“Prevent suicide” Interview with the head of the “Emergency Psychological Helpline” 051 on how to help a person

Crisis counseling, which includes help with suicide prevention, is one of the main areas of work of telephone 051. Psychologists help Muscovites who are in a state of crisis around the clock. On World Suicide Prevention Day, Lyubov Ternevskaya, head of the Moscow branch of the Moscow Psychological Assistance Service “Telephone for Emergency Psychological Assistance to the Population,” told Lenta.ru about how a person who decides to commit suicide thinks and behaves, what his loved ones can do and why it is important listen to what grandparents say.

Often, suicide seems to be the only way out of an intolerable situation, a way to resolve a life problem, dilemma, obligation or hopeless situation. Crisis calls are associated with intense and prolonged stress. Most often they contain some kind of loss and can threaten serious damage or physical destruction. Under severe stress, a person feels his own helplessness: his usual image of himself is disrupted, he does not see his future future. At some point he may not control himself.

A man speaks out his pain

“Lenta.ru”: How does crisis counseling work over the phone when there is no visual contact?

Lyubov Ternevskaya: On the one hand, the telephone allows people located at a great distance from each other to communicate. This is a big plus because a person can quickly contact a psychologist. On the other hand, there is no visual contact over the phone, but thanks to this the person increases the verbalization of the situation he is experiencing. In essence, a person speaks out his pain, and it becomes easier for him. He describes his state, intention, and gradually his feeling of anxiety decreases. He begins to take control of his situation, begins to hear and see, as if from the outside, constructive and safe options for solving his problem.

The effect of “limited communication” increases the consistency, internal organization and systematic nature of the psychotherapeutic conversation, making it more structured and logical. Although the telephone allows communication over a considerable distance, the person and the therapist are in a certain sense close to each other, their voices sound in close proximity to each other. This property of telephone communication promotes the rapid formation of trust in a conversation and facilitates the inclusion of deeply personal problems in a therapeutic discussion.

How does a psychologist understand that a person wants to commit suicide? Are there any first signs from the conversation?

Suicidal calls are calls associated with experiencing a crisis, mental suffering, the way out of which is seen in death as deliverance. Suicidality is expressed by the thought: “I can stop this pain, I can commit suicide.” Consciousness accepts suicide as the only possible solution to a problem or situation. There is a “suicide threat assessment scale” that is used in telephone counseling. There are factors that increase the degree of suicidal risk: young or old age, male gender, isolation, chronic illness, hallucinatory depression or intoxication. During the conversation, the psychologist finds out this.

In addition, increased suicidal risk can be seen in some of the statements made by the person on the other end: for example, “I am thinking about suicide,” “It would be better to die,” “I don’t want to live anymore.” Plus indirect statements, for example: “You won’t have to worry about me anymore,” “I’m tired of everything,” or “They’ll be sorry when I leave.”

Photo: Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Moscow

Qualifying features

The article regarding this crime against the person and life of a person was supplemented with qualifying criteria quite recently.
Federal Law No. 120 of June 7, 2021 supplemented this rule of law with a second part, namely Article 110 received qualifying characteristics. The legislation has tightened the punishment for this crime in the following cases:

  • the subject of the injured party is a minor, a helpless person or dependent on the perpetrator;
  • deliberate incitement to suicide of pregnant women or young mothers;
  • committing an act against a group of persons with a temporary interval or in a synchronous manner;
  • Preliminary conspiracy or criminal acts were committed by a group of persons who were previously organized and agreed on this offense, which, in turn, is an aggravating factor.

The commission of a crime during public speeches, when demonstrating certain material evidence on the Internet or in the media, is separately considered.

Establish a trusting contact

Can a person remain anonymous if they are talking about suicide?

Anonymity is the first and most obvious feature of work in telephone psychological counseling. Maintaining anonymity strengthens a person's sense of security, reduces feelings of vulnerability and anxiety, and also increases trust when discussing personal and intimate problems.

