Transfer to a pre-trial detention center: what transfers are allowed and how to pack food?

Rules for transferring food to pre-trial detention centers

The first thing you need to do is find out the operating hours of the parcel collection point and the list of permitted products. Also keep in mind that in most cases you will need to stand in line, since delivery of parcels to those arrested in Russia is possible once a month, and the weight generally should not exceed 30 kg. Therefore, you need to carefully select products and their quantity.

At the reception point, the employee must write an application of the established form on a form and write down the entire list of transferred products, indicating their weight. Upon delivery, the parcel undergoes a thorough inspection and is then packed in transparent bags. Therefore, to speed up the inspection process, initially package all products in accordance with established requirements.

To be completely sure that delivery was made to the addressee, the application is filled out in three copies, one of which remains with you to confirm the fact of delivery.

It is also possible to send products by post. You can send a parcel weighing no more than 2 kg or a parcel up to 20 kg to the address of the institution.

List of acceptable and permitted products for transfer

Before sending a parcel, you must study the list of acceptable products and the list of products prohibited for transfer. Some food products are considered a luxury for those staying in a pre-trial detention center, so they can be provided in limited quantities.

The standard list of acceptable products includes the following:

  • vegetable oil in the amount of 1-3 liters, there is no need to keep it in the refrigerator;
  • packages of instant pasta (20-30 pieces), so that the pre-trial detention center employee does not open them, it is recommended to purchase them on the territory of the detention center in a special store;
  • bouillon cubes (no more than 500 g);
  • two bags of small-leaf black tea, one bag of tea is sent for use by all those arrested, and the second goes to the recipient of the transfer;
  • gingerbread or cookies in the amount of 1-2 kg;
  • lard, cut into small pieces;
  • smoked or raw smoked sausages in the amount of 2 sticks;
  • no more than two cans of canned fish or meat, since upon receipt of the delivery they are opened by an employee, as a result of which their shelf life is reduced;
  • caramel;
  • honey in transparent plastic containers;
  • butter;
  • instant cereals that do not need to be cooked;
  • dry mashed potatoes intended for steaming with boiling water;
  • vegetables and dried fruits;
  • cigarettes, they act as a kind of means of payment in the detention center, with the help of which some problems can be solved, so it is recommended to give cigarettes even to those arrested who do not smoke; it is better to purchase cigarettes at a kiosk on the territory of the detention center, so the pretrial detention center officer will not break them during the check;
  • for preparing drinks, it is allowed to transfer dry cream, citric acid, tomato paste in transparent packaging;
  • condensed milk only in transparent containers, however, please note that during testing it will be poured;
  • During inspection, hard cheese and bread products will be cut into small pieces to prevent the transfer of prohibited items into them.

Strictly prohibited products include: meat, cutlets, boiled sausages, pates, fish, milk, chicken in any form, culinary products, eggs and mushrooms. It is not allowed to serve food in glass containers.

Video about the nuances of product transfer

So, we have provided an exhaustive list of permitted products, which must be followed for smooth delivery of the parcel. Prepare responsibly for this important process, and then you can bring a little joy to your relative or loved one.

Parcels and transfers to prisoners

Brief Notice

You can send instant pasta. Tea and cigarettes go like money in the colony. Sweets, coffee, lard, stewed meat, fish, cheese, dry potatoes in bags, raisins, dried apricots, everything that cannot be heat treated.

Shampoo, gel - cover such items with tape to prevent spills. Condensed milk and some seasonings are okay, but not pepper.

If you are sending to a stranger and are afraid to reveal your address (however, they can also spy on a friend’s address and use it for bad purposes, although in reality this does not happen so often), then letters from the conclusion can be addressed post restante - just indicate the post office code . A passport is enough to obtain it. Such letters are stored for up to 30 days and then destroyed.

The regulations for the acceptance and receipt by convicts of parcels, transfers and parcels were approved by Order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated November 3, 2005 N 205 “On approval of the internal regulations of correctional institutions.”

List of products and other goods allowed for transfer to convicts:

1. Vegetable oil (packaged in containers).

2. Butter (packaged in containers).

3. Margarine (packaged in containers).

4. Cheese in vacuum packaging.

5. Sausage, cold-cut, dry and vacuum-packed (raw smoked only from April to October).

6. Cold smoked fish in vacuum packaging (do not order from April to October).

7. Raw meat, raw meat in vacuum packaging, lard in vacuum packaging.

8. Salt, refined sugar, sugar substitute, condensed milk (packaged in containers).

9. Seasonings, mustard, ketchup.

10. Instant noodles, instant mashed potatoes (packaged in containers).

11. Instant soups that need to be hydrated with hot water.

12. Natural juices, mineral water, carbonated fruit water (in packaged containers).

13. Dry waffle cake, cookies, muffins, dried crackers, gingerbread, waffles (packaged).

14. Instant coffee, cocoa, tea (in packs), baking soda (in packs).

15. Sterilized milk (in bags).

16. Fermented milk products with a shelf life of more than 10 days (only from October to April).

17. Honey (packaged).

18. Bread (in plastic packaging).

19. Caramel, chocolate.

20. Fruits (apples, oranges, lemons, pears, tangerines).

21. Vegetables (onions, garlic, cucumbers, tomatoes).

22. Dried fruits (raisins, prunes, dried apricots, figs, bananas), nuts.

23. Baby food: meat, fruit, vegetable purees, juices, dry milk mixtures.

24. Washing powder, soap, shampoo, cream (for children’s hands, feet, shaving, etc.).

25. Cigarettes, matches, paper, toilet paper, toothbrush, toothpaste, washcloth.

26. Safety razors for single use.

27. Factory-made household electric boiler (up to 0.5 kW).

28. Underwear, T-shirt, tights, socks, towel, scarves, pads for women.

29. Ballpoint pen, refills (black, blue), notebooks, mailing envelope.

Food products must be certified, industrially produced, in supplier packaging with an expiration date indicated.

It is strictly forbidden to form a parcel

1. Products that require heat treatment (packaged soups, cereals, cereals, meat, fish).

2. Food products with a limited shelf life (less than 7 hours).

3. Products that must be stored at low temperatures (less than +8 degrees).

Based on a doctor’s conclusion, patients with tuberculosis, HIV-infected people, pregnant and lactating women, as well as children and adolescents are additionally allowed to order food products from the baby food category.

List of things and items, food products that convicts are prohibited from having with them, receiving in parcels, transfers, parcels, or purchasing

1. Items, products and substances withdrawn from civil circulation.

This is interesting: Inspection of the scene of the incident: Code of Criminal Procedure of the Russian Federation Article 176 with comments

2. All types of weapons, ammunition.

3. Vehicles.

4. Explosive, poisonous, fire hazardous and radioactive substances, lighters.

5. Money, valuables.

6. Securities, currencies of foreign countries.

7. Optical instruments.

8. Wrist and pocket watches (in prisons).

9. Food products that require heat treatment (except for tea and coffee, milk powder, instant food concentrates that do not require boiling or cooking), home-canned products, yeast.

10. All types of alcoholic drinks, beer.

11. Perfume, cologne and other alcohol-based products.

12. Narcotic drugs, psychotropic toxic and potent substances, their analogues and medicinal substances without medical indications, medical supplies.

13. Electronic computers, typewriters, duplicating machines and other office equipment.

14. Knives, straight razors, safety razor blades.

15. Piercing and cutting objects, structurally similar to edged weapons.

16. Axes, hammers and other tools.

17. Playing cards.

18. Cameras, photographic materials, chemicals, film cameras, video, audio equipment (except for television receivers, radio receivers), communications equipment and components for them that ensure operation.

19. Any documents (except for documents of the established form, identifying the convicted person, copies of sentences and court rulings, responses based on the results of consideration of proposals, applications, petitions and complaints, receipts for money, things, valuables handed over for storage).

20. Topographic maps, compasses, literature on topography, martial arts, service dog breeding, weapons design.

21. Military and other uniforms, accessories.

22. Clothing, hats and shoes (except for slippers, tracksuits and sports shoes) of unidentified samples.

23. Colored pencils, felt-tip pens, markers, ink, ink, ballpoint and gel pens (except for blue and black), paints, copy paper.

24. Pornographic materials, objects.

25. Electrical household appliances (except for electric shavers, factory-made household electric boilers).

26. Things and objects, food products received or purchased in a manner not established by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and these Rules.

1. This list applies to convicts serving sentences in penal colonies, with the exception of paragraphs 5, 9 (except for yeast), 22, 25.

2. Convicts in cell-type premises, EPKT, in solitary confinement in special regime colonies, as well as those transferred to strict regime in prisons, are not allowed to purchase and store tea and coffee.

3. When transferred to another institution, convicts are allowed to take with them only personal belongings, food and items purchased by them in the prescribed manner.

4. The number of things and objects, food products that convicts can have with them is determined by the head of the institution, based on local conditions and capabilities. The total weight of things and objects belonging to the convicted person, food products, including those in the warehouse, cannot exceed 50 kg.

5. Television receivers and radio receivers can be purchased only for collective use and installed in places determined by the administration.

6. Wearing tracksuits and sports shoes is permitted during mass sports events.

A complete list of products that can be transferred to a pre-trial detention center with comments

Important ! A detailed list of food products permitted to be transferred and purchased by suspects and accused persons held in pre-trial detention centers is regulated by Appendix No. 2 of Order of the Ministry of Justice of October 14, 2005 No. 189 “On approval of the internal regulations of pre-trial detention centers of the penal system.”

A detailed list of permitted food products in the pre-trial detention center of the Russian Federation with amendments and recommendations from people who know about imprisonment first-hand:

  1. Cigarettes (2-3 blocks). Cigarettes in