Why are the roosters in the zone called that?

The rooster man is a very interesting person. He will never be able to go outside in shorts and a stretched T-shirt. This representative of the stronger sex spends his last money on his wardrobe. A male rooster will look advantageous in any society and will be able to find a common language with everyone. He spends a lot of time in the gym and does not take care of himself.

The rooster guy loves female company. You will never get bored with him. He knows a lot of interesting stories and loves to joke. Women idolize this man, and he, in turn, knows perfectly well what a woman needs.

How to keep a Rooster man?

It is difficult to meet a more mysterious personality than the Rooster man. He's unpredictable. It is difficult to predict the actions and thoughts of the Rooster, even when you know him quite well. But that's what makes him interesting.

Only a truly desperate woman can think about how to charm the Rooster. This man is very difficult. A relationship with him is a game without rules. If you are interested in the question of how to attract the Rooster, you will have to collect the maximum amount of information about the representative of this sign. Otherwise it will be simply impossible to communicate with him.

Man of the Year Rooster - career

A man born in the year of the Rooster is not very lucky and has to work hard to achieve success. in addition, his temper and lightness of character, which, for a strange circumstance, easily coexist in the soul of this man, may prevent him from achieving a dizzying career. In work matters, the Rooster man is very careful and prudent. If he occupies the manager’s chair, he first carefully studies all the details, and only then begins to make serious decisions.

A Rooster man in the boss's chair is not a very good option for subordinates. He is overly power-hungry and loves to criticize, and does not listen at all to the advice and recommendations of others. He believes that he knows everything better than others, and in the whole world you cannot find a better specialist than himself. It is simply impossible to dissuade him from naive and impractical goals, and his subordinates will have to deal with the consequences.

But if the Rooster man is an ordinary employee, then there will always be laughter and cheerful, lively communication in the team. Men born in the year of the Rooster love compliments and attention from others. They are susceptible to flattery, generous and always ready to help. They are observant and always ready to suggest a reasonable way to solve a problem. It is not surprising that many turn to them for help.

He begins his professional activity very early, because he is ambitious, self-confident and strives for independence. It is difficult to find a profession that a Rooster man cannot cope with. His hard work, diligence, determination, as well as administrative abilities, desire to command and manage help him achieve good results. The Rooster man is a talented organizer, careful and plans everything in advance. His desk is always in order, all things are in their place, and documents are kept in strict order.

In work, the Rooster man always tries to do more than he can and takes on tasks that exceed his strength. Therefore, the plans he has in mind are not always realized. In addition, the Rooster man is a famous braggart; he likes to show great expectations, but does not live up to them. Despite the obvious abundance of fresh ideas, he implements them very poorly. In everyday life it’s the same thing - a lot of ideas and no hope of realizing them.

The Rooster man approaches any work very responsibly, but avoids taking on unnecessary obligations. If necessary, he is able to help others, but he will do it in such a way that others will properly appreciate his action. At work, as a rule, he is valued and respected, although they are wary of his frankness and uncompromising nature in communicating with his superiors, as well as his reluctance to take on more than what is required by his position.

A man born in the year of the Rooster is characterized by sharp ups and equally sharp downs. In his life, streaks of success alternate with streaks of failure. His professional life is unstable and he often changes one profession to another, not thinking much about the future and living in the present moment.

As a rule, the Rooster man has a fairly flexible worldview that helps him cope with adversity and need, and financial success and career advancement are only companions to the growth of personal prestige. And for men born in the year of the Rooster, it is very important. They love to receive awards and medals.

However, almost every Rooster man sooner or later experiences one or more crises. This is the fate of most Roosters, since crises help them renew themselves internally. Starting everything from scratch, from the very beginning - this is the missionary role of the Rooster man. In addition, such an update makes it possible to try something unknown for yourself, to realize yourself in a new field. It can even be said that many Rooster men themselves subconsciously lay a time bomb under their projects.

Men born in the year of the Rooster rarely have big money. He does not know how to save money and invest it, and quickly spends everything he earns on household needs. But, if the Rooster man is still able to find his purpose and realize himself, then he can achieve good financial well-being. When it comes to work, the Rooster man hates routine and likes it to be accompanied by travel and a certain amount of independence.

He will be able to prove himself most effectively in professions related to organizing large meetings, corporate events, exhibitions, presentations, and competitions. In this area, most men born in the year of the Rooster turn into peacocks and create beauty salons, fashion collections, etc. They demonstrate their own brilliance and talent and help others realize themselves.

His favorite business will give him everything he dreams of: money, prestige, personal freedom and independence. He just needs to be the center of attention, a generator of ideas, and then he will be able to make his own career, which will help him open up in society. But if he does not have such ideas and an appropriate assistant, then he turns into a selfish, stubborn person, fixated on his own problems.

Many Rooster men love to chair meetings, demonstrating the ability to present themselves and express their opinions. And the Rooster is a good speaker. Therefore, the Rooster man is able to manifest himself most fully in the role of an intermediary between the audience and the speaker. He may be the best entertainer ever.

