Who are marriage swindlers and how can they be punished by law?

Good-natured Russian women often become victims of marriage scammers.

They create pages on social networks, posing as rich men, looking for that one and only girl who is ready to brighten up the life of a rich man by becoming his wife.

But attempts by Russian women to create a comfortable life for themselves end in loss of money.

How does the scheme of deception and fraud work in 2021, and how to recognize a marriage swindler even before he gets what he wants - your money?

Who are marriage scammers?

Marriage scammers are the same scammers, but they disguise themselves behind the faces of gallant, rich and well-groomed people. Often men become marriage swindlers.

These are modest, smart, witty young people with strong charisma. Women are drawn to such men like a magnet. Such a man is attentive and caring, constantly gives compliments, guesses the girl’s desires, and tells her only what she wants to hear from him.

However, his goal is not to let the girl down the aisle, but to take possession of her money, property or registration . Very soon, a gullible woman brings a cunning man into the house. She dresses him, feeds him, and then the scenarios can be different.

Not a foreigner and not the son of a millionaire: what signs indicate a marriage swindler

In their desire to find family happiness with a reliable man, women often fall into traps that ordinary money hunters skillfully place in their path. How to avoid becoming a victim of a marriage swindler and discover that in front of you is a real gentleman, in a conversation with 5-tv.ru, integrative psychologist, Erickson hypnotherapist, NLP trainer Olga Adrianova told.

Sign No. 1 - profession

The first sign may be an unusual profession and the romantic aura that surrounds it.

“The more mystery around his profession, the more you should wonder if this is a scammer,” the psychologist emphasized.


Often such a potential groom says that he:

  • sea ​​captain;
  • foreign airline pilot;
  • big businessman;
  • politician;
  • important civil servant.

Please note that it is precisely such formulations that make a man even more mysterious and romantic, which is why girls are more attracted to him. In addition, such a range of professions is a compelling argument that gives a man the right not to talk about how, with whom and where exactly he works. His version is that everything at work is classified as “secret” and therefore he has no right to reveal official secrets to his new beloved.

Sign #2 – He doesn’t introduce you to family and friends.

Another element that reveals the true essence of a gigolo is whether he introduces you to his circle of friends, introduces you to loved ones, family and friends. We have already found out about our colleagues - this is a military secret.


And here is a paradox - the more absurd the reason for the refusal, the more you want to believe in it.

  • Orphan;
  • His whole family emigrated, and he is here all alone;
  • He has very serious childhood traumas, and he doesn’t want to see anyone, he is offended by everyone and is terribly angry, and as proof he can tell colorful and tearful stories from his childhood;
  • He is deeply depressed and therefore does not want to communicate with anyone, including those from his past.

Sign No. 3 - does not like to be photographed


Your suspicions should be aroused by the fact that he does not want to be photographed. Alternatively, in the photographs he makes himself look as unlike himself as possible and is against you posting his photos or images with you on social networks.

Sign No. 4 - immediately asks for a visit

The swindler, under any pretext, seeks to visit your home and even gain a foothold in it. The reason may be his desire to come to you for a cup of tea or coffee, have lunch with you, or spend the night. Of course, many suitors can do this too, but there is a significant difference that is easily verified. As soon as you refuse a visit, your object of adoration begins to pretend to be mortally offended and at the same time cleverly manipulate you.

“Don’t you love me? I'm your future husband! How can you not believe me, what kind of future can we have if you are already treating me like this,” the claimant for your property will say.

Most likely, the NLP trainer is sure, after such manipulations you will give in and let him into your home, but his goal is to assess your financial well-being based on your home environment.

Sign No. 5 - test for generosity

The last clear sign is to check how easily you are willing to part with the contents of your wallet for it.

The reasons can be very different, for example, he “accidentally” forgot his wallet in a restaurant, or he suddenly had some kind of debt and needed money that he doesn’t have now. In this case, be prepared for him to ask you for them.

Another example, but more romantic, is a gift at your own expense. He ordered a luxurious bouquet to be delivered to his home by courier, but due to a misunderstanding, the payment did not go through or something like that. A situation arises when you yourself will have to pay for such a seemingly gentlemanly gesture, but the aftertaste from it will not be entirely pleasant.


How to avoid becoming a victim of a scammer

It’s quite easy to remove the romantic flair from your eyes and not fall for the deceiver’s bait, says the psychologist.

“The best decision is to work on your inner state and your own self-esteem,” the hypnotherapist is sure.

And the first step will be studying, training in relation to your loved one. You need to learn to give love to yourself, that is, so that you don’t have a feeling of emptiness inside that you want to fill with the first person you meet. If you manage to achieve internal harmony, then the option will be excluded when you will “melt” from the smile and compliment of any man, without going into detail about what kind of personality lies behind the sweet speeches.

Increasing the level of self-esteem is the second stage of working on yourself. It’s easier to take possession of your heart, or rather, money, if you believe that without a ring on your finger and without a man next to you, you are incomplete.

“When a woman has a very strong feeling of inferiority and she suffers from loneliness, in this case she is ready to endure all the antics and manipulations of her new lover, as long as he is nearby,” explained the relationship specialist.

The final advice that the psychologist gave applies not only to marriage swindlers, but in principle in all relationships with men.

“We stop feeling sorry for the man and make his life easier,” the specialist recommended, explaining that in this way we are putting a huge burden on our shoulders.

