Before prison

Rapist is a slang word that describes a person who has sexually or physically abused another person.
This includes people who use violence against both adult citizens and people over eighteen years of age. The amount of punishment depends on the severity of the crime. Violence is defined according to articles 131-135 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Based on the results of the trial, a person can either receive a fine for an administrative violation or be sent to a correctional colony - it all depends on the circumstances committed by the defendant.

After the person who committed the crime is caught, he is placed in a pre-trial detention center (SIZO), the rules provide for a separate cell for him. But even at this stage, difficulties may arise; it often happens that the accused, until the court’s decision, is placed in a common cell, where fellow inmates are already paying close attention to him. In such situations, some kind of “lynching” may already be carried out on him.

After a person has been given a measure of punishment to serve in a correctional institution, the rapist’s life behind bars begins.

Life sentence for Mayhem

Vladimir Alekseev, nicknamed Vova-Bespredel, is serving a life sentence in IK-6, a member of the notorious Tsapkov gang, which for years terrorized the village of Kushchevskaya in the Krasnodar Territory. Alekseev received his nickname for a reason: he was considered the most bloodthirsty member of the group. He took an active part in the brutal massacre of the family of farmer Ametov in the fall of 2010: 12 people, including four children, became victims of the Tsapok.

Vladimir Alekseev (Vova-Bespredel)

Photo: Provided by the Main Investigative Directorate of the Russian Federation for the North Caucasus Federal District / Kommersant

In addition, Alekseev has several proven rapes on his record, although he was initially suspected of several hundred similar crimes. “In court, they didn’t talk about 200, but 400 [rapes]. Sergei [Tsapok] and I were in shock. And so the question arose for us: did we ever put on pants? Besides rape, did we manage to do anything else? Well, do the math. It turns out that eight women were raped a day,” the defendant stated in an interview.

He also tried to kill a businessman who crossed the path of the Tsacs. Vova-Bespredel wanted to bury the entrepreneur alive, but he managed to jump out of the trunk at full speed and hide in a corn field. Alekseev still pays compensation of 1.5 million rubles to the victim from his prison salary - in IK-6 he is engaged in edging vests. The prisoner must pay another 600 thousand rubles to the relatives of farmer Ametov’s family.

General position

Prison life, like any social institution, has its own laws by which people live or survive. They are often not written, and are passed on from mouth to mouth, so to speak. In addition, they can be recorded in certain albums of prisoners (a kind of demobilization albums). And, as you know, materials from such “collections” can migrate from album to album and further throughout the country.

In the nineties – the peak, flowering of prison culture and its penetration into the masses – crimes such as “theft” and “murder” were considered “clean”. They did not mean bullying the victim; these people were a kind of “cleaners” of society. However, there are deviations everywhere.

And rapists, especially children, were considered “not human.” In the cells they were subjected to both psychological breaking and subjugation, as well as sexual violence with coercion, so that the “hunter” would be in the place of the “victim”.

However, closer to our years, the rules have shifted somewhat. If the culprit proved the adequacy and fairness of his actions in relation to an adult, he was not touched. Pedophiles and complete maniacs who experienced pleasure from their actions fell into disgrace. They were no longer allowed to escape.

sunny day

It was a sunny day, the girl was walking slowly from school. A stranger caught up with her near the house. He grabbed my hand and covered my mouth with the other hand. He said: if you scream, I’ll kill you. That's why Masha was afraid to scream. I was afraid to break free. I didn’t understand anything. In a vacant lot, a scumbag dragged a third-grader into the bushes and raped her...

Masha was only 9 years old: cartoons, dolls, elegant princesses in a sketchbook. And now she has to live with the memories of a terrible uncle with a distorted face.

The rapist was caught; it turned out that he had previously served time for a similar crime. And this is not an isolated case. How many of these Mashas are there?

According to psychiatrists, 80–90% of pedophiles relapse again after leaving prison. Most - in the first year.

Specific actions

If a person was imprisoned for violence against a woman and was able to prove his innocence or the correctness of his action (for example, some kind of blackmail on the part of his wife), he may no longer be persecuted. This defendant has proven that he can remain a “man.”

If a man is convicted of sexual violence against other men, he automatically becomes a common lover. Moreover, here it is necessary to distinguish between two categories - “lowered” and “rooster”.

“Omitted” is a general or someone’s specific slave who cleans up after everyone (or the owner), can perform the functions of a teacher (feed, put to bed, massage), sleeps next to the latrine, eats only from his own dishes and no one does not touch him and does not shake his hand, otherwise you can also become “low”.

