What are the differences between a strict prison regime and a general one? Is there a difference?

A friend of mine’s husband was sent to prison for major financial fraud. And we could never imagine that an adult, respectable man with two higher educations could ever end up in a colony where other criminals are serving their sentences.

And this once again proves that the law is the same for everyone, regardless of education and financial status. There are several types of colonies in Russia that are intended for convicts. In this article, we will consider the general regime, which includes the majority of criminals who are not the most dangerous to society.

Mode difference

The general regime differs from the strict regime in a number of features. They affect the nature of the crime and the conditions of detention.


This measure applies to the following people:

  • men who are being punished for the first time, or people who have not previously been imprisoned;
  • women who have re-offended.

This option is also provided for citizens who previously served a sentence in colonies with more lenient conditions, but violated the norms of the institution and were transferred.


This measure is applied to men who have committed serious crimes. It also applies to men whose actions are interpreted as a relapse.

The difference between this regime is the terms of detention and the conditions of stay of convicts there. There are several types of detention - light, general and strict conditions. The period for establishing them is 9 months.

This type of imprisonment also has several gradations depending on the severity of the punishment. These include general, strict and lightweight. To transfer from one category to another, it will take more than 1 year.


This measure is considered the most stringent. It is used for people who have committed particularly serious crimes. This punishment is also used for persons who have committed a serious illegal act while serving a prison sentence.

A characteristic difference between a colony and a prison is that in the second institution the number of visits and parcels is limited. In this case, prisoners are kept in cells, and not in a dormitory.

Expert opinion

Karnaukh Ekaterina Vladimirovna

Graduated from the National University of Shipbuilding, majoring in Enterprise Economics

Another group of people for whom this measure is used are considered to be criminals serving it on a life-long basis. If the imprisoned citizen does not violate the order established in the colony, the decision of a special commission transfers him to a light regime.

The use of a special regime as punishment for crimes implies severe restrictions for the prisoner. They are as follows:

  1. The prisoner is placed in solitary confinement. Sometimes 2 people are kept in such premises.
  2. Walking is limited. They are usually carried out in an enclosed courtyard, which does not receive daylight. The duration is also limited. It is a maximum of 1.5 hours. Conversations with other persons serving sentences are minimized.
  3. Only 2 short-term visits are allowed per year. Parcels and parcels are allowed to be received no more than once a year.
  4. Each convict works in a separate cell.

Today in the Russian Federation there are 2 colonies that use a special regime. About 200 people are serving their sentences there.


The main differences between the concepts under consideration include the following:

  1. General and strict regimes are used for various groups of criminals.
  2. The general regime allows up to 6 dates during the year, the strict regime – up to 4.
  3. In general regime institutions there is a production zone.
  4. A strict regime implies increased control over the actions of prisoners. Also, this punishment involves a high degree of isolation and movement restrictions.
  5. You can leave a general regime colony early.

Terms of transfer

During the sentencing, the judge independently determines the type of colony where the convicted person will serve his sentence. Therefore, initially the majority of adult criminals who have committed intentional crimes end up here. In terms of their severity, they are usually considered grave or especially grave. Because many convicts, whose guilt was established in the form of negligence, are serving such a sentence in colony settlements.

If the crime was committed with additional aggravating circumstances, then in most cases strict conditions are imposed.

The usual conditions can be obtained in the following ways:

  1. If a person was arrested before he was sentenced , then this term will be counted towards the total amount of time served. But this condition is met only if no violations of discipline were recorded during this period, for which a punishment cell is assigned.
  2. After six months of being in a general regime, a prisoner can apply for favorable conditions. To do this, he must show his conscientious attitude to work and discipline.
  3. If the offender violates discipline , his conditions will be changed to strict ones. A reverse transfer is allowed only after six months.
  4. When a person is transferred to another institution, he receives the same conditions as he had before the transfer.

As statistics show, all prisoners are divided into 2 main types:

  • some of them completely deny the established discipline , therefore they prefer to serve the entire sentence under strict conditions;
  • others, on the contrary, try to get easier conditions in order to further reduce their time in this institution.

Therefore, the general regime is a starting point for prisoners in one of the directions.

How are correctional institutions different?

Today in the Russian Federation there are many types of correctional institutions, each of which has its own characteristics.

The colony

According to the Criminal Executive Code, adult prisoners serve their sentences in colonies. Moreover, such institutions are divided into several categories. The type of colony in which a person will serve his sentence is determined in court.


There are several types of serving conditions in correctional colonies - light, ordinary, strict. In the first two cases, convicts live in dormitories; in strict cases, they are kept in locked rooms.

Expert opinion

Karnaukh Ekaterina Vladimirovna

Graduated from the National University of Shipbuilding, majoring in Enterprise Economics

Prisoners serving life sentences are held exclusively in cells, with a maximum of 2 people. Depending on the type of colony and the conditions of detention, the number of visits, calls, and parcels varies.


Such institutions house prisoners who have committed offenses due to negligence. They also place people there for intentional crimes of minor and medium gravity. Prisoners from general or strict regime colonies are also transferred there for exemplary behavior.

In colony settlements, convicts are often kept without guards, but under the control of the administration. They can move freely around the territory. With the permission of the administration, convicts are even allowed to travel outside the institution.

In addition, prisoners can wear civilian clothes and use money. They live in special dormitories. Families are often allowed.


This term is used to refer to secure institutions in which prisoners are kept in cell-type premises. They practically never leave them.

