A temporary detention center is required to isolate people dangerous to society who have committed some kind of crime.
ST 283 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. 1. Disclosure of information constituting a state secret by the person to whom it was
Features of document preparation The procedure for drawing up a report on the detection of signs of a crime is regulated by Art. 143 Code of Criminal Procedure
Article 190 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation refers to those provisions of the law that are used infrequently. She reflects
One of the special crimes against justice is provocation of a bribe. Under the provocation of a bribe or commercial
ST 149 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Unlawful obstruction of an assembly, rally, demonstration, procession, picketing or participation
Citizens of the Russian Federation who are convicted of a crime have the right to count on acts of mercy from
1. The decision to initiate criminal proceedings against the person specified in part one of the article
The protocol of a court hearing in a criminal case is an integral element of criminal procedural legislation. Its compilation and
Home/Complaint/Complaint against a police officer Officials of government bodies and structures are representatives of the authorities, which determines