller who violated the rules for the sale of alcoholic products will bear the same responsibility as the minor. If parents or other adults teach a child to drink alcohol, they will also be held responsible for their unlawful actions. For more information about fines for selling alcohol to minors, read this article https://lexconsult.online/7520-realizatsiya-alkogolnyh-napitkov-nesovershennoletnim

Where in Russia is there already a separate fine for the purchase of alcohol for minors?

The local law on administrative liability for purchasing or transferring alcoholic beverages to a minor is in effect in the Vladimir region. It was developed and adopted in the summer of 2021 on the initiative of the regional prosecutor Igor Pantyushin . The fine for violators is 3 to 5 thousand rubles.

On the website of the Legislative Assembly it was mentioned that the new law eliminated the legal gap, namely that “the actions of adults who do not force or even offer children to drink, but simply buy alcohol at their request, are not punishable in any way.”

Drinking alcohol in the presence of minors


After work on Friday, I was taken to the police station for drinking beer at home in front of my minor children. They threatened that they would take away the children for the reason that I do not have the right to drink beer in front of minors. Note that I drank beer at home and in front of my sleeping children. There was no family quarrel, I was just sitting at the computer and drinking beer, the alcohol content of which was 4.6%.

Tell me, please, do the police have the right to come and drag me out of the house?

Lawyer's response:

In Art. 20.20 of the Administrative Code there is a ban on drinking alcohol in public places with a list of these places. There are no apartments on this list.

Most likely, in your case, someone showed excessive vigilance and contacted the police or guardianship and trusteeship authorities to check how the child’s rights are respected. The actions of the police officers in this case are not entirely legal, so you can contact the prosecutor's office with a complaint, because from the description it looks like an abuse of official authority.

Ask your question to a lawyer!

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Drinking alcohol in the presence of minors

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Other Q&A topics:

  • Debts
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  • Purchase and sale of real estate
  • Buying and selling cars
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  • Establishing paternity
  • Alimony
  • Inheritance, wills
  • Exchange of living space
  • Housing issue
  • Privatization
  • Agreements and powers of attorney
  • Donation
  • Administrative offenses
  • Road accident
  • Traffic violations. Relations with the traffic police.
  • Deprivation of rights
  • Vehicle theft
  • Criminal offenses
  • Code of Criminal Procedure
  • Court
  • Enforcement proceedings, bailiffs.
  • Children's delinquency
  • Settlement agreement
  • Labor law
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  • Maternity leave
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  • Military registration and enlistment office, military service
  • Consumer rights Protection

Parental responsibility for children's alcohol use

In recent years, the state has paid special attention to the fight against alcoholism, however, the issue of alcoholization of society, and especially the younger generation, does not lose its relevance, because the number of offenses committed related to the use of alcoholic beverages remains significant.

