Seizure of property in a criminal case is currently widely used
In the modern world, transferring to one or another bank card or account is no longer
Torbeevsky Central Torbeevsky Central is located in Mordovia, where many camps and prisons are located. Mordovian
Legal advice > Entrepreneurial activity > Crimes in the economic sphere, their characteristics and examples
1. Restrictions on military service are assigned to convicted military personnel performing military service under a contract, for
FAQ: Imposition of a court fine with exemption from criminal liability This material has been prepared in the form
Is it possible to transfer things? Each pre-trial detention center has a delivery point. Work schedule
ST 281 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. 1. Committing an explosion, arson or other actions aimed at destruction
One of the most common crimes aimed at stealing someone else's property, in addition to theft, is robbery.
A criminal act or even the imposition of criminal punishment for a crime does not always entail immediate