"Rooster" is a general or someone's personal lover. Moreover, he may not perform the functions of a slave, but serve only for pleasure. There is no mixing of waste and sexual gratification in the zone.

If a person is put in prison for abusing children, then no excuses or even the opportunity to pay off will help him (it is not uncommon to justify oneself with a single contribution or a constant payment). Such a person will automatically be considered a non-resident. And perhaps he won’t even live to see the trial. It is not uncommon for accidents to be arranged during the so-called stage (transportation of a prisoner to a place of imprisonment).

However, there were cases when it was still possible to prove one’s innocence. For example, if a person was seduced by a minor, deceived that she was already eighteen years old.

The same story happens with maniacs, those who enjoy causing damage. These people, like proven pedophiles, are not treated on ceremony.

Psychological torture


They are used to abuse prisoners with unstable mental health . The convict is placed in solitary confinement and loud music is turned on. It does not allow a person to sleep. To increase psychological pressure, they play the same song. The speaker is placed directly above the ear.

This causes not only psychological discomfort, but also physical discomfort - blood begins to bleed from the ears. If the prisoner has committed a lesser offense, they also play music for him (usually hard rock), but the sound is turned down a little.


The most common option is to pour urine on the prisoner or place him in a “harem” (gay prisoners live in the “harem”). Pouring urine can occur in different ways. For example, the guards of the Belorechensk colony stripped the convicts naked and forced them to urinate on each other.

Realities of society

In our modern society, the topic of pedophilia is very easy to raise; the risk group may include teachers and leaders of children's sections and clubs. On their way, they may come across an inadequate parent who may see sexual overtones in his actions, and then it won’t be a big deal.

However, it is impossible to talk now about real cases and real life behind bars with one hundred percent certainty. Usually stories from this life come to us in a corrected or mutilated version, because no one tells the naked truth.


Today, almost 500 prisoners are serving their life sentences in the Torbeevsky Central. But if necessary, the colony can accept more. However, I would like to hope that the free cells in Torbeevo will remain empty.

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Real stories


“After I was convicted, I ended up in cell 147. It was a “common fund” in which about forty people sat. Convicts are not put in tees. On the same day, a young guy, no older than 18 years old, was put in a cell. He looked about 13 years old. He was sentenced to ten years. Because he allegedly raped someone. The attention of all the inmates of this cell fell on him. After all, rapists are not respected in prison. But he was clearly in great shock from his verdict. On the verge of hysteria.

The observer began to find out the circumstances. It was necessary to decide where to place the boy. Most of the prisoners imprisoned for rape are transferred to roosters, or become devils. The guy gave his sentence for study. By the way, it’s surprising that authoritative people who have no faith in garbage even really believe all sorts of official papers, sentences, conclusions, and so on. Especially when there is no rooster in the cell, but you want affection.

Depends, of course, on the adequacy of those watching. In this particular case, the matter was clearly done with white thread. According to the papers, he raped two girls in two hours. It was in the entrance of a sixteen-story building. He came to a friend’s house, dragged her and her friend into the entrance, and raped her on the staircase. Then in the elevator, then in the attic, and even on the roof of the house. While raping one girl, he held the second girl by the legs with his hands so that she would not run away, then he changed them, had the second one, and held the first one by the legs. According to the description, he came at least a dozen times. Well, a sexy super giant right there.

He did not look the same as the prosecutor presented him. According to him, the girls decided to punish him for something. He had met the first one before, but didn’t even know the second one. But the victims were believed unconditionally. The opera messed with his brains, and he blabbed a lot of unnecessary things. And no matter what they said at the trial later, no matter how stupid and confused the girls were, nothing helped.

If the guy had money, then in the worst case he would have received a conditional sentence, or maybe this moronic business would have been closed altogether. But there was no money, my parents were poor.

At first it was painful to look at him in the cell; he looked so pitiful. At the meeting it was decided that there was nothing to punish him for, and let him live as best he can.

After some time, a miracle happened, and the sentence was canceled and he was given only three years.”


“Most likely, you’ve heard what prisoners do in prison with those who have committed rape? But I personally saw this several times live and I’ll tell you - it’s not the most pleasant sight.

I sat several times, not very long. At first, as soon as you enter the cell, according to prison customs, you will be given the article under which you are charged. If a person lies about his article and others find out about it, he will be in trouble. It’s not difficult to find out about this; many people have connections with the head of the prison, the head of security, etc. This incident happened before my eyes.