A man who truly loves you and wants to be with you will overcome everything without your help. The only thing you can really do to help him is to sincerely believe in the man of your dreams. Telling him that he can handle it and that everything will be fine.

“It is important that you understand: if you have a stable emotional state, a state of fullness, then next to you there will always be that man who will carry you in his arms and shower you with flowers,” summed up psychologist-hypnotherapist Olga Adrianova.

As 5-tv.ru previously wrote, the psychologist named the main reasons for failures in his personal life.

Schemes of marriage scammers

One of the most common schemes is this: acquaintance - deception - disappearance . For example, at a disco a girl met a guy. They started communicating and dating. He looked after her beautifully, paid attention to her, and gave her minor gifts.

But there was one “but”. He was temporarily not working. According to his own legend, he allegedly looked for a job for a long time and then suddenly he got lucky. There was a place for him in one reputable company.

But in order to go to work there, you had to buy a nice suit and a laptop. As soon as the young man received the money from the lady, he immediately disappeared.

The second scheme of marriage scammers is this: acquaintance - wedding - division of property . The situation is as follows: at an exhibition, a lonely woman met a handsome unmarried man. She liked him immediately, and from the first days of their acquaintance he began telling her that he wanted to start a family and children.

A few months later they got married. As usually happens, after the wedding, the newlyweds began to arrange their life: the woman bought a country house, “stuffed” it with appliances, and made expensive repairs.

And when everything was ready for moving in, her husband demanded a divorce. For her it was like a bolt from the blue. It turned out that he was a real marriage swindler who acted cold-bloodedly and prudently.

After all, according to the laws of the Russian Federation, jointly acquired property is divided in half between spouses. This outcome could have been avoided if the woman had entered into a marriage contract with her would-be husband before marriage.

Scheme three: acquaintance - gaining trust - theft. A middle-aged woman met a handsome, lonely man on the street. She liked him and wanted to date him.

The man looked after her, met her and accompanied her home, and gave her gifts. After 3 months, the woman gave him a second set of keys, saying that he would come to her house and prepare dinner before she arrived.

One day, returning home late, the woman entered the apartment and did not recognize it: it was practically empty. The man took out all the equipment and jewelry.

Fictitious marriages

These are those marriages that are officially registered, but in fact are not concluded for the purpose of creating a family, but for the sake of material gain and repossession of housing.

Obtaining registration, temporary residence permits, alienation of property - these are the goals that swindlers pursue.

A classic of the genre - a compassionate woman begins to look after a lonely man who finds himself in difficult life circumstances. She gains his trust, surrounds him with attention, and helps with the housework.

Usually the fraudster easily manages to convince her ward to formalize the marriage. In the status of a legal spouse, the swindler gets access to documents for the apartment. Subsequently, these papers turn out to be a donation agreement for the apartment.

Remember that wealthy foreigners with serious intentions never meet on social networks or dating sites.

Divorce options on the Internet

I just recently registered on the most popular dating site. Not a word of lies in the “About Me” section. I posted the best photos. You are sitting in front of the monitor in anticipation of romance. Not even a few hours have passed, and the personal messages section is already bursting with energetic admirers who really want to get to know you. The fun is just beginning. Thieves come into play, stealing women's hearts and bank accounts to boot.

Let's look at the basic rules of this game called “How men cheat women for money, sex and emotions.”

  • Tell me the code

Often a girl who has no idea about anything and does not doubt this simple phrase. Especially when there is a short introduction before the remark. It's simple. A couple met - you and a charming and attractive guy. The arrangement on his part happened, and masterfully, literally from the first word in the message. He said magical compliments.

Afterwards, the young man persistently repeats that a real man is beautiful not at all in the words he has spoken. And as if to confirm the phrase, he decides to give you a small gift. So, a cute little thing like a new mobile phone or famous perfume. Right now. And... Oh, what a shame... His gadget began to slow down, as if on purpose, and the system needed a transaction number. “Honey, this is just a code that you will receive on your number, the gift has already been paid for,” he repeats, and you, under the influence of fog in your head, dictate the numbers.

  • Junior lieutenant, young boy

How do men cheat women on dating sites? Most women fall in love with military men - a known fact. And the villains from these notorious sites know this. Don't even doubt it. The man begins his legendary story about his difficult fate in a hot spot. About the fact that there is no devoted and loving companion nearby. She would inspire him to new achievements. Of course, so far only on the Internet, because service comes first for a real officer.

You've probably heard about difficult field conditions and are ready to smooth out the hard life of a promising military man. How to do it? Very simple. For small expenses you need nothing at all.

  • Unhappy widower

A favorite scheme especially for compassionate girls. A poor, unfortunate man whose beloved wife died, and he was left with a sweet daughter or two sons. Like it or not, maternal instinct is a strong thing. And given the fact that the widower’s child supposedly has an acute chronic disease, even more so. In no time, you will start transferring huge sums of money for the treatment of your potential spouse’s imaginary child. After all, girls love to help, and crooks on the Internet strive to take advantage of it.

  • Dear photos

You talked a little with your interlocutor and felt that you got to know him better. Now we need to dilute the communication with hot photos. Whether your loved one put pressure on you or you decided to do it yourself, the result is the same. As soon as your photographs fall into the hands of a until recently gallant suitor, everything turns upside down. And so much the worse for you. To keep your reputation snow-white and flawless, you are forced to fork out a decent amount.

How do marriage swindlers behave?

