How a child is replaced in maternity hospitals and how to hold them accountable
For many, switching children in a maternity hospital looks like the plot of a detective novel. However, as it turned out,
They want to introduce a criminal article for sexual harassment in the Republic of Kazakhstan. We analyze the new bill
Kazakhstan intends to toughen punishment for crimes of a sexual nature. President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev on the eve
Can bailiffs seize maternity capital? Fraud, review of judicial practice
The state is trying to support young families. The Family Capital Institute has helped many people find a new home and
Fraud in the Russian Federation
How to spot fraud and report it to the police
Fraud in the Russian Federation is considered an economic crime provided for in Article 159 of the Criminal Code, which consists of misappropriation
Exemption from liability for economic crimes due to the statute of limitations
Exemption from liability for economic crimes due to the statute of limitations
Time limits in Russia According to Article 78 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, a person who has committed a crime is exempt from
Indirect methods of influence
They bully you at work, your boss is a tyrant and a tyrant - what should you do?
Mobbing, bullying, bossing... These mysterious words mean just different options organized by one or
What to do if parents beat a child? Where to contact? What is the penalty for beating children? Read our article
Great analysis. I hear that my neighbor's child is constantly crying and asking for help. What to do?
Family, motherhood and childhood are under state protection, this provision is reflected in the Main
Insanity in criminal law
“Declared insane”: medical and legal criteria for insanity in criminal proceedings
In order to objectively assess the degree of guilt of the defendant in a criminal case and assign a proportionate
procedure and time frame for consideration of a complaint by the prosecutor's office
Consideration and resolution of applications, complaints and other appeals by the prosecutor's office
The main task of the prosecutor's office is to protect the rights and freedoms of citizens. But in order for the body in question to provide
telephone terrorism article of the Russian Criminal Code
What punishment does the article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation provide for “telephone terrorism”?
The essence of the question First, you need to figure out what a “telephone number” actually is.
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