Against the backdrop of the state's ongoing fight against the alcoholization of society, facts of condoning the use of alcoholic beverages by minors on the part of persons entrusted with the responsibilities of raising and educating minors stand out. Thus, facts often come to light when parents sometimes become the initiators of their children’s drinking. In many “prosperous” families, it is sometimes not considered criminal to give a child dry wine or beer, and sometimes to treat him with vodka. “Let him start drinking at home,” says another father, pouring a drink for his teenage son. And the children themselves, imitating adults, often pour themselves a glass while at a common table. Such imitation of adults can end in failure. And responsibility for what is happening should be placed on all those who are directly or indirectly involved in the formation of harmful habits among young people. The state has created many tools to combat alcoholism, one of which is a measure of influence in the form of administrative liability for offenses related to the use of alcoholic beverages. Federal Law No. 171-FZ of November 22, 1995 “On state regulation of the production and turnover of ethyl alcohol, alcoholic and alcohol-containing products” on the territory of Russia established a ban on the consumption (drinking) of alcoholic products by persons under 18 years of age in any doses, where and with no matter who they are, and the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation) defines liability for violating this prohibition. Federal Law No. 365-FZ of December 21, 2013 introduced amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, according to which the amount of the administrative fine for involving a minor in the use of alcohol and alcohol-containing products, as well as for being in a state of intoxication of minors, consuming (drinking) alcoholic products in prohibited places or consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances in public places. Article 6.10. The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation stipulates that involving a minor in drinking beer and drinks made on its basis, involving a minor in drinking alcoholic beverages or intoxicating substances, entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of one thousand five hundred to three thousand rubles. If parents or other legal representatives of minors, as well as persons entrusted with the responsibility for teaching and raising minors, are involved in alcohol consumption, they will be punished by an administrative fine in the amount of four thousand to five thousand rubles. In 2014, in the territory of the ZATO Ozerny, two persons, including one parent, were brought to administrative responsibility for involving a minor in drinking alcoholic beverages. For being in a state of intoxication by minors under the age of sixteen, or their consumption (drinking) of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products, or their consumption of narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances without a doctor’s prescription, or other intoxicating substances, parents or other legal representatives of minors are held administratively liable. Punishment for this offense in the form of an administrative fine in the amount of one thousand five hundred to two thousand rubles is provided for in Article 20.22. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. In 2014, in the ZATO Ozerny, for minors under the age of sixteen years being in a state of intoxication, police officers identified and drew up four administrative offense reports; in all cases, parents were held administratively liable. There are five cases of bringing minors themselves, aged 16 to 18 years, to administrative responsibility for being intoxicated in a public place that offends human dignity and public morality. I would also like to remind you that the sale of alcoholic products to a minor, if this action does not contain a criminal offense, according to Article 14.16. Part 2.1. The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation will entail the imposition of an administrative fine on citizens in the amount of thirty thousand to fifty thousand rubles; for officials - from one hundred thousand to two hundred thousand rubles; for legal entities - from three hundred thousand to five hundred thousand rubles. On the territory of the ZATO Ozerny in January 2015, one citizen was brought to administrative responsibility for selling alcoholic products to a minor (by the decision of the Magistrate's Court of the judicial district of the ZATO Ozerny he was subjected to administrative punishment in the form of a fine of 30 thousand rubles). Children's attitude towards life, their attitude towards drunkenness largely depends on how their parents themselves treat them. Children, as a rule, try to imitate their parents in everything. The latter should remember this and not set bad examples for children. We must try to develop in children their own negative attitude towards drinking alcohol. The child must not only know firmly that alcohol is harmful and its use is dangerous. He must still have certain moral and volitional qualities that allow him to defend his convictions in a company where he will be persuaded to drink, sometimes by his older friends or peers, who are highly respected by him. Senior Inspector of the PDN of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the ZATO Ozerny and Solnechny, Tver Region, Police Major E.S. Konar.

They want to increase the fine for unscrupulous parents 5 times

For parents who do not monitor their children and do not fulfill their responsibilities for their upbringing and education, it is proposed to increase the fine from 500 to 2.5 thousand rubles. The bill with the corresponding amendments to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation was prepared by deputies of the Legislative Assembly of Karelia (the document is at the disposal of Izvestia). Judicial practice shows that the main reason why parents are fined is the parents' addiction to alcoholic beverages, as well as indifference to their own children - lack of interest in their lifestyle, neglect of safety rules. However, according to experts, increasing fines will not frighten parents suffering from addictions.

Now, for the fact that parents do not raise their children properly, for example, they drink alcohol in front of their children, ignore parenting advice, behave aggressively towards them and are not interested in their lifestyle, a fine of 100 to 500 rubles or a warning is provided.

The bill proposes to amend Part 1 of Art. 5.35 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation “Failure of parents or other legal representatives of minors to fulfill obligations for the maintenance and upbringing of minors” and make fines from 1 thousand to 2.5 thousand rubles.

Also, current legislation provides for liability for the fact that one of the parents limits or deprives the child of the opportunity to communicate with the other parent or close relatives - a fine of 2 thousand to 3 thousand rubles. Repeated violation of this article will result in a fine of up to 5 thousand rubles or arrest for five days.

Deputies believe that measures to prevent, identify and prevent such offenses by parents are ineffective, because no one is afraid of the existing fines.

Izvestia analyzed judicial practice. According to information on the Rospravosudie website, in September 2015 alone, this article of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation was mentioned in 48 court decisions (including both as the main and as a secondary one).