To get the victim hooked, the marriage swindler does everything possible to earn her attention:

  • gives compliments;
  • gives gifts;
  • is interested in her personal life, as well as her financial condition. If a girl or a woman is tight with money, then the “cheater” suddenly loses interest in her;
  • a swindler will never tell the truth about where he lives; he will not introduce the girl to his friends or relatives. Usually, swindlers say that they are orphans, and have long been disappointed in friendship;
  • if the victim suits the swindler, then he will do everything possible to not only get into her house, but also to settle in it;
  • very quickly such persons begin to tell women about children and a future together. And this is all done with one purpose - to lull the victim’s vigilance;
  • they do not like to be photographed, they prefer the role of photographers than models;
  • as a rule, swindlers introduce themselves as some kind of “romantic” profession: sailors, generals, retired colonels, etc.;
  • after the swindler gains the woman’s trust, he begins to “share” money from her. He usually does this cunningly: he says that he is sick and needs money for treatment; got into an accident and now you need to give money to the victim; asks to take out a loan from a bank, etc. Having received the money, he disappears forever.

Remember! A wealthy suitor will not borrow money from a potential bride.

Love scammers: How to understand that you are at risk and are being hunted

They say that those who are too lazy to draw conclusions from others learn from their mistakes. But if we were all as smart as we think we are... Then we wouldn’t lose money. And the men would not leave us “with hope, but without a chance.” And we would have a completely different life...

But! It's never too late to stop raking. Stop believing in Santa Claus and love at first sight.

“Why did he do this to me?! I go to him with all my heart, and he…” - then there are details from different stories and a lot of pain. How many times have you deceived and betrayed? Went to see friends. He simply cheated for money or loans. Disappeared after the first sex. I went on a lifelong business trip to a place where there is no connection or internet.

Indeed, how could this happen especially to a woman who always remembers herself and her interests in other areas of life.

Let's find out...

You know, scammers and dishonest people have their own signs by which they choose a victim. They don’t barge in on everyone with their “vile” intentions. They choose “to be sure”... so that the probability of success tends to be 100%.

And what’s most annoying is that their victims are usually not so much simpletons and suckers. Both the “smart and successful” and the famous—in short, big fish—get caught in their nets. And with simpletons there is a lot of fuss, but little “benefit”.

What do scammers and love failures have to do with it?

Yes at that!

The same habits lead us to disastrous results. Only some are “dumped” or “swindled” out of money, while others are betrayed in love, although they also take money.

Do you think you don’t have such habits and you were just unlucky? - Let's check it out...

Well, to be safe for the future. Just to make sure you're okay. (And even breathe a sigh of relief if it's not about you)

DANGEROUS SIGNS by which scammers and love scammers clearly understand that you are their potential victim.

  1. You are used to trusting in love 100%.

How could it be otherwise, because he cannot lie. And in general, you were taught from childhood that you need to trust people. Moreover, to those close to us. But you have love and all that...

The ladies also say - we have a special, trusting relationship ( how long ago and whether this relationship exists at all is not important

) and therefore I trust him as I trust myself.

Believe me, there are such masters who will create a feeling of trust and openness in you in 10 minutes. Only they “revealed” you, and they know exactly WHY.

  1. You believe in fairy tales about love, “fateful” accidents, love at first sight, and so on.

And your soul instantly responds to men’s stories: “I loved, but she took everything and went to my friend,” “I am poor, but honest.” And even more so in the “I have millions and I’m looking for someone to throw them at their feet.”

The more you listen to this, with details, details, emotions, the more you want to believe. And after a couple of moments you begin to fill in the missing details, think out and embellish what you heard... And get stuck in the noodles on your own ears...

Because you just believe that...

  1. He can’t lie, you think... And you don’t check anything! Just take my word for it.

You can’t check and don’t really want to, because you don’t have access to information right now. I don’t want to, because I’m lazy or I really want to trust him. You don’t know how, because you have no experience, and it’s embarrassing to ask someone for help. And in general, it’s simply not convenient to offend a good person.

And this “man” is counting on precisely such “politeness”! He knows for sure that you won’t go check. Or he himself took care in advance so that it was impossible to check.

  1. You are honest and open, like a child. And from the first meeting you give out all the information about yourself, as if in spirit.

But of course! You have nothing to hide, you have serious intentions - and you confirm them by revealing everything in the open.

“How can you tell a random person this?” - ask. Yes, how random is he?! He invited me on a date. He has such wonderful eyes and listens so carefully. He doesn’t even interrupt, asks questions, is interested, and goes into detail.

Yes, even my parents have never been so interested in me! I’m going to live happily ever after with him and he should know everything, everything, everything about me.

  1. Your relationship is a secret to everyone and no one knows about it...

Yes, of course, you want to hide your unexpected happiness from prying eyes. Well, so as not to be jealous. He managed to convince you that the envy of his friends has a detrimental effect on his feelings for you. And in general, he is vulnerable... and therefore insists on secrecy.

No one knows how close you are and what access he/she has to you, your assets and property. And between you and him, you agreed that you have everything in common, but for now we are using yours. Or did you, out of your generosity, say, “I have a lot, take as much as you need.”

And no formalities or papers. For what?! Your feelings are higher than this... And in general, why spoil love with some obligations, receipts, documents and witnesses.

And generally speaking…

  1. You have lost touch with reality, passion has consumed you, your head has turned, your mind has been clouded by love and fabulous prospects.

