How to submit a complaint to the prosecutor's office electronically

Time limits for consideration of a complaint

The time it takes to consider a complaint depends on how much information allows you to make an informed decision on it. If there is enough information, a response to the complaint will be generated and sent to the complainant within fifteen days. If additional information is required, it will be requested from the relevant authorities, and the response period will be up to thirty days.

Good to know

Responses to complaints that are not subject to consideration are returned with a reasoned response within seven days. Within the same period, the complaint will be forwarded to the lower prosecutor’s office, if it has not already been considered there. The applicant will receive a notification.

Is it possible to appeal the decision of the prosecutor's office?

If you do not agree with the official response, you can object to it. It is sent in order of subordination. Thus, the decision of the district prosecutor cannot be appealed to the Prosecutor General's Office; in this case, the appeal will be forwarded to a lower authority.

The submitted document will be reviewed within a week, after which you will receive a response. The appeal states:

  • The name of the authority you are contacting.
  • Your data.
  • The essence of the complaint.
  • Petition (what exactly do you want to achieve with such a document).
  • Proof of violation of your rights.
  • Signature and date.

The actions and decisions of the prosecutor can be appealed not only to a higher authority, but also in court, in this case a statement is also drawn up.

Thus, a complaint to the prosecutor’s office is an effective way to protect one’s violated rights and interests, and to bring the violator to justice, even if his role is played by government authorities and high-ranking officials. The main thing is to justify your appeal, provide arguments and evidence of the guilt of the other side.

Sample application to the prosecutor's office

__________________(name of district, region)

residing at


I ask you to conduct a prosecutorial investigation and protect my rights under the following circumstances: _______________________________________ (describe in detail the reason for the appeal).

Good to know

When applying through the electronic service, a complaint in the proper form will be generated automatically based on the information entered by the applicant while working in the online reception.

If representatives of authorized bodies violated the rights of a citizen, he can file a complaint. It is acceptable to contact the prosecutor's office via the Internet .

Manipulation can significantly save time. The citizen will not have to visit the branch of the authorized body and wait for his turn.

However, preparing an online document differs from a standard application. To be considered, it must be prepared in accordance with established rules.

Expert opinion

Egorov Viktor Tarasovich

Lawyer with 10 years of experience. Specialization: family law. Recognized legal expert.

We will talk further about how to write a complaint via the Internet, the reasons for contacting the authorized body, the advantages of sending a complaint to the prosecutor’s office online and other features.

Providing an answer

When the facts have been verified, the prosecutor will file a response. The paper will contain the results of the proceedings. When the request was made online, the response may be provided by mail on paper or electronically.

The paper will necessarily contain the following information:

  • answers to the applicant's questions;
  • the results of the inspection and their explanations;
  • if a prosecutor's proposal has been made, the person is informed about where and in what time frame he will be able to familiarize himself with the results.

The application may be rejected. In this situation, the reasons that became the reason for making such a decision must be indicated. If additional information is required to review complaints, the complainant must be told how to submit a second complaint. The prosecutor's verdict can be appealed.


To do this, an application is sent to management or a higher authority. The application can also be submitted online. The application must be supplemented with a complaint and the response received. It is important that the appeal is reasoned. It is worth supplementing it with other facts if they are identified. This will reduce the risk of your application being rejected.

Remote appeal to the prosecutor's office

The regional division has its own Internet portal. The results of the complaint consideration and contact information of the institutions are posted here.

To submit a complaint, you will need to find a regional Internet resource. You have to enter a query into a search engine or go to the portal of the Prosecutor General's Office.

There you can find a link to the website of the local department. Through the resource, the appeal can subsequently be sent to the authorized body.

To file a complaint with the prosecutor's office online, you will need to do the following:

  • review the information provided;
  • provide permission to process personal data;
  • choose how to receive a response.

The person is required to indicate a list of mandatory information.

The list of data includes:

  • information about the recipient - you need to select one suitable option from those proposed;
  • topic – should reflect the essence of the upcoming complaint;
  • applicant status – representatives of authorized bodies can consider applications from both individuals and legal entities;
  • data for operational communication;
  • a concise description of the circumstances that gave rise to the preparation of a complaint to the prosecutor's office.

Next, you need to record information about all parties to the conflict and the specifics of the incident. Data in the fields marked with an asterisk is mandatory. There is no need to provide a postal address.

The rule applies if the return response is also provided by email. At the end you need to indicate the control code. It is a sequence of numbers to protect against spam. After this, you can submit the completed form.