Mostly legal proceedings under this article take place in the regions of Russia - Kemerovo region, Perm region, Kamchatka region, Astrakhan region, Bashkortostan. Often the reason for initiating administrative cases is the parents' addiction to alcoholic beverages, as well as indifference to their own children - lack of interest in their lifestyle, neglect of safety rules.

Thus, in one of the municipal districts of the Perm Territory, the commission on affairs of minors and the protection of their rights imposed a fine of 100 rubles on the mother. The woman was brought to justice for not being interested in the lives of her minor children during a certain period while they were with their grandmother. As follows from the case materials, the woman “with her husband did not give money for the maintenance of the children, was not interested in them, periodically abused alcohol, thereby not caring about the moral, mental, and physical health of the children.”

A mother of three children in the Tver region was also fined for such a negligent attitude towards her duties. The woman “did not spend the night at home twice, left the children with her husband and relatives, and was not interested in their health and did not disclose her whereabouts.”

In the Kemerovo region, they decided to bring the father to administrative responsibility for the fact that he “creates socially dangerous conditions for the child, and with his behavior and lifestyle has a negative impact on the psycho-emotional state of his minor son.” As follows from the case materials, the father “does not work, does not support his son financially, abuses alcohol while intoxicated, argues with his wife in the presence of his minor son, at the same time makes demands on the child and begins to engage in his “upbringing.”

In the Republic of Tatarstan, the commission on juvenile affairs opened an administrative case against a mother who “behaves aggressively towards her minor children and systematically drinks alcohol.” She was given a warning. In response, the mother filed a complaint, where she explained that “one spanking for her son’s offense cannot be regarded as aggressive behavior.”

In the Kirov region, a mother was fined 300 rubles because her son called 911 and reported a bomb at school. According to the law, such socially dangerous act provides for criminal liability, but due to the fact that the child is under 14 years old, they did not open a case. However, the child's mother was brought to justice for failure to fulfill parental responsibilities.

In the same region, a mother was fined 100 rubles for riding a motorcycle with her minor daughter without a helmet and a driver’s license. As follows from the case materials, the woman “put the minor on the Izh-Jupiter-5 motorcycle and continued driving the vehicle without having the right to drive the vehicle, while the minor was not wearing a motorcycle helmet, thereby the woman put the minor’s life and health in danger.” .

In Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, a mother had to pay 500 rubles for her son’s aggressive behavior in kindergarten, for which inspectors of the commission for minors saw her guilt. From the case materials it follows that the child “ran around with a toy gun, tried to shoot bullets from it, and did not respond to the teachers’ requests to hand over the gun before the end of classes. After the toy was taken away, the boy began to behave aggressively, screaming, throwing his things and objects.” It is noted that the child behaved this way before, and the mother ignored the social worker’s recommendations to take the child to a psychiatrist.

The head of the Family and Childhood Foundation, Svetlana Rudneva, believes that increased fines will not scare parents.

— Parents who have alcohol addiction or other bad habits will not be stopped by either 500 rubles or 2.5 thousand rubles. They just don’t think about it,” says Rudneva. — In general, it is important to work on taking preventive measures and improving the level of parental culture. It is necessary to make leisure facilities available for parents and children to spend time together - organize musical, sports, and cultural events.

In addition, as Rudneva noted, it is important to conduct an information campaign so that people know about psychological help hotlines.

According to lawyer, chairman of the bar association “Your Legal Attorney” Konstantin Trapaidze, tougher punishment will affect the behavior of negligent parents, but not those who suffer from alcohol addiction.

— If we are talking about alcoholic parents, then fines will not work here. Because such individuals are already becoming asocial, and tougher punishment will not frighten them. However, in relation to parents whose children behave aggressively or commit some minor offenses, such a measure may be effective. Most likely, parents will think about it and begin to monitor the behavior of their minor children,” he noted.

Trapaidze added that in judicial practice this article of the Code of Administrative Offenses is often used when depriving parental rights as one of the aspects in a court case.

