How to send a letter to a pre-trial detention center and what are the features of receiving a meeting with a prisoner in a pre-trial detention center?

The regime of a prisoner’s stay in a pre-trial detention center (hereinafter referred to as the pre-trial detention center) is quite harsh, and connections with the outside world are deliberately limited in order to prevent collusion with accomplices of the criminal act under investigation. Being an unspoken means of psychological pressure on a prisoner who is under investigation, but has not yet been imprisoned, the procedures for granting visits and transferring mail have certain specifics that should be known to those who are interested in contacting the prisoner.

What not to write about

Every message sent to a prisoner in a pre-trial detention center is checked by a censor. The content should avoid the following topics:

  • The circumstances of the criminal case against which the addressee is charged. It is better to avoid any information and facts.
  • Previously committed actions of the prisoner while at large, as well as events from his life that aggravate his guilt.
  • Mentions of other persons involved in the criminal case.
  • Methods of communication with prisoners prohibited by the internal regulations of FSIN institutions (mobile phones, etc.).
  • Any information relating to drugs, weapons, extremism.
  • Personal attitude to the case under consideration and the constitutional system of the country.

If such information is found in circulation, the administration of the pre-trial detention center has the right to transfer it to the investigator. In addition, there is a possibility of dishonest work by the staff of the pre-trial detention center and the subsequent transfer of any information to the criminal environment.

You need to write as simply as possible. You cannot use signs, symbols, or marks that could be perceived as a code. Profanity and jargon are not allowed in correspondence.

It is best if the content of the message contains information about the health of relatives, the success of children, and any significant events for the family.

What not to write

Since the letter to the zone is subject to strict censorship, you need to approach its content responsibly. The first thing you should not do is to mention any details or information relating to the criminal case filed against the convicted person. This is justified for two reasons:

  • When you are incarcerated in a pre-trial detention center, the paperwork does not stop, so if you provide any information about the case, you risk harming the prisoner himself. After all, such information can immediately reach the investigator conducting the investigation;
  • Not entirely conscientious employees may also work in the pre-trial detention center, who, for a monetary reward, can pass on information to criminals being held with the convicted person, which does not always benefit the latter.

What is even better not to indicate in the letter:

  • any information relating to the actions of the prisoner that was not known to the investigation;
  • information about the persons involved in the case;
  • information about other types of communication with the convicted person;
  • attitude towards the criminal case being conducted against him;
  • any information regarding drugs, their sale, weapons, etc.;
  • jargon or profanity;
  • any ciphers;
  • calls (even humorous ones) to disrupt the existing state system;
  • words and sentences in a foreign language (if the convicted person is a foreigner and does not know Russian, then a translator is invited for him).

Prisoners themselves can also send letters to their loved ones.

It is forbidden to attach photographs of an erotic nature to the letter. Such a topic is taboo in places of detention. It is not forbidden to send photos of your wife/children or other relatives along with the letter, but you need to make a note in it that you decided to attach them.

The number of such photographs is regulated. You are allowed to send 1 photo of your wife or parents, 2 photos of your children. 1 calendar, 7 stamps and 2-3 new envelopes into the envelope , as they are especially valued in the pre-trial detention center.

How to get a certificate of battery? Here you will find information on this issue.

What is the best thing to talk about in a letter? It is better to describe in a letter the current state of affairs regarding the family, the well-being of close relatives, etc. You can talk about facts and events that do not relate to legal proceedings or criminal activity. It is advisable to write a few words of support. This will help the convicted person more.

How to apply

There are different options for sending messages to prisoners in a pre-trial detention center, but in any case, each of them must include the following details:

  • name and mail address of the pre-trial detention center;
  • FULL NAME. person detained in custody (cannot be reduced);
  • year of birth of the arrested person;
  • FULL NAME. and the full address of the sender.

It is possible to remain anonymous and indicate a fictitious full name. and address in case the sender wants to hide his connection with the arrested person. Persons detained in pre-trial detention centers are not limited in their correspondence, so no one checks such data.

What information should not be reported?

If you decide to send a message to your relative, loved one or a letter to your loved one in a pre-trial detention center, then you should not mention in it:

  1. Information or facts related to the criminal case under investigation or information related to other actions of the prisoner unknown to the investigative authorities.
  2. Other persons who are involved in a criminal case.
  3. Methods of communication with the arrested person that are prohibited by the internal regulations of the FSIN institutions (telephone, notes, internal telegraph).
  4. Your attitude to the criminal case and the existing political system.
  5. About drugs, weapons, extremist organizations, etc.

