Who are the roosters in the zone, and how to avoid such status

What are they doing?

Contrary to the stereotype, the proportion of voluntary homosexuals among those offended is low.

Most prisoners become cocks for offenses unrelated to the sexual sphere.

Below is what people are put in prison for. Usually these are various serious violations of the rules of prison life:

  1. Failure to pay card debt. Unrepaid debts in prison have to be paid in blood, and the only alternative to save life is the provision of sex services.
  2. Body contact with another rooster outside of sexual intercourse.
    This rooster is punished very cruelly after such incidents (even to the point of being killed), but the person with whom he came into contact never ceases to be degraded. The offended, driven to despair, often take advantage of this for the purpose of revenge. Sometimes physical contact is not necessary - just spending the night in the cockpit is enough.
  3. Weakness of character, inability to stand up for oneself. For some things (for example, for sending to ...) you must definitely ask for an answer. If the offended party does not do this, then it may lose all its authority and move into the category of the offended.
  4. Snitching.
  5. Stealing property from other prisoners.
  6. Putting another person down without a good reason.
  7. Cute appearance, high-pitched voice, affectation - these factors increase the likelihood of getting a residence permit in the rooster's corner.

Release can also be carried out by order of the prison administration to remove unwanted prisoners from prison life.

The most popular method is to lock the prisoner in a cockerel at night.

But the attitude towards such neglected people in the prison community is more loyal.

The 2000s and beyond have seen a shift away from descent by rape. This is due to increased control over the internal regulations of correctional institutions, and greater attention has been paid to protecting the rights of prisoners.

According to Article 132 of the Criminal Code, the term for gang rape ranges from 4 to 10 years. For this reason, other rituals, such as rubbing the lips with the penis, began to be used instead of sexual violence.

Who can become a rooster

No prisoner is immune from receiving this status. Some people automatically become members of the caste, while others are dismissed for misconduct or external qualities.

Most often, the following prisoners become roosters:

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  • homosexuals;
  • relatives of law enforcement officers;
  • persons convicted of child rape;
  • avid gamblers who could not pay off their debts;
  • people who touched the rooster (this is considered unacceptable);
  • persons who, due to character or physical weakness, cannot stand up for themselves;
  • informers;
  • former authority figures who put another person down without good reason;
  • people stealing from prisoners;
  • prisoners with high voices, cute, overly cutesy.

Anyone who falls within the above parameters can become omitted. However, most often those who end up in jail are those who are imprisoned under “cock charges,” that is, for rape.

Since the beginning of the 2000s, prisoners have been released by rape less and less often. The reason for this was increased control by supervisors. The rights of prisoners began to be protected. In particular, gang rape can now be punished under Article 132 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. And this is from four to ten years in prison.

The lowered caste includes not only roosters, but also divers, devils and other representatives of lower groups. Each of them has its own functions, but all those who are omitted experience humiliation from other prisoners. For sexual pleasure, prisoners use only roosters.

How not to?

If the prisoner is not a homosexual and is not imprisoned under “rooster” charges, then the rooster is released in prison only for malicious offenses. Therefore, in order to avoid the fate of the offended, he must follow the rules of prison life (for those who find themselves in prison for the first time, we provided advice on how to behave correctly in order to survive and avoid unpleasant situations in this material).

Briefly about how to avoid becoming a rooster in prison:

  1. Watch your words. Do not reveal unnecessary details of your sexual and personal life, do not offend anyone without reason.
  2. Have pride. Be able to stand up for yourself and demand a response from the offender.
  3. Minimize contact with roosters. This includes refraining from participating in their beatings and rapes. Even in prison you need to remain human, and humanity is valued there.
  4. Do not steal from your own people, do not snitch, do not cooperate with the administration.

The following articles will help you learn more about the life of prisoners in Russian prisons:

  • Photos of cells in Russian prisons.
  • What can be sent to prison by parcel, and what will be returned?
  • What do they feed prisoners in prison?
  • Is it possible to use a telephone in prison and is there internet?
  • How are visits held in prison, how many are there and what can you take with you?
  • How to organize a wedding in prison and how will the celebration take place?
  • How to divorce a husband serving a sentence in prison?

