Twenty years for the Amazons. Why aren't women given life sentences?

The last two years have been difficult for the labor market. According to Rosstat, at the end of November 2021 - January 2021, the number of unemployed people reached 4.46 million people, and this figure corresponds to an unemployment rate of 5.9%. The maximum number of unemployed people during the pandemic was recorded in August 2021 - 4.8 million people (6.4%).

But experts believe that in 2021 we should expect an improvement in the situation on the labor market, as the economy will gradually recover. At the same time, the government decided to extend measures to support the unemployed until the end of this year.

  • How the procedure for registering the unemployed has been simplified
  • Unemployment benefit amount in 2021
  • Expanding opportunities to receive maximum benefits
  • Who is considered unemployed?
  • An individual entrepreneur has become unemployed: what benefits can he count on?
  • Duration of unemployment benefit payment
  • How to register as unemployed: algorithm of actions

Life imprisonment as a type of criminal punishment in the Russian Federation

Actions committed by a person contrary to the established law always cause disapproval in society. There are a number of actions carried out with particular cruelty and causing grave consequences, which in itself cannot but outrage society and cause rejection. A person who has committed a murder with particular cruelty or a crime against the public carries an increased level of danger; his presence in a civilized society is unacceptable. Life imprisonment is the heaviest punishment; only the death penalty can be worse than it, but there is a moratorium on it in the Russian Federation.

Pregnancy as an exception

Features of the punishment

All deferment provisions discussed above apply to the offender in the provision. In addition, pregnant women are not subject to compulsory, correctional, forced labor, or arrest.

The general principle is this: conviction and punishment should not prevent a woman from having children, as well as caring for them and the educational process. Whenever possible, courts take into account this point, which is typical for the legislation of many countries.

Read below about whether it is possible to fire a pregnant woman in connection with a criminal case.

Is it possible to fire someone due to a criminal case?

The facts are scary, but real. At times, pregnant women commit particularly serious or serious crimes. If there are no mitigating circumstances, imprisonment is inevitable.

This is one of the circumstances under which a pregnant woman can be fired. For this purpose, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation refers to circumstances that do not depend on the will of the employer and employee. The fourth paragraph of Article 83 speaks about this norm.

Statistics show: women commit approximately 15% of all crimes. Moreover, more than half of the criminals are guilty of crimes of either minor or moderate gravity.

However, controversial issues in the field of criminal punishment of women as subjects of criminal liability remain. They will be resolved as the criminal legal system of our country further develops. In any case, if possible, a woman should hire a good criminal lawyer.

The following video talks about a blatant case from judicial practice on the issue of criminal liability of women:

What is the purpose of such punishment?

Life imprisonment is the most severe punishment in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and is applied for the purpose of:

  • Protect a dangerous person from society.
  • Minimize the likelihood of committing a new crime.
  • Make the criminal realize his guilt and re-educate.

Although the latter is somewhat illusory in relation to penitentiary institutions, in the conditions of modern prisons a criminal is unlikely to become kinder and more honest.

At the same time, it is believed that such an article allows the convicted person to avoid the death penalty, and therefore, in a sense, is even humane.

"State Feminism"

The gender approach to justice, which presupposes a more humane attitude towards women, was inherited by modern Russia from the Soviet past. In the USSR, capital punishment was applied to representatives of the weaker half, but for almost 70 years in Soviet practice there were only a few such cases.

So, in 1979, Antonina Makarova, the Nazi executioner, who received the nickname “Tonka the Machine Gunner,” was shot by court. In 1983, the death penalty for theft of socialist property was applied to Berta Borodkina, and in 1987, serial killer Tatyana Ivanyutina was executed.

The roots of the gender approach lie in the abyss of the revolutionary events of 1917. The young Soviet government considered women an oppressed category of the population, so it quickly consolidated their equality with men and began the accelerated emancipation of women citizens.

And one of the prominent figures of the Bolshevik Party, Alexandra Kollontai, even considered women the best builders of communism, bearers of higher moral qualities, who in the new society were assigned the role of workers and mothers. Similar views in the early USSR led to a more humane attitude towards women in the justice system.

How many years is a life sentence in Russia?

The conditions for imposing life imprisonment are prescribed in Article 57 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

This type of punishment provides for the forced isolation of the convicted person from society and his detention in specialized institutions of especially strict regime.

Purposes of life imprisonment:

  • punitive influence on the perpetrator;
  • prevention of potential crimes that the convicted person may commit in the future.

The term of this punishment is life. The end of the term is associated with the death of the convicted person, which occurred for physiological or other reasons.