Pre-trial detention center

Pre-trial detention centers are used to hold suspects and accused persons, for whom detention is considered a preventive measure. This means that people who are under investigation and awaiting trial are placed in pre-trial detention centers. Also there are persons who are on trial.

In some situations, pre-trial detention centers perform the functions of correctional institutions. Convicts are kept there and must perform housekeeping work or be sent to correctional facilities after the court verdict comes into force. Also, convicts are admitted to pre-trial detention centers during their transfer from one place of punishment to another.

Correctional centers

These institutions are created on the basis of colonies. They can also be organized on the site of former special commandant's offices. Such institutions are intended for serving sentences in the form of forced labor.

comparison table

The main differences between correctional institutions are recorded in the table:

CriterionJailThe colony
Movements within the territoryExcluded.Acceptable.
JobHardly ever.Plays a major role.
CorrectionUnlikely.Leaves an imprint and eliminates the possibility of subsequent offenses.
KindsNone.It can be strict, correctional, educational, therapeutic.

Conditions of detention

It is important not to confuse the conditions of detention that may be provided within an institution with such a regime. There may be 4 types of conditions provided, depending on the discipline and behavior of the person:

  • ordinary , they are assigned in most cases, and in the future, based on the behavior of the criminal himself, they can be changed;
  • strict ones are prescribed in cases where the convict does not want to adhere to the established rules in the colony;
  • lightweight ones are appointed as a reward for conscientious work and good behavior;
  • preferential, are issued in the last six months so that a person can be rehabilitated in the outside world outside the colony.

You can learn more about this in the presented video.

General terms

Prisoners live in special dormitories, where each room has several beds. In addition, they gain the following abilities under normal conditions:

  1. Spend personal funds within 9,000 rubles for your needs, strictly established by law . This amount is controlled by the administration of the institution, and it is set for a month. Unspent limits expire and are not transferred to other months.
  2. The right to short meetings with your friends and family. The number of such meetings should not exceed 6 times during the year. In addition, they are given the right to long meetings up to 4 times.
  3. Relatives and friends can send 6 parcels and 6 parcels. This limit is also set for a year.

In addition to the basic conditions, additional conditions may be considered for each convicted person in accordance with his personality and behavior. If there are children, a convicted person with good discipline can obtain two visits with the child on a monthly basis. Such meetings can be lengthy and not held on the territory of the colony. But leaving the municipality is prohibited. But they can rent an apartment and spend the weekend together.

Lighter conditions

Compared to regular conditions, light regime gives more advantages to the prisoner, so many strive to get it. In this case, the prisoner continues to live in the dormitory, but he is provided with the following opportunities:

  1. Spend monthly funds for permitted purposes without restrictions .
  2. Meet with family and friends 12 times a year , taking into account that 6 of them will be long meetings.
  3. 12 parcels and 12 parcels from your family and friends .

In this case, the parent is also given an additional opportunity to meet with their children outside the territory of the institution, but without leaving the municipality. Only the number of such meetings is not limited. The boss may refuse to grant a meeting, but to do this he will have to write a reasoned resolution. Therefore, in most cases, if the convicted person complies with all the regimes, he can use such meetings at his own discretion.

Six months before the end of the established sentence, such a convicted person may be transferred to preferential terms. Then he will receive the right to work outside the institution, as well as live on the territory of a municipal facility.

As an alternative, it is possible to keep the convicted person with those who have the right to be without an escort. They can live with their families on their own property.

Strict conditions

The opposite regime is strict if the prisoner ignores the rules established in the colony. Such criminals are kept in special closed premises. They have the following rights:

  1. The ability to spend only 7,800 rubles per month on your needs.
  2. During the year, have only 6 meetings , 3 of which can be long.
  3. 3 parcels and 3 parcels from your family and friends .
  4. Get a daily opportunity to walk in the fresh air for 1.5 hours . But this time can be increased to 3 hours if the convicted person shows good discipline.

Institutions with general regime are considered the most loyal to adult prisoners. The least dangerous criminals are sent here.

Why do they give strict regime?

To better understand what a strict detention regime is like, it is worth considering all types of colonies and the severity of the offenses for which criminals end up in one or another penitentiary institution.
In the Russian penal system, in addition to prisons (pre-trial detention centers) and educational institutions, there are four types of colonies :

  • settlements;
  • general regime;
  • strict regime;
  • special regime.

Colonial settlements house those convicted of unintentional offenses and crimes of medium and minor gravity that were committed for the first time. These institutions have the softest regime: there are no camp towers or armed guards; convicts have the opportunity to walk throughout the entire camp at any time and even leave its boundaries with the permission of the administration.

The type of colony with a general regime is one of the most common for several reasons.

  1. Firstly , the court sends both women and men here.
  2. Secondly , the range of articles under which people are sent to these institutions is quite wide (in most cases these are serious offenses committed for the first time).
  3. Thirdly , troublemakers from colony settlements can be transferred here.

Only men serve their sentences in strict and special regime correctional institutions. Women, even those convicted of particularly serious offenses, are placed in general regime camps or in separate women's prisons.

In maximum security correctional institutions, persons serve sentences for especially serious crimes that have been committed for the first time. Also, those convicted of repeated atrocities who were declared dangerous by the court are sent here.

The special regime is the toughest in terms of keeping prisoners. Those sentenced to life imprisonment and repeat offenders on especially serious charges are held here.

Note. The Russian prison department has 716 penitentiary institutions. These include 126 colony settlements, 24 colonies for teenagers, 6 prisons intended for prisoners sentenced to life.

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