What do they do in prison with rapists? What is the attitude towards rapists in the zone?

The zone lives by “concepts,” and, according to them, certain types of crimes are unacceptable. In particular, these include rape and pedophilia.

The life of those convicted under these articles in colonies is very difficult. They are daily forced to endure bullying and torture from fellow inmates who use the same methods of violence against them that they themselves previously used against their victims.

What they do in prison with rapists and pedophiles, and whether there is salvation for them from this hell - we’ll talk further.

Pre-trial detention center

Once the application is submitted, the process of bringing the perpetrator to justice begins. Given the gravity of the crime, the accused may await trial at home or in a pre-trial detention center.

In a pre-trial detention center, a person accused of charges of violence must be placed in a separate cell for more convenient work of the defense authorities and the prosecutor's office. But in practice, it is not customary to isolate a “status” person so that he can take part in the investigative work with greater zeal and begin to cooperate. Therefore, the convict is put in a general cell, where he undergoes “training,” that is, there he is simply beaten.

Court and stage

If the court decides that the accused is guilty, he is given a punishment and a place of imprisonment.

In practice, convicts are distributed according to the severity of the crime. If the period is short, the person may be left in a colony at his place of residence. If the guilt is serious, the convicted person is sent away to serve his punishment. This is justified for several reasons. Firstly, it reduces the possibility of a rebellion by the offender, and secondly, the relatives of the victim have less chance of taking revenge on the offender on their own.

The stage is the transportation of the convicted person to the place of serving his sentence.

How do they live without sex in conditions of isolation from society?

If the convicted person does not welcome same-sex sexual acts, masturbation and masturbation become a substitute. In the process, independent stimulation of the genital organs and erogenous zones occurs to obtain pleasure and orgasm. In women's colonies, improvised means are used for sexual satisfaction. Voyeurism is also suitable for self-satisfaction - spying on intimate processes (undressing, taking a shower).

How rapists are dealt with in prison and in the zone

Until the 90s, the laws of the criminal world were based on purity of thoughts. Theft and murder were considered elite activities in which there was no place for violence. This is a “noble” job, and it should not be disgraced by the senseless and useless mockery of the victim. In this regard, rapists were considered despicable members of society, not people, and were subjected to humiliation. The “lowering” occurred both on sexual grounds and in the form of a person’s psychological breakdown.

What awaits rapists in prison these days? By 2015, priorities had shifted slightly. Sexual acts involving force no longer have such a shameful status. Especially if the prisoner proved to his fellow inmates the “necessity of what he did” or the guilt of the victim. The status of pedophiles and people with a morbid craving for cruelty (maniacs) remains invariably low. In these cases, no excuses will be considered.

Rapists and pedophiles: punishment under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

According to current legislation, such crimes are classified as criminal acts committed against sexual freedom and integrity.

Art. 131 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation is called “Rape” and provides for liability for sexual contact with an adult partner, against his will, in the form of imprisonment for 3-6 years.

Rape of a minor child is punishable by 15 years in prison, and of a minor child by 20 years in prison.

When rape is an independent type of crime, it leaves an indelible mark on the psyche of a child or adult victim. But, more often than not, episodes of violence are associated with other types of crimes.

Most often, this is murder. Trying to hide evidence, criminals kill their victims after rape.

As soon as the verdict in the rapist's case comes into force, they begin to prepare for the stage. What awaits them at the end of this journey, when their cellmates learn the specifics of the act they committed, they certainly have no idea.

In the spotlight

So why don't they like rapists in prison? In the world of thieves' laws, violence has always been recognized as an dishonest thing.

Theft and murder are something completely different. They are committed exclusively in cold blood based on certain motives.

And using special harshness towards one’s victim, committing violence against a defenseless person is already a mental deviation. That is why other prisoners are wary of such new arrivals and administer their own justice to them.

Until a verdict is passed in cases of violence and pedophilia, such defendants are not touched in the pre-trial detention center.

In the colonies, no one likes to make mistakes, and no one is in a hurry to begin humiliating a person who may not be guilty at all. Therefore, while the trial is ongoing, the rapist defendant has nothing to fear.

There are cases when cellmates or observers get acquainted with the verdict of a newcomer and do not believe the information contained in it. But this happens extremely rarely. Usually the facts of violence are unconditionally proven, and the guilt of the defendant becomes undeniable.

