Real case: what to do if you were paid with a counterfeit bill?
Do you know what's in your wallet? It would seem that money and money, nothing
Methods of forging documents. Main signs of document forgery (complete forgery)
General signs that indicate a complete falsification of a document for both methods: § do not hold up
Screen printing and silk-screen printing are methods that allow you to create fairly high-quality fakes
Qualification of sales of counterfeit banknotes through ATMs
1. Manufacturing for the purpose of selling counterfeit bank notes of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, metal coins,
Statute of limitations for fraud
What is the statute of limitations for investigating fraud?
The statute of limitations for fraud is a period of time that determines the period for bringing a person to action
Methods of misleading the court and responsibility for these actions
The plaintiff, as an interested party, and the court, as a guarantor of respect for the rights of citizens, are equally interested in
Why do parents lose their temper?
The child is beaten by his parents. How can a teacher help?
About 60% of Russians, according to the survey, consider it possible to physically punish children for disobedience. But that's it
What amount is considered a particularly large amount of fraud?
Responsibility for fraud, which is a criminal act, is defined in Article No. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
Aggravated murder and liability under the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
When a person dies, the lives of his loved ones are irreversibly changed. Murder is the most serious crime of all
Article 230. Inducement to use narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues
1. Inducement to consume narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances or their analogues - punishable by restriction
How does the business of scammers who call as if from a bank work?
How this type of fraud works The scammers' goal is to take your money. For this
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