Roosters in the zone, how the omitted stories live. Chamber life. Looking. Rooster. This is not California

In the zone, prisoners celebrate most holidays as they please: instead of alcohol there is chifir, instead of snacks there is “grass” secretly sent from outside. Celebrating the beloved New Year is not particularly different from ordinary prison feasts, except perhaps with improvised champagne - as the chimes strike, prisoners raise glasses of cloudy liquid infused with bread. And then they go to bed.

But the Year of the Rooster will not be celebrated in Russian zones. After all, there this word has a completely different, offensive, even indecent meaning. “Roosters” in prison are still not considered people. Moreover, as MK managed to find out, recently there have been some changes in the hierarchy of prisoners. And it is much easier to become one of the outcasts in the zone than before.

What's in the mouth, what's on the forehead

There are different stories about the “rooster” caste. Many imagine such prison outcasts, whom prisoners use for menial labor and sexual services. But in fact, the “roosters” have their own internal organization and even a leader. Which is often more cruel than an ordinary prisoner.

People become “roosters” for various reasons. Thus, those convicted under Article 131 of the Criminal Code (rape) are released into the zone. Molesters, libertines, and sexual perverts fall into this same group. And homosexuals - regardless of what crime they committed. But lately, more and more often people end up in the “roosters” because of “jambs” - that is, for an act unworthy of a prisoner. For example, neither men nor thieves are supposed to do anything related to plumbing - this is work exclusively for “roosters”.

There is a whole set of rules of conduct in relation to “roosters,” the head of one of the colonies told MK. - For example, a “decent” prisoner should not take an item if it was touched by a “rooster.” The latter have everything of their own: cigarettes, tea, bowls, mugs. In the smoking room, you can give the “rooster” a half-smoked cigarette, but under no circumstances should you take a cigarette from a smoked one. In the dining room, such people have separate tables, in the camp church there are special benches, separate benches and basins in the bathhouse, and the like. If a prisoner accidentally sat down at the wrong table or took the wrong spoon, he immediately falls into the “rooster” caste. That’s why the “roosters” have special cells in the pre-trial detention center. It happens that the police deliberately put thieves in such a cell in order to break them, since a decent prisoner cannot spend the night there. Even if he didn’t eat, didn’t drink, didn’t sleep, he’ll still be down. As soon as a prisoner realizes that he is among the “roosters,” he goes to any lengths to get transferred.

You need to clearly know some rules in the zone,” admits Sergei, who served 9 years for murder. - Especially for beginners. The main thing is that when you first appear in the zone, do not agree to “rooster” work, do not pick up a rag or a mop. In the dining room, you need to watch where your squad mates sit and not rush to take a free table. By the way, many things belonging to those who were omitted are marked with red paint.

The process of “transferring” an ordinary prisoner to a “petukhi” has now changed. Previously, a man was simply raped and forced to perform oral sex with one of the thieves. But after several accidents (when the lowered ones bit off someone else’s dignity), the ritual began to take place differently: the “rooster” is slapped with the genitals on the forehead or lips. And it happens that thieves simply decide to declare some prisoner a “rooster.” Then the rumor spreads through the prison mail, and the prisoner cannot wash off the stigma.

A prisoner named Dana

In our zone, all the “roosters” were divided into three groups,” continues Sergei. — There were so-called “Forshmak”, who fell out of the general group for some kind of misconduct. For example, I slept near the bucket... And the “roosters” actually did all the dirty work in our zone - they cleaned, took out the trash, scrubbed the asshole. There were, however, also so-called “working cocks”, or “mares”, who served specifically to satisfy the sexual needs of thieves. By the way, many homosexuals immediately admitted their orientation and thus voluntarily became omitted. All these “workers” had female nicknames, most often converted from their real names. Lenya became Lena, Sasha became Sonya. Such “cockerels” had feminine habits, wore cosmetics, perfume, had condoms and tried to look attractive.