After 25 years of serving the sentence, the convicted person may apply for parole (parole).

Expanding opportunities to receive maximum benefits

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2020 No. 2393 adjusted the rules for paying maximum unemployment benefits. The changes will affect such categories of citizens as those dismissed due to the liquidation of an organization or staff reduction, women on leave due to the birth of a child.

Employee accounting, payroll, sick leave, vacation pay, taxes and contributions

The amendments resolved controversial issues related to the calculation of benefits in situations where the beginning of the payment period is shifted or the period is interrupted. In such situations, maximum benefits will be accrued not in the first three months from the date a person is declared unemployed, but for three months in general, regardless of transfers and breaks.

  • A person lost his job due to the liquidation of an enterprise or staff reduction. In the first three months, instead of benefits, he is entitled to the average salary at his previous place of work. After this, he will no longer be able to claim the maximum benefit amount. According to the new rules, for such citizens the deadline for payment of benefits is postponed. They will be accrued the maximum amount of benefits from the fourth to sixth months of unemployment, and then 60% of earnings, but not more than 5,000 rubles.
  • A pregnant woman lost her job. If the period of the first three months of receiving the maximum unemployment benefit overlaps with the period of payment of temporary disability benefits due to pregnancy and childbirth, then the unemployment benefit is transferred to a later date.
  • During the payment of the maximum allowance, a person is called up for military training. During this period, he is on state support, so other social support measures for him are cancelled. He will continue to receive the maximum benefit after returning from training camp.

Moral aspects

Moral and ethical aspects played an important role in the abandonment of capital punishment for criminals in our country. For decades, a woman in our country has played the role of mother, homemaker.

Severe punishment against those who provide the state with new citizens is not humane. Representatives of law enforcement agencies who worked on the publication of laws believed that a woman - no matter how serious a crime she had committed - could come to her senses and reform.

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Who is considered unemployed?

The employment law (RF Law of April 19, 1991 No. 1032-I) specifies that able-bodied citizens without work and earnings who are registered with the employment service, are looking for work and are ready to start work are considered unemployed.

Current individual entrepreneurs, even if they have no income, founders of companies and members of peasant farms cannot apply for unemployment benefits. Also, the category of unemployed does not include those who receive payments under civil law contracts, full-time students (Article 2 of the Law of the Russian Federation of April 19, 1991 No. 1032-I).

Psychophysical aspects

It is believed that representatives of the fair sex endure the hardships of being in prison more difficult. Legal scholar Vadim Filimonov speaks about this in his conclusions. The expert claims that from the point of view of female psychology and physiology, imprisonment for a long time completely breaks criminals.

As a result, after their release, society receives hardened prisoners, and not reformed citizens. From the point of view of psychophysical aspects, life imprisonment seems to be an even more severe punishment than the death penalty.

The most terrible institutions for women

The most severe conditions are observed in those colonies where women who have committed repeated crimes, that is, repeat offenders .

Such prisons are classified as strict regime, where girls who commit theft are not sent.

Since prisoners are imprisoned for murder and other serious crimes , communication between them occurs in a raised voice, which can lead to conflicts.

Mordovia, where three women’s zones are located, is considered one of the most difficult places to serve a sentence.

These prisons have harsh treatment, strict regimes and poor food. Uniforms are not always issued, and sometimes not in full.

The list of correctional institutions in Mordovia consists of:

  1. IK-13, located in the village of Partsa.
  2. IK-14 in the village of Partsa.
  3. IK-2 in the village of Yavas.

Many highlight pre-trial detention center No. 6 in Moscow as one of the most terrible places to imprison women. The fact is that the cells are overcrowded and there are often not enough sleeping places (see photo).

Therefore, prisoners sleep under beds or on the floor. In addition, there is a problem of cockroaches and unsanitary conditions, since the shower is not provided for daily toileting.

Many enter the cell healthy, but leave with syphilis or tuberculosis , since medical care is not provided in full.

How do prisoners live in Russian prisons? Read about it here.

How do women live in the zone? Find out in this video:

World practice of punishing female criminals

World practice regarding the possibility of imposing a sentence of life imprisonment for women differs quite radically. First of all, it depends on the mentality and foundations of the country, as well as the traditions of criminal law and judicial practice. There is also likely to be a dependence on the presence or absence of the death penalty in a country.

In a number of countries, life imprisonment is applied to women on virtually equal terms with men. Examples of such countries include Australia, Great Britain, Bulgaria, Georgia, and Lithuania.

In a number of countries, as in Russia, different maximum sentences are established for women, and accordingly, life imprisonment is not applied to them in principle. Such norms are present in the criminal law of Belarus, Belgium, Kazakhstan, and Moldova.