According to Art. 63 and 65 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, parents are obliged to take care of the health, physical, mental, spiritual and moral development of their children. At the same time, parental rights cannot go against the interests of the children. Ensuring the interests of children is the main concern of parents. When exercising parental rights, parents do not have the right to cause harm to the physical and mental health of children or their moral development. Methods of raising children must exclude neglectful, cruel, rude, degrading treatment, insult or exploitation of children.

Prevention of alcoholism among minors

A person’s personality begins to form at an early age. That is why the prevention of alcoholism among minors should begin as early as possible. It is important to pay attention to the formation of a healthy and highly moral personality. From early childhood, show a person the right guidelines in life.

At the moment, the prevention of alcoholism among minors is extremely ineffective. Very little attention is paid to prevention programs. The media are almost not involved in preventive and educational work. Public and government programs that are aimed at combating alcoholism, as well as preventing alcoholism, are working poorly.

In order for the prevention of alcoholism among minors to have its effect, it must be carried out at various levels.

Prevention of alcoholism among minors at the family level

The family must create conditions for leading a healthy lifestyle. Parents have a responsibility to be an example for their children. In this regard, parents who do not drink alcohol are excellent examples for them. Raising children aimed at developing a negative opinion about alcohol should have an important place.

Prevention of alcoholism among minors at the school level

Minors spend a significant amount of time in school. This is where opinions about the people around you are formed: peers, adults. At school it is necessary to create conditions that encourage sports and physical exercise. Teachers must have the necessary qualities and be an example for minors. Preventive measures should be taken to indicate the harmful effects of alcohol.

Prevention of alcoholism among minors by the state

The state must apply various preventive measures that contribute to the development among citizens of a lifestyle in which alcohol consumption would be excluded altogether or significantly limited. To do this you need to use:

  • Control over the quality of alcoholic products produced in the state;
  • Prohibition and restriction of alcohol consumption by minors;
  • Prohibition of the sale of alcoholic beverages to persons under 18 years of age;
  • Provide criminal liability for involving minors in drinking alcohol, as well as for driving them to alcohol intoxication;
  • Creating conditions under which alcohol consumption in the production team would be impossible;
  • Criminal and administrative punishment of persons appearing drunk in public places;
  • Encouraging and stimulating advertising about the dangers of alcohol.

Prohibition of employing minors in work related to the production, trade, and storage of alcoholic beverages.

Tips for parents on preventing alcoholism.

Recently, there has been an increase in the incidence of alcoholism among adolescents; the age of patients with alcoholism is decreasing every year.

Causes of teenage alcoholism

One of the main causes of teenage alcoholism is family relationships. A teenager may start drinking alcohol if there are negative interpersonal relationships in the family, violence, misunderstanding, or excessive parental care. Teenagers often try alcohol in families where it is customary to relax with alcohol on weekends when “guests arrive.”

For teenagers, relationships with friends are very important. Therefore, they can drink alcohol: • to keep up with their drinking friends, to be more sociable, to talk a lot, and not to be afraid of third-party assessment of their judgments; • to feel sexually attractive and to please the opposite sex; • be bolder and more confident; • to escape from complex reality.

Consequences of alcohol use among teenagers

Regular alcohol use by teenagers is much more serious and dangerous than alcoholism in adulthood. Because at this time the growth and development of all vital organ systems and human functions occurs. Alcohol affects all human organ systems: • disruptions in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract occur; • the liver is damaged, hepatitis and cirrhosis develop; • the functioning of the pancreas is disrupted; • activity of the cardiovascular system; • inflammatory kidney diseases develop. • various inflammatory diseases appear in the lungs, bronchi, larynx, nasopharynx; • the body's immune defense decreases.

The teenager develops emotional disturbances: coarseness, explosiveness, carelessness, suggestibility. There is no control over one's behavior. Drinking alcoholic beverages on weekends, while relaxing with friends, is considered natural. Drinking becomes regular. As a result of this, drinking alcohol quietly becomes almost the main meaning of life.

Tips for parents:

How to recognize that a teenager has started drinking alcohol

It is necessary to pay attention to a sharp change in the child’s behavior. • If such traits as rudeness, aggression, irritability appear. • The child has become withdrawn and secretive. • Money and things disappear from the house. • The child's academic performance has declined sharply. • Comes home late smelling of alcohol.