Anonymity of contact can provoke greater frankness and trust on the part of the person. Telephone psychologists, as a rule, work in the reality drawn by the caller. At the same time, some hypotheses are still tested, sometimes with direct questions, sometimes indirect. The risk of suicidality is assessed and if found to be high, the person is asked to provide their location.

What makes people most often think about suicide?

People consider suicide for a variety of reasons. Thus, acute reactions arise during interpersonal conflicts, which are usually sudden and unexpected for a person. For example, family breakdown, adultery, unfair, abusive attitude of one of the spouses or romantic partner. Such a reason may be the irreversible, sudden loss of a significant person: the death of a child, spouse, or parent. Strong and prolonged negative emotions often lead to thoughts of suicide: anxiety, restlessness, melancholy, resentment, feelings of inadequacy, helplessness, loneliness.

Who should be responsible for children: the state or parents?

Elena Sutormina, head of the monitoring Russian Peace Foundation, voices her position. “Of course, today we need to protect children online. However, we should talk not only about government services, but also about the parent community and teachers. According to our data, only 7 percent of parents, for example, consider the threat of cyberbullying to be serious, and it can also become one of the prerequisites for a teenager to commit suicide. The state alone will not be able to cope in this case; it is extremely important to educate the parent and pedagogical audience on methods for identifying warning signs and action algorithms.

Photo: Shutterstock

It must be said that government agencies have done a lot over the past few years. So, in particular, this year Law No. 530 finally came into force, which obliges social networks to remove dangerous content. And we see that from January to September, Roskomnadzor blocked more than 427 thousand materials with prohibited content, which dealt with drugs, propaganda of suicide and child pornography. This is 42 percent more than the same period in 2021. Of course, this work needs to be strengthened, and such content should be blocked more actively, but it is important that people who directly work with children do not shift all responsibility to the state, and that they themselves are also vigilant and promptly draw the attention of relevant departments to dangerous content.”

In conjunction with rescue services

What city services do you interact with if there is a real threat of suicide?

The job of a psychological consultant is to “hear” a person, support him and help him understand the situation. If necessary, invite him for a face-to-face consultation at one of the structural divisions of the Moscow Service for Psychological Assistance to the Population. Since 2021, we have been cooperating with emergency services using a single number “112”. If the psychological operator understands that a person at the other end of the line needs immediate help, a rescue team, ambulance, police or firefighters arrive at the scene. In turn, Sistema-112 specialists notify psychologists about every suicide attempt and call “051” in cases where a person asks for psychological help.

How many people have sought help related to suicidal thoughts this year? Does self-isolation increase the risk of suicidal thoughts?

During this year, 557 people came to us with suicidal thoughts or feelings. This represents 2.1 percent of the total number of consultations. By gender, there are 190 men and 367 women. But women generally seek psychological help more often. In men, psychological support, unfortunately, is associated with weakness.

A lot of calls come in during long holidays or when high-profile events are covered in the media. The high-risk period is the weekend: many people work during weekdays, attend school, mental health day care, or participate in therapy programs. Monday may also be a high-risk day for people who are not working, whose family or friends go to work, leaving them alone for the coming week. Self-isolation is also a difficult test for people, especially lonely people whose contacts are already too small: going to the clinic, shopping, walking the dog, and so on. Feelings of isolation, abandonment, confinement, abandonment can provoke feelings of hopelessness and hopelessness.

Photo: Adrian Swancar / Unsplash

What is being done now

Dangerous content penetrating the network is monitored by several authorities. Roskomnadzor is entrusted with monitoring and removing inappropriate publications from sites and pages. In order to increase the effectiveness of protection, the regulator plans to introduce artificial intelligence technologies. Subordinate to the RKN, the Main Radio Frequency Center plans to launch a system for searching for illegal content in images and videos on the Internet (pornography, drug propaganda, calls for suicide and other harmful topics) in 2022.