If you are wondering whether it is possible to write letters to a pre-trial detention center using profanity and jargon , then know that this is unacceptable. You should also not use any code, even jokingly make calls for the overthrow of the constitutional order, or allow extremist thoughts and slogans.

In the best case, the censor simply will not hand over such a letter to the addressee, and in the worst case, it can help put pressure on him under the threat of initiating a criminal case against you.

In the pre-trial detention center , erotica and pornography are prohibited , therefore, you should not send racy photos - they will be thrown away or, even worse, censors will use them for their own purposes.

Photos of parents, children, wife, or other relatives can be enclosed in the envelope, but you need to make a note about this in the text to control delivery.

According to the rules, you can send 2 photographs of children, 1 of parents or spouse . In addition, you can put 1 pocket calendar, 7 postage stamps in the amount of 70 rubles in the envelope. Blank envelopes are of particular value in such institutions, so it is necessary to send 2-3 of them with each letter.

What can you put in an envelope?

In the envelope you can also send:

  • photographs of loved ones and relatives;
  • envelopes, stamps;
  • one pocket calendar;
  • children's drawings, poems.

To be completely sure that everything enclosed will reach the addressee, it is necessary to indicate the name and number of items at the end of the message. The usual limit on the number of photos is 5 pieces. Attach several envelopes and stamps to each letter; in such institutions it is not always easy for prisoners to get them.

Remember that erotica and pornography are prohibited in pre-trial detention centers; you cannot send photographs of such content.

Methods for registering correspondence in a pre-trial detention center

Finding yourself in a completely new and hostile environment, a person experiences severe psychological pressure. The support of loved ones is what any person needs to stabilize their psyche, so it is important to send messages to the convicted person from time to time.

The punishment imposed for disobedience to a police officer is described here.

How to write a letter to prison is regulated in Order No. 205 of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation of November 3, 2005. It is there that it is stated that all correspondence received by the pre-trial detention center first goes through censorship. The exception is documents received from courts, government agencies, international human rights organizations, etc.

A letter to a pre-trial detention center is very important for every prisoner.

If the convict himself decides to send or receive something, then this is done at his expense, without opposition from the administration. When a letter or telegram arrives at a pre-trial detention center, it carefully analyzes it and then only transfers it to the prisoner. Therefore, you should be careful about how to write a letter to a prisoner.

Shipping methods

You can write to a person held in a pre-trial detention center by Russian post or using special electronic services for sending requests “FSIN-letter”.


The traditional method of sending messages in such situations is most familiar to most people. But it is worth noting that the duration of this procedure leaves much to be desired. The message reaches the addressee in at least 14 days if the detention center is located in your region. Otherwise, delivery may take more than a month. This delay is due to the slow work of the postal service.

After the message reaches the FSIN institution, it is registered in a special journal, which indicates the date of sending and receipt of the letter at the pre-trial detention center. Subsequent censor review takes three days. The defendant's correspondence to freedom follows the same path, only in reverse order.

Weight should not exceed 100 grams. You can pay for shipping cheaper by sticking stamps. Registered letters cost much more than “1st class” and take longer, since they are entered into a computer at each stage.

Email correspondence

A more convenient method at the moment is to use special Internet services. Advantages of email correspondence:

  • Delivery time is maximum 5 days;
  • convenience. There is no need to visit the post office;
  • expedited verification of the message by the administration of the pre-trial detention center;
  • Possibility to attach a photo.

The censor reviews the email within one to two days. The appeal is checked and printed, and then delivered to the prisoner. He, in turn, can also use email to write a response.

How to send an email

Sending a message to a pre-trial detention center is possible through the electronic service “FSIN-Letter”. This is the most convenient and common way of corresponding with a person under investigation, including most pre-trial detention centers throughout Russia.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • follow the link;
  • select the region and institution to open the remaining fields to fill out;
  • fill in all fields without errors;
  • write a message in the “Text” window;
  • To attach a photo, you need to check the box and select the file with the image on your computer in the window that opens;
  • click the “Submit” button.

The service is paid. Sending a message up to 2500 characters will cost 55 rubles. Up to 5000 characters – 110 rubles and so on. Sending one photo will cost an additional 30 rubles. The service accepts FSIN-PISMO and VISA/MasterCard cards for payment. You can also pay for the service through terminals and in any banks.

