What does it take to change serving a sentence in a colony to an ITR?

How does PTR differ from ITR?

Forced labor (hereinafter PTR) and correctional labor (hereinafter ITR) are two different types of criminal punishment, which have one thing in common - the forced involvement of a convicted person in labor with a deduction of a certain part from his earnings, to the state income.

Both of these types of punishment, in cases specified by law, can be used to impose a punishment not related to imprisonment, that is, instead of imprisonment.

The main differences between PTR and ITR, assigned to persons previously sentenced to real terms of imprisonment, as a replacement for the unserved part of the sentence .

In accordance with Part 3 of Art. 175 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation for a convicted person, the unserved part of the sentence can be replaced with a more lenient type of punishment. A lawyer (legal representative) has the right to petition the court to replace the unserved part of the sentence with a more lenient punishment. PTR is one of the alternatives to imprisonment. Thanks to the adopted amendments to Article 80 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, its prospects have become closer for all prisoners. Today, in order to petition the court to replace the unserved part of the sentence with forced labor, the convicted person must serve: ¼ of the term - for crimes of minor and medium gravity; 1/3 of the term - for serious crimes; ½ - term - for especially serious crimes.

If the court makes a positive decision to replace the unserved part of the sentence with forced labor, the convicted person is transferred to a specialized correctional center (hereinafter referred to as the IC) to further serve the sentence. If there is one on the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation where the convicted person lives, then, as a rule, he is sent there (subject to availability and the possibility of transfer). In other cases - in ICs of other regions.

Correctional centers exist as separate institutions in colonies or pre-trial detention centers; they are a fenced area with a dormitory where prisoners are kept during non-working hours. The procedure for serving forced labor is determined by Article 60.4 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation.

PTR is greater freedom, but not freedom as such. The convicted person is on the territory of the correctional center under supervision, is obliged to comply with the internal regulations of the correctional center and may be punished for violating them. Among the advantages available to the prisoner while serving this type of sentence are:

  • Salary. When imposing this type of punishment, the court sets the amount of contributions to the state treasury in the amount of 5 to 20% of wages. Minus all deductions (payment to the treasury, payment of utilities, alimony), the convicted person must receive at least ¼ of his salary, Article 60.10 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation;
  • "Legal" connection. The use of mobile phones, the Internet, and postal services is allowed;
  • Annual paid vacation. After serving 6 months of forced labor, the convicted person receives the right to 18 days of vacation (Part 4, Article 60.8 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation), while, for exemplary behavior, the administration may allow the citizen to leave the territory of the correctional center for the period of vacation - Part 7, Article 60.4 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation ;
  • The right to leave the correctional center with the permission of the administration (Part 3 of Article 60.4 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation).

In addition, if a citizen has already served 1/3 of his sentence and has not violated public order, he may be rewarded. The administration may allow him to live with his family in his own or rented housing. It must be located within the locality where the correctional center is located. Registration with the institution is required - 4 times a month (Part 6, Article 60.4 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation). Forced labor cannot be assigned to pregnant women, women with children under 3, women over 50, men over 60, minors, disabled people of groups I and II, and military personnel.

As a rule, forced labor involves unskilled and low-skilled labor, such as: garbage collection, landscaping of local areas, work as a loader, laborer at various enterprises, etc. The convicted person does not have the right to refuse forced labor, nor does he have the opportunity to choose his own job. In accordance with Art. 60.7 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Penitentiary Service is obliged (again, if possible) to take into account the citizen’s specialty when sending him to work, but in fact no one does this.

ITR is another type of mitigation of punishment, which can also be used to replace the unserved part of the assigned sentence. Correctional work differs from PTR:

  • By the time of their appointment
  • By age: correctional labor can be assigned to persons of retirement age, but forced labor cannot;
  • According to the place of their serving and the place of residence of the convicted person.

Of course, the most significant difference between this type of punishment and the previous one is living at home or in rented housing and the greater freedom associated with this. And also - the opportunity to choose a place of work, including returning to your previous place. A more detailed description of the differences is provided in the table below.

Comparison criteria PTR engineers
Conditions for replacing punishment Article 80 of the Criminal Code of the Russian FederationCrimes of minor or moderate gravity - must serve at least ¼ of the sentence Serious crimes - at least 1/3 of the sentence; Particularly serious crimes - at least ½ term; Crimes against the sexual integrity of minors, as well as crimes under Art. 210 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - no less than ¾ of the term; Crimes against the sexual integrity of minors under 14 years of age - at least 4/5 of the term. Crimes of minor or moderate gravity - you must serve at least 1/3 of the sentence; Serious crimes - at least ½ term; Particularly serious crimes - at least 2/3 of the term; Crimes against the sexual integrity of minors, as well as crimes under Art. 210 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - no less than ¾ of the term; Crimes against the sexual integrity of minors under 14 years of age - at least 4/5 of the term.
Conditions of servingServing in specialized centers where the convicted person is required to reside and report. Control over the serving of the sentence is carried out by the head of the center. Fixed amount of deductions (from 5 to 20%) by court decision. Ch. 8.1 PEC of the Russian Federation Serving at the main place of work of the convicted person, and in the absence of one - in places determined by local self-government bodies, within the place of residence of the convicted person. At the same time, he lives at home, and is noted in the UII; control functions lie with the same body. There is no fixed amount of deductions from salary; it is established taking into account the financial situation of the convicted person. Ch. 7 PEC
Conditions for calculating the termThe term is calculated from the day the convicted person arrives at the correctional center, the entire term served before this (including being in custody, being in correctional institutions and the period of transfer, as well as the time of short-term trips) is counted day by day Art. 60.3 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation. The beginning of the term of service for an unemployed convict is the day he goes to work, and for an employed convict, the day the administration of the organization in which the convict works receives the relevant documents from the Penitentiary Inspectorate.
The time during which the convicted person did not work (including vacations and days off) is not counted towards the term of serving correctional labor.