The above figures show that the tactics chosen by the state are bringing results. In September, the Alliance for the Protection of Children Online was created in Russia, which included the following: Mail.ru Group, as well as Gazprom-Media Holding, Rostelecom, MegaFon, National Media Group, Kaspersky Lab and others . Their task is to identify illegal content that can lead to harm to the development, health and life of children, and to limit access to it. Alliance participants will exchange developments and solutions.

Oleg Dolgitsky, a medical and forensic psychologist, believes that “censorship is one of the functions of the state, so it is important that there are restrictions on such content. In addition, it would be a good idea to limit children from accessing such content, as it may pose a risk in a crisis in general. In my opinion, Roskomnadzor’s work is being carried out quite effectively, since on social networks and on anonymous imageboards at the moment even the users themselves are afraid to post such content. This is the most obvious sign of effectiveness. It’s no secret that ten years ago, content of a wide variety of content was as freely available as possible. Today, finding it is becoming much harder. Again, the fact that the users themselves are afraid to post it suggests that the system works.”

The perceived permissiveness on the Internet provokes both creators and consumers of illegal content. While the former are pursuing dubious or real benefits, the latter, often due to their age, are not even aware that their own lives can be the bargaining chip in this “game.” The state, of course, is obliged to act as a filter and block this kind of information. But society itself does not have the right to remain indifferent: being aware of the problem and adequately responding to information poison and the consequences of its spread is a modern necessity for every civilized person in any country in the world.

With a teenager you need to keep your eyes open

The school year has begun and many children are feeling stressed. How can a parent understand that a teenager is up to something wrong?

If a child is under extreme stress, his behavior will change. He develops isolation, apathy, and a reluctance to do things that previously brought him pleasure. Irritability, tearfulness, aggression may occur, and psychosomatic manifestations may arise or worsen. One way or another, such “bells” should alert an attentive parent. In a conversation, phrases may be heard about reluctance to do anything, about extreme fatigue, about the meaninglessness of existence, about reluctance to live.

?? If a parent notices these changes, what should they do?

A parent must be attentive to the teenager’s condition. It is very difficult, but it is so important to maintain the most calm attitude towards what is happening. Find an opportunity to talk, listen, give examples of your own overcoming difficulties. In such a situation, the help of a psychologist is needed to help the teenager cope with a difficult situation. For this purpose, helplines operate in Moscow. A child, teenager and parent can always call the number and receive qualified assistance from a specialist. Or contact us at number 051.

Photo: Andrik Langfield / Unsplash

Commentary on Article 110 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

Commentary edited by Rarog A.I.

1. The law does not disclose the content of the threat or limit it to any scope. Therefore, we can say that the nature of the threat can be very different: the threat of physical violence, restriction or imprisonment, deprivation of livelihood, dismissal, etc. Threats can be repeated or isolated in nature.

2. Cruel treatment of the victim is expressed in beatings, torture, bodily harm, deprivation of food, warmth, housing, restriction of freedom, etc.

3. Systematic humiliation of the human dignity of the victim occurs when the perpetrator cynically treats the victim, humiliates his personal dignity, evilly mocks his shortcomings, mocks him, disseminates information that disgraces him, etc. Moreover, these facts should not be isolated, but systematic.

4. A mandatory sign of the objective side of this crime is the victim’s suicide or attempted suicide. Attempted suicide refers to the actions of the victim directly aimed at taking his own life: shooting, stabbing, taking poison, etc. Preparatory actions, expression of intention to commit suicide are not yet sufficient for criminal liability. A causal relationship must be established between the behavior of the perpetrator and the specified consequence.

5. In cases of the perpetrator committing other crimes (slander, causing harm to health, coercion to commit acts of a sexual nature, etc.), qualification is made on a cumulative basis.

6. The subjective side of the crime can be expressed in the form of intentional guilt.

7. The subject of the crime is a person who has reached the age of 16 years.

What responsibilities are provided?

The maximum sentence for the crime is from two to six years or forced labor for up to seven years. In addition, punishment may be provided in the form of a ban on holding any position for up to seven years.

