Is a document and identification document a certificate of release from prison?

After full serving of the sentence, amnesty or parole, the release procedure occurs. At the same time, the former prisoner must be provided with all the necessary documents, clothing for the season, tickets to his place of residence or money for them, and food for the trip.

The entire procedure for the release procedure is prescribed in the order “On approval of instructions on providing assistance in employment and everyday life, as well as providing assistance to convicts released from serving their sentences in correctional institutions of the penal system” dated January 13, 2006 No. 2.

To confirm the legality of the prisoner's release, he is issued a certificate of completion of his sentence. Below we will discuss in detail the form of the certificate, methods of obtaining it, its application and the stages of recovery in case of loss.

Where and when is it issued?

On the day of release, the former convict is given a package of documents. It includes:

  1. Passport. If necessary, the management of the correctional institution extends it when it expires or makes a new one in case of loss.
  2. Certificate of release in the required form.
  3. Documents on labor activity and wages in the colony.

The responsibility to prepare and issue this package of documents in a timely manner lies with the administration of the correctional institution.

Complete exemption from physical education: for what diagnoses?

The concept of “complete exemption from physical education” is considered very controversial. If by this we mean a certificate that is given once and for all, then such a thing does not exist.

According to the legislation in this area, the maximum period, which is equal to one year, is given for the most severe diseases: heart disease, previous operations, asthma and others. But even in this case, after a year the patient needs to see a doctor again and confirm his diagnosis.

This principle applies even in the most absurd situations. For example, if a child does not have a foot, and even moves with difficulty, he will still have to undergo an examination every year and obtain permission from a doctor. Everyone understands that the foot will not grow back, but such bureaucratic nuances are mandatory.

It is possible to talk about complete indefinite exclusion from physical activity only if the child does not attend school due to mental illness and disabilities, but is educated at home.

If by complete release we mean that the child will not perform all physical activities, then all the serious diseases described above will serve as diagnoses for this.

If a child has an allergic runny nose, for example, which complicates breathing, then he may be prohibited from performing a number of physical exercises (running, jumping), but he can attend classes and do light exercises (race walking).

Document forms and their descriptions

According to the Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation dated May 20, 2009, there are several types of this document:

  • A certificate of form “A” is issued in connection with the termination of a criminal case. Or by transferring the convicted person’s case for a new trial, followed by a commutation of the sentence and release from custody.
  • Certificate form "B-IL" . Such a document will be received by people serving sentences under writs of execution. This includes those convicted of failure to pay child support.
  • Form “B” is issued to all other released persons who are citizens of the Russian Federation.
  • Certificate form "B" . Such a document is required for foreign citizens and stateless persons who were living in Russia at the time of arrest. As well as foreigners and stateless persons who lived abroad, but decided to remain in our country after release.

The general form for all types of certificates is the same and contains:

  1. photograph of the owner;
  2. last name, first name and patronymic (if available);
  3. date, year and place of birth;
  4. location;
  5. nationality (indicated from the words of the convicted person);
  6. attitude towards military service, branch of service;
  7. marital relations;
  8. the article under which the sentence was served and by whom it was assigned;
  9. time spent in custody;
  10. date and place of release.

A sample certificate is shown in the photo:

For what reasons are exemptions from physical education given?

Physical education is a compulsory subject in all schools, secondary and higher educational institutions. In some places there are more hours allocated for such activities, in others there are fewer. But every pupil or student is obliged to attend them. The only possible exception is exemption from physical education. It is given solely for medical reasons.

It often happens that you can get the opportunity to be absent from class at the request of the student’s parents. Help - a handwritten request can help you skip physical education only once, and is not an official document. It is rational to resort to this if a child feels unwell on a specific day; this ailment is not serious and temporary.

If there are compelling reasons to refuse to attend a physical education class, then you cannot do without the participation of a doctor and obtaining an official document.

For what reasons are exemptions from physical education given?

  • exacerbations of chronic and acute diseases (a certificate can be issued for a period of time until the peak of the disease subsides);
  • physical, congenital causes (deformation of limbs and body parts, congenital lameness and other ailments that prevent full exercise);
  • mental problems and diseases of the nervous system (this includes epilepsy);
  • surgical diseases (spine, bones, joints, etc.);
  • diseases of internal organs (heart, genital organs, bladder, etc.);
  • patients with problem lymph nodes, circulatory system;
  • children with missing feet or toes or toes;
  • flat feet 2 degrees;
  • the presence of a malignant tumor, hernia, hemorrhoids in an advanced form.

The doctor examines the patient and gives a certificate - release if there are serious reasons. For example, a student has osteochondrosis (the disease falls into the group of surgical diseases), but in a particular case, physical activity will only benefit the child. Therefore, the doctor may refuse to issue a certificate or limit only certain loads.


This document has no expiration date and is unlimited. The certificate does not indicate any dates limiting its validity .

We present to your attention the following information about correctional institutions:

  • How do those living in prison live?
  • First mover.
  • The most terrible prisons in the Russian Federation.
  • Pre-trial detention center.
  • Prisons of the Russian Federation.
  • 5 current ways to transfer money to a prisoner in a colony.
  • Assistance from the state for former prisoners: resocialization of persons released from prison.
  • Rules and features of revocation of probation.
  • What does it mean to “sit on the lip”?
  • 20 crimes for which life imprisonment is imposed in Russia.

What to pay attention to

The scheme of a certificate of completion of a sentence by a convicted person or his release from punishment is the main identification document of a former prisoner, even if he has no other documents. A citizen must carefully choose a place of residence after release from a correctional facility. This is necessary for suitable living conditions and employment, because a notification about a former prisoner is sent to the area of ​​placement. Upon notification, a person is given a job that will allow him to settle in the area.

When released due to the reversal of a sentence, in order to restore the person’s reputation, not only the basis for his release is indicated, but also an official apology is made on behalf of the state.

What to do and where to go if the paper is lost?

It is necessary to send a request for a duplicate by mail to the penitentiary service of the region where the sentence was served. According to Federal Law No. 8-FZ dated 02/09/2009 “On ensuring access to information on the activities of state bodies and local self-government bodies”, within a month (plus the period for sending a letter by mail) this body must send a response.

It is also possible to contact the police department or the criminal executive service at the place of registration. These authorities will send a request to the correctional institution and, based on this, issue a duplicate certificate.

It is illegal to deny the right to restore a document. If you refuse to issue a duplicate upon request, you must submit a statement to the local police officer at your place of residence or directly to the prosecutor's office.

General information

A certificate of completion of a sentence by a convicted person or his release from punishment is filled out by a citizen who will soon be released. The information in the document is indicated thoughtfully, without errors, otherwise employment and accommodation will be difficult. At the time of release, the prisoner is given his personal belongings - a passport, work book and other property that was with the citizen at the time of arrest. If a passport or other documents are invalid due to expiration, they are restored. The cost of new papers is repaid by the convicted person independently. If a citizen does not have funds, local authorities pay for the service.

In order for a citizen to receive a certificate upon release, correctional officers must send a notification to local authorities and the employment service. If the released person has not received a certificate at the place of deprivation of liberty, then he must send a request to the authorities independently within ten working days after release. Notification is sent to local authorities based on the application completed by the prisoner. Citizens who do not have a permanent place of residence or work send a request to the address of their relatives. Correctional officers determine which relative to contact for housing for a former prisoner based on letters sent from the correctional institution. Based on the intended place of residence, the citizen is provided with employment.

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