As soon as the verdict in the case of violence comes into force, the convict will begin to be “lowered” . This can happen even in a pre-trial detention center if he does not have time to be transferred.

But even if he manages to get into the last departing carriage of the train along the stage, the same thing will await him already in the colony. He still won’t be able to hide his article.

Subtleties of prison laws

In each prison, a senior “supervisor” is selected from among the prisoners, as well as heads of the cells. The system is the same in zones and colonies. But the zones are divided into “red” and “black”. The “Reds” have the so-called cop (police) order, there are no “thieves watching”, and all decisions are made by the zone leadership. In the “blacks,” the official authorities do not have a special status; here everything is decided by thieves’ laws.

A new person is assigned status quite quickly. His determination is influenced by the reputation he earned in freedom, the article and personal behavior. They do not adhere to any strict laws, but decide in each case separately. Therefore, not only a rapist, but also a person who behaves incorrectly or is seen in “rat” actions can be “put down.”

“A carefully organized torture conveyor” Stories of people who served their sentences in OTB-1 of Saratov

18.09.2021 15:24

“We managed to remove from Russia and the CIS a man who had been serving a sentence for five years in one of the FSIN institutions. He is a programmer, he himself was beaten and tortured, and then they decided to use him as a professional,” Osechkin told the “That’s So” correspondent. – For five years, he had access to FSIN computers and video recorders at the OTB-1 security headquarters in Saratov.

The torture room in the local tuberculosis hospital operates under an agreement with the FSB; prisoners from all over the country can be transferred there formally for medical reasons. There are four categories of arrestees and prisoners who were beaten and raped there: if he is interested in testifying against a prominent opposition leader, billionaire, or major official; to subjugate any observer or position - so that he fulfills any whim of the operative. Even with extortion, how rich is this man? And by order from the outside: if enemies at large paid operatives 3-5 million rubles for organizing a rape on camera.”


"Lowered" and "roosters"

What do they do in prison with rapists? The “observers” find out the circumstances in detail and make decisions. If we are talking about violence against a woman, then a person has the opportunity to take advantage of exculpatory moments. This includes blackmail of an “insidious” mistress for the purpose of marriage, and revenge for infidelity and deception. Such stories are perceived with sympathy and justify the action.

What do they do in prison with male rapists? They are being "cocked". Homosexuality is strongly discouraged in criminal society. Here it is difficult for the convicted person to find an excuse, and he becomes a common “lover”.

It is necessary to define the difference, because “lowering” and “cocking” are not the same thing. "Down" may not be "cock". He sleeps by the bucket, cleans the cell, fulfills any whim of his cellmates, from telling fairy tales to spoon-feeding. This is a common slave, but he also has his own privileges. If the “low-down” person fulfills his duties well and conscientiously, he should not be beaten in vain and for no reason and have sex with him. You can even pet him like a pet and feed him good food. But you can’t shake his hand and eat from the same plate.

What do they do with rapists in the zone if they are “flogged out”? Such a person has his own responsibilities. This is the fulfillment of the owner's sexual desires. He may have one lover or everyone may use his services. If he has one owner, then the “rooster” can please him with fairy tales and foot massages, but he will not do this to others. He is not obliged to wash the bucket and clean up after his cellmates. This distribution is considered logical so as not to mix sex and human waste.

What do they do in prison with rapists and do they have a good life there? If a prisoner has proven his innocence according to the moral code of the “thieves,” then he has every chance of being considered a “muzhik,” that is, a respected person. If there is no way to prove that you were right, then you can always just brush it off. There are cases in history when a person carried a knife and simply did not allow the punishment group to approach him.

In any case, you should not hide either the article or the motives. Prison is no longer an isolated society and truthful information can be obtained easily and quickly. In this case, deception is not forgiven. Unless during the period of verification the rapist has proven himself to be the best in front of the beholder and his fellow inmates.

What's happening in the colonies?

Human rights activists are sounding the alarm: despite seemingly strict control and calls for the introduction of “transparency” in the affairs of prisoners, barbaric methods continue to be used in some colonies to maintain order and keep a large mass of people in line. Moreover, women suffer no less than men.

The most common torture and abuse of women prisoners in modern Russia are as follows.