Important! If the crime was committed by so-called “death groups” or other organizations prepared for it, then a more severe punishment is imposed for the act: a prison term of 8 to 15 years or restriction of freedom for up to 2 years. This punishment may be accompanied by a ban on certain activities for up to ten years.

The same second part of Article 110 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation will be applied if the act is directed against a person under the age of majority, against a pregnant woman, 2 or more people, in a public format.

Suicide trends

According to statistics, there are gender variations in suicide. Men turn to suicide as a way to “solve problems” twice as often as women, both in groups with diagnosed mental disorders and in groups of healthy people. The most common mental disorders are depression and schizophrenia. The greatest risk of suicide is observed among those who have already attempted suicide before.

Although mental health services are recommended for high-risk people who have already attempted suicide, it should be kept in mind that psychotherapeutic services will have the greatest preventative effect if they are provided before the suicide attempt. When considering the problem of suicide, the most successful are preventive measures and timely treatment of mental disorders.

Composition of the crime and criminal liability

It will be interesting to know that Article 110 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation defines incitement to suicide as a serious crime; if a person who is on the verge of dying calls the police and gives the name of his tormentor, the criminal law will not impute Article 110. The main qualifying feature of the crime is the actual attempt suicide or suicide itself. That is, in order for the culprit to be punished, the victim must also commit suicide after the call in order for the case to be classified as above. Unfortunately, the police are not involved in suicide prevention.

The article on suicide has many subtleties, for example, if one person knows that another person has committed a crime and threatens him to write a statement to the police, and the second person becomes a suicide himself, the first will not be judged under this article. Also, people who drove a young child or an insane, mentally ill person to suicide will not be liable under Article 110. In this case, the charge will be for murder. The same article is charged if a person does not want to say goodbye to life, but the attacker forced him, that is, under the threat of physical harm, forced him to put a noose around his neck or take another, decisive action.

Special attention should be paid to the procedure for investigating this crime. Each case requires careful examination, because three versions always arise - pure suicide, staging (the person wanted to scare someone and died as a result), the result of incitement

The following points will help to prove that suicide is “not pure”:

  1. Graphological examination. Very often, suicides leave a farewell note; this note can be written by the hand of the criminal who drove the person to death. The note can be written by the person himself or taken from dictation. The examination will allow us to determine these points and give the investigation direction for subsequent actions.
  2. Witnesses. Almost always, if there were disputes and scandals, there will be eyewitnesses to this who will confirm that the deceased was tense or upset due to a specific situation. The investigator will only have to find and interrogate the culprit of the conflict.
  3. An autopsy always provides a huge list of information and evidence. If there were regular beatings, their traces will remain. If sexual violence was present, then finding evidence of this will not be difficult. The same applies to attempts to escape from the offender - broken nails, signs of a fight and resistance.

Relatives of the suicide victim can also report forced suicide. The investigator is obliged to interview them all and compare the available facts. Quite often, the answer to the question that interests everyone about the reason for death can be found by interviewing the close circle of the suicide.

Article 110 for incitement to suicide implies a maximum sanction of imprisonment for five years. For the same period, the offender may be sentenced to forced labor, as well as restriction of freedom.

Proving suicide is a long and complex process; it is not always possible for close relatives of a suicide to bring his offender to justice. The judge takes into account not only the fact of suicide, but also the actions of the alleged offender - not always his actions could actually provoke suicidal thoughts in the victim. For example, in judicial practice there was a case when a child threw himself under an electric train because the teacher from time to time forced him to clean the classroom and insulted him. Several boys of classmates confirmed that the teacher was “sharp-tongued” and often stooped to humiliation. The judge gave the teacher a suspended sentence and a ban on engaging in educational activities, because he did not consider that the teacher’s goal was precisely to induce suicide. Such an impact took place not only on a particular boy, but on all students, that is, the woman could not cope with her responsibilities.

It is known that the best way to avoid a crime is to prevent it. Try to always keep in touch with your loved ones, talk to children, especially teenagers, and let them understand that any problem is completely solvable. Both adults and children need to remember that it is necessary to always resist both psychological and physical violence, this is the only way to avoid the fate of a victim of forced suicide.

