Pre-trial detention center 1, Minsk: how to get there, work schedule and rules for receiving packages


The pre-trial detention center on Volodarka, as it is usually called, is located in the building of an old castle. The residence was built in 1825. The customer was Mr. Rudolf Pischallo. However, the city authorities at that time were not satisfied with the new building in the city, and they decided to buy it. After a successful transaction, the castle quickly turned into a fortress.

Famous rebels, writers and poets, scientists and cultural figures were imprisoned in Belarusian prison. The walls of pre-trial detention center 1 (Minsk) saw the rebel K. Kalinovsky, the famous Belarusian playwright V. Dunin-Martinkevich, the poets Y. Kolos and A. Garun.

During the Stalinist repressions, 36 people were shot in prison, who during their lives made a significant contribution to the development of Belarusian culture, science, and art.

There was also a case of escape from the famous colony. Felix Dzerzhinsky managed to come up with a plan and implement it. According to historical reports, this was the only person who managed to escape from the walls of the terrible colony.

How to send a transfer to a pre-trial detention center via the Internet

This is a very convenient form of transfer, primarily because the parcel is generated directly in the trading institutions subordinate to the Federal Penitentiary Service .

For this reason, the products are delivered to the arrested person in packaging and do not lose their presentation.

In order to generate and send a transfer via the Internet, you need to find a specialized online store of Federal Penitentiary Service products online and place an order there indicating the delivery address.

After payment, the parcel will be sent to the pre-trial detention center where your loved one is being held. Once they receive your shipment, you will be notified of delivery.

What is a pre-trial detention center now?

Currently, the prison is called the first pre-trial detention center, abbreviated as SIZO 1, Minsk. It is located in the building of a historical castle. Criminals who are being investigated or sent to court go there. About 95% of prisoners are under investigation, accused or suspected of committing a crime.

Here they serve time for economic and financial fraud, crimes related to the storage or distribution of drugs.

About 50% of prisoners in pre-trial detention center No. 1 (Minsk) are pioneers, that is, people who were behind barbed wire for the first time.

How to correctly draw up an application for the transfer of products?

In a pre-trial detention center, you can only transfer food to a prisoner by submitting a special application. The text of the statement states:

  • Full name of the transferor, residential address and degree of relationship with the prisoner.
  • Details of the prisoner and a request to hand over the food items brought to him.
  • A complete list of food, cigarettes and other content of the program. The application contains special columns for this data. When inspecting the parcel, the pre-trial detention center officer will weigh each type of food and independently indicate the weight.
  • Date and signature of the applicant.

The application and list of products will be checked by a detention center employee. He will review the list of products to see if any are prohibited. If there are none, then the application will be accompanied by a resolution authorizing the transfer of products. After this, they can be handed over to the receiver. He will inspect all the products, weigh them and indicate their weight in the list. At the end of acceptance, the signature of the employee who checked the products is affixed.

Please note that the application will have to be drawn up in triplicate. The first of them is transferred to the prisoner along with the food, the second is filed in his personal file, and the third remains with the transferor as confirmation of the fact of the transfer.

Product transfer form

Transfers are accepted for inspection if you have a passport and a completed form ( in 3 copies ). It is obtained in a pre-trial detention center, and if it is not available, it can be purchased outside it.

The document contains information about both the recipient and the person transferring the food. A detailed description is provided , indicating the quantity.

One copy is given to the prisoner, the second is placed in a personal file, and the third remains with the sender. The data entered into the form is absolutely identical.

Before the inspection procedure, the form and passport are handed over to the pre-trial detention center officer.

Filling out the transfer application

All applications for transfer are filled out using a form provided by the pre-trial detention center, or in free form, usually addressed to the head of the unit. It indicates the passport details of the sender of the transfer or parcel (full name, address, degree of relationship with the prisoner), details of the prisoner - recipient of the transfer (full name, year of birth), as well as the type of transfer/parcel - food or clothing.

