How to write a complaint to the prosecutor's office on the Internet - a sample application and rules for filing

In particularly difficult and dangerous situations, citizens have to turn to prosecutorial oversight bodies to protect their legal rights and interests. Today this can be done during a personal visit, via Russian Post or through the global network. How to submit an application to the Prosecutor's Office via the Internet? You need to make sure that the recipient is selected correctly and prepare a letter drafted in accordance with applicable rules and regulations. The requirements for writing complaints are set out on the website of the regulatory structure itself and third-party resources.

What questions should you contact the prosecutorial supervisory authority?

According to the provisions of Federal Law 2202-1, the Prosecutor's Office is authorized to monitor compliance with the provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and other legal acts in the country. However, it does not replace other authorized law enforcement agencies and does not interfere with the commercial details of organizations.

Any citizen of the state has the right to contact the Prosecutor's Office for help. However, before filing a complaint, he needs to make sure that the recipient authority is chosen correctly.

The Prosecutor General's Office is authorized to resolve the following issues:

  • Actions by government officials that violate the law. The prosecutor's office is contacted with questions related to violations of the law by law enforcement agencies, representatives of local government, and bailiffs. Court decisions cannot be challenged in the supervisory body - there are other authorities for this.
  • Violation of citizens' labor rights committed by employers.
  • Non-compliance with social rights and guarantees. You can contact the authority if you are denied budget payments: pensions, benefits, etc.
  • Violation of labor rights of citizens. The letter will be considered if there are objective grounds: the applicant’s advanced age, disability, etc.

According to the general rule, applications to the prosecutor’s office via the Internet that do not correspond to the scope of jurisdiction of the recipient authority are redirected to an authorized structure within 7 days. The citizen-addressee is notified of this in writing.

Important! By choosing the wrong body to file a complaint, you automatically delay the consideration of the issue. Before complaining to the authority, consider whether the issue is within its scope of competence. Every year the number of requests to the Prosecutor's Office is growing, and its representatives do not physically have time for thorough investigations on each issue.

How to make such a complaint

There is no unified form for such a document, so you can write it in free form. The text of the complaint consists of three parts: introductory, descriptive and containing a request.

The document contains the following information:

  1. To whom is the complaint addressed? Here they write the name and position of the prosecutor, the full name of the prosecutor's office, and its address.
  2. Who is this complaint from? Indicate the employee's full name, address and telephone number for contact.
  3. Title of the document. You can write “complaint” or “appeal.”
  4. Facts of violation of labor rights. They describe exactly what rights the employer violated (article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation) and how. They also indicate the name or full name of the employer, his INN, OGRN, address, and other data.
  5. Please. As a rule, they are asked to understand the situation and take action.

The document ends with the employee’s signature and the date of submission to the prosecutor’s office. If a citizen attaches any supporting documents to the complaint, then this fact must be indicated in the text in the form of a numbered list. Such documents may be pay slips, an employment contract, copies of pay slips and other papers that prove the violations committed.

For your information! The prosecutor's office itself will be able to request the necessary documents from the employer. The list of such securities is not approved by law.

The complaint is made in two copies. One is handed over to the prosecutor's office, the second with a note about registration of the appeal is kept by the employee.

How to write a complaint to a supervisory authority?

To contact a supervisory authority online, you need to go to its Internet reception website The service operates 24 hours a day, so interested citizens can place a petition at any convenient time, from anywhere in the world. Next, you should select your place of residence, and the system will automatically redirect you to the portal of the regional unit.

On the page that opens, select the “Ask a question” menu item. Click on it and a contact form will open. It differs depending on the territorial unit, but the following fields remain common:

  • letter subject;
  • applicant status;
  • Full name and contact details of the citizen;
  • the essence of the appeal;
  • Preferred response: by regular letter or email;
  • additional attachment files.

Is it necessary to refer to the provisions of legislative acts when describing the situation? Optional: employees themselves will determine which citizens’ rights were violated.

Important! In most cases, before contacting the reception, you need to try a peaceful way to resolve the issue. For example, if the management company is caught stealing, the residents of the building should start by writing a collective complaint, and only then move on to more stringent methods.

✅ In what cases can you file an anonymous complaint?

The prosecutor's office considers anonymous complaints only in cases where they include:

  • about an impending crime that has already been committed or is currently being committed;
  • about citizens who were observed preparing for a crime or have already committed it;
  • about corruption schemes and abuse of power that the applicant encountered;
  • about terrorist acts. Any information about crimes already committed or in preparation is considered;
  • about violation of employee rights by the employer. However, in this case, you will still have to provide personal data, but it will be encrypted by the system automatically.

General requirements for drawing up an appeal

The official website of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation sets out the criteria that citizens' appeals must meet. It is indicated that complaints that:

  • contain offensive language, obscene language;
  • written in capslock, not divided into logical parts and sentences;
  • contain an incorrect address of the originator;
  • include incomprehensible abbreviations and lack logic;
  • are not addressed to the prosecutorial supervisory authority.

If you decide to write to the supervisory authority via the Internet, study the sample complaint to the Prosecutor General's Office. This way you will understand the logic of drawing up the document and the style of presenting the facts, so as not to disrupt the order of circulation.