Your partner has so skillfully immersed you in the picture of your desired future that it is as if you are already living in it. It is so bright and joyful compared to yours today. I really don’t want to get out of it.

Your focus is all there. And this boring reality... well, it only distracts from the dream picture and prevents you from soaring in the clouds.

I just want to announce to everyone - “Leave me alone with your sober look!” I feel good in the clouds too!”

Yes, sure…

  1. You know that they can deceive, take advantage of and betray... But NOT you, NOT now, NOT this person.

Something terrible and irreparable can happen to someone. Someone can “slap”, “relax their buns” and allow themselves to be taken advantage of. Someone can be bred like a kitten and left with nothing.

But with the waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. This can't happen to you.

Because you are special. And you know for sure that this is NEVER possible with you!

And in general, everyone is just jealous of you!

Or maybe quite the opposite...

  1. You are so afraid of losing the object of your adoration that you indulge all his whims, demands and requests.

You are ready to serve him and your love for the rest of your life. Fulfill his wishes, anticipate his expectations. Become air for him so that he can breathe you.

No, you do not submit to him meekly and wordlessly. ( It is the weak and dependent who obey, you are not like that.

) You SERVE him and your love. You contribute to your relationship.

Why exactly this way - obediently and following his desires? Yes, because it is joyful and easy for you to obey him. Besides, this is the only way your chosen one perceives your relationship. If you disobey and refuse to serve him, he threatens to leave forever. And for you it is simply unbearable.

Or it still happens...

  1. I want to wipe everyone’s noses in one fell swoop so that they will choke with envy.
    And a new admirer is seen as a way... As an instrument of retribution or your triumph...

They didn’t believe that you were special, that you deserved the best, that everything would work out so well for you.

They teased you and boasted of their superiority to you. Or maybe they even mocked me, calling me a gray mouse or ugly, or even more offensive. They said that nothing “like that” would happen to you.

You had to endure... But you knew that a truck with candy would overturn on your street. And now you have it. That's how cool you are, incredibly lucky. Let them now envy what Prince they grabbed for themselves.

You are already savoring “to yourself” your triumph.

Although... maybe ahead of time...

Whichever of these reasons you recognize yourself in, remember - they are all lures of scammers. Those who are looking for easy prey, like to “powder their brains” and collect broken hearts. And just for marriage swindlers, gigolos and Gulen adventurers.

These are their favorite traps. Hooks with which they catch their potential victims. And your behavior in response to their traps is a signal “prey caught!”

And believe me, most often they are not carried out by naive fools. ( Such victories are not a matter of great pride.


Most often they prey on smart women who have succeeded in their careers or business. Alas, it is they who often, having trusted, pay dearly.

If you recognize yourself, your stories from the past, just be more careful and listen to your feelings when meeting a man. What motivates you, what motivation does it awaken in you. And where it can lead you.

Then you will immediately begin to notice more often men who are honest and open in their communication with you.

Congratulations to you! And wisdom!

PS Well, if you want to block the way into your life not only for slobs...

...but also help good men appear next to you - then pay attention to the workshop “Trust men again”


You can rest assured that there are good men. Perhaps you are now friends or just communicate with one of them from time to time.

But, alas, things don’t go any further... Do you know why?

Pay attention to your emotions, the feelings that arise in you next to such men.

Is everything going smoothly there?

Do anxieties, fears, resentments, disappointments (in yourself, men, relationships), maybe even frustration or anger come up?

They stand as a wall between you and good men.

These men are NOT going to clean up the “baggage” from your deadbeat exes. They don’t want to beat themselves in the chest with a slipper and prove that they are not scoundrels. Act as a dad/psychotherapist or help “heal” mental wounds.

They want to build a relationship with a satisfied, happy woman. And they have the right to do so!

They work on themselves to be in better shape (physical, moral, financial). And you have the right to expect that your partner will also be able to be responsible for her emotions and her life.

If you feel that everything inside is shrinking from past grievances, pain, fears, deceptions. And because of this, communication with normal men develops into some kind of madhouse... (you either get lost, or, on the contrary, try to board, or assert yourself at their expense)... Do not rush to scold yourself for this!

Trying to suppress negative behavior only reinforces the behavior.

Better learn to trust men correctly.

So that HE, on the one hand, feels like the main one in your couple, and you can relax next to him. On the other hand, he understood that you must remember your interests and always take them into account.

How to do it softly and femininely - learn in the workshop “Trusting men again”


What you learn there will also help you reconsider your relationship with your ex. And some of the grievances, past pain and anger will simply go away.

Until the end of the day on August 13, there will be a special promotion for this workshop. More information - follow the link below


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How to punish a marriage swindler under the law in 2021? How to deal with a false groom?

In Russian legislation there is no such thing as marriage swindlers. But this does not mean that deceived women will not be able to punish the gigolo who fraudulently appropriated their money or property. There would be a desire.

In practice, victims rarely turn to law enforcement for help. But in vain . Because this is the only way there is at least some chance of punishing the fraudster.

In the process of bringing their machinations to life, scammers can act in different ways, right up to concluding a marriage.

If a person entered into a fictitious marriage, and then also took property from his wife, then his crimes (if they are proven) will fall under several articles of the Criminal Code at once.

In order for the swindler to be punished for his actions, the victim must contact the police with a written statement. The document must describe in detail why the woman gave the money, how the guy took possession of the property, committed theft, etc.