The application is checked for regulations (deadlines for receiving the previous transfer), the presence or absence of disciplinary sanctions against the prisoner and his presence in this pre-trial detention center. If the data is favorable, transmission is allowed.

If undeclared products are found, they are returned or entered on forms ; products prohibited for transfer are crossed off from the list against the signature of the sender and also returned.

It is strictly forbidden to accept other people's things for transfer. They may contain prohibited substances, which is fraught with criminal penalties.

Famous "refrigerators"

The premises are located in the old prison building and are considered the most terrible. On the ground floor of pre-trial detention center 1 (Minsk) there are several basement “refrigerators”. They are a small room with a bed, a toilet and a small window. The room got its name because of the terrible conditions: it is cold and damp even in summer, the temperature never rises above 14 degrees.

“Refrigerators” are also called special corridors. There are 16 of them in total. The premises have an armored door with a guard assigned to it. Initially, dangerous rebels and convicted organized crime leaders were sent here. Prisoners who simply needed to be hidden well also ended up here.

It was really difficult to find a person in the special corridors. The walls of the cells are a meter thick, and no sound penetrates through them. There is dead silence in the room. It is very difficult to be in such conditions.

There is no connection with the outside world in the “refrigerator”: the telephone, radio and television equipment do not pick up signals. There is not enough lighting in the room, so writing and reading there is also impossible. What can prisoners do in special corridors? Just think about life and sleep 16 hours a day. Moreover, sleep in a cell is unlikely to be restful and long. Almost all prisoners complain of constant nightmares. The human psyche breaks down very quickly in a “refrigerator”.

Admission procedure

Reception of transmissions is carried out in a room equipped for these purposes. Citizens have free access to it. The room contains everything necessary for organizing the procedure and receiving citizens: chairs, tables, scales, writing materials, documentation (including regulatory documents).

Those assigned to receive parcels must have a health certificate with them and must wear white coats. When a person arrives with a transfer, he needs to fill out an application form (two copies are required).

Items and products given to the prisoner are carefully checked by the inspector to ensure they comply with the rules established in the institution.

The transmission is opened and inspected by the inspector. If the assortment corresponds to what is permitted, everything is weighed and statements are signed. One copy is given to the person who delivered the parcel, and the second is added to the prisoner’s file.

The shift ends with the preparation of a report or report. The document reflects how many parcels were accepted and handed over to prisoners.

If individual items and/or products cannot be transferred, they must be returned with an explanation of the reason. If the transfer contained items that could be used for illegal purposes, they are reported to management, after which an inspection is initiated.

In the event of a prisoner being transferred to another institution where he will await or serve his sentence, the redirection of the transfer is carried out using the means of the correctional institution.

The return of the parcel to the sender is carried out under three circumstances: the release of the recipient, his death, or deprivation of the right to receive parcels (by decision of the administration).

The inspection of the delivery is carried out in the personal presence of the citizen who delivered it. If products are expired or spoiled, they are subject to destruction based on the conclusion of the medical worker and the report drawn up by him.

If an item is on the list of prohibited items in an institution, it is disposed of or sold in accordance with the procedure established by law.

Funds discovered during the inspection become the property of the institution. As soon as the release date approaches (a month before the scheduled date), it is allowed to transfer civilian clothes.

A package containing this clothing will not be counted toward the facility's allowance for transfers. It will be kept in storage until it is released, and only then will it be able to be handed over.

Conditions of detention

The cell, which is also called a “hut,” is a room of 15 square meters. m. It is designed for 18 prisoners. The cell has three-tier bunks, a table, and benches. All of them are firmly concreted.

Behind a small brick partition there is a toilet with a washbasin. The window openings are “decorated” with bars and metal blinds. Prisoners keep all their belongings with them. There are no wardrobes or refrigerators in the cells.

In pre-trial detention center 1 (Minsk), one prisoner is supposed to be given a mattress, a pillow, 2 sheets, a blanket, and only a mug for kitchen utensils. Plates, spoons, and forks are provided only for the duration of the meal, and are taken back afterwards. One spoon is for 3 people. They eat with cutlery one at a time.