What to do if a teenager comes home drunk

You need to talk to the teenager. But it is better to postpone the conversation until the morning; in a state of alcoholic intoxication, a teenager will not listen to any arguments.

In a conversation with a teenager, it is necessary to find out the reasons why he decided to try alcohol and find a way to achieve the same goals, but without alcohol. Teach a teenager to defend his opinion and say “No.” This will help the teenager gain authority among his peers, without drinking.

If a child is seriously interested in alcohol, it is necessary to seek help from a doctor or psychologist; specialists will give appropriate recommendations and, if necessary, provide anonymous treatment for alcoholism.

Adolescents from wealthy families and alcoholism

Many people think that childhood alcoholism is common only in dysfunctional families, where parents often suffer from alcohol addiction themselves. Children from prosperous families often become alcoholics, where parents do not suffer from alcoholism and fully provide for their children financially.

In such families, parents are often busy and do not always monitor the development of their child.

Often parents do not know who their child communicates with, what he does in his free time, how, where and with whom he spends his time. Parents often believe that the main thing in raising a child is to provide him with healthy food, good clothes and pocket money.

When a teenager begins to behave strangely, often defiantly and impudently, they justify his behavior by adolescence or something else, and solve all difficulties and disputes with gifts and pocket money, without even suspecting that this money continues to sponsor children's alcoholism.

How to protect children and teenagers from alcoholism

A teenager should feel comfortable in his family and feel that he is understood. Perceive your parents as the smartest mentors in life matters. • Show respect for your teen. Don't manipulate your experience and age. Don't show your superiority. • Find a common hobby. It will allow you to spend your free time together with great pleasure. • Help your teenager become a person, a worthy adult. • Always be authoritative, and for this, always behave with dignity in all situations.

Prevention of alcoholism at school

What is alcoholism prevention? This is a system of measures aimed at strengthening factors of protection among the population from alcoholism. As you know, certain life situations can promote or, conversely, prevent the onset of alcohol consumption. Those circumstances that contribute to alcohol consumption are called risk factors, and those that contribute to a decrease are called protective factors. Throughout life, a person is influenced by both these and other factors, and the prevention of alcoholism is aimed at strengthening protective factors. The latter include: well-being in the family, physical and mental health, regular medical supervision, resistance to stress, a good level of income, compliance with social norms and others.

In Russia, the prevention of alcoholism remains one of the most pressing problems. The increase in alcoholism among the population shows that work in this direction is necessary. And, of course, a special place here is occupied by the prevention of alcoholism among the younger generation, among children and adolescents.

Primary prevention of alcoholism.

Experts divide the prevention of alcoholism into three stages: primary, secondary and tertiary. We will be mainly interested in the primary prevention of alcoholism.

Goals. This stage aims to prevent the initiation of alcohol use among those who have not yet consumed alcohol. Therefore, it is aimed primarily at children, adolescents and young people. The main goal of this stage is to form a negative attitude towards alcohol abuse and help reduce the number of people who may develop alcoholism. Moreover, in general, we can say that this stage of prevention involves not so much the prevention of alcoholism, but the preservation and strengthening of human health, the formation of a healthy lifestyle among the population.

Tasks. Primary prevention of alcoholism in school is characterized by three main tasks. Firstly, carrying out extensive educational work among students. Secondly, sanitary and hygienic anti-alcohol education. And lastly, the formation of teetotal attitudes.

Principles. The basis for the prevention of alcoholism in school are the following principles:

1. Anti-alcohol education should be presented in the form of an integral system of anti-alcohol education, carried out throughout all years of education and aimed at developing in the minds of children and adolescents an intolerant attitude towards any manifestations of drunkenness and alcoholism;

2. The anti-alcohol education program should provide for a gradual, taking into account the age and psychological characteristics of students, disclosure of the negative effects of alcohol on human health and the life of society as a whole;

3. Anti-alcohol work in schools should be carried out primarily by teachers, with individual specialists invited to read;

4. Anti-alcohol education should extend to parents and students.

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