“Hello dear. let’s have a little fun on Skype”: how men are scammed and blackmailed

Skype is an amazingly convenient thing. Just a couple of clicks, and now you are calmly chatting with a friend who moved to live on another continent, or with a granny who lives in another region. And all this is free (in addition to paying for the services of the Internet provider, of course). In general, very convenient.

But some manage not only to communicate, but also to earn money, as it turns out. And now we are not talking about online tutoring, for example, or various consultations, no. This refers to video blackmail on Skype.

Fraudulent schemes

Active users of various social networks often come across many stories that circulate on forums about how someone was “conned” out of money. And the number of these sad cases continues to grow every day. This is called Internet blackmail, and Skype is ideal for this.

Intimate video

Let's look at an example.

It all starts out simple: our victim (let it be a guy) meets a girl in some online chat or on a social network. They chat, communicate, usually for a very short time, after which the girl offers to “have fun” on Skype. For starters, maybe throw in some intimate photo.

In this case, the guy usually doesn’t think for a long time: he either refuses or immediately agrees. They switch to Skype and the video call begins. The girl begins to undress and asks her interlocutor to do the same. In most cases, he is no longer able to say “no” and gets down to business. We won’t discuss what happens next in the video, it’s already clear to everyone.

So, the job is done, the call ends, and this is where that very unpleasant story begins. The interlocutor, who just five minutes ago was so playful and relaxed, suddenly seriously declares that she recorded the entire video call. The guy mentally says “hello” to the helpful Skype developers, who wanted the best and created a convenient call recording function so that we can always save all important conversations for ourselves.

The guy listens to the scammer further. She says that if the guy within the next 24 hours (or a couple of hours, depending on what condition the blackmailer sets) does not transfer a certain amount to her web wallet, the entire Internet, including the young man’s friends, will see his shame. It is useless to delete a page from the social network in which they recently met in order to hide her entire list of friends, since she saved it in advance.

By the way, it may not even be a girl. This could be a recording of a girl from some amateur erotic home video, which the scammer found on the Internet, and then simply voiced it, and the victim did not notice the catch.

Blackmail by age

Even more interesting is the case when a girl, who by all appearance gives the impression of being clearly an adult, turns out not to be. She shows her passport to the camera or simply sends a photo, where her date of birth says that she is clearly under 18. And the victim is already accused of seducing minors.

The passport may be fake, but a person in panic rarely realizes this. And who would want all his acquaintances to think of him that not only does he undress on camera, but also in front of a child? And, besides, the scammer begins to threaten to report to the police, and this is much more frightening than a bad reputation.

This is roughly how blackmail on Skype begins; what to do with it - we will discuss later in the article.

Useful to know: “Severe punishment for SMS fraud.”

And here are blackmail schemes with photos and what to do if you become a victim.

First stage. Stand out from the crowd

At the beginning of the correspondence, you need to interest the girl so that in her eyes you look like a superman from the first words. You need to please her, surprise her, evoke positive emotions, drive, delight. What kind of conversations girls like is in another article.

Just write the first sentence:

  • “I was thinking about you” and don’t write anything further, otherwise you will ruin the matter. She may not like any further phrases or have a double meaning. Girls have a great imagination, she will come up with everything herself. What is the ideality of these words? Because you don't oblige the girl to answer. There is no pressure on her, but at the same time it’s nice that someone remembered her. And most importantly, this phrase is like a hook, raising a thousand questions. The lady will be interested, she will want to continue the conversation and will definitely answer something.
  • “I have big plans for this weekend. Would you like to join?" This is just a question, not a specific insistent proposal. The lady will understand that you have an interesting, cool life and it’s not a fact that you only invite her. If she doesn't agree to these grandiose plans now, someone else will take her place.
  • "Good morning! Have a great day!” Saying goodnight is not that cool. In the evenings everyone writes, it has become banal. But in the morning - this is the most favorable time for positive emotions. You will start her day, and involuntarily she will remember you.
  • You shouldn't be a boring, straight-A student who is afraid of offending her in some way. This will not evoke emotions. Thousands of men write the same phrases every day. If you wish good night, then add “May you dream about pink penguins.” If you write in the morning, then ask: “How did you sleep? Or was she robbing banks all night?” No templates, don't be afraid of originality. Even if they are stupid things, they will not go unnoticed.
  • Ask the right questions that cannot be answered in one phrase . “What happened today?”, “How did you like the movie?” Don’t ask: “How are you?”, rather find out: “How are you feeling?” Address her feelings and experiences, women love to talk about this.

What article do the actions of scammers fall under?