How to transfer medications

It is impossible to give medications to a prisoner in a pre-trial detention center without a prescription, even if he needs constant treatment or wants to take vitamins.

Therefore, a prisoner who feels unwell or has health problems should immediately contact the medical part of the institution.

The doctor on duty will write a prescription for the patient, and based on the prescription, relatives will be able to purchase and transfer medications.

Medicines are not handed over to the prisoner; they are handed over to the medical unit, whose employees give the pills to the patient according to the instructions.

Daily regime

The address where pre-trial detention center 1 (Minsk) is located is Volodarskogo, 2. The following daily routine is established for prisoners in prison: wake up at 06.00, and lights out at 22.00. The corridor duty officer makes a tour of the cells 2 times a day. The lights in the rooms do not turn off even at night.

Prisoners go on walks (every other day) lasting no more than 2 hours. For these purposes, the prison has special courtyards with an area of ​​20-40 square meters. m.

Once a week, prisoners are sent to a “bathhouse”. It is a shared shower where everyone can stay for no more than 30 minutes. During this time, you need to have time not only to wash yourself, but also to wash the necessary things. On bathing day, the sheets and pillowcases in the cells are also changed.

“Matrosskaya Tishina” - all about prison

“Matrosskaya Silence” is the unofficial name of Moscow pre-trial detention center No. 1. PKU SIZO-1 UFSIN of Russia for the city of Moscow - the full official name, the abbreviations of which are deciphered as follows - “Federal government institution Pre-trial detention center No. 1 of the Office of the Federal Penitentiary Service for the city of Moscow.” Next, we will consider in detail the features of this institution, the conditions of detention in it, as well as the history of this place.

Address and contacts

Pre-trial detention center No. 1 is located in Moscow, at the address: st. Matrosskaya Tishina, 18, postal code – 107076.

The telephone number of the duty department is (499)2684356, and if necessary, you can also send a fax to it. On the official website of the institution, another duty department number is provided - (499) 2683693, and there is also a helpline number - (499) 2687338. E-mail of the institution The official website of the pre-trial detention center is located at: You can get to the official page of the institution in the GUFSIN by clicking on the link -, but keep in mind that information on the operating hours and reception of transfers in pre-trial detention center No. 1 was last updated there in 2015.

Reception of citizens by management

Since 2021, the head of pre-trial detention center No. 1 in Moscow is Anton Stanislavovich Podrez, a colonel of the internal service. They receive citizens on Thursdays, from 9:30 to 16:30 and every Friday, from 9:30 to 15:30. At certain hours, it is possible to meet with his deputies: Tuesday, from 9:30 to 16:30 - deputy head for general issues; Monday, Wednesday, from 9:30 to 16:30 - Deputy Head of Security and Regime

Opening hours and visiting schedule Based on the information provided on the official website of “Matroskaya Tishina”, parcels (grocery) are accepted from Mon. on Thurs. from 9:30 to 16:30 and on Fri. from 9.30 to 15:30. Please note that every fourth Monday of the month there is a sanitary day and parcels are not accepted!

Lawyers and police officers can contact the investigative department of pre-trial detention center No. 1 with any questions that arise from Mon. on Thurs. from 09:15 to 17:45 and on Fri. from 09:15 to 16:30. Lunch break – from 13:00 to 13:45. If there is an appropriate doctor’s prescription, those staying in “Matrosskaya Tishina” are allowed to transfer medications. Reception is carried out from Mon. on Thurs. from 9:30 to 16:30, and on Fri. from 9:30 to 15:30. In “Matrosskaya Tishina” short visits lasting no more than 3 hours are allowed. An application for such a date can be submitted from Mon. on Thurs. to 15:00, and on Fri. until 14:00. The previously agreed upon dates themselves take place on Mon. on Fri. until 17:30. Visits are not held on the last Friday of each month - sanitary day. The schedule for receiving transmissions and meetings with people under investigation may change on holidays. You need to check the information on the official website or directly with the pre-trial detention center staff.