You must provide his contact information, residential address, and you can attach his photographs. That is, the victim of deception must do everything possible to ensure that the face of the swindler appears in the police database.

So, summarizing the above, we can conclude that marriage swindlers may well be brought before the law if the victim contacts the police with a request to bring the attacker to justice:

  • for fraudulent actions - Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation;
  • for theft - Article 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation;
  • for misappropriation or embezzlement of someone else's property - Article 160 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, etc.

How to expose a marriage swindler in time and what will happen to him for the crimes he has committed?

First, let's figure out what kind of marriage scammers there are.

1. Scammers - these people scam potential brides and grooms out of money before the meeting takes place “in real life”. True, the amounts they manage to extract are usually not too large. Scammers can be roughly divided into “do-gooders” and “courageous sufferers.”

The operating principle of the “benefactors” is to shower their pseudo-lover with declarations of love, to convince her (him) of the soon creation of a happy and strong family.

While under the hypnosis of her “future husband-bride,” a woman or man, as a rule, does not realize that money is being extracted from her (him) in the simplest ways. For example, a new friend wanted to give you an expensive gift. I sent it by courier, but for some reason I was unable to pay the delivery or duty. But he assured that he had put a couple of hundred euros in the box with the gift, which fully covered the costs. In a fit of interest, a curious girl or man shells out a tidy sum to receive a gift, there... pop and butter! No money, no gift...

Men in the category of “courageous sufferers” always have some kind of heartbreaking story - like how he lost his wife and was left alone with three children in his arms. After a long correspondence, during which the “bride” is imbued with the full depth of the nobility of the “groom,” he reports that an unforeseen collapse has occurred, and money is urgently needed - for a child or something else. The woman will similarly tell the same story.

2. Polygamists are the most common (and most dangerous!). They come into close contact with their victims and find a special approach to each.

There is no law protecting against marriage scammers, but there are rules that relate to fraud - Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to classify the criminality of an act: sometimes the victims themselves are embarrassed to admit that someone behaved dishonestly with them, that they fell for the persuasion of a fraudster.

Most often, victims consciously transfer their property, go to a notary and draw up a deed of gift, or they can simply transfer something - for example, lend a sum of money without a receipt, without then having any evidence. Deceived women are embarrassed to turn to psychologists for the same reason. They don't share it with friends either.

If we turned to specialists for help, we could solve many problems in the future. Since scammers feel the “trail of victimhood” very well - they choose those who can be deceived, who will allow them to do this... But the most surprising thing is that even after exposure, many victims continue to hope for a bright future with “their beloved.” To a greater extent, they regret not that they were “heated up” for money, but that now he (she) is gone! Women find any excuse for the behavior of the gigolo - just to hear such alluring and sweet words of love again.

Recognizing a marriage swindler is very difficult, almost impossible. The main task of a swindler is to choose the right victim. They immediately see who will fall for their bait and who will not. They are suitable for women and men who are insecure, obviously weak and easily vulnerable. For such victims, it is already a gift that they have a man or woman, they need recognition and love so much...

3. Military. Images of military men, pilots, doctors, sea captains, and submariners are very popular among scammers. For the weaker sex, such a man is the most stern and honest. What’s most amazing: women will unanimously answer that he was the best man in their lives, even if he robbed them completely.

4. Blackmailers. Some scammers indulge in blackmail, threatening to tell their husband or wife about the affair and extorting money, most often large sums, from the victim. Wealthy married women often find themselves in such an extremely unpleasant situation.

5. Scammers. After a woman decides that the foreign man with whom she is corresponding is suitable for the role of a spouse, she decides to travel to the groom’s country to meet him. The man recommends that she use the services of a travel agency, which offers very good conditions for organizing a trip. When the agency receives the money for the tour, both the agency and the man disappear.

6. Nigerian letters. The most common and notorious method of fraud is Nigerian letters.

This is a mailing of letters from dying millionaires who promise mountains of gold for a little help. The point of the scam is that the girl agrees to temporarily accept money (millions, millions of dollars!) into her account.

Fighting fraud on the Internet is almost useless. Large sums of money are spent in the fight against virtual criminals in developed countries and special units are created. In our country, no one deals with this type of crime. If you file a complaint with law enforcement agencies, you will not achieve any results. Contacting the administration responsible for hosting sites will, at best, lead to blocking of the resource, which is unlikely.

To arrest a fraudster, you need to catch him red-handed when transferring money or goods. But this is extremely difficult, since all operations are carried out mainly by mail and by bank transfer. It is also not always possible to calculate the IP address (it is not always possible to find out the real IP address of a remote computer, since it can be dynamic, change from time to time, or internal and not accessible over the Internet; the fraudster uses Internet cafes and etc.).

How to get rid of a marriage swindler?

If your family and friends tell you that your boyfriend, whom you met on a dating site or elsewhere, worries them and they think that he is a swindler, then be sure to take a closer look at him.

If his character really has many coincidences with the work patterns of swindlers (he rushes things, is interested in your material wealth, etc.), then you should get rid of him as soon as possible.

