If you love intellectual relaxation, then you probably do crossword puzzles or scanword puzzles in your spare time. Certainly,
When investigating acts committed by several persons, the most important issue is the division of complicity of subjects into forms.
Everything about criminal cases Go to the articles of the Criminal Code in this area Plenum of the Supreme Court
Jurisdiction in criminal cases includes a number of terms, each of which is somewhat different from each other.
Sample statement of claim for rehabilitation To the Kirovsky District Court of Samara 443035, Samara,
A suspended sentence as a mitigating measure is applied by the judicial authority in cases where it is established
At what point is it considered completed? Theft is a material crime. That is, criminal
In everyday life, by especially serious crimes we understand, as a rule, the most cruel and
The Constitution specifies a person as the highest value. Therefore, restriction of his rights and freedoms is punishable
Bag theft is a secret form of taking someone else's property, one of the most common illegal acts.