In a number of countries there is the right to punish women in such a strict way, but they receive the right to pardon after the expiration of a smaller part of the sentence than men. Such rules apply in China, South Korea, etc.

How the procedure for registering the unemployed has been simplified

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 30, 2021 No. 1278 extended the validity of temporary rules for registering the unemployed. The simplified procedure was approved until December 31, 2021. It is described in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 8, 2020 No. 460.

The new regulations freed citizens who lost their jobs from two difficulties:

  • No need to personally contact employment services. You can register remotely - to do this, you need to submit the appropriate application through the “Work in Russia” portal. Unemployment benefits can also be applied for through your personal account on the government services portal.
  • No need to collect a package of documents. The information required to assign benefits is received automatically.

Russia has further relaxed its laws

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia introduced a moratorium on the death penalty, replacing execution with a life sentence. However, concessions for women remained. Capital punishment in our country is not applied to representatives of the fairer sex for several reasons, including the desire of the state to improve the demographic situation.

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In addition, women are spared the harsh fate of staying in special or strict regime colonies. But general regime correctional institutions offer more lenient conditions for criminals.

Theoretically, a Russian offender cannot spend more than 35 years in total in prison. However, in reality, only in the case of the most brutal crimes do courts choose to place women in custody for more than 20 years as a punishment.

Twenty years for the Amazons. Why aren't women given life sentences?

In Rostov-on-Don, on December 5, 2021, a verdict was pronounced in the sensational case of the terrible gang of “Amazons” (as they were dubbed by Russian journalists). The peculiarity of this gang is that the majority of its members were women. Inessa Tarverdieva, Victoria Tarverdieva, Anastasia Sinelnik and the only male defendant, Sergei Sinelnik (another gang member Roman Podkopaev was killed during detention) were found guilty of committing a number of crimes. Banditry, murder, attempted murder, robbery, theft, illegal weapons trafficking - this is the list of gang crimes. But behind the dry lines of court records and the titles of articles hide blood and tears, destroyed human lives and ruined destinies.

The trial in the case of the “Amazons” lasted two years, and before that there was an investigation for another two years. One of the most brutal gangs in modern Russian history operated for a decade and a half. It was only possible to neutralize it in 2013 – and then purely by accident. September 8, 2013. Aksai. A small town is a satellite of Rostov-on-Don. Bandits entered the territory of a private household, killed the owners of the house - a man and a woman, after which they took from the house what they found - three bottles of champagne and a package of chicken fillet. They valued the lives of two people so cheaply.

Having profited from the simple loot, the criminals hastened to escape. They traveled in a Gazelle car, and they also drove into a forest belt not far from the residential areas of Aksai. Here the suspicious “Gazelle” was noticed by a private security vehicle passing by, in which there were police officers Ivan Shakhovoy and Alexey Lagoda. The police officers demanded that the strangers show their documents, but the criminals opened fire. Ivan Shakhova was killed on the spot, and Alexey Lagoda, who was wounded, was nevertheless able to shoot one of the criminals (as it turned out later, he was Roman Podkopaev, the leader and organizer of the gang) and wound the woman who was with him. Reinforcements soon arrived. The police detained the wounded criminal and discovered a tent camp in the forest belt. There was another woman and a minor girl in the camp. Very quickly, the police also identified the alleged accomplices of the gang - the Sinelnik spouses, who lived in the Aksai region. The surprise of the operatives knew no bounds when they learned that Sergei Sinelnik was their colleague, an inspector of the traffic police service of the Aksai district of the Rostov region. Sergei and his wife Anastasia were detained. Thus began the exposure of the gang that terrified the southern Russian regions.

The list of crimes committed by the Amazon gang is impressive. The gang operated in the Rostov region from 2008 to 2013. During these five years, a number of murders and robberies were committed. The victims of many of them were law enforcement officers, but random victims were also killed. Already at the trial, Inessa Tarverdieva said that the police were killed “out of hatred.”

February 7, 2008. Aksai, Rostov region - the head of the information security department of the regional State Drug Control Service, police colonel Mikhail Zlydnev and his wife were killed. They were shot in their own home, having taken two jackets and a TV tuner from the house.

July 17, 2008. Aksai district of the Rostov region - a car was shot up on the federal highway. Rostov resident Alexey Sazonov, who was in it, died, and his companion Yulia Vasilyeva was seriously wounded - one of the few victims of the “Amazons” who was lucky to survive. During this attack, the bandits only took a woman's purse and purse.