Feeling this, many men born in the year of the Rooster choose professions based on collective creativity. But it is worth remembering that he is more of a tactician than a strategist and rarely learns from his mistakes and generally does not learn lessons for the future.

For the Rooster man, both self-esteem and the assessment of others are very important; he wants to be the best in everything. Men born in the year of the Rooster try not to show such character weaknesses as uncertainty, weakness, timidity, which often visit them. They disguise them with eloquence, chic appearance, and tireless energy.

What Women Do Rooster Men Like?

1) Intelligent and graceful

Having good taste in fashion, Rooster men know how to dress up and are easily attracted to intelligent and graceful women, but do not like sloppy ones.

2) Diligent and thrifty women in housekeeping

For Rooster men, family is of great importance. They hope that their partners can also be family oriented so they can have something in common and feel like they are like-minded. Because of this, they like women who diligently and carefully run the household, and do not like those who take home a hotel.

Rooster Man - Personality Characteristics

The Rooster man is a very attractive and extraordinary personality. As a rule, he is well and expensively dressed, well-groomed and gallant.

The Rooster man can present himself well, takes care of his appearance, and often takes care of physical training that keeps his body in excellent shape. He loves to be the center of attention, especially from women, and entertain them with witty jokes.

Many women are simply delighted with him. And this is not surprising. After all, a bright, impressive and charming Rooster man knows what to say and when to say it in order to please women.

He struts around, spreading a magnetism that attracts and excites. But, unfortunately, the personal life of the Rooster man can be very stormy - for various reasons. According to the eastern horoscope, at a young age the Rooster man will not be able to create a happy family; only in his mature years is he able to find happiness.

It is worth noting that the Rooster man needs to always be in sight, in the center of attention, only then does he feel like a human being. He needs an exchange of energies. And when they forget about him, he feels bad, and he may even fall into a prolonged depression.

The Rooster man loves to command and hates to obey, either at work, among friends, or in the family. He considers himself right in all matters and his opinion is the ultimate truth. Entering into an argument with him is useless and even fraught with consequences. The Rooster man is not shy in his expressions, does not care about the feelings of others and can say whatever he wants to his face. Sometimes it’s easier to agree with him, otherwise he will start to get cocky and may cause a scandal.

The Rooster man loves to make comments to others (even to the point that he can tell a girl that this hairstyle makes her look old), but he himself does not tolerate criticism of himself and does not tolerate intrusion into his personal affairs. But, behind the narcissism of Roosters, deep complexes are sometimes hidden, which they carefully hide.

Most often, a man born in the year of the Rooster is well-read, well-educated and extremely proud of it. He is neat and organized and tries to carry a diary with him, where he writes down all his schedules, meeting dates and times, ideas and thoughts. Smart and attentive to detail, he likes to observe from the outside. Friends often turn to him for advice, because he can accurately predict a situation like no one else.

The Rooster man is trusting and childishly naive, so he is easy to deceive. And when he finds himself in an environment where he cannot command, he quickly falls into apathy. Some consider the Rooster man to be a classic bureaucrat. And this is not without reason. He plays it safe many times, so he delays solving the problem. This man is incapable of adequately assessing himself. He does not believe in his own strength, he lacks willpower, and he constantly fluctuates between high self-esteem and self-doubt, and doubts and hesitations are a loss of vital energy, which leads to failures.

Many of the men born in the year of the Rooster are great workers and strive to do more than they can do. They are active, active, and quite purposeful. And they understand that money does not fall into their beaks without difficulty. They must work, work and work again to ensure a decent life.

The Rooster's wealth accumulates grain by grain, gradually. To take big risks and win big, they lack the courage and scope of imagination. In addition, the Rooster, according to the eastern horoscope, is wasteful, he does not know how to stock up and most often spends everything he earns.

In the classic version, the Rooster man goes from poverty to wealth, from the most disgusting relationships in the family to ideal love. But his old age, as a rule, is prosperous and prosperous. Sooner or later, the Rooster man finds himself in life - he is still a gifted person.

How to win a Rooster man?

The Rooster is an incorrigible womanizer. But even such people are under control. How to win a Rooster man? This is very difficult, but if you manage to achieve what you want, then get ready for a quiet, comfortable life together. The only caveat: a marriage can only be cloudless with a mature Rooster. Young representatives of this sign prefer open relationships. And the actual presence of a stamp in the passport does not affect their choice.

Are you interested in how to win the Rooster? Don't limit his freedom. Jealousy is a bad adviser in the process of developing relationships. Another important nuance of communicating with the Rooster is the absence of demands on him. These include manifestations of feelings and proofs of love.

A woman who knows how to conquer a Rooster man will never demand from him bouquets of roses, candlelit dinners, or climbing on balconies. She understands very well that the chosen one, who is restrained in his feelings, would rather leave than succumb to “provocation.” To understand how to conquer the Rooster, you need to accept it with all its advantages and disadvantages.

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