The regime of a prisoner’s stay in a pre-trial detention center (hereinafter referred to as the pre-trial detention center) is quite harsh, and connections with
Who guards prisons in Russia? In the Russian Federation, the Federal Penitentiary Service is responsible for the protection of prisoners.
Having a criminal record is a serious obstacle to a prosperous life. Because a person is haunted by restrictions even
The government began talking about the legislative norm under consideration in 2008, and in
Cancellation of a criminal record during a suspended sentence is possible if the convicted person has no subsequent offenses. Article
Often individuals and legal entities represented by their representatives (for example, collectors) threaten a person with
Guilty or not Punishment of the culprit of an accident in which one or more people died,
What was provided for earlier Including 2003, Article 152 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation included
The institution of pardon exists in almost all countries of the world; pardon dates back to the times
Five major US film companies - Warner Bros., 20th Century Fox, Columbia Pictures, Disney and