A new prisoner was moved into the cell. She lied about her article, saying that she was a burglar, knowing what they would do to him if they found out that he was in jail for rape. It all quickly came to light and he was stabbed to death right in his cell. Another rapist told the truth, probably because he didn’t know the consequences.

They immediately put him down and began to mock him. The next day he was made a rooster. The whole cell had it, except for me and several other prisoners. And he cried and begged, but nothing worked, they adhered to the prison laws and the one who was supposed to become a rooster became one.”

Sour milk and a screwdriver in the stomach

In Torbeyevsky Central, as in any colony, short-term and long-term visits are allowed - the premises for the latter are similar to apartments with bedrooms, bathrooms and kitchens. Prisoners in IK-6 can receive parcels, but only if their weight is less than 20 kilograms. True, according to the wife of Sergei Klimuk, convicted of the explosion at the Cherkizovsky market (he was transferred to the Torbeyevsky Central in 2021), jailers can allow the office and a bottle of holy water to go beyond the limit. All mail from convicts must be censored.

However, as in any zone, IK-6 is not without complaints. Thus, in July 2021, the chairman of the interregional public charitable organization (MOBO) “Committee for Civil Rights” Andrei Babushkin sent a letter to the supervisory authorities about violations at the Torbeevsky Central. The human rights activist listed a number of everyday issues with which the convicts were dissatisfied - from sour milk and rotten cereal to the lack of televisions.

According to Babushkin, there were more serious violations in IK-6, such as beatings of prisoners. In particular, according to the human rights activist, the prisoners were brutally beaten after they complained to the prosecutor about the quality of the food. In addition, convicts who in the spring of 2021, as a sign of protest, opened their veins with sewing needles were allegedly subjected to physical punishment. One of them drove a screwdriver into his stomach. However, after inspections, all complaints were found to be unfounded.

However, listing all the violations, Babushkin says: twice a day, prisoners in IK-6 are examined by a medical worker, and salaries are credited to their accounts without delay. Only 25 percent of the prisoners' salaries remain: in most cases, the rest of the money goes to pay compensation to victims and their relatives. Convicts of IK-6 can spend their earnings on orders from the prison catalog - they mainly buy tea, coffee, candy and cigarettes. These orders are one of the few entertainments for prisoners at the Torbeevsky Central: in addition to them, prisoners can read books and play board games. Chess is especially popular: almost all convicts took part in the tournament, which took place in May 2021.

Rapists and pedophiles: punishment under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

According to current legislation, such crimes are classified as criminal acts committed against sexual freedom and integrity.

Art. 131 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is called “Rape” and provides for liability for sexual contact with an adult partner, against his will, in the form of imprisonment for 3-6 years.

Rape of a minor child is punishable by 15 years in prison, and of a minor child by 20 years in prison.

When rape is an independent type of crime, it leaves an indelible mark on the psyche of a child or adult victim. But, more often than not, episodes of violence are associated with other types of crimes.

Most often, this is murder. Trying to hide evidence, criminals kill their victims after rape.

As soon as the verdict in the rapist's case comes into force, they begin to prepare for the stage. What awaits them at the end of this journey, when their cellmates learn the specifics of the act they committed, they certainly have no idea.

In the spotlight

So why don't they like rapists in prison? In the world of thieves' laws, violence has always been recognized as an dishonest thing.

Theft and murder are something completely different. They are committed exclusively in cold blood based on certain motives.

And using special harshness towards one’s victim, committing violence against a defenseless person is already a mental deviation. That is why other prisoners are wary of such new arrivals and administer their own justice to them.

Until a verdict is passed in cases of violence and pedophilia, such defendants are not touched in the pre-trial detention center.

In the colonies, no one likes to make mistakes, and no one is in a hurry to begin humiliating a person who may not be guilty at all. Therefore, while the trial is ongoing, the rapist defendant has nothing to fear.

There are cases when cellmates or observers get acquainted with the verdict of a newcomer and do not believe the information contained in it. But this happens extremely rarely. Usually the facts of violence are unconditionally proven, and the guilt of the defendant becomes undeniable.

As soon as the verdict in the case of violence comes into force, the convicted person will begin to be “lowered.” This can happen even in a pre-trial detention center if he does not have time to be transferred.

But even if he manages to get into the last departing carriage of the train along the stage, the same thing will await him already in the colony. He still won’t be able to hide his article.

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