To do this, you need to adhere to the following communication scheme:

  1. If possible, limit any contact with this person. If a woman is straightforward, then she can tell him about her suspicions and that she does not want to build a relationship with him anymore. If a woman cannot express her doubts in person, then it is better to stop answering calls and not writing messages.
  2. If a young man, who was already halfway to declaring his love, still tries to put “smoke in his eyes,” then you can play along with him - continue communication, but be extremely attentive. You shouldn’t feel sorry for him and save him from problems, even if he tearfully asks you to lend him money.
  3. There is no need to enter into an intimate relationship with him.
  4. You should find out as much information as possible about him: what he does in life, what his hobbies are, what kind of life he leads, who his parents are, where he lives, whether he has been in prison, etc.
  5. You should not fantasize about the cloudless future that your chosen one promises. You should think soberly and sensibly.

Signs of a gigolo

Alphonse can be found anywhere - in a cafe, in a supermarket and on the street. But most masters of seduction prefer to hunt for rich ladies in places where they, so to speak, gather in large numbers - at expensive resorts, elite exhibitions or auctions.

It is there that the scammer can assess the worth of a potential victim and understand whether it is worth his time to spend time on her. Recently, the World Wide Web has also been teeming with gigolos. After all, the Internet is a very convenient way to hide your identity and intentions.

Questions about a woman's financial status

The marriage swindler will first try to extract as much information as possible about the woman’s property and capital. Of course, he will not ask about this directly, but will inquire delicately, under the guise of concern.

You shouldn’t immediately tell someone you don’t know about your financial status, list real estate, or introduce them to business matters. If he somehow found out about this, you should “scare” the gentleman by talking about how your affairs have recently worsened, for example, you got into debt, took out a mortgage, went bankrupt.

Having heard this, the gigolo will most likely stop communicating with you.

Refusal to share information about yourself

The swindler will ask questions about you very actively, but he is reluctant to talk about himself. He may constantly change his phone number, or he may not want to give it at all. He talks about his past, family and work, or, on the contrary, he composes touching and colorful stories about how hard his life was, how wonderful and kind he is.

At the same time, the gentleman is in no hurry to introduce you to his friends. He is afraid to take pictures and show someone your photos together. He doesn't need publicity. Alphonse prefers to steal quietly.

Marriage tourers

There are quite a lot of foreigners among gigolos. It is very difficult to collect information about them, and sometimes it is simply not possible. Often men of other nationalities seduce rich women at resorts. Energized by the southern sun, naive ladies lose their vigilance and plunge into sweet illusions.

Intrusive requests to invite him to visit you

A decent man will not constantly hint about this if the woman does not invite herself. But the gigolo has his own goal - to look around the rich lady’s home, to appreciate its sophistication and wealth.

Perhaps he is just a petty swindler and thief who does not at all count on a long-term relationship, much less marriage. He is only interested in a one-time jackpot.

Who pays?

On first dates, a gigolo can pay at a restaurant himself, if he is not completely beggarly. But later he will happily shift the responsibility for financial settlements to his rich companion, because he is so poor and unhappy, how can he pay every day?

Alphonse never rejects gifts from a woman, no matter how much they cost. A normal man would be embarrassed to accept too expensive gifts from a woman, even if she is not poor. He will certainly want to look more wealthy than her.

No prenuptial agreement!

When communicating with a potential groom, do not forget to reflect on the importance of prenuptial agreements. A normal man treats this topic calmly, because he does not mind sharing money with the woman he loves, both before marriage and even after it.

But for gigolo, a union based on a marriage contract loses all meaning. This document proves that the lady is not going to part with her capital in favor of a slippery groom, therefore such a relationship is unprofitable for the gentleman.

How do marriage scammers operate?

Men who are dishonest towards women always plan their scam in advance. They act clearly and rarely make mistakes. They are self-confident people.

All actions of such people usually consist of the following stages:

  1. At the very beginning, a person presents himself as a wealthy man who is not financially dependent on anyone.
  2. A man looks after a woman beautifully.
  3. When the victim “falls for” him, then he quickly puts on a performance, and so skillfully that the woman does not even have time to consult with anyone and simply gives him her money, takes out a loan, etc.
  4. Usually the performance is performed before marriage. However, some swindlers still go for a “big catch”: first they get married, and after some time they unexpectedly file for divorce in order to get half of the acquired property.

Standard scheme for how men cheat women

How can men divorce women? These same womanizers, or simply gigolos, squeeze everything out of their victim. And they go in search of new adventures only when they understand that in economic terms it no longer carries value. Representatives of this kind usually have a simple and clear path. If only to know about the beating heart of a lady in love.

  1. Without bait and labor you cannot catch a fish from a pond. Step one. The potential victim needs to be brainwashed. A whole range of courtship is launched - a meeting, a trip to a cafe, small gifts. Why not spend a certain amount? He’ll come back later anyway, and he’ll still be there.

    Scammers with “work experience” already know how to nicely meet a future victim and what nice things to do after. And she already sees the prince from her dreams in front of her. An elite class car, a respectable appearance in an expensive suit... In love, as in war, all means are fair. The attributes of an expensive life can now be easily rented, but for some reason girls don’t think about it.

    3 important steps

    which every woman should go through

    Anika Snagovskaya

    Author and presenter of women's trainings on harmonizing feminine energy. Master of removing limiting beliefs and master of constellations.

    I have prepared three lessons for you that will help you better understand yourself, remove the restrictions that prevent you from feeling loved and living happily.


    Video lesson with meditation: 5 states of femininity

    You will learn about 5 female states that exist in every woman, how they manifest themselves and which archetypes are most manifested in you and which are not developed.