Lawyer's defense

  • Lawyer for the suspect
  • Lawyer for the accused
  • Lawyer for the victim
  • Lawyer for witness
  • Lawyer for the defendant
  • Lawyer for a convicted person
  • A lawyer at the stage of verification in accordance with Art. Art. 144-145 Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation
  • Defense in cases of crimes against life and health
  • Lawyer under Art. 105 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Murder
  • Lawyer under Art. 108 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Murder in excess of necessary defense
  • Lawyer under Art. 109 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Causing death by negligence
  • Lawyer under Art. 110, 110.1, 110.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Incitement to suicide
  • Lawyer under Art. 111 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Causing grievous harm to health
  • Lawyer under Art. 112 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Causing moderate harm to health
  • Lawyer under Art. 114 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Causing harm to health by exceeding the necessary defense
  • Lawyer under Art. 115 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Intentional infliction of minor harm to health
  • Defense in cases of crimes against freedom, honor and dignity of the individual
  • Lawyer under Art. 126 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Kidnapping
  • Lawyer under Art. 127 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Illegal deprivation of liberty
  • Defense in cases of crimes against sexual integrity
  • Lawyer under Art. 131 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Rape
  • Lawyer under Art. 132 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Violent acts of a sexual nature
  • Defense in cases of crimes against the constitutional rights and freedoms of man and citizen
  • Lawyer under Art. 138.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Illegal trafficking in special technical means intended for secretly obtaining information
  • Lawyer under Art. 145.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Non-payment of wages
  • Defense in cases of crimes against family and minors
  • Lawyer under Art. 150 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Involvement of a minor in the commission of a crime
  • Lawyer under Art. 151.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Sale of alcohol to minors
  • Defense in cases of crimes against property
  • Lawyer under Art. 158 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Theft
  • Lawyer under Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Fraud
  • Lawyer under Art. 161 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Robbery
  • Lawyer under Art. 162 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Robbery
  • Lawyer under Art. 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Extortion
  • Lawyer under Art. 166 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Theft
  • Lawyer under Art. 167 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Destruction or damage to property
  • Defense in cases of crimes in the sphere of economic activity
  • Lawyer under Art. 171 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Illegal entrepreneurship
  • Lawyer under Art. 171.4 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Illegal sale of alcoholic beverages
  • Lawyer under Art. Art. 174 and 174.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Cashing out, cashing out, legalization (laundering) of funds
  • Defense in cases of crimes against the interests of the service in commercial and other organizations
  • Lawyer under Art. Art. 201 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, 201.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and 202 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Abuse of power
  • Lawyer under Art. 204 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Commercial bribery
  • Defense in cases of crimes against public safety
  • Lawyer under Art. 213 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Hooliganism
  • Lawyer under Art. 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Illegal trafficking in weapons and ammunition
  • Lawyer under Art. 226.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Smuggling of potent, poisonous, poisonous, explosive substances and weapons
  • Defense in cases of crimes against public health and public morals
  • Lawyer under Art. 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Drugs
  • Lawyer under Art. 234 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Illicit trafficking in potent substances
  • Lawyer under Art. 241 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Organization of prostitution
  • Defense for environmental crimes
  • Lawyer under Art. 260 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Illegal felling of forest plantations
  • Defense in cases of crimes against traffic safety and transport operation
  • Lawyer under Art. 264 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Road accidents with victims
  • Lawyer under Art. 264.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Driving while intoxicated
  • Defense in cases of computer crimes
  • Lawyer under Art. 272 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Unlawful access to computer information
  • Defense in cases of crimes against the foundations of the constitutional order and state security
  • Lawyer under Art. 282 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Inciting hatred or enmity
  • Defense in cases of crimes against state power
  • Lawyer under Art. 285 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Abuse of official powers
  • Lawyer under Art. 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Exceeding official powers
  • Lawyer under Art. 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Receiving a bribe
  • Lawyer under Art. 291 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Giving a bribe
  • Defense in cases of crimes against justice
  • Lawyer under Art. 304 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Provocation of a bribe or commercial bribery
  • Lawyer under Art. 315 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Failure to comply with a court decision
  • Defense in cases of crimes against management order
  • Lawyer under Art. 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Forgery, production or sale of counterfeit documents
  • Lawyer under Art. 330 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Arbitrariness
  • Defense in cases of crimes against military service
  • Lawyer under Art. 335 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Violation of the statutory rules of relationships
  • Lawyer under Art. 337 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Unauthorized abandonment of a unit or place of service
  • Defense in cases of crimes against the peace and security of mankind
  • Lawyer under Art. 354.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation Rehabilitation of Nazism