If the message is not censored, the money will not be refunded. Within 5 days after sending, a notification will be sent to the sender’s email address informing the date of delivery of the message to the addressee.

The service also provides a paid service. After the person under investigation writes a return letter, his message will be sent to your email within 5 days.

To receive news from a prisoner, you can check the box next to the inscription: “I want to receive an answer,” and leave the message box itself empty. As a result, you can save money.

How prison censorship works (photo)

Places of imprisonment require strict isolation of prisoners from society. One of the main prohibitions applies to any free communication with the outside world. They talked about how to distinguish a wife’s letter from an encrypted escape plan in the St. Petersburg “Crosses.”

Mobile communications are strictly prohibited in any institution of the penitentiary system. Only top officials can carry mobile phones with them. Everyone else, including staff, relatives, lawyers and other guests, has their phones taken away at the checkpoint. Although it is no secret that the lion's share of fraudulent calls from “grandchildren in trouble” or “accidentally depositing money into your account” comes from prisons. Unfortunately, no one can abolish corruption even behind bars.

However, now the heads of the penitentiary system have officially allowed mobile communications behind bars. True, it will be exclusively one-sided - in the form of letters sent by relatives and friends of prisoners via smartphones. A special application was developed exclusively for the penal system of one of the St. Petersburg companies and has already passed the first 14 days of testing. Starting today, the FSIN-letter system began to operate in user mode in 10 regions of Russia. As representatives of the Federal Penitentiary Service assure, there is no such method of communication with prisoners in any other country in the world.

Journalists were allowed into the holy of holies - the censorship department of the famous St. Petersburg "Crosses" - pretrial detention center No. 1. Two sweet girls spend their days busy reading letters from outside to outside with the utmost attention. At first, ordinary paper letters came in bags, then emails were added to them, and now mobile letters. Of course, each one is read. As is every answer to the respondent.

“From the first sentence we can determine whether this is an ordinary everyday letter or some kind of prohibited information: for example, an encrypted escape plan or unacceptable negotiations with lawyers or other prisoners,” says censor Elena Kozyra. — If the information is suspicious, we contact the operational department for advice. But, as practice shows, there is practically no prohibited information. Respondents on both sides of the grid are well aware that letters are read and information will be disclosed. Rather, letters containing foreign words are not censored.”

As they say in Kresty, the number of uncensored letters is negligible - less than a fraction of a percent. There are no special problems with foreign respondents either. As Vladimir Likhovid, deputy head of pre-trial detention center-1, noted, in “Crosses” you don’t often meet an Englishman or a Frenchman, most of them are ours or “guests” from the former fraternal republics. And if they really want to communicate with loved ones, they will write in Russian. But in extreme cases, translators are also invited - for example, recently they had to translate letters from their homeland to Italian citizens under investigation. If the letter has not passed censorship, the author and addressee are notified about this. However, in some institutions - for example, in pre-trial detention center No. 5 in Moscow - censors simply delete suspicious pieces of text, and the letter itself is still delivered to the addressee.

As the female censors admit, it was not easy at first. “Each letter is a separate, often very bitter human story. At first I was worried, I let every letter pass through me. After all, I’m not only looking for forbidden information, but willy-nilly I see a person in a letter. After a few years, I got used to it, and now I treat it purely as an ordinary job,” says one of the censors.

Every day, the pre-trial detention center receives about 300-500 letters, including new items - letters from mobile phones. They are also read, printed and distributed to the cells. The prisoner can write the answer on a regular piece of paper, it will be read, scanned and sent to the recipient. According to experts, 40% of relatives of prisoners prefer to use mobile applications to communicate with them - they are cheaper and faster than others. The number of letters is unlimited and depends only on the sender’s desire to pay for sending it in both directions. One letter costs 30 rubles, the cost of an electronic letter is 50 rubles. Ordinary paper letters cost a penny, but can take weeks. True, the volume of the message is limited - no more than a page of A4 text.

“What if someone wants to forward, say, War and Peace, and inserts prohibited information somewhere on page 365?” — the pre-trial detention center employees comment.

They admit that they expected much more prohibited information during the first two weeks of test operation of the system. However, it seems that the “contingent” and their relatives do not want to take risks and communicate exclusively through legal means. As they say at the Federal Penitentiary Service, in order to humanize the work of the penal system, return letters “from the zone” are scanned in their handwritten version - so that the recipient can make sure that it was a loved one who wrote. You can also send a photo - it will also arrive in scanned form.