  1. Cold punishment cell. The guilty woman is sent to a punishment cell. This is a cold and very small room, in which there is often not even a stool, let alone a bed. Women are deprived of food and hygiene items; when trying to sleep, they are woken up by sound signals or kicks; they are raped or beaten with batons or tarpaulin boots.
  2. Torture with an electric shocker. Electric current causes noticeable pain, but leaves no marks. This is what the colony employees take advantage of. Moreover, they bring the stun gun to the most sensitive female places:
      Genital organs.
  3. Nipples.
  4. Face.
  5. Tied to bed. This method is used for violent prisoners or women who refuse to eat. They are tied to the beds in the shape of a “star” - with their arms and legs stretched out in different directions. Ordinary ropes are used, which cut into the skin and not only cause suffering, but also leave poorly healing marks. This torture lasts for hours: women are not allowed to get up even to go to the toilet.
  6. Water torture. Water is used quite often. This is dousing in the cold. The victim is not allowed to warm up, is sent back to the cold chamber, and after a few hours is doused again. Heat in a container. A small basin is enough, into which liquid is poured and the victim’s face is dipped over and over again. When she starts to choke, they pull her out, let her breathe, and then dip her in again.
  7. Torture by insomnia. The convict is placed in solitary confinement and is not allowed to sleep. The light in the cell is constantly on, and the guard looks through the door peephole from time to time, and if the woman has her eyes closed at that moment, she is rewarded with pokes or a blow with a baton. The case often ends in fainting.

Child abuse

Pedophilia is not forgiven and is not justified by anything. There is little sacred in the criminal world, but children and mother are sacred concepts. What do they do to child rapists in prison? They are killed in both the “red” and “black” zones. According to the concepts, such people should not leave the place of detention. They are not “cocked” or “put down”: if guilt is proven, they will not live.

By law, rapists and maniacs must be kept in isolated confinement. But in any case, the heads of the zones and the “thieves” will find a way to get rid of the unnecessary element. “Remove” can be “accidentally” during transportation, justifying this as a necessary measure when trying to escape. And at the place of imprisonment an “accident” may occur.

But if the guilt of a maniac or rapist is proven by a court and the article is enough for a death sentence among fellow inmates, then pedophilia still needs to be proven or disproved.

Payback from punishment

Naturally, the maniac will not be able to buy his way out of the official verdict. However, far worse than a prison term is lynching carried out by fellow inmates. If the guilt of a pedophile or maniac has not yet been proven, then he can buy immunity for himself. Of course, such status is not cheap, and the amount is determined individually, taking into account the “track record” of the criminal. But in most cases we are talking about tens of thousands of dollars.

If the rapist is subsequently transferred to another colony, he will have to pay off again. Previous agreements are not taken into account in this case. In addition, it is not a fact that the new cellmates will agree to grant immunity to the killer.

Another option is possible when, after receiving the money, the rapist begins to be bullied, ignoring all agreements.

Justification for pedophilia in prison

Modern guardianship authorities and parents of teenagers sometimes reach the point of insanity in their educational zeal. If a convict proves in prison that he was imprisoned because he kissed his daughter on the cheek or slapped her bottom so that she would not be capricious, they do not touch him and treat him with sympathy. They also believe the stories that he was seduced in a club by a girl with makeup, but her passport turned out to be underage, and her parents filed a lawsuit.

The risk group includes physical education teachers and trainers, as well as heads of studios and clubs. In the modern world, pedophilia is a fear and a disease of society. Therefore, in 80% of cases, litigation is simply hysteria. But suspects under this article are most often convicted, even if there is no direct evidence.

What happens to child rapists in prison while fellow inmates are trying to determine whether the convict is guilty or not? They are beaten. Until proven innocence, those convicted of pedophilia are beaten by anyone who wants to. They can defend themselves to a certain extent. That is, you can close yourself, but you shouldn’t cause significant harm to the beating people. In this case, you may not wait for an acquittal from the outside and be “lowered” without the right to return to the “men.”

We looked at how rapists are treated in prison. They are beaten always and everywhere, in the pre-trial detention center, at the stage and in the zone. This is called "training". Often, cellmates do not wait for evidence or a court decision and “release” suspects already in the pre-trial detention center.