As a general rule, when applying online, it is necessary to indicate the applicant’s contact information. There is a special form for them that must be filled out. If a citizen does not provide his full name, the complaint will be considered anonymous and will not be considered.

The appeal is written in business language, devoid of emotion, regardless of the details of what happened. The text should be concise, but filled with facts. Refuse to provide false information: if a lie is revealed, you may be held accountable.

A complaint to the General Prosecutor's Office, brought in person or sent via the Internet (, is an official letter. It is registered with the regulatory authority, and after the investigation, the applicant receives a response. This can be an email or a regular letter with the results of the check.

Drawing up an anonymous letter to the prosecutor's office

Federal Law No. 59 “On Citizens' Appeals” establishes the rules for drawing up complaints submitted to government authorities. The application, among other things, must contain the applicant’s personal passport information and his contacts – residential address and telephone number. If the submitted paper does not contain information about one of these parameters, then it is automatically considered anonymous and will be refused consideration.

Based on these provisions, it is impossible to submit an anonymous appeal to the prosecutor's office .

But there are exceptions . A complaint submitted incognito will be considered if it concerns socially significant offenses.

The full list of these crimes looks like this:

  • Information about the crime committed;
  • Information about the persons who committed the crime;
  • Corruption on the part of officials, security forces and other civil servants: for example, extortion of a bribe;
  • Data on upcoming or already committed terrorist attacks;
  • Offenses committed by the employer.

In the latter case, contacting the Labor Inspectorate will be much more effective. This department has launched an electronic service where you can complain about violations of the Labor Code without giving out your details.

Structurally, a written statement must consist of the following parts:

  1. Applicant details. An anonymous application to the prosecutor's office a priori implies keeping this information secret. The applicant may either not provide any information about himself or hide behind a fictitious pseudonym.
  2. Description of the essence of the offense. Here the essence of the case is stated - information about a crime committed or being prepared, and other reasons that forced you to contact the prosecutor's office.
  3. Conclusion. In this part of the paper, you need to put forward specific demands on the prosecutor: for example, to check the facts stated in the appeal. The date is indicated at the end of the document. Signature, since full name is not indicated. no submitter required.

Procedure and term for consideration of a complaint

All appeals to the Prosecutor's Office, regardless of the method of sending them, are subject to mandatory registration. The supervisory authority has three days for this. Then the complaint undergoes a preliminary review, after which the issue is sent to a unit of the regulatory structure of the corresponding region or another authority whose jurisdiction includes the stated problem.

The period for consideration of the application by the Prosecutor's Office is established by Order of the Prosecutor General's Office No. 45 dated January 30, 2013. According to the provisions of this act, an answer must be given to the applicant within a 30-day period. If the complaint does not require additional study and verification, the time interval is narrowed to 15 days.

If the issue is particularly complex, the duration of the review may be extended. The applicant is notified in writing of the decision made, its reasons and the planned time frame for completing the proceedings.

Where exactly and how to file a complaint

You can submit a complaint to the prosecutor's office in the following ways:

  • Deliver in person. In this case, the citizen submits the complaint to the office employee. He records the data in a special journal and puts a mark of receipt on the employee’s copy. The complaint is then submitted for consideration.
  • Get help from a representative. Using a notarized power of attorney, the representative transfers documents to the prosecutor's office in a similar way.
  • By mail. In this case, the documents must be sent by registered mail with a description of the contents and a receipt. The notification will confirm receipt of the complaint. This method slows down the time it takes to resolve the issue, since the letter may get lost when sent.
  • Electronically. This is done through the Internet reception or government services website. You will need to fill out special fields. In response, you will receive a notification that your request has been received.

A complaint must be filed with the prosecutor’s office in which the citizen’s area of ​​residence belongs. When submitting in person, you must have identification documents with you.

Attention! After the prosecutor's office has carried out its work (collecting information, checking), the citizen must receive an answer (according to Article 10 and Article 27 of Law No. 2202-1). If the complaint is submitted anonymously, then a notification will not be sent for obvious reasons.

Based on the results of the inspection, the employer may be required to correct violations within a specified time frame. If this does not happen, then administrative liability may be imposed on him.

How should the prosecutor's office respond to the appeal?

The complaint received by the prosecutor's office is considered and a preliminary decision is made on it according to one of the following options:

  • accept for resolution;
  • leave without permission;
  • submit for permission to a lower authority;
  • redirect to other authorities;
  • terminate consideration;
  • attach to a previously received appeal;
  • return to the applicant.

If the appeal is accepted for resolution, the prosecutor's office conducts an investigation into the complaint. During the inspection, the prosecutor has the right to request documents and materials, gain access to institutions and organizations to verify compliance with the laws (Article 22 of Law 2202-1).

Based on the results of consideration of the complaint, the prosecutor's office will make a decision. If the inspection reveals violations of laws and/or the applicant’s rights, prosecutorial response measures are taken, including:

  • protesting normative acts that contradict the law, going to court (arbitration court) with a demand to recognize such acts as invalid;
  • submitting a proposal to eliminate violations of the law.