The institution consists of seven secure buildings, two of which are reserved for a hospital, one of them is used to house people diagnosed with tuberculosis, and another, the fifth building, is a dormitory for the economic detachment. In total, in “Matrosskaya Tishina” there are 316 cells with a total area of ​​5866.4 sq.m. There are 15 punishment cells in the pre-trial detention center, where you can get into them for various violations. The total area of ​​the detention center is 41,438 square meters, and in addition to the security buildings, on its territory there is a bakery, a catering unit, a garage, a boiler room, a printing house, a bath and laundry plant and a canteen for personnel.

Why do they come here?

A pre-trial detention center should not be confused with a prison or a colony, since, for the most part, people there do not serve time, but are kept in custody during the investigation and trial. In some cases, a prisoner may remain in a pre-trial detention center even after the verdict is announced. This happens in cases where an appeal has been filed or the prisoner is awaiting transfer to the penitentiary institution where he will serve his sentence according to the court decision. Any prisoner can be sent to pre-trial detention center No. 1, regardless of the classification and severity of the crime with which he is accused. But among the people, “Matrosskaya Tishina” is better known as “a pre-trial detention center for the elite,” since it is there that officials, ministers, famous businessmen and oligarchs await trial during the investigation.

Conditions of detention

The area of ​​a typical cell in pre-trial detention center No. 1 is 12 sq.m. and each is designed for 3-4 people. Almost every cell has a TV, a refrigerator, and there is always a toilet and washbasin. The beds are bunk. There is no set uniform for prisoners.

Daily routine of prisoners

The regime of detention in a pre-trial detention center is practically no different from the regimes established in prisons and colonies. In “Matrosskaya Tishina”, as in all pre-trial detention centers, wake-up occurs at 6:00. A loud beep alerts all occupants that it is time to wake up. Breakfast starts at 6:30, followed by lunch and dinner. Between 8 and 9 a.m. there is a mandatory daily inspection of the cells. At this time, prisoners can submit their complaints and suggestions, if any, to the convoy. During the day there are daily walks, the average duration of which is 1 hour. Once a week, every prisoner has the right to visit the bathhouse or shower. The duration of water procedures is no more than 15 minutes. The light in the cell is on around the clock, but after lights out, 10 p.m., it switches to night mode and becomes dimmer.

The history of "Matrosskaya Silence"

The “Matrosskaya Tishina” detention center owes its name to the street on which it is located. In the second half of the 18th century, by the decision of Peter I, a sailors' settlement was created on the banks of the Yauza River. In this place it became customary to settle old sailors who, for health reasons or due to age, could not continue to participate in naval battles. Such people needed peace and quiet, and according to the corresponding order, the movement of any type of transport was prohibited on this street. The area where the sailors lived became very quiet, which is why it received the name “Sailor’s Silence.” The street on which the pre-trial detention center is located today has retained its name to this day, thanks to which, among the people, the same name has unofficially been assigned to the pre-trial detention center. The history of the emergence of the pre-trial detention center itself is quite interesting and begins back in 1775. Then, on the site where the pre-trial detention center now stands, a certain correctional institution was formed, where petty thieves and swindlers were sent for re-education. While serving their sentences, they tried to teach them some kind of craft at the same time. In 1870, this place received the name of the Moscow Correctional Prison. Further, the Bolsheviks who came to power in 1918 converted the prison into a correctional facility for minors and called it “Reformatory for persons under 21 years of age.” Over the years, the institution changed its name, expanded its territory, but always remained a place with a correctional bias. The history of “Matrosskaya Tishina” as a pre-trial detention center, known today, began only in 1946. It was from this time that the archives contain a record of prison No. 14, which was founded on Matrosskaya Tishina Street. In the post-war period, in 1949-1950, in the cells of this prison, Nazis and war criminals awaited the verdict of the tribunal. Later, the facility acquired the status of a special prison during the period of Stalin’s repressions; inventors, engineers and other representatives of intellectual work were kept there. At the end of the 1970s, the so-called “Cotton Case” caused great resonance throughout the Union, during which a number of senior officials of the Uzbek SSR were accused of serious corruption and economic crimes. The investigation went on for many years, and it was then that the question arose that there was no place in Moscow where, during the investigation, prisoners who required special control could be kept. As a result, the Minister of Internal Affairs of the USSR issued an order, on the basis of which, on September 1, 1985, a Special Pretrial Detention Center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR was created on the basis of “Matrosskaya Tishina”. Over the course of history, the subordination of this place changed several times, as did its name, but, in fact, it remained a pre-trial detention center for holding prisoners during the investigation, awaiting trial or transfer to the place of serving their sentences.

