ST 159.6 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. 1. Fraud in the field of computer information, that is, theft of someone else’s
ST 159.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. 1. Fraud in the field of lending, that is, theft of funds
Theft or theft? Often the line between theft and hijacking is so clear that it is difficult
Very often lately people are faced with such an unpleasant situation when they
The essence of forced labor On the substantive side, forced labor consists of involving the convicted person in labor
Among various economic crimes, theft of public funds is one of the most common. With accusations
How are customers deceived? It is not possible to immediately distinguish a false insurer from a real one. Firstly, callers have
Today, storing weapons at home raises many questions among both new hunters and
How many prisons are there in Russia and what kind of regimes are there? Currently, according to the Federal Penitentiary Service
Peculiarities of consideration of claims They are established by Art. 124, 125 Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation. These articles provide for challenging