Art. 42 of the Penal Code of the Russian Federation.

As we can see from the table, correctional labor is a milder type of punishment compared to PTR. And in conclusion, there is one more very important point that those who are going to the PTR need to know about. Replacing forced labor with a milder form of punishment, for example, restriction of freedom, the so-called “bracelet” or ITR, is not allowed (Part 1 of Article 80 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

Accordingly, you can leave forced labor only on parole.

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Motion for replacing the unserved part of the sentence with a more lenient one

By the verdict of the ______________ court of the ________ region dated "__"______________ ____, I was found guilty of committing a crime under Article ____________ of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and I was sentenced to imprisonment for a period of ____________ year(s) to be served punishments in the penal colony__________ regime

The beginning of the term under a court verdict is calculated from ______ and ends ____________

At the time of filing this petition, I have already served a sentence of _______ year(s), which is ___ part of the sentence imposed by the court. The unserved sentence is ____________

From “__”__________ ___ year I was transferred to lighter conditions of serving my sentence

I fully realized my guilt and sincerely repent of what I did. While serving my sentence in the penal colony, I received several incentives and had no penalties from the colony administration; I participate in amateur activities.

I will fully (partially) compensate for the damage caused by the crime. (If he did not compensate, then indicate good reasons for this and that, if his punishment is replaced, he intends to find a job and repay the damage).

My behavior indicates that I have firmly taken the path of correction during the time I served my sentence.

In case of replacement of the part of the sentence that I have not served with a more lenient one, I intend to live at the address: _______________ in a residential building (apartment) owned by _________. Upon arrival at my place of residence, I intend to find a job______________. A letter of guarantee (name of enterprise, organization) regarding my employment is attached to this application.

I am married and have _______ children.

A brief dictionary of thieves' jargon of the criminal world

Responsibilities of officials for the supervision of convicted persons. The head of the colony is personally responsible for the organization and effectiveness of the administration’s work in supervising convicts. He is obliged: Organize effective supervision over the behavior of convicts, their reliable isolation, implementation of measures to prevent escapes and other crimes, violations of the established procedure for serving sentences, identifying channels for the penetration of prohibited things into objects. Approve a monthly supervision action plan, which determines the forces and means to ensure control over the behavior of convicts at each facility; review the state of the operational situation on a daily basis; evaluate the processes occurring among convicts; at least once a week, assign specific tasks to each duty shift during briefing, and if the situation becomes difficult - daily; make decisions on the supervision of prisoners sentenced for a day. The order assigns correctional officers, taking into account their functional responsibilities, responsible for supervising convicts in isolated areas and at other facilities for the placement and employment of convicts. Ensure interaction between the services of the colony, as well as with the internal affairs bodies in the work to strengthen law and order, the reliability of the protection of convicts and ensure public order in the territory in the area where the colony is located. VIDEO ON THE TOPIC: Who works in prison? Rules of life in the zone - Insider, 12/21/2017

About the organizational form

A credit cooperative is a separate form from others. Therefore, pay attention to the company/cooperative itself. Particular attention to:

  1. OOO;
  2. OJSC;
  3. PJSC, etc.

If such an abbreviation is in the first position, then the cooperative is not what they are trying to pass it off as. The thing is that an LLC, for example, allows you to register a nominee director or a fictitious founder. In other words, it is much easier to hide fraud with these forms.

Within the framework of this paragraph of these instructions, it is also noted that the detention of a convicted person while he is performing technical technical work must be without isolating him from social society. This instruction, together with all points, norms and rules, was approved by the corresponding order No. 142 of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated May 20, 2009.

It should be noted that the convicted person in this case has no right to refuse the punishment and work assigned to him. This point, in turn, is regulated by Article No. 40 of the Russian Penal Code, Part No. 4.

As for the convicted citizen’s compliance with all the necessary conditions of the sentence assigned to him within the framework of his execution of the ITR, this moment, as well as his full compliance with the requirements of this sentence on the part of the administration, is personally monitored by the Penal Inspectorate.

This is important, especially in matters regarding how to change the term to work.