In one of the zones we managed to talk with the unfortunate man who was made a “rooster”. However, our interlocutor claims that he made this choice himself. What immediately catches your eye is the gentle, clean-shaven face with brightly applied cosmetics specially before our arrival. Instead of a prisoner's uniform, there is a simple jumper with ruffles and a woolen skirt that fits men's hips, worn over trousers.

“Everyone here only calls me Dana,” the guy admits, lowering his eyelashes ingratiatingly and at the same time coquettishly. “Once upon a time, even before the zone, I was called Denis. But that was a long time ago... I got here for theft and was given five years. And then I fell in love right there. At first I hid my feelings from Michel. But this is unbearable! He only noticed me when I finally transformed into a woman. But I don’t consider myself a “rooster” in any way!

How do your family and friends feel about your transformation?

In the wild, only one friend knows about my other “I” - she brings me mascara, underwear, skirts. It's hard here, of course. They don’t ask about my wishes, they call me and that’s it... Sometimes I have to serve three or four prisoners in a day. But I endure everything - otherwise they will beat me, and I don’t need bruises. However, they treat me more carefully than others.

For example?

They allowed me more time to communicate with my loved one, although this is not allowed here. But in strict regime, where prisoners have long sentences, entire married couples form, and this is quite normal. Two men live together, share responsibilities, like in a real family, but they don’t give birth to children.

“Roosters” in the zone live separately from the rest - in a detachment with the last number. And even during verification on the parade ground they stand separately.

Most of the lowered ones do not enter into sexual intercourse voluntarily,” Dana sighs. “They are persuaded to do this by threats and beatings. Sometimes they resist, asking to be left alone, but the requests of the abandoned one do not touch anyone here. During rape, they are also mocked with particular sophistication. Those who are released are raped at night in the department, in the toilet, in the bathhouse. And if the “roosters” still refuse, they are beaten brutally, for about 40 minutes.


“Roosters” rarely take revenge on their offenders - they cannot raise a hand against a man.

But sometimes they can’t stand it and grab the knife,” says Dana. “They say there was even a case when one drove an awl into a thieve who was tormenting him with his pestering!” This “rooster” was smashed in the head with a stool, but they did not kill him. In any “rooster” squad there is always a leader who is physically stronger than others. It is he who holds everyone else in his fist. In the zone where I was sitting last time, in the Far East, this place was occupied by a “rooster” named Kuzya. In the zone, he crushed the entire squad under him. To achieve this status, he literally walked over corpses. Once a tough guy came to the “rooster” squad, why he was dropped, I don’t know. He beat Kuzya and became a spectator. But Kuzya snitched on him so much that this jock was sent to prison. Kuzya treated the other contender for the post of the main “rooster” even harsher. He started a rumor among the thieves that his rival stole things, and he himself planted them on his rival. The thieves came, discovered what was missing and smashed his head.

Are you going to celebrate this New Year in your area? — I asked the prisoner goodbye. — After all, not only will it be the year of the Rooster, but it will also be blue?!

I hope to spend New Year's Eve with my Michel. And then, apparently, you will have to fulfill other people’s wishes in addition to your own. All the “roosters” will have a hard time in the zone this night,” Dana sighs, fiddling with the scarf in her hands. - But no one will drink “for the year of the rooster.” That's for sure.

The “lowered” in prison are the lowest hierarchy of prisoners.

And as soon as they are not called: “roosters”, “combs”, “pinches”, “offended”, “outcasts”, etc. Whatever you call them, the fate and life of these convicts is simply terrible.

How to lower it in the zone will be discussed later in the article.

According to one version, the omitted became a separate prison caste after the 1961 reform, during which the camps were divided according to the severity of the detention regime. As a result, the pioneers began to live in the zone separately from seasoned prisoners and repeat offenders


The pioneers are mostly young people who are unfamiliar with the principles of prison, but strive to win the competition by showing aggression and bullying physically weaker prisoners. And if more experienced prisoners did not explain to them the rules of life in prison in time, then over time their stay there becomes more and more wild.