The response of the prosecutor's office to a citizen's complaint must contain information about the decision taken on it with justification, as well as about prosecutorial response measures, if such measures were taken.

How to file a collective application?

A complaint written by a group of people has features in the text of the appeal. It must be drawn up with a list of all the necessary details, with a clear list of people who are complaining about the organization or a specific person.

If the list of persons does not fit into the text of the complaint, then you need to make a list on a separate sheet and attach it to the application sent to the Prosecutor's Office.

The application must indicate that it is of a collective nature!

What does the law say?

The abundance of reasons for contacting the prosecutor's office is amazing: corruption, refusal to pay a monthly fee for work performed, fraud. If you notice any of the violations listed above, report them to the prosecutor’s office, since in this case you have the opportunity to write a complaint against the violators.

If you follow the legislative draft of the Russian Federation, when drawing up a letter of complaint, it is very important to indicate all reliable and complete data: last name, first name, patronymic, place of permanent registration and residence, as well as place of work.

In incognito mode, a complaint letter in very rare cases can be considered by the prosecutor's office. There are some important factors in which this complaint will be considered and you will remain an unknown citizen. Read about this in the next paragraph of the article.

Appeals considered by the prosecutor's office

The Law “On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation” states that the prosecutor's office, in accordance with their powers, resolves statements, complaints and other requests containing information about violations of laws. An anonymous complaint to the prosecutor's office must contain signs of a serious crime; if they do not, then it is redirected to other organizations to consider them on their merits. So, an example would be redirecting a message to the Labor Inspectorate containing information about wrongful dismissal.

Complaints to the prosecutor's office are more popular among the population than to the court. This is due to the fact that court applications take a significant amount of time, are cumbersome, and costly (payment of state fees). The prosecutor's office must, according to the deadlines established by law, consider them and provide a response. If it is left without consideration, therefore, the organization is obliged to give a reasoned response about the refusal to consider on the merits.

Functions of the court

The court is tasked with resolving the dispute and thereby protecting the interests of the victim. If we take into account civil, administrative and arbitration proceedings, here the victim turns to the court with a request to restore rights. There are many ways to protect rights in court, here are a few of them:

  • recognition of rights
  • collection of penalties,
  • compensation for damage
  • recognition of the transaction as invalid,
  • termination of the relationship.

The result of the trial is a decision, the execution of which is binding on the parties. And if necessary, the decision is transferred for enforcement to a bailiff service specially created for these purposes.

Hotlines and helplines

In order to increase the effectiveness of the functioning of the supervisory authority, as well as for the comfort of citizens of Moscow and other cities throughout the country, the government agency has created hotlines that operate around the clock and enable people to get answers to their questions directly from home. By talking on the phone, a citizen can fulfill their civic duty by reporting misconduct and lawlessness, and thereby prevent future misconduct.

Free legal consultation by phone:

Text structure of an anonymous appeal

An anonymous letter to the prosecutor's office should be as informative and brief as possible. The use of profanity is not permitted. The duration of consideration of this complaint is equal to the same period if they contained all the information about the applicant. The standard review time is 30 days, but this may be extended if additional information is needed.

The text of the application must be divided into three parts:

  • Name;
  • main part;
  • conclusion.

The name must contain information about where and by whom the application was sent. The name and address of the organization must be written in full so that situations do not arise with clarification of this data. The main part is the very essence of the statement. The essence of the crime and all the necessary information about it are described. Conclusion is the logical conclusion of the statement. It is necessary to describe additional information and list applications.

Is it possible to complain anonymously?

Unfortunately, the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Citizens' Appeals” states that it is impossible to submit a letter of complaint while remaining unknown to prosecutors.

This legislative draft states that when writing a complaint or statement to law enforcement agencies (prosecutor's office, police or court), a person will have to introduce himself. However, there is one “but”: during the proceedings, the citizen is given the right to be anonymous.

It is worth remembering that if, in order to remain an anonymous citizen, you skipped the “Applicant” field, the application will not be accepted for consideration in any legal government institution. Even if by a lucky chance you are lucky and your application is accepted, it will remain without due attention, because it will simply not be considered. In addition, when submitting a letter of complaint, appearing in person at the prosecutor's office, you will need to present to the prosecutor's office a document confirming your identity, for example, a passport. Otherwise, the next most convenient way to file a complaint remains, which guarantees 100% anonymity: by mail.

When is an exception to the rules possible?

Let's take a closer look at when can prosecutors make an exception to the rules and accept a complaint letter “incognito”?

In the prosecutor's office, there is only one single circumstance in which it is allowed to file a complaint, bypassing the “Applicant” field: if you are aware of the upcoming crime.

The prosecutor's office is not the only body that will accept your complaint in this manner. In the same way, a complaint will be accepted at the police department or other law enforcement agency.

There is one peculiarity when submitting such an anonymous appeal - it is not the prosecutor’s office, but a completely different body, that will study and consider this application. In this case, the role of the prosecutor's office will be to “mediate.” The prosecutor's office will promptly deliver information about the upcoming crime to the necessary government agencies so that they, in turn, can prevent it.

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