The current law provides for certain actions related to the objective side.

The Russian legislator in the criminal law of the RSFSR referred to such actions in particular:

  • cruelty to a person;
  • humiliation of personal dignity, provided that such actions are systematic.

The characteristics of the composition today provide that it also includes threats. They can manifest themselves in different ways. Incitement to suicide is classified as such, regardless of what the perpetrator threatened the victim with. Evidence may indicate that the threats were associated with harm to health, termination of employment relationships, disclosure of secrets kept by the victim, and so on. The object is the life of another person.

The behavior in question will be punished if the content of the threats is established, as well as their repetition and duration.

Even a minor threat can cause the death of a person if it has the nature of bullying.

An analysis of current practice suggests that not every threat will be considered as a method used to drive a person to kill himself. A mandatory feature is the multiplicity of threats expressed.

Incitement to suicide under the article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation does not provide for the commission of the actions in question on a systematic basis. It is required to establish that the goal of the perpetrator was to bring the victim to death. Judicial experience in such cases indicates humiliation of the individual, which is systematic. It most often consists of reporting the victim of false information, insults of a permanent nature, etc.

An objective sign of this act is suicide. An attempt to commit such an act may also be included in the offense. The wording of the law indicates that the action will end only at this moment. The composition is not formed when a person only expresses intentions regarding his death, and also writes suicide notes and performs other similar actions. The article of the Criminal Code requires the establishment of a causal relationship between the consequences that occurred and the activities of the perpetrators.

The corpus delicti of a criminal offense will not occur if the victim committed the murder as a result of another person performing lawful actions.

The current hypothesis indicates that the type of threat does not matter; it can be either expressed orally or written on paper. There will be no change in qualifications even in the case where the suicide person receives a threat in an anonymous or open form.

An article talking about incitement to suicide indicates cruel treatment of a person. Such actions may go beyond the scope of the norm under consideration, since they form an independent criminal act. Data on this type of relationship must be confirmed in the materials.

In practice, these include:

  • placement in a psychiatric hospital;
  • deprivation of a person's freedom without legal grounds;
  • when a person is not given water or food and the like.

The subjective attribute of the act in question can be represented by one of the forms of intent; the legislator does not place special emphasis on it. In this case, the psychological moment is important, for example, if the culprit wants death to occur, then he acts with direct intent; if he only allows such a result in his consciousness, then it is indirect.

The commentary suggests that the subject of the acts is a citizen who has reached the age of sixteen. The perpetrator may also be the one on whom the victim depends. Dependence is of a material, service or other nature. When an official persuaded a victim to jump from a height, resulting in death, then this action is assessed according to a set of standards. Articles 110 and 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation will be used.

A grave consequence of committing the actions reflected in Articles 285 and 286 is a suicidal act or an attempt to commit one. An offense is assessed in its entirety if it is committed through actions that are part of a separate offense.

This category of cases falls under the jurisdiction of the Investigative Committee.

The possibility of committing an act through negligence is allowed, then the liability of the guilty person is excluded. If the suicide is a child or an insane person, then the act will be considered as causing death indirectly and is subject to assessment under Article 105 of the Criminal Code

In practice, situations arise when a person needs to physically perform such an action. In this case, the legislator says that the victim is deprived of the opportunity to express his will. This action is assessed as murder.

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