Any prisoner can fall into the caste of the lowered. But some categories fall here automatically or with a high probability.

Information: in addition to the “roosters” in the community of prisoners there is a caste of “devils”

. What these castes have in common is that both are untouchables, but devils are not used for sexual pleasure.

Why are the lowered ones called roosters? Most likely, the name came from the word “cock”, which referred to the process of rape.

People become roosters for completely different reasons.

. Most often, those convicted under Art. 131 of the Criminal Code (rape). This also includes libertines, molesters and homosexuals, regardless of what crime they committed.

But according to statistics for 2021, prisoners increasingly began to fall into the excluded category because of “shoals” they committed that were unworthy of the title of prisoner. So, for example, a “decent” prisoner is not supposed to do work related to plumbing; This type of activity is exclusively for roosters.

By the way, contrary to the stereotypical opinion, the proportion of homosexuals among those who are rejected is low. Most convicts become criminals for actions unrelated to the sexual sphere.

Usually expelled for various violations of the rules of prison life, such as:

They can also be released by order of the prison administration in order to eliminate undesirable convicts from prison life. To do this, most often the victim is locked in a cockerel all night. After this, the prisoner automatically becomes a rooster.

True, the attitude of the prison community towards such offended people is more or less loyal.

After the 2000s, there has been a move away from going down through rape. This is due to the fact that more attention has been paid to protecting the rights of prisoners, as a result of which control over the internal regulations and way of life in correctional institutions has increased.

Life for those in prison is hard and sometimes terrible.

. They live separately in prison, in the so-called cockerel, where the same offended people sit, pinches, pokers). This is the most despised (and by all) category of prisoners. What are they doing in prison?

Those in prison are engaged in the dirtiest work: sweeping the parade ground, local areas; wash baths and toilets; clean the sewerage system, perform work on the lockout; remove and load garbage. Among those who are neglected, there are also those who earn money by selling themselves; they are called “disgruntled workers.”

Ordinary prisoners should not take food that roosters eat

. The lowered ones are washed from separate washbasins. They are required to give way to other prisoners.

Representatives of other castes hardly speak to them. Communication with a rooster can result in a loss of authority for a prisoner.

Those omitted must communicate their status to all new recruits. Concealing such information is punishable by severe physical injury. To make roosters easier to identify, special tattoos are applied to their bodies.

They can be placed near the toilet, under the bed (“under the bunk”), and only in large camps are separate barracks allocated for them, which are called cockerels.

Offended people use certain household items

. Holes are usually made in their dishes so that no one accidentally confuses “grinded” spoons and plates with normal ones. In the smoking room, you can give the rooster a half-smoked cigarette, but under no circumstances should you take the bull from your hands once it’s been put down.

In the camp church they are given separate benches and benches, and in the bathhouse - basins

. If an ordinary prisoner accidentally sits at the wrong table or takes the wrong spoon, he automatically falls into the rooster caste. Even if he did not eat or drink from the utensils, he will still be considered omitted.

As soon as an ordinary prisoner finds himself among the caste of roosters, he goes to any lengths to be transferred from the offended to the category of “normal” prisoners.

Note: the number of restrictions and prohibitions for those excluded depends on the type of penitentiary institution. In maximum security colonies, the attitude towards them is more loyal, but in juvenile colonies the wildest rules reign.

Previously, even before the 2000s, the main duty of the convicts was the sexual satisfaction of prisoners, but now this is rarely practiced and then only on a voluntary basis.

According to current prison rules, you cannot “use” an offended person for free without giving him a gift, so many roosters engage in voluntary prostitution for financial reasons.

Beating the lowered is practiced only if they violate the rules by which their caste is obliged to live. You can’t beat a rooster with your hands, you can only kick it, which is especially humiliating.