    Video lesson + meditation: How to let go of past relationships

    I’ll tell you what you need to do to free your heart from old feelings and break the energy threads connecting you with your past partner.


    Audio recording: Neuro-af

    Thanks to this neuro-affirmation, you can regain self-love and feel sincere gratitude and happiness for every day.

    Top 3 useful materials that will help you know yourself better

    And start a new, happy life for yourself.

    Video lesson with meditation: 5 states of femininity

    Video lesson + meditation: How to let go of past relationships

    Audio recording: Neuro-af

    Take your gifts!

  2. The divorce itself, for the sake of which everything was started. Step two. How does the fraud itself occur? How does the gigolo turn things around so that the woman gives him all the money she had saved in reserve, takes out loans, and gets into debt? Very simple. Happiness, paradise, a fairy tale (call it what you want) suddenly ends, and the prince is left with nothing because of a deceitful business partner. And if you get the right amount of cash, the problem will disappear.

    The victim takes pity on her boyfriend and supports him financially. And he withdraws into himself for a long time, despondency in his head, thoughts of death appear. The naive companion can only constantly pull the sufferer out of such a state.

  3. Retreat. Step three. Alphonse retreats, and after that the victim is left in deep debt and with a broken heart. The man tries to make her seem guilty. Accuses him of nymphomania, looks for negative aspects in his character. Naturally, after the experience, the victim does not want to look for the offender and seek justice.

    Humiliation may follow. He forbids calling, looking for him, because she denigrated him, so bright and decent, how could he contact her, and let her take her dirty hands off him.

The gigolos say something like this: “Nobody needs you. It was me, stupid, who took care of you!”

Ideally, I would contact the police... No matter what! After something like this, a humiliated woman is not at all tempted to go and report to the relevant authorities, because she is ashamed, and she is afraid that she will be misunderstood. In addition, she feels absolutely crushed, and her self-esteem is low.

Signs of a careless groom

How can you recognize that it is a swindler who is chatting with you on an online dating site, and not some hero-lover from your favorite novel?

There are certain criteria by which one can suspect a dubious person:

  • in the profile photo the person posted a photo that is unclear, too small or blurry;
  • the person did not indicate where he works, what he does, or where he lives;
  • If in a correspondence a man writes that he is a successful businessman, previously worked as a captain, pilot, intelligence officer, etc., then you need to be wary: are you really lucky or are you at risk of becoming a victim of a marriage swindler?

Abroad will help us

Many women and men, not hoping to find love in real life, try to find it through dating sites. However, on the virtual web you can find not only a life partner, but also meet a real swindler, gigolo, marriage swindler and even a maniac.

In the pursuit of happiness, we lose our heads.

Many are lucky and find normal men and women who want to start a family. Countless websites, public pages, and forums are teeming with stories of women and men caught in a cloud of marriage deception. Many are trying to expose them, posting photographs, names, passport details, even putting them in places not so remote, but still there are no fewer “scammer lovers”.

It is especially difficult to keep a sober head in the case when the bride or groom turns out to be (or is called) a foreigner. Life proves that our people’s special passion for foreign brides and grooms does not fade to this day.

How to imprison a marriage swindler for fraud?

Many lawyers answer that this is extremely difficult to do, especially if a person works via the Internet and social networks.

It's another matter when he meets his victim. Then, when transferring money to him, the girl must draw up a loan agreement with him and take a receipt from him. The more evidence a woman has of transferring money, the greater the likelihood of imprisoning a false groom.

If a man “scammed” other women in this way, then you need to try to find these victims and draw up a collective statement about fraud.

As evidence, you can prepare audio and video recordings of conversations where the swindler asks for help in this situation.

What to do if a young man asks to borrow money?

If your boyfriend or common-law husband, with whom you live for a short time, does not know how he lives, who his parents are, etc., and at the same time he asks you to borrow money for supposedly important purposes, then you should not just give them away for your word of honor.

It is necessary to draw up a loan agreement with him from a notary, and also request a receipt from him for receiving a specific amount.

If the agreement is not drawn up, then a receipt will be sufficient, which must include the following information: Full name of the person borrowing the money, passport details, date when the money must be returned, signatures of the parties.

Appearance and behavior of a gigolo man

In order not to fall into the traps set, you need to know about the following signs in a man who understands how to cheat a woman out of money.

1. Immaculately dressed.

How can a gigolo look bad? No! Otherwise, they would simply not pay attention to him. The main goal is to please a woman. Good appearance and courtesy feed him, so gigolo constantly improves this art. A hairstyle, good quality perfume, beautiful clothes - everything costs money, and a woman, not without pleasure, spends money so that a man always maintains a representative appearance. She likes such an important companion, and if she does not pay, his appearance will not be as good as when he met her.

2. Remembers manners.

During the dating period, the gigolo will always open the door for a woman and thank her for her help. And he is also very attentive. He will definitely note the presence of a new hairstyle and give a bunch of compliments. Contrary to what they say, gigolos also give gifts, only small ones that do not cost a lot of money. In addition, he will remind you that the gift was very expensive.

The following conversation options are also possible: he could not make such a beautiful lady sad, it would be better to subsist on bread and kvass than to give nothing. There were still a couple of sighs left, a few compliments and the same number of promises that he would completely cover the poor thing with gifts, provided the money appeared.