The most famous prisoners

Many famous people have visited the walls of “Matrosskaya Tishina” in their time. The artist Yumatov and the politician Lukyanov were kept in custody there. Along with recognized representatives of criminals, such as, for example, Vyacheslav Ivankov (better known under the nickname Yaponchik), ex-representatives of the highest ranks of government awaited their future fate within the walls of “Matrosskaya Tishina”, for example, Marshal of the Soviet Union Dmitry Yazov, a member of the Central Committee CPSU Valery Boldin, USSR Vice President Gennady Yanaev. The walls of pre-trial detention center No. 1 saw both businessmen and fraudsters. At one time, the builder of the odious financial pyramid Sergei Mavrodi, also Mikhail Khodorkovsky, known for a high-profile case related to the oil industry, stayed there. Many remember how in August 2006 Moscow was shaken by an explosion at the Cherkizovsky market. One of its organizers, terrorist Oleg Kostarev, was awaiting his life sentence in pre-trial detention center No. 1. A lot of noise was made by Dionisy Zolotov, accused of fraud and embezzlement, who was kept in “Matrosskaya Tishina” in special conditions of increased comfort and from whom, in fact, the scandal related to the presence of VIP cells in the pre-trial detention center began. Also, the killer Alexander Solonik visited the walls of pre-trial detention center No. 1, becoming one of the few who managed to escape from the detention center.

Solonik's escape from Sailor's Silence

Solonik made his successful escape on June 5, 1995. It was not possible to find him, but after almost two years, on 02/02/1997, he was found murdered in Greece. As a particularly dangerous criminal, the killer was kept in solitary confinement. While making a routine night round at 1:20, the pre-trial detention center employees noticed that guard Sergei Menshikov was not at his workplace. When examining Solonik’s cell, it became clear that the prisoner was also missing. During the investigation, it turned out that, having entered into a conspiracy, the killer and the pre-trial detention center worker went out together to the exercise area of ​​the 9th building, somehow climbed the wall, climbed over it and went down to the street. If Solonik was found dead in Greece in 1997, then nothing is still known about Menshikov, who helped him escape. In 2003, an escape attempt less successful than Solonik’s was attempted by a prisoner named Delgura. In the detention center, he became part of the housekeeping team and had the opportunity to move freely around the territory of Matrosskaya Tishina. On March 13, he was not found during the morning check, but four days later Delgyura was found in the sanitary inspection room of the pre-trial detention center, where he tried to hide from the guards. In September of the same year, 2003, another escape was organized in “Matrosskaya Tishina”, which can be considered successful. Prisoner Slavgorodsky Vasily managed to knock out several bricks from the fence surrounding the exercise yard. Having crawled through the resulting hole, he jumped over the wall-fence and found himself free. But Slavgorodsky did not stay there for long; in May of the following year he was nevertheless detained. In a similar way, in May 2004, another inmate, Alexander Ershov, tried to escape from Matrosskaya Tishina. He also managed to make a hole in the wall while walking. Next, the fugitive climbed onto the roof of the warehouses and managed to jump over the main wall. They caught him relatively quickly - 2 days later, not far from Moscow, in Lyubertsy. The management still had to reveal all the details of the escape of another prisoner in “Matrosskaya Tishina”, since the incident caused a special resonance among the public. In 2013, a native of Sochi, Oleg Topalov, was awaiting trial in pre-trial detention center No. 1.