March 10, 2009. Novocherkassk, Rostov region - criminals broke into a residential building and shot two people with a Saiga carbine, then killed two people with knives. The loot this time was a laptop, a camera, a video camera, boots, a sheepskin coat and a jacket.

November 29, 2012. Novocherkassk, Rostov region. Vadim Lozhkov, the owner of the household that the Amazons tried to rob, was killed.

March 16, 2013. Aksay, Rostov region. Nikolai Kutsekon, a traffic police officer, whose home the criminals also tried to rob, was killed.

April 24, 2013, Aksai district, Rostov region. Andrei Yurin, also a traffic police officer, was killed. Miraculously, his wife and children, who locked themselves in the house, managed to escape.

In 2012-2013 Bandits launched a number of attacks on police officers and private security guards. So, on September 9, 2012 in Novocherkassk, a private security crew arrived when an alarm went off in a dental clinic. Suddenly the criminals attacked the police. Both OVO employees were killed, a machine gun and two pistols were taken from them. On April 8, 2013, in Novocherkassk, under similar circumstances, the crew of a private security company, who responded to a call at a grocery store, was fired upon. One of the security forces was killed, the other was seriously injured.

It is unknown how long the bloody orgy of the “Amazon” gang would have continued if not for the feat of the police officers – Ivan Shakhovoy and Alexei Lagoda, who then stopped suspicious people near the Gazelle. The gang's bloody trail impressed even seasoned investigators. It turned out that Roman Podkopaev, who was shot dead during his arrest, and his partner Inessa Tarverdieva began their criminal path back in the distant 1990s. Podkopaev and Tarverdieva lived in the village of Divnoye, Stavropol Territory. Roman committed his first murder when he was a student at the Stavropol Medical Academy, where he studied to become a dentist - he stabbed his teacher to death for selfish reasons. The next victim was Inessa Tarverdieva’s husband Arzu, from whom Roman stole Inessa. Podkopaev committed several more murders in Divnoye before the gang switched to the Rostov region. They told their fellow villagers that they were leaving for a sabbath, but they themselves went to rob and kill.

Gradually, Tarverdieva’s daughter Victoria and Podkopaev’s sister Anastasia, who was married to Aksai traffic cop Sergei Sinelnik, were drawn into criminal activities. Using his official position, a police officer could very well help a criminal group, covering it from colleagues and promptly transmitting information about the actions of law enforcement officers.

More than thirty people were killed by criminals over the many years of the gang's existence. But perhaps the most resonant crime for which the “Amazons” were accused was the murder of the Chudakov family. This is a very scary and confusing story, the true circumstances of which are still unknown to the public.

On June 8, 2009, on the M-4 Don federal highway, not far from the village of Rassvet, Aksai district, Rostov region, an attack was made on a car in which husband Dmitry Chudakov, wife Irina and two children - 11-year-old Veronica - were returning from a vacation in a sanatorium. and 7-year-old Sasha. The head of the family, Dmitry Chudakov, served with the rank of lieutenant colonel as commander of a SOBR unit in the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Nizhny Novgorod Region. The entire Chudakov family was brutally murdered. The investigation came up with all sorts of theories - first, Aksay resident Alexey Serenko, who spent two years in a pre-trial detention center, was accused of the crime. Then they tried to blame the murder of the Chudakovs on the well-known Tsapkov from Kushchevka and, finally, a gang of “Amazons” was officially accused of it, although this accusation aroused criticism from many people who observed the process, including the mother of the murdered lieutenant colonel Valentina Chudakova. She is convinced that the real killers of his son are not the Amazons. But we will not go into a discussion of this issue, especially since a large number of materials have been published in the media over the eight years that have passed since the tragedy.

Roman Podkopaev was killed during arrest. Thus, his main accomplices, Inessa and Victoria Tarverdiev, as well as the Sinelnik couple, who actively assisted the criminals, had to answer for the murders committed by the gang. But the verdict handed down on December 5 surprised the public. Inessa Tarverdieva, who played a key role in the gang together with the deceased Roman Podkopaev, was sentenced to 21 years in prison. Victoria Tarverdieva received 16 years in prison. Anastasia Sinelnik received 19 years in prison, and Sergei Sinelnik received 20 years in prison. Inessa Tarverdieva herself emphasized that she does not intend to appeal the verdict. Only Sergei Sinelnik will appeal, since he considered the sentence too harsh.

Society assessed the sentence imposed on Inessa Tarverdieva as very lenient - 21 years in prison for participation in numerous murders, and Inessa carried out a number of murders personally; among the victims were women and children. Now the criminal legislation has been significantly tightened, for example, in the direction of punishing “drug” crimes. You can get twenty years in prison for drug trafficking, but here we are still talking about dozens of murders, not to mention other crimes.