“A man is sitting, say, in “Kresty”, and his family is at sea at that time. His wife can send him a photo from the beach at any time, and the recipient will see it literally within a few hours, or even minutes,” Vladimir Likhovid is romantic.

The developer of the “Letter to Prison” system (who is also the chairman of the board of trustees of “Krestov”), Konstantin Antsiferov, assures that his idea benefits prisoners, the profit goes to the pre-trial detention center, and only a small part goes to the income of the company he heads.

“Believe me, any beer stall brings more profit. It’s just that, firstly, we were interested, and secondly, our new product became the third serious step in the modernization of the rather skeletal penitentiary system,” Antsiferov told Rosbalt. — First, there were proposals on our part, and then the implementation of the delivery of regular emails to prison, then the so-called “control of Article 33” (a kind of electronic sorting of prisoners into cells - who can or cannot be with whom, what for the isolation ward with 999 cameras is very relevant), now - letters from a mobile phone. People in captivity remain people, we do not have the right to interrupt their social ties and completely limit communication with the outside world.”

To complete the experience, journalists were invited to a concert at the local Krestovsky club, on the stage of which three convicts performed songs... about mail. The deputy director of the pre-trial detention center said with undisguised pride that before going to jail, none of them even thought about music, but now, apparently, their talents have awakened. After the concert, journalists pestered the prisoners about what they were imprisoned for and when they would be released. It turned out that one had to serve another three years, the other three months, and the third member of the ensemble declined to comment. They are imprisoned “for serious bodily offenses that resulted in the death of a person.” All three are St. Petersburg residents. And everyone unanimously said that without letters from relatives it would have been very difficult.

Now, under the gloomy walls of “Crosses” on Arsenalnaya Embankment, there are no longer crowds of relatives trying to shout to their loved ones. They write letters. And very soon - by 2015 - the “Crosses” themselves, in their tear-stained historical place, will cease to exist. A new site near St. Petersburg is being built for pre-trial detention center No. 1. If you shout there, don’t shout: they won’t hear you anyway.

Marina Boytsova

other methods

There are two more methods of written communication with the person under investigation. They are good because they allow you to convey a message in one day, but there are also disadvantages. The first way is to convey a message with products and things. The disadvantage of this method is that the transfer of products and things can only be done once a month. Otherwise, you can contact the prisoner by sending a letter with the help of a lawyer, who hides it in the documents on the case under consideration. This method is illegal and is therefore highly discouraged.

Requirements for the content of correspondence

Since all correspondence from suspects and accused persons is subject to censorship, the censor will decide whether to hand over the letter to the prisoner or not . In this regard, mentioning the circumstances of the criminal case in the text is not permissible.

It must be remembered that the prisoner has not yet been convicted, and the investigation into the case continues. Therefore, all the information contained in the letters becomes known to the investigator.

This can harm your friend, brother or other loved one and even radically change the final court verdict.

It is worth knowing that operational workers in pre-trial detention centers are not always conscientious and can “leak” information into the criminal environment , which, under certain circumstances, can lead to negative consequences not only for the prisoner, but also for his relatives at large.

Is it possible to visit

According to Art. 395 of the Criminal Procedure Code, prisoners held in pre-trial detention centers are allowed short-term visits with relatives no more than twice in one month. However, the mere desire of a relative to visit a person in custody is not enough.

The decision on this is made by the investigator who is conducting the investigation of the criminal case, or by the judge who is considering the case at the trial. However, a visit may be refused.

The reason for such a decision may or may not be stated. The general concept of “in the interests of the investigation” will be formulated.

If the case has already been sent to court, then, according to Article 18 of the Federal Law on the procedure for detention, the decision on granting a visit is made by the judge. As practice shows, there are practically no failures.

If a guilty verdict has already been passed and it has entered into legal force, the decision whether to grant a visit or not is made by the head of the institution (pre-trial detention center). This official is responsible for notifying relatives when and to which criminal correctional institution the convicted person has been sent to serve his sentence.

How to get a response to a FPS letter

If the sender of the letter wants the prisoner to respond to the letter, he must check the appropriate box. It appears after you start working on the text. A letter with an opportunity to respond will cost more. After sending and paying for the letter, it must be censored and must be delivered to the addressee. The sender of the letter will receive notifications about all this to the email address specified when sending the letter. Next, after delivering the letter, the addressee must write a response and this response in the form of a scan of handwritten text will be sent to the sender’s email inbox.