ITR - abbreviation and list of positions

Letter from the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated In accordance with the Regulations on the Federal Penitentiary Service, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated October 13, 2010 N “Issues of the Federal Penitentiary Service” Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, No. 42, Art. The heads of the territorial bodies of the penal system should bring the staffing schedules of correctional institutions, pre-trial detention centers, treatment and preventive institutions of hospitals in accordance with this order within the allocated limits on the number of personnel and budgetary allocations. Group for organizing mobilization preparation and civil defense. Approximate structure of a penal colony association.

WIMBL - come back and it will be easier for me. WINE - come back and stay forever.

The state is patrolled. Material from Wiktionary. This is a stable version, reviewed on January 21 The content of this article or a certain section of it may be indecent or offensive to some readers.

MFO+ Cooperative

Cases are still being conducted on one network of credit cooperatives, which:

  1. Violated current legislation;
  2. Refused to return investors' money.

But this case is interesting because initially it was a network of microcredit organizations.

Naturally, no specifics are said.

According to the stories of the participants, callers sometimes did not even hide the fact that it was a pyramid. Motivating this is that you can make good money. Naturally, there were people who believed the scammers.

Provided that most resources have a lot of positive reviews (and much fewer negative ones).

Moreover, the above-mentioned CPC cannot even issue loans and attract depositors. This was done in order to avoid even larger consequences.

At the same time, the cooperative does not have the right to refuse to fulfill obligations.

To old investors and shareholders.

How long can you leave a hamster alone?

So, if you have not done anything serious or especially serious, then you should go straight to the State Duma of the Russian Federation: sm_bd: But seriously, an expunged criminal record is not an obstacle to employment in the Russian Federation according to the law. So, everything here is at the discretion of the employer; I do not advise you to contact security.

ImportantGood luck!

3. I can’t find a sample certificate of employment upon release on parole or technical technical equipment.

3.1. The certificate can be drawn up by the employer in simple written form.

Attention: It is important that the employer agrees to hire the convicted person; you must also indicate the expected amount of earnings and position.

3.2. Good evening, Such samples usually do not exist. The hiring organization writes a letter of guarantee of employment in any form.

Sample: Outgoing number.

A brief dictionary of thieves' jargon

The past twentieth century has significantly enriched the Russian language with new terms, including abbreviations and abbreviations. At the same time, as a rule, the use of abbreviations and abbreviations in printed sources is not accompanied by their decoding, which sometimes causes difficulties in studying and further understanding and using documents and sources. This section of the reference book includes the most commonly used, on the one hand, and rarely encountered, on the other hand, abbreviations and abbreviations that have found use and application in the official document flow of the armed forces and special bodies and the speech activity of military personnel and employees. Abbreviations are arranged in alphabetical order. However, whether they are written in uppercase or lowercase reflects the most common use of them in writing. BTP - naval coastal heat direction finder.

Prison abbreviations | Thieves' tattoos with inscriptions | Values

Often there are tattoos in the form of abbreviations or individual letters; they have an unusual meaning, characteristic of correctional institutions. When interpreting many of these tattoos, you may encounter obscene or slang words. In some cases, abbreviation tattoos are applied to two or more people. This is usually a symbol of fraternization. Each person is assigned one or more letters from the abbreviation, but in such a way that when added, the original word can be read.

The inspector on duty at the production area performs his functional duties in collaboration with engineering and technical workers. He is prohibited from leaving the production area without the permission of the operational duty officer.

Mobile version. A short dictionary of thieves' jargon Mobile version This is not quite a dictionary, but also not quite a list of “slang” words, of which there are so many on the Internet. Here are just some words from thieves' jargon.

Refusal to return funds

It is reliably known that the problem with PDAs is widespread. Because despite the positive reviews, the truth still broke to the surface.

Date To the N-city court of the N-region Letter of guarantee (Certificate of employment) Management of LLC, CJSC, JSC, IP "NNNN" represented by the General Director Full name, by this letter (certificate) indicates that it is ready provide work in the specialty to Sidorov Petr Nikolaevich, born in 1993, registered at the address: city, street, building ___, apt. , with a salary according to the staffing table. General Director of LLC, CJSC, JSC, IP "NNNN" M.P.

4. What compensation is due to a convicted person after release under the ITR?

4.1. “Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation” dated January 8, 1997 N 1-FZ (as amended on May 28, 2017) Article 40. Conditions for serving correctional labor

At his place of residence, he is required to register with the police. 2 weeks are allotted for this. He has the right to find a job on his own.

Walking is prohibited.

If it is not possible to find a job on his own, the convicted person is obliged to apply for employment to the body indicated by the inspector. Naturally, unskilled labor will be offered:

– harvester;

– janitor;

- worker on the assembly line;

- cattleman;

– loader, etc.

Other features of ITR (Corrective Labor Work) of this method of serving a sentence are:

– low earnings;

– the obligation to work where indicated, if the inspector decides so;

– an incidental punishment, meaning deprivation of the right to work in a certain field (for example, to engage in teaching, to drive a car), to occupy a leadership position (Art.

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