Please note: The applicant will be notified of the acceptance of the complaint to the prosecutor's office for consideration by means of a corresponding notification. If errors are made, the information will need to be corrected. Only after eliminating the inaccuracies will they agree to accept the complaint.

The appearance of the uniform in different regions of the Russian Federation may vary significantly. However, the information required to be provided is the same.

The user has the right to supplement the complaint to the prosecutor's office if it was not possible to attach the electronic file. Additional materials will be sent by standard mail.

In this case, the information is considered on the same basis as an electronic complaint.

When a complaint remains unanswered

Here are the reasons why representatives of the authority do not respond to the sent document:

  • The complaint does not contain the full name of the person applying and a return address for sending a response (in this case, the application will be considered anonymous).
  • The document does not contain the information required for its mandatory review and approval.
  • The prosecutor cannot determine the essence of the appeal.
  • The applicant directly interferes with the competence of the prosecutor's office.
  • The text of the complaint is unreadable, the specialist cannot identify the person’s details.
  • The document contains obscene language, insults, and threats against the life and property of other citizens.
  • There is no clearly discernible logic or meaning in the complaint.

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Gavrilova Olga

Work experience as a lawyer - 21 years. Since 2015, he has been an expert of the Commissioner for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs in the Chelyabinsk Region A.N. Goncharov.

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If the document does not fall within the competence of the prosecutor's office, it is forwarded to the appropriate body that has the right to consider it. The person receives a corresponding notification. If the official paper was left unanswered, you have the right to re-apply; the number of such applications is not limited.

Grounds for filing a complaint

If a citizen’s rights have been violated or illegal actions have been taken against him, a complaint is prepared to the prosecutor’s office. An appeal to the organization is made if it is impossible to write a complaint to other law enforcement agencies for any reason. The authority helps if a person does not want to bring the case to trial or does not have enough evidence to prepare a claim.

Note! Representatives of the prosecutor's office may refuse to accept a complaint, citing the fact that the issues raised are not within their competence. In this situation, it is permissible to require that the decision be made in writing. The paper allows you to contact the Prosecutor General's Office or the senior management of the authority.

Do not confuse an online application to the prosecutor’s office with a complaint. Both are filed to protect and restore violated rights. An application is submitted if it is necessary to resolve issues that have arisen or implement opportunities provided by law.

At a personal reception

In law enforcement agencies, personal reception is carried out by authorized employees (as a rule, prosecutors on duty), who are required to consider applications from individuals, which does not exclude the possibility of participation of representatives of other departments, if necessary to study the current situation. At the same time, certain categories of citizens enjoy priority right to visit, if this applies to cases provided for by the current law (this opportunity is provided to veterans of the Great Patriotic War, disabled people, pregnant women, visitors with minor children).

A citizen has the right to contact the structural unit of his federal district, guided by the information posted on the website page Here he will find up-to-date information about the reception schedule for authorized employees and the procedure for making a preliminary appointment. So, for example, in Moscow, citizens are received at the address: Krestyanskaya Zastava Square, building 1 on weekdays from 9.00 to 18.00, and on Fridays until 16.45 (lunch break from 13.00 to 13.45) without prior registration on a first-come, first-served basis.

At the reception, a citizen must present an identification document, and, if necessary, hand over a correctly executed presentation document, which gives him the right to represent the interests of the victim (if he cannot or does not want to personally communicate with law enforcement officers).

The content of the oral statement is entered into the registration book or into a special database, and if the stated facts do not require additional study and verification, then, with the consent of the visitor, he can be given an answer orally (clarifications of the provisions of the current legislation can also be given).

If the information provided is not enough to make a decision or it is not possible to understand what the essence of the issue is, then the prosecutor conducting the personal consultation has the right to offer to fill in the missing information and explain how the application should be submitted.

In addition to an oral description of the situation, the visitor can submit a written document. A mark is placed on it indicating the source of receipt (“from a personal reception”), after which it is registered and accepted for consideration on a general basis.

Important! At the request of the applicant, a similar acceptance mark can be placed on the second copy of the complaint, which he will keep with him to confirm the fact of contacting the prosecutor's office.

Features of filing a complaint

It is acceptable to submit documents to the prosecutor's office of the Moscow region or a similar authority in another region if the citizen lives in it. The application is usually made to the authorized body located at the place of residence.

The action is carried out through the department’s Internet portal. A person will save himself from waiting in queues.

You don't have to make an appointment. To use the service, you only need to have a device with Internet access.

Practical advice: It is additionally recommended to prepare an evidence base. Documents must be provided in electronic form. To do this, the papers need to be scanned. Photographing documents is acceptable, but quality must be monitored. If it interferes with assessing the authenticity of a paper or understanding its contents, the document will not be considered. Therefore, it is better to use a scanner.

The prosecutor's office reviews several types of applications at once:

  • general;
  • to corruption;
  • for non-compliance with the rights of an entrepreneur.

It is acceptable to submit the relevant document personally to the prosecutor.

Is it possible to apply anonymously?

Expert opinion

Egorov Viktor Tarasovich

Lawyer with 10 years of experience. Specialization: family law. Recognized legal expert.

The law obliges a citizen who wishes to submit a complaint to the authorized body to provide personal information. This allows you to track who submitted the claim.

Anonymous complaints to the prosecutor's office, as well as repeated applications to the same authority, will not be considered. The rules apply to standard papers or applications through electronic admission.

Pros of using the service

If you write a complaint through the official website of the prosecutor's office, a person will save himself from having to stand in queues for a long time. Information is provided remotely.

You just need to fill out a specialized form and enter personal information. If a person lives in Moscow, you need to apply through the department’s regional portal.

A sample complaint to the prosecutor's office in online format is presented on the website.

Using the service entails a number of additional benefits, the list of which includes:

  • saving time;
  • filling out the form at any time of the day;
  • availability of the service throughout Russia;
  • acceleration of the review procedure.

Established deadlines and further actions

If the claim contains little information, representatives of the authorized body send a letter to the address specified by the applicant within a week. If the complaint is prepared correctly, a response is given within 7 days.

The applicant will be notified that the claim has been accepted for consideration or forwarded. Additional authorities may be involved in the procedure.

The person will also be informed about this. The process of reviewing applications takes 1 month.

The corresponding norm is reflected in the current legislation.

If the period is missed, filing a claim is acceptable. The paper is compiled according to the classical scheme. It is permissible to personally visit the city prosecutor's office and find out the reasons why the response was not received in a timely manner. By defending their rights and not letting things take their course, a citizen will be able to achieve justice.

Maslennikov Ivan Ivanovich

Graduated with honors from the State Academy of Law (SLA) with a degree in jurisprudence. Extensive experience in resolving legal issues of a wide range.

Many people still do not trust electronic forms of contacting government agencies. Meanwhile, electronic document management can significantly speed up the process of communication with government agencies. For example, you can submit an appeal to any prosecutor’s office in Russia through a special online reception.

Why is the electronic method of filing a complaint better than others?

The Prosecutor's Office is a universal supervisory body designed to monitor compliance with the law. Therefore, complaints to the prosecutor may concern a variety of issues: from violation of consumer rights to unlawful actions of law enforcement officers.

In addition, the prosecutor's investigation implies a serious verification of the circumstances specified in the complaint, so contacting law enforcement agencies is an effective way to influence the violator.

The prosecutor's office is often approached with urgent problems. Therefore, the time frame for consideration of appeals by the prosecutor is shorter than in other bodies.

However, it takes a lot of time to deliver the application: it either needs to be sent by mail or brought in person after standing in line for an appointment. The electronic appeal arrives instantly.

In addition, unlike papers in the office, it cannot get lost and is guaranteed to reach the addressee.

The response to an electronic appeal comes to the complainant’s email, which also significantly reduces the response time to a complaint.

How to file a complaint with the prosecutor's office of Moscow and Moscow Region: instructions

Currently, on the territory of the Russian Federation there is a single portal of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, where you can leave an electronic appeal to any prosecutor's office in Russia, as well as find contact information for the nearest branch.

To file a complaint with the prosecutor's office of Moscow or the Moscow region, you must:

    Go to the website of the Internet reception of the prosecutor's office. Here you can log in through the State Services portal or continue without authorization. In the first case, all personal data that needs to be indicated in the complaint will be automatically uploaded to the system, which will save time on filling out forms. If you can’t access State Services, you will have to fill out all the fields yourself.

After drawing up the complaint, all necessary documents related to the subject of the complaint and justifying the requirements contained in it are attached.

  • All data is checked, after which the application is sent to the specified department.

Basic requirements for filing a complaint

There are criteria that must be observed when drawing up a document:

  • The presence of offensive words and obscene language is not allowed;
  • you must write correctly, taking into account punctuation marks and the rules of the Russian language;
  • the address of the originator must be correctly and accurately indicated;
  • the text must be logically structured;
  • the topic of the complaint must relate to the competence of the body;
  • information about the violation committed must be accessible and clearly indicated;
  • information about the parties to the conflict;
  • the specific request of the applicant.

In order to properly file a complaint, it is enough to study several correct samples of such documents.

complaints can be made here.

A sample complaint about an unreasonable refusal to accept a criminal complaint can be downloaded here.

An example of a typical complaint can be downloaded here.

An application requesting an unscheduled inspection can be downloaded here.

Example No. 1 . An example of a fraud claim is provided below.

Fraud Claim

Example No. 2. An example of a complaint against a management company is presented below.

Complaint against the management company

Other rules for composing an application via the Internet are reflected in the table below.

Contact detailsThe applicant must accurately indicate all contact information. To do this, fill out a special form. If there is no full name, the complaint is anonymous and will not be considered.
Address styleBusinesslike, excludes emotions and words - parasites.
The text is compiled competently and concisely, in accordance with the available facts
IntelligenceOnly reliable data that can be supported by evidence. The applicant himself may be held accountable for false information.

A complaint belongs to the category of official documents that are registered with the authority. Based on the fact of the proceedings, a response is drawn up and sent to the applicant.

How else can you file a complaint?

Expert opinion

Egorov Viktor Tarasovich

Lawyer with 10 years of experience. Specialization: family law. Recognized legal expert.

If it is difficult for you to use electronic services, you can send a written appeal to the prosecutor’s office in one of the traditional ways:

Bring your complaint in person. Address of the Moscow Region Prosecutor's Office: 107996, Moscow, Maly Kiselny per., 5. Contact numbers:

Contacts of the required district prosecutor's office in Moscow can be found here.

  • send the appeal by mail to the prosecutor at your place of residence.
  • If you need to get a personal appointment and submit a written complaint, you must contact the prosecutor’s office at the place of residence or at the location of the offender (for example, an inactive police station). As a rule, appointments are made by appointment by telephone.

    To complain to the prosecutor's office in person, you must come to the appointment with two copies of the application. One copy of the application remains with the prosecutor's office; the secretary must put a mark on the acceptance of the complaint and the date on the second.

    By mail, the application must be sent by registered mail with return receipt requested. Next, you should wait for the return of the delivery notice, which will indicate the date the complaint was received by the prosecutor. It is from this date that the period for consideration of the application is considered.

    General order, legal regulation

    The preparation of the document is regulated only by the Instructions approved by Order No. 45 of the Prosecutor General's Office. There are no strict requirements for design, so anyone can cope with the writing.

    An appeal to the prosecutor's office with a request to conduct an inspection can be individual or collective. In the latter case, two or more people apply for protection of their rights, and the document can also be adopted at a rally and signed by its participants.

    A required element is the sender's details. There is no direct prohibition on anonymous complaints; they will be registered and considered as a general rule, but you will not receive an official response, nor will you be able to monitor the progress of the inspection.

    The document is sent in writing, including in person to the prosecutor's office, by registered mail and notification of successful delivery, or by telegraph. Oral transmission of information during a personal reception is allowed. Another way is electronically. The appeal is submitted on the official website of the regional authority or on the State Services portal.

    Online appeal

    The procedure for citizens to contact the prosecutor and the timing of consideration of applications is regulated by Federal Law No. 59 of 2006, as amended in accordance with Federal Law No. 182 of 2013. Online reporting is a relatively new way to report infringement.

    The completed electronic form is processed within 3 days, a response is given within 30 days. If the response is delayed, the prosecutor's office must send a so-called interim response in writing to the applicant's contacts.

    You can write a complaint through the Internet reception desk of the Prosecutor General's Office. To do this, the user must fill out a form indicating:

    1. Last name, first name, patronymic.
    2. Type of appeal.
    3. Type of appeal.
    4. The region where the applicant lives.
    5. Applicant's contacts.
    6. The essence of the complaint.

    The legislative framework

    To appeal the actions or inaction of a bailiff, you should rely on the following legislative acts:

    1. Federal Law “On the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation” dated January 17, 1992 N 2202-1 (as amended on July 1, 2021).
    2. Federal Law “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation” dated May 2, 2006 N 59-FZ (as amended on December 27, 2018).
    3. Criminal Code of the Russian Federation dated June 13, 1996 N 63-FZ (as amended on July 1, 2021) (as amended and supplemented, entered into force on August 22, 2021).
    4. Federal Law “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services” dated July 27, 2010 N 210-FZ (as amended on July 2, 2021).
    5. Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses dated December 30, 2001 N 195-FZ (as amended on July 1, 2021).

    Filing a complaint to the prosecutor's office via the Internet: contents of the application

    The law does not impose strict requirements for filing complaints. In practice, the statement is written in a concise form, without unnecessary digressions.

    It is advisable that the applicant indicate the articles of law that, in his opinion, were violated. For example, people often turn to the prosecutor whose labor rights were grossly violated by their employer.

    In this case, it is necessary to analyze the relevant articles of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and indicate them in the complaint. You can contact the prosecutor in parallel with the Labor Inspectorate.

    Two complaints sent to different authorities must be considered. If the response to the appeal does not satisfy the applicant and contains only general words, then you can safely file a complaint addressed to the Prosecutor General.

    The submission method is similar to the first one: log on to the Internet reception website, fill out the form, send it, but only to the Prosecutor’s Office, which is higher in level than the one from which the response to the complaint came.

    Where to complain about the prosecutor's office

    Although the prosecutor's office, by definition, is the body overseeing compliance with the law, there are cases when a citizen believes that the prosecutor's office is not fulfilling its duties. In this case, it is necessary to complain to a higher authority or court.


    If you decide to complain about the actions of prosecutors, then you need to be sure that they really violate their duties and you can clearly argue and prove this.


    Based on the results of consideration of the application, the prosecutor makes one of the decisions:

    • accept for consideration;
    • leave without one;
    • send to the prosecutor's office at a lower level;
    • do not consider the application;
    • return the complaint.

    If the application is written illegibly, it will be returned within a week. The reason for refusal to consider must be motivated.

    An application from a citizen can be sent to any prosecutor's office, both at the place of registration of an individual and at the location of an organization or company. If the questions addressed by a person or a representative of an organization are not within the powers of this government body, within 7 days from the date of registration of the document from the citizen, the materials must be forwarded to the authorized body with mandatory notification to the applicant.

    From this moment, consideration of the application becomes the responsibility of this body, and it must give the citizen a response to his application.

    In particularly difficult and dangerous situations, citizens have to turn to prosecutorial oversight bodies to protect their legal rights and interests. Today this can be done during a personal visit, via Russian Post or through the global network.

    How to submit an application to the Prosecutor's Office via the Internet? You need to make sure that the recipient is selected correctly and prepare a letter drafted in accordance with applicable rules and regulations. The requirements for writing complaints are set out on the website of the regulatory structure itself and third-party resources.

    Reasons for rejecting the complaint

    The authorized body may refuse to consider an application in several situations.

    A negative answer is accepted in the following cases:

    • documents are sent again;
    • the paper contains insults or obscene language;
    • there is no logical structure, complaints are an incoherent stream of thoughts;
    • the document is written in handwriting that is difficult to read;
    • There is no information about yourself.

    All events have a statute of limitations. Therefore, there is no need to delay. If the application period has ended, this may also be a reason for refusal to consider documents.

    What questions should you contact the prosecutorial supervisory authority?

    Expert opinion

    Egorov Viktor Tarasovich

    Lawyer with 10 years of experience. Specialization: family law. Recognized legal expert.

    Any citizen of the state has the right to contact the Prosecutor's Office for help. However, before filing a complaint, he needs to make sure that the recipient authority is chosen correctly.

    The Prosecutor General's Office is authorized to resolve the following issues:

    • Actions by government officials that violate the law. The prosecutor's office is contacted with questions related to violations of the law by law enforcement agencies, representatives of local government, and bailiffs. Court decisions cannot be challenged in the supervisory body - there are other authorities for this.
    • Violation of citizens' labor rights committed by employers.
    • Non-compliance with social rights and guarantees. You can contact the authority if you are denied budget payments: pensions, benefits, etc.
    • Violation of labor rights of citizens. The letter will be considered if there are objective grounds: the applicant’s advanced age, disability, etc.

    According to the general rule, applications to the prosecutor’s office via the Internet that do not correspond to the scope of jurisdiction of the recipient authority are redirected to an authorized structure within 7 days. The citizen-addressee is notified of this in writing.

    How to write a complaint to a supervisory authority?

    To contact a supervisory authority online, you need to go to its Internet reception website The service operates 24 hours a day, so interested citizens can place a petition at any convenient time, from anywhere in the world.

    Next, you should select your place of residence, and the system will automatically redirect you to the portal of the regional unit.

    On the page that opens, select the “Ask a question” menu item. Click on it and a contact form will open. It differs depending on the territorial unit, but the following fields remain common:

    • letter subject;
    • applicant status;
    • Full name and contact details of the citizen;
    • the essence of the appeal;
    • Preferred response: by regular letter or email;
    • additional attachment files.

    Is it necessary to refer to the provisions of legislative acts when describing the situation? Optional: employees themselves will determine which citizens’ rights were violated.

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