What do they do with rapists in the zone and how does “lowering” happen? There are many fantasies on this topic. They can put underwear on a person’s head, smear feces or a member on the lips while sleeping, dip them in a bucket, and so on. If you were “let go” while still in the pre-trial detention center, then you can’t hide in the zone that you are “got down”. Because in the zone they may mistake such a person for a “man” (respected), shake hands, drink from the same mug, and when it turns out that he was a “lower”, then everyone who touched him will also be considered “lowered” . For such deception they are immediately killed.

Real stories


“After I was convicted, I ended up in cell 147. It was a “common fund” in which about forty people sat. Convicts are not put in tees. On the same day, a young guy, no older than 18 years old, was put in a cell. He looked about 13 years old. He was sentenced to ten years. Because he allegedly raped someone. The attention of all the inmates of this cell fell on him. After all, rapists are not respected in prison. But he was clearly in great shock from his verdict. On the verge of hysteria.

The observer began to find out the circumstances. It was necessary to decide where to place the boy. Most of the prisoners imprisoned for rape are transferred to roosters, or become devils. The guy gave his sentence for study. By the way, it’s surprising that authoritative people who have no faith in garbage even really believe all sorts of official papers, sentences, conclusions, and so on. Especially when there is no rooster in the cell, but you want affection.

Depends, of course, on the adequacy of those watching. In this particular case, the matter was clearly done with white thread. According to the papers, he raped two girls in two hours. It was in the entrance of a sixteen-story building. He came to a friend’s house, dragged her and her friend into the entrance, and raped her on the staircase. Then in the elevator, then in the attic, and even on the roof of the house. While raping one girl, he held the second girl by the legs with his hands so that she would not run away, then he changed them, had the second one, and held the first one by the legs. According to the description, he came at least a dozen times. Well, a sexy super giant right there.

He did not look the same as the prosecutor presented him. According to him, the girls decided to punish him for something. He had met the first one before, but didn’t even know the second one. But the victims were believed unconditionally. The opera messed with his brains, and he blabbed a lot of unnecessary things. And no matter what they said at the trial later, no matter how stupid and confused the girls were, nothing helped.

If the guy had money, then in the worst case he would have received a conditional sentence, or maybe this moronic business would have been closed altogether. But there was no money, my parents were poor.

At first it was painful to look at him in the cell; he looked so pitiful. At the meeting it was decided that there was nothing to punish him for, and let him live as best he can.

After some time, a miracle happened, and the sentence was canceled and he was given only three years.”


“Most likely, you’ve heard what prisoners do in prison with those who have committed rape? But I personally saw this several times live and I’ll tell you - it’s not the most pleasant sight.

I sat several times, not very long. At first, as soon as you enter the cell, according to prison customs, you will be given the article under which you are charged. If a person lies about his article and others find out about it, he will be in trouble. It’s not difficult to find out about this; many people have connections with the head of the prison, the head of security, etc. This incident happened before my eyes.

A new prisoner was moved into the cell. She lied about her article, saying that she was a burglar, knowing what they would do to him if they found out that he was in jail for rape. It all quickly came to light and he was stabbed to death right in his cell. Another rapist told the truth, probably because he didn’t know the consequences.

They immediately put him down and began to mock him. The next day he was made a rooster. The whole cell had it, except for me and several other prisoners. And he cried and begged, but nothing worked, they adhered to the prison laws and the one who was supposed to become a rooster became one.”


How are rapists treated in prison if the sexual acts without the woman's consent do not have a valid reason? If an action is not justified by anything other than the painful satisfaction of one’s desires, there can be no sympathy or redemption. Along with pedophiles, a maniac is considered the most unnecessary person. The hatred for such people is such that they usually do not even live to see trial. A case was recorded in the Perm region when, in one case, 4 suspects were arrested in turn and they were all killed by their cellmates while still in the pre-trial detention center.

Prison is life

It doesn’t matter what a person was convicted for, there are just people in prison. Each of them has its own time and trouble. You cannot judge places of detention based on films and books. Among the criminals there are both normal people and not so normal people, everything is just like in life. The only caution can be only one: do not trust anyone. There are no “good” ones there. If someone suddenly starts caring about your well-being, then this is a catch. You cannot have close friendships with anyone. Firstly, they establish friendly relations with new people in order to set them up later, and secondly, if the “friend” is let down, then you are also included in the company.

What they do with rapists in prison, only someone who has served a sentence can answer for sure. But such people usually do not blog or write articles, and do not like to be frank. Therefore, we have to trust oral stories through second hands.

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