The ritual of “transferring” an ordinary prisoner to the category of roosters has now changed

. Previously, a leper prisoner was simply raped or forced to perform oral sex with one of the thieves. However, after several accidents involving biting off “other people’s dignity,” the process began to take place differently: the rooster is slapped on the forehead or lips with the penis.

Sometimes thieves simply declare some prisoner a rooster; rumors about this quickly spread throughout the zone, after which the prisoner could no longer wash off the stigma.

Beginners entering the zone for the first time should clearly know some rules. The key one is to never agree to a “rooster” job, not to pick up a mop or rag.

In the dining room you need to sit down with your friends and not rush to take a free table

. In some colonies, things and objects related to those omitted are marked with red paint.

If the prisoner is not homosexual and has not been convicted under “cock” articles, then he can only be released for serious offenses.

Thus, in order to avoid the fate of the convicts, the prisoner must live according to the rules of prison life, namely:

Even in prison it is worth remaining human, they value it there.

Such a phenomenon as “thrown in prison” is savagery, a relic of the country’s difficult past.

However, despite the easing of regulations in correctional institutions, this category of prisoners still exists, and we have to come to terms with this fact.

We are already fed up with talk that Western politicians and the rest of “progressive humanity” are going to boycott the Sochi Olympics because of the oppression of homosexuals in Russia. And this happens, of course, to the thunderous applause and delight of the Russian opposition.

I could not find a single example of so-called harassment against athletes or fans representing sexual minorities. Perhaps only a new law prohibiting them from having sex or organizing gay pride parades near schools and kindergartens. Likewise, this is also not recommended for straight people by law. And do Olympians of non-traditional sexual orientation participate in the Olympic Games only for the purpose of having sex near kindergartens or campaigning for gay life there? If not, then why such loud hysteria and who is bothered by the law prohibiting this?

And why were fighters for the rights of sexual minorities so interested in the Sochi Olympics, and not, say, in the maximum security camps? Yes, because the “fight” for LGBT rights in conjunction with the Olympic Games is pure PR and a lot of money. Please note that “global human rights defenders” of the allegedly violated rights of sexual minorities in Russia are only interested in global issues that bring decent funding and mass attention. Such as the Olympics, tours of top officials of Russian classical music, visits of heads of state, etc. And no less.

I know that now defenders of homosexuals (including Western ideologue fighters, some Russian bloggers and LGBT activists) will burst into further cries that I am allegedly insulting people with non-traditional sexual orientation and calling for ignoring the violation of their rights.

Hey guys! Wake up! Everything is much simpler. Why do you protect only where it is interesting and profitable for you to do so? If I’m wrong, then why don’t you, as true fighters for the rights of LGBT people and other sexual minorities, start defending, say, “offended cocks” in zones or in prisons?

Don't know any of them? Then I'll tell you. And my words will be confirmed by everyone who, by the will of fate, has been in prison.

“Roosters”, “offended”, “lowered”, “rooster suit”, “junk”, “leaky” - these are only a small part of the official prison camp names for persons of non-traditional sexual orientation. In fact, all these names are synonyms. Perhaps there is a small nuance between “omitted” and “offended”, which now, practically, no longer carries a semantic load. The omitted one is an open passive homosexual who has had homosexual contacts, and the offended one is the one who “got dirty”, that is, shook hands with the rooster, or ate from the same plate, or used his spoon, or came into some other close contact.

In every pre-trial detention center, prison and correctional colony there are special huts (cells, sections), the so-called “offenders”, where “roosters” live separately from everyone else. In large camp barracks, this is a special “rooster corner”. In many zones and prisons, the “offended” have their own supervisor, one of the same ones. It is called the "chief rooster". Each newly arrived prisoner must be informed of the whereabouts of the “offended” so that the newcomer does not accidentally get into trouble. Now, the “offended” make up about 1 - 1.5% of the total number of Russian prisoners. And this is almost 15 thousand prisoners.