How can a woman’s heart not tremble with such behavior? In her head are thoughts about meeting the man of her dreams, and she sets about saving him. And the noose that gigolo has in store is tightening more and more. He thanks for the help, is embarrassed and adds that in other cases he would not have accepted the helping hand offered. Now he has a duty, and he will not forget it. When the opportunity arises, he will definitely return it. In the meantime...

Case studies

Situation 1 . A handsome American met a Muscovite on social networks. He tells her that he has his own business; he has more than 10 cars in the garage at home. While communicating with him, the woman realized that the overseas prince wanted a family. The woman believed her boyfriend, because he touched the most valuable thing - the children who remained with him after the death of their mother. After letters and declarations of love, the foreigner sent the Muscovite a parcel containing supposedly jewelry. To receive it, the woman had to pay a percentage of the cost of the gift, which in fact does not exist.

Situation 2 . A resident of Moscow fell for a marriage swindler after meeting him through a dating site. A young man who came from Orenburg quickly won her heart. Just 2 weeks after they met, he began living with her. Since he did not work anywhere (in the capital, according to him, it is impossible to find a good job), he invited her to open a business, registering it with the girl. But to open your own business, you needed money. The girl took out a loan from the bank and gave the money to the guy, supposedly so that he could purchase goods and begin filling out documents. Naturally, she thought that he would open a private enterprise and make her a manager, but it turned out differently. The swindler simply took the money and disappeared.

Do you think that wealthy women are targeted by marriage swindlers? Not at all . Such persons are interested in a variety of girls with one important feature - they must be trusting, lonely and dreaming of finding a prince on a white horse.

There are plenty of people who want to warm their hands to pseudo-love. There are marriage scammers on online dating sites, social networks and even in everyday life.

To prevent your admirer from breaking your heart, taking jewelry out of your apartment, or running away with your money, be vigilant.

Check a potential young man: ask where he lives, who he communicates with, what he does for living, you can even ask him for a passport.

This is the only way to suspect and expose a marriage swindler.

Victims of marriage scams tell their stories

In July 2021, 30-year-old Dmitry from Krasnodar met a girl on social networks - they had “mutual friends” on the VKontakte social network, she did not arouse his suspicions.

“We corresponded, we even found many common topics - she is not stupid, adequate. She said that she works as an event organizer, everything seems to be fine,” he told Gazeta.Ru.

After several weeks of close communication, the girl wrote to Dmitry that she urgently needed 98 thousand rubles.

“I immediately made it clear to her that she was unlikely to receive anything from me, especially right away. But she began to persuade me: “I’m working, you know.” In the end, I believed her: first I sent 40 thousand, and then the rest. She began to convince me that she would give the money, especially since we were soon to meet for the first time,” noted the young man.

Their communication continued. The girl regularly wrote about how she was looking forward to meeting her - the young people even planned a joint vacation.

“We decided to go to Turkey. Her debt to me would go towards paying my share if we flew. Then we nevertheless agreed on the first meeting, but she constantly postponed it - then I realized that something was wrong. She explained that she had problems at work,” says Dmitry.

Soon they finally made an appointment - the day before they discussed the time and place.

“I arrived 20 minutes early, chose a table and sat and drank tea. An hour passed, I wrote to her, and she convinced me that she was just late. In the end, I waited another 1.5 hours and went home, she didn’t answer calls and messages - she wrote in the morning that it just didn’t work out,” he shared.

Since then, the girl has disappeared - she stopped responding to Dmitry’s messages and calls.

“Ridiculous case. Moreover, I read before that this happens, but I did not think that it would happen to me. I even contacted the police, but they didn’t help. They twisted my temple and said: I’m a fool myself,” concluded Gazeta.Ru’s interlocutor.

37-year-old Muscovite Ksenia found herself in a similar situation - in June 2021, she met a man on social networks.

“We talked for a couple of weeks and, to be honest, I fell in love. He lived in Omsk and decided to fly to me so that we could finally meet. On the eve of the flight, he asked me to lend him 50 thousand rubles for a ticket, because everything was sold out and only very expensive ones remained. The ticket cost about 160 thousand - I double-checked it on the airline’s website and it really was like that. This calmed me down,” the woman said.

As a result, the man actually flew to her, and the couple went on their first date. A few days later, Ksenia offered to meet again, but the man refused her, citing problems.

“He said his mother had been in an accident and he urgently needed to fly back. Like an idiot, I gave him another 70 thousand - for a ticket and help for his mother. Then he flew away and that’s it, I never saw him again.

He blocked me everywhere and didn’t pick up the phone. As it turned out later, after I contacted the police, my name was also fictitious,” complained Gazeta.Ru’s interlocutor.

The local police accepted the Muscovite’s statement and promised to look into it. At the same time, a few days after the scammer flew home to Omsk, Ksenia saw him in one of the capital’s shopping centers - she wanted to approach her, but he noticed her and disappeared.

“It’s terrible that people do this. But I don’t absolve myself of guilt either - I fell for it like a little girl. I would like to give advice so that no girl or guy gives money to any crooks, even if they fall in love,” concluded Ksenia.

The coronavirus pandemic has seen a surge in so-called romance scams. Attackers meet their victims on social networks or dating sites, gain their trust, and after a while ask for money—at first small amounts, and then more and more. After some time, the swindler simply disappears.

Thus, according to UK Finance, in the UK between January and November 2021, the number of cases of romance fraud increased by 20% compared to the same period in 2019. In the United States, the growth for 2021 was 22% - almost 23.8 thousand complaints were recorded, the FBI reported.

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