How to write an application correctly

Application form for a visit with a convicted person in a pre-trial detention center free of charge in word format

In order for the application for a date to be written correctly, you need to know in whose name it should be written:

  • if an investigation is underway, a statement is drawn up addressed to the investigator,
  • if the case is in court - addressed to the presiding judge of the court session,
  • if a guilty verdict has been passed and it has already entered into legal force - addressed to the head of the pre-trial detention center,
  • until the sentence has entered into legal force - in the name of the judge who passed the sentence. If the case is sent to the appellate instance, it should be addressed to the presiding judge of the appellate panel.

Important! The application must contain the following information:

  • in the upper right part the full name of the body, position, surname and initials of the official to whose name the document is addressed is indicated,
  • just below – last name, first name, patronymic, degree of relationship between the author of the application and the person under investigation, defendant, convicted person,
  • name of the document “Application for a visit”,
  • a request for a visit is stated on a new line and a reference to the rule of law that provides for it,
  • in the lower part - the day, month, year of compilation, signature, surname and initials of the applicant.

How to send an email through the FSIN-LETTER service

It's easy to do. You need to go to the website Next, the region and correctional institution are selected from the list. Then enter information about the sender and recipient.

Below, in a special window, enter the text of the letter directly. Additionally, you can attach a photo or request a response. When everything is finished, the “send” button is pressed. Then the letter must be paid for. Read clear instructions on our website here>>> .

What should the letter be like?

The arrested person only needs to write about current affairs, facts and events that do not relate to the crime being charged or any criminal activity in general.

It would be great if the content of the letter concerns the health and well-being of relatives and loved ones, their successes and family events .

Believe me, this information will warm the soul of the prisoner much more. It is impossible to form any sample of correct writing. Everyone knows what a person close to them wants to hear or know.

What to do in case of refusal

In response to an official written application requesting a visit, the person authorized to make the necessary decision on it must:

  • allow a date,
  • refuse.

In case of refusal, it is necessary to demand that the decision be made in writing and provided to the applicant.

A written refusal may be delivered:

  • person under investigation, subject to trial, convicted,
  • defender
  • to the applicant.

With a written refusal, you can apply further to the authorities, seeking a visit. Thus, the investigator’s decision to refuse to grant a visit can be appealed to his immediate superior or to the prosecutor overseeing the legality of the criminal investigation process.

When appealing a refusal, it is better to act together with the arrestee’s lawyer. He will be able to use this circumstance in the future in court, explaining the refusal as a violation of human rights.

In order to be able to see an arrested relative, you can use his right to a defense attorney, who can be not only a lawyer, but also a close relative. And the defense attorney has the right to see his client at least every day.

applications to the Prosecutor's Office for free in word format

Please note! If you decide to file a complaint against the investigator’s decision to refuse a visit, it should indicate:

  • the name of the unit of the Prosecutor's Office, class rank, surname and initials of the prosecutor to whose name the complaint is being filed,
  • last name, first name, patronymic, degree of relationship and details of the arrested person, place of residence of the person making the appeal,
  • title of the document “Complaint against the actions of the investigator”,
  • when and to which investigator an application was submitted requesting a visit,
  • when the refusal was received, and what was the reason for this decision,
  • grounds – why the investigator’s decision does not meet the requirements of the law,
  • the essence of the request,
  • date, signature, surname and initials of the person filing the complaint.

As practice shows, if the case is in court, or the court verdict has entered into legal force, then the presiding judge of the court and the head of the pre-trial detention center usually do not refuse to grant a visit.

The permit is valid for one date only. If a second meeting is necessary, you must submit a new application and obtain permission again.

Temporary detention center.

However, in certain cases, the judge may also refuse to see the defendant:

  • if there is pressure on the judicial investigation,
  • the defendant commits violations of the internal regulations of the pre-trial detention center,
  • for other reasons - depending on the specific circumstances of the criminal case under consideration.

If the refusal of a visit is made by a judge, then such a decision can be appealed only by filing an appeal against the court verdict.

Other methods

There are other ways to speed up the transfer of information.

For example:

  • enclose the letter in a grocery or food parcel. Then the information will reach the person in the pre-trial detention center on the day it is received,
  • transmit information together with a lawyer who has the right to visit the arrested person on any day,
  • provide the necessary information during a personal meeting.

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