“Roosters” must have their own bed linen, which is washed separately, as well as their own dishes, which are also stored strictly separately. So that, God forbid, it does not get mixed up with the dishes and linen of “decent prisoners.” Otherwise there will be big problems. Everyone has. Even during a check in the ranks, the “offender” is built separately.

«Rooster”, aka “homosexual”, aka “offended” or “leaky”, has no right


Sit at a common table in a cell or camp canteen (there are separate eating areas for them with separate utensils and places to store food);

Responsibilities and prohibitions of the offended

The responsibilities of those omitted include performing the dirtiest work, such as washing toilets, emptying buckets, cleaning sewers, and cleaning workshops. Other prisoners cannot take the food that the roosters eat. Those who are lowered are washed from separate washbasins. They must give way to other prisoners.

Conversations with members of other castes should be limited.

They are not completely prohibited, but talking to a rooster for a “man” can be fraught with loss of authority.

Those who have been omitted are required to immediately inform all new acquaintances of their status. Concealing information is punishable by severe physical injury. To make roosters easier to identify, special tattoos are applied to their bodies.

In some cases, it is possible to deviate from the established rules if this promises greater benefits. For example, if only roosters can carry packages, then you have to allow them to touch the products; this is not considered “stuff.”

What do they do with roosters in prison?

Once the main duty of the roosters was the sexual satisfaction of prisoners, but now it is practiced only on a voluntary basis.

Since, according to prison rules, it is forbidden to have sex with a prostitute without giving him a gift, many representatives of this caste engage in voluntary prostitution for reasons of material gain.

Help: the number of restrictions and prohibitions for roosters depends on the type of correctional institution.

In strict regimes, the attitude towards them is the most loyal, and the wildest orders reign in colonies for minors.

Beating of roosters is practiced only when they violate their duties and prohibitions. You cannot hit them with your hands, only with your feet, which makes the process especially humiliating for the offended person.

What will help you not to be left out?

So, if a prisoner is not a “cockerel” of his own free will, then he can be released by force and only for malicious misconduct. Thus, to avoid such an unenviable fate, it is enough to simply follow the simple but mandatory rules of prison life.

To avoid being left out, you must follow a few of the most important rules:

Despite this, there is a decline in such situations throughout the country, since after the prison reform, when prisons began to be divided, it is often mostly young people who sit in the cells, to whom many of the concepts of thieves are becoming increasingly alien.

Naturally, it is best not to end up in such places, but if this happens, you need to follow all the rules and be able to stand up for yourself, then this situation will bypass the prisoner, he will not become “offended” and it will be possible to serve his sentence without incident.

Who are the roosters in the zone?

We are talking about persons who are passive homosexuals. Moreover, roosters can enter into homosexual contacts either voluntarily or under coercion from fellow inmates. If the comb resists, he is beaten.

In rare cases, non-homosexuals fall into this caste. Most often, these are new prisoners who had the imprudence to speak to the rooster or show sympathy for him. If cellmates notice this, the person will immediately be assigned to a lower caste without the possibility of rehabilitation.

By becoming a rooster, a prisoner loses the opportunity to restore his reputation among his fellow inmates. For this reason, newcomers should exercise extreme caution when interacting with unfamiliar prisoners.

Who is the “chief rooster” in terms of concepts?

Each "rooster" brigade has its own leader. In thieves' jargon, such a prisoner is called a "chief cockerel." He is the informal leader of the “neglected” and “offended”.

There is a slight difference between these two categories of lower thieves. The former are passive homosexuals, and the latter are “shredded” prisoners.

You greeted the “rooster” by the hand, ate from the same plate with him, or did something similar, and now you are already “offended.”

Only the “chief rooster” can negotiate on behalf of the “rooster” squad with the leaders of other groups of other stripes.

He solves all problems that arise in the group of prisoners under his control, resolves controversial situations and conflicts, distributes responsibilities between the “roosters”.

He himself does not necessarily have to be “pierced”. Very often, former authorities who have been degraded by lawlessness in the press huts become the “chief roosters”.

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