Such a “divorce,” by the way, fully fits under Article 163 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
Many people are not aware, but demanding money in order not to distribute a video or photo on the Internet that somehow threatens a person’s reputation is blackmail, and the punishment for it can be imprisonment.

Of course, the size of the term depends on the magnitude of the crime committed, but the legislation of the Russian Federation is quite harsh on this type of fraud.

It is also worth noting that not every blackmailer knows and understands what consequences can await him after choosing this type of income.

When can you file a fraud claim?

Of course, as soon as they start demanding money from you and threatening you in every possible way, you need to file a police report. The authorities are unlikely to take on your case if they demand some 2,000 rubles or less from you, because they already have a lot of statements on this matter.

It's a completely different matter when these threats become more serious. There are cases when criminals do not demand money from their victims, but, for example, to perform certain actions. Let's say you participate in other people's divorces. Or the blackmailer, who has already extracted money from you, continues to oppress you.

At the department you need to provide evidence that you are being blackmailed. These could be screenshots of correspondence, for example. Be mentally prepared for the fact that if the authorities take up this matter, they will also definitely study the materials with which they tried to discredit you.

Blackmailed by video from Skype - what to do

The sites are full of various advertisements and links to the so-called Internet police. Hoping to avoid having to resort to law enforcement, people are asking these communities for help. Frankly speaking, the chance that they won’t run into even bigger scammers is extremely small. If you are promised that the scammers’ pages will be hacked and all files deleted, you should know that this is definitely a scam.

To pull off something like this, you need very powerful equipment and competent specialists who hardly waste their time on such activities. However, even if this is actually the case, and these people can really pull off such a thing, they will ask for quite a price for such a feat.

If you find yourself in this disgusting situation, then try not to lose your head.
Don’t panic, don’t start threatening the scammer back, and don’t rush to transfer money to him.
It all depends on how exactly the blackmailer threatens you and where he found you. If you met on a network like VKontakte, and the scammer threatens to send incriminating evidence to your entire list of friends, then you should contact the technical support of VK itself.

Describe the whole situation, attach screenshots of the correspondence, provide a link to the scammer’s VK page, if you have one.

Since VK employees are actively fighting all kinds of blackmail on this social network, they will come to the rescue and block the scammer’s page.

However, it may take them some time to consider your application... You can resort to the help of friends, explain to them the whole situation, and jointly “ban” the scammer’s page by filing a complaint against him. Then his page will be frozen faster.

It is useless to contact YouTube technical support before a video with your participation is uploaded there. Basically, if it comes to this resource, there is little you can do to fix it. Unless you complain about the video, and even that is ineffective.

Of course, the best solution is to stall for time, to buy yourself a day or two. For them, have time to contact the police with a statement, a photo of which and show the scammer. This is a very risky method; the blackmailer can simply be angered, and he will emotionally carry out his threat.

You can also try not to respond to this person's threats. Just add him to the blacklist and wait for how it all ends. It’s difficult to name a more risky method, but statistics show that threats are carried out much less often than the other way around, when the blackmailer simply goes off to look for a new victim, forgetting about you.

Search for victims

Basically, cybercriminals find their clients through the social network “VKontakte”: they leave advertisements about free virtual sex (virtue) in comments and in communities. Most of the offers are aimed at a male audience: men are sometimes hidden behind photographs of pretty girls who are ready to be naked for free on Skype in front of anyone.

After the client contacts the scammers via personal messages and finds out their Skype nickname, the virtual scam itself takes place. Internet criminals call the user and pass off a porn video downloaded on the Internet as their online video call and provoke the victim to respond. While the unsuspecting customer is looking at a girl or man gradually exposing himself online and masturbating, scammers are recording him on the other side of the line.

After the Skype call, the criminals begin to threaten that they will send the intimate video they filmed to all the victim’s friends. Fraudsters gain access to the list of friends even at the moment when they meet a client on the VKontakte network.

Attackers are blackmailing Internet users who are interested in free sex services on the Internet. They offer victims to transfer money to a Qiwi or WebMoney wallet, in return promising not to send videos to relatives and friends. They usually ask from 3,000 to 10,000 rubles per video: the amounts depend on the region where the victim is located. By the way, not all criminals are interested in financial gain.

Thus, 17-year-old Anton from Moscow reported that in his case the scammers did not demand money, but asked to fulfill their requests. “The girl on the other end of the phone was blackmailing me and wanted me to fulfill her wishes. Sexual and very specific in nature,” says the young man.

31-year-old Dmitry also became a victim of online attackers: a fraudster under the name Anastasia Litvinova extorted 7,000 rubles from him, threatening to send out an intimate video with his participation.