The man was suspected of involvement in the murder of Yuri Zvezdochkin, the owner of the Rostov. Also, Topalov was accused of membership in a killer group, the leader of which was a man with the pseudonym Ded Khasan. Topalov decided to flee. To do this, he managed to dig into the soft ceiling with an ordinary tablespoon, climbed into the ventilation shaft and managed to reach the roof of the neighboring building. Thus, Topalov was freed. About 100 experienced criminal investigation officers were sent to search for him, dog handlers worked actively, but the dogs lost his trail near the embankment of the Yauza River. The paradoxical thing was that after such a well-planned escape, the fugitive himself simply had nowhere to go. The next day, May 8, two canine sergeants discovered him completely by accident. Topalov was simply sitting on a bench. The incident provoked many inspections of Matrosskaya Tishina. The investigative committee brought charges under Art. 293 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. As a result of internal inspections, many FSIN employees were punished, two of them were fired. But the most interesting thing was that during the trial Topalov was completely acquitted. Neither his involvement in the murder nor his presence in the killer group was proven and he was released straight from the courtroom. All charges against him were dropped, except one - under Art. 315. Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - “Escape”.

Operating mode and transmission rules

Minsk prison is open 24 hours a day. You can call pre-trial detention center 1 in Minsk at any time. The telephone number of the duty department is in the directories.

As for the parcels, they can be brought to the prisoner every day. But there is one condition: 30 kg of donated food and clothing per person per month. There is also a list of what can be sent to a criminal in pre-trial detention center 1 in Minsk. Transfers may include:

  • bakery products, sweets, crackers, dried fruits, marmalade, chocolate, marshmallows, cookies, waffles;
  • sausages;
  • soups, broths, instant cereals, muesli;
  • hard cheese;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salted and dried fish;
  • fresh herbs;
  • vegetables fruits;
  • tea, cocoa, coffee;
  • dried fruits.

Eggs, dairy products and chicken cannot be transferred.

Shoes sent must be without laces, and all creams must be in tubes.

Any person (not just a close relative) can make a donation. In order for a package of food and belongings to be handed over to a prisoner, you need to pay about 25 dollars (about 1,600 rubles).


Remember! In accordance with Article 25 of Federal Law No. 103-FZ of July 15, 1995 (as amended in 2021), persons under investigation or accused are allowed to receive parcels per month in an amount that does not violate the current postal rules - up to 30 kg.

The rules that govern the transfer of parcels to citizens serving or awaiting sentence, as well as the list of products allowed in a particular correctional institution, may change.

The reason for such sudden changes may be a temporary moratorium that management was forced to introduce after one or another incident.

To ensure that time and money are not wasted, it is recommended that before collecting the parcel, you immediately find out from the administration of the institution what restrictions they have, what list of products is allowed, and what will not be missed.

What is prohibited from transferring from products

The restrictions that apply to food products are as logical as possible, given the technical equipment of the cells in the pre-trial detention center. The following types of products are prohibited:

  • food products that need to be cooked, that is, everything that requires heat treatment - meat, fish, cereals;
  • products packaged in vacuum containers - milk, sausages, canned foods;
  • products with a sell-by date (expiration date) of less than 3 days (72 hours);
  • products requiring storage temperatures below +8 degrees.

Death sentences

Prisoners are awaiting execution by shooting in the prison located at the address: Minsk, st. Volodarsky, 2. Pre-trial detention center No. 1 is exactly the place where those accused of especially serious crimes await the execution of their death sentence. This fact makes the prison truly creepy.