But Russian legislation is liberal in relation to women defendants - a woman cannot be sentenced to life imprisonment, no matter how many murders she commits. In addition, there are no maximum security colonies for women, so the Tarverdievs and Anastasia Sinelnik will serve their sentences in general security colonies. At the same time, Sergei Sinelnik, who did not personally participate in the murders or attacks, received 20 years in prison in a maximum security colony. Can it be called fair that men and women, who are equal in rights, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, bear different punishments for the acts they commit? Even for a small part of the bloody crimes committed by Inessa Tarverdieva, the men would have been sentenced to life imprisonment, or, in Soviet times, to capital punishment by execution.

Humane treatment of women who commit bloody crimes was inherited from the Soviet justice system. The use of capital punishment against women in the USSR was an absolute exception. In the entire history of Soviet justice, only a few death sentences were imposed on women. For example, on August 11, 1979, Antonina Makarova, the notorious “Tonka the Machine Gunner,” who served as an executioner for the Nazis and personally shot at least one and a half thousand (!) Soviet citizens, was executed by court. In 1987, Tamara Ivanyutina, a serial killer-poisoner, who, together with her accomplices, poisoned 13 people to death, was shot, and 9 poisonings were carried out personally by Ivanyutina.

The third woman executed in the USSR was Berta Borodkina - perhaps the only one of the trio who did not deserve a death sentence. Berta Borodkina was shot in August 1983 for the systematic theft of socialist property on an especially large scale, which she committed as the head of a trust of restaurants and canteens in Gelendzhik. There were several other death sentences for women, but for all of these sentences the punishment was subsequently changed.

It should be noted that in a number of countries in the world, women do not have any advantages over men in the area of ​​imposing or not imposing any punishment. For example, in Ukraine, women are sentenced to life imprisonment. In Kharkov, there is the only Kachanovskaya colony in the country, where women sentenced to life imprisonment are kept. Their living conditions are much milder than those of men - “lifers”. Women can be sentenced to life imprisonment in the UK, USA, EU countries, not to mention most countries in Asia and Africa. Likewise, there are no differences regarding the death penalty in those countries where this penalty still exists. As a rule, only pregnant women are not sentenced to death.

However, in Russia a strange situation has arisen where a woman is “more equal” than a man. A criminal responsible for the death of several, or even several dozen people, receives a sentence comparable to that which a man can be given for one or two murders. This situation contradicts both the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. Many public figures, politicians, and lawyers have repeatedly spoken and written about the fact that men and women need to be given equal rights when it comes to sentencing, but so far the situation remains unchanged. We see its injustice even in the example of the sentence for the “Amazons” - the direct killer (a woman) received 21 years in prison, the accomplice (a man) received 20 years in prison in a maximum security colony.

To the maternity hospital, not to prison

The rejection of life imprisonment for women is directly related to the implementation of the state's demographic policy. The vast majority of governments stimulate the birth rate of their citizens in one way or another. Russia is no exception.

A good demographic situation means many new taxpayers, workers, and voters. Start imprisoning women for life - reducing the already low birth rate. For the same reasons, representatives of the fairer sex are not drafted into the army, they are prohibited from working in dangerous and harmful industries.

In addition, the prisoner may already have children who need maternal affection and care. According to many legal scholars, a woman must necessarily take part in raising her child. Doing this from a prison cell is problematic, to say the least.

Unemployment benefit amount in 2021

The maximum amount in 2021 was 12,130 rubles, and the minimum was 1,500 rubles. Such amounts are indicated in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated December 31, 2020 No. 2393.

The benefit is accrued from the first day the citizen is recognized as unemployed. The size of the amount depends on earnings at your last place of work, but no matter how high it may be, the maximum you can count on is 12,130 rubles.

Period% of average earnings at last place of workLimit
first three months75 %no more than 12,130 rub.
next three months60 %no more than 5,000 rub.

For pre-retirees, the minimum benefit amount is 1,500 rubles, the maximum is 12,130 rubles.

But the largest amount of benefits is provided for orphans and children without parental care who are looking for work for the first time. They can count on an amount equal to the average salary in the region. The benefit for them is paid for six months. After this, the amount is reduced to the amount of the minimum benefit amount, increased by the size of the regional coefficient on a general basis.

There are several factors that influence the exact benefit amount:

  • reason for registration,
  • date of dismissal,
  • period of work within a year before registration,
  • reasons for job loss,
  • average earnings at last place of work.
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