Fifth stage. Show you care

This should be done after all stages of seduction have been completed. You showed that you can be interesting, funny, brutal. But if you went too far in something, then she may perceive you as an ordinary sociopath. Show her that you can take care of someone too.

  • If it’s winter, then write: “You know, it’s so cold outside, I need to go and buy you gloves and a scarf.”
  • If she asks how you are doing, then you don’t need to tell all the details of the past day. She's not interested. With such questions, she hints that she is bored and you should cheer her up.
  • Find out what country she wants to go to and start dreaming: what would you take, how would you go there, what would you do there. Such a conversation will evoke positive emotions and a romantic mood.

Fourth stage. Add some spice to your communication

Have you paid attention to the sense of humor of celebrities and leaders? They know how to win over people using caustic jokes. Today, a good sense of humor is an integral part of a stylish man. How to seduce a girl by correspondence if you have average appearance, little money and poor prospects? Use the power of words, a girl can be convinced of anything.

How to Create Sexual Attraction Through Text:

  • If the girl has not responded to your invitation, write: “Coquette, you just missed THIS... Have a good day! I'll be busy all next week." This will intrigue her and show that you did not die of grief because of her refusal, but had a good time.
  • “What is my other favorite girl doing?” Women don't like losers. They always go after guys who are already doing well in their personal lives.
  • If you can’t or don’t want to communicate with her at the moment, write: “I’m busy, write. If something happens, call 911.” You have important things to do and you don’t have to be in touch with her all the time. Now she will have to compete for your attention. The main thing is not to overdo it with such messages, but it’s worth trying a couple of times.
  • Invite to a meeting in a non-standard way: “Answer urgently! Beer or wine?”, if the girl joins the game, ask with the next message: “Red or white?” if beer, then “Light or dark?” After she responds, write “thank you” and nothing more. The girl will have questions that she will want answers to. Then act according to the circumstances and invite him on a date.

Remember that girls themselves don’t know what they want, they need a man who will command and be more confident than she is.

Second phase. Start making hints about sex

  • Write messages with sexual overtones. Women will look for double meaning in all phrases. “I thought about you and my mood immediately lifted,” “Just from the shower? So are you wet now?”, “Let’s have a hug.” These are all hints of sex. Women will not only understand this, but will also think about it. In this regard, women's fantasy knows no bounds.
  • Actively use humor . For example, in winter: “Let's go build a snowman. Do you have carrots? And I always have it with me.”
  • If you wrote and the girl didn’t answer, then you don’t need to pester her: “Huh? Where have you gone? Answer me, I’m worried, are you okay?” Just write: “Are you alive?” and a smiley face. She will definitely react to this message without irritation.
  • Don't bother me. Don't text her every ten minutes. She needs freedom and personal space, which you brazenly fill with your messages. I wrote it - don’t rush to write an answer. Sometimes disappear for a day. Women quickly get tired of hyper-interest and it will begin to dynamite you.
  • You end the correspondence. You are a man, you started it, you lead it, you control the progress and you finish it first. Let her not have the opportunity to read your message and remain silent. This way you lose your position.
  • Invite us to a personal meeting. You don’t need to think long about how to seduce a woman by correspondence, just go ahead and do it. I saw her interest and positive reaction - no need to be shy, drag her out on a date. No cool messages can replace personal, real communication. Women do not like texting; they are interested in men who act. While you write “How are you, did you get enough sleep?” she won't sleep with someone else.

Third stage. Make her think only about you

  • "Hello! I don’t ask what you’re doing, because I already know. You're thinking about me, right?" This question implies that the girl has fallen head over heels in love and thinks only about you all day long. She will be hooked, and she will definitely answer that this is not so.
  • “Today you were able to cheer me up, it’s not that easy. You're witty. Keep up the good work." By doing this you will show your sympathy, set her apart from the crowd of others and program her to try even harder to be interesting to you. If you like her behavior, praise her. If you don't like it, scold it. Know the value of your time and be confident in your own abilities.
  • Response to a negative message (refusal, unpleasant words): “Okay, I’ll take away ten points from you.” Questions will immediately arise: “What are the points? Are you exposing them to everyone?” This will clearly show her that you are the one giving her an assessment, looking closely at whether it is worth further courtship. This means she should try to be better, and not vice versa. You tell her what exactly you didn’t like, and she will try not to repeat it again. Another plus of this message is that, unlike others, you don’t worry about any nonsense.
  • If a lady is frozen by the meeting , write: “You know, one beauty doesn’t want to see me. Of course it’s strange, but I like her.” In one phrase there is immediately humor, a compliment, a desire to meet and no pressure. This will melt the ice and she will become more accommodating.
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