According to eyewitnesses, many of those who face execution do not live to see it, committing suicide. Some people go crazy. Those who come to the death penalty in adequate condition are really few. As a rule, the portrait of convicts sentenced to death looks the same: these are previously convicted people who committed an extremely cruel crime. Most of the “death row” prisoners had previously been in prison. The prison walls broke them so much that they came out bitter. This means that it is not difficult for them to commit a new crime, because they hate this world so much. This is a global problem of prisons, including Belarusian ones. In essence, the colony must correct the criminal, making him a normal person. But so far the opposite situation is more often observed.

Delivery methods

There are several ways to send a parcel. Relatives of prisoners can, if necessary, use any of them:

  1. Personal visit. The easiest way to control the procedure is to hand over the parcel yourself. Naturally, this method is suitable if the pre-trial detention center is located close to the place of residence.
  2. Sending a parcel. This method has a number of disadvantages, for example, the delivery time. In addition, if you send a parcel, the cargo may be seriously damaged.
  3. Order through the online store. At the same time, you don’t even need to collect the parcel, since everything is done by the service employees. You just need to select the necessary items or products so that the recipient receives them within a few days. The only drawback is the small number of similar sites.

In person

When applying to a pre-trial detention center in person, you will need to fill out an application for transfer, which requires the following information:

  • your last name, first name and patronymic as the sender, as well as the exact address of residence and degree of relationship with the prisoner;
  • Full name and date of birth of the addressee, with the addition of a request for transfer;
  • further, a list (inventory) of transferred food products is indicated;
  • date and signature.

After filling out the application, an inspection is carried out, then the responsible employee puts his signature and date in the “Checked” column. Also, both the employee who will directly hand over the parcel and the recipient himself put their signature.

Through the internal store of the pre-trial detention center

Most pre-trial detention centers are equipped with an internal kiosk (shop) that sells everything you need. The main advantage of this method is that everything on sale has already been tested, so if you use these services, most of what is transferred will reach the recipient intact, this is especially important for cigarettes.

The sender will need to contact the financial department of the detention center and fill out an application in 3 copies. This application will indicate a complete list of products desired for transfer; further, the application is paid by the sender and the transfer to the prisoner is carried out. An application form and sample will be issued directly upon application.

How to send a transfer to a pre-trial detention center using the Internet?

Now, thanks to the Internet, you can send a parcel to an arrested relative without leaving your home.

The parcel is made up of products that are in the store of the detention center or other institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service. The advantage of such a transfer is not only the ease of sending it, but also the fact that the products are transferred in their original packaging without prior inspection.

The sending process includes ordering in the online store of the Federal Penitentiary Service and specifying the parcel delivery address.

Payment is made there on the store’s website, after which the parcel will be sent to a pre-trial detention center. The sender will be notified of delivery to the recipient by email.

Placement in a temporary detention facility: conditions

In terms of their conditions, the premises in temporary detention facilities resemble pretrial detention cells equipped with beds.

At the same time, one temporary detention facility cell cannot simultaneously contain:

  • persons of different genders, that is, men and women;
  • minors together with adults;
  • persons who have committed a crime for the first time and have previously been convicted;
  • persons detained as suspects and arrested;
  • persons who are involved in the same criminal case;
  • persons recognized as especially dangerous criminals;
  • citizens of different nationalities and stateless;
  • persons who previously worked in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the military department, the Prosecutor's Office, the judicial system, and persons not related to these structures;
  • persons who use tobacco products and non-smokers.

Remember! When assigning individuals to cells, their moral and psychological characteristics are taken into account. Neglect of these rules may lead to conflicts with serious consequences.

To keep minors in temporary detention facilities, the premises must be equipped with cells with improved conditions:

  • sanitary facilities;
  • the presence of lamps;
  • hood for access to fresh air;
  • wardrobes for clothes and dishes;
  • washing supplies;
  • drinking water;
  • and other necessary things.

In cells with improved living conditions, detainees and prisoners are given periodicals in the form of newspapers and magazines, various board games, necessary bath accessories, and a variety of cleaning equipment.

Watch the video. About working in a temporary detention center:

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