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Article 215.3. Unauthorized connection to oil pipelines, oil product pipelines and gas pipelines or rendering them unusable
ST 215.3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. 1. Unauthorized connection to oil pipelines, oil product pipelines and gas pipelines, committed by a person
Rights and responsibilities of a specialist in criminal proceedings
Rights and responsibilities of a specialist in criminal proceedings
Legal advice on comments to Art. 57 Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation Where can I find the current list of forms
Who are the roosters in the zone, and how to avoid such status
What are they doing? Contrary to the stereotype, the proportion of voluntary homosexuals among those offended is low. Most prisoners become
What responsibility is assigned for rendering vehicles or means of communication unusable?
Article 267. Rendering of transport means or means of communication unusable
ST 267 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. 1. Destruction, damage or otherwise rendering unfit for use
Qualification under articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation of exploitation of child labor
Legislative regulation of the problem The involvement of minors in labor is not encouraged for moral and ethical reasons in many
What is the gruel used in prison today and what is fed to Russian prisoners?
Last month I had to prepare material on the topic of what they feed in Russian
Gang criminal activity
Banditry - elements and types of crime under Article 209 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
The concept of banditry and signs of a gang Definition 1 Banditry is an illegal, socially dangerous, intentional
right to privacy of correspondence
How is violation of the confidentiality of correspondence, telephone conversations, postal, telegraph or other messages punished?
According to the study “Media Consumption in Russia – 2020” conducted by Deloitte, for the third year in a row the most
What is illegal trafficking of precious metals, and what is the deadline?
Legal advice > Administrative law > What is illegal trafficking in precious metals, and what
'What does "evening in the prisoners' house" mean?' width="340
Why do thieves in law not shake hands when they meet?
Representatives of the younger generation, who trumpet with fashionable prison words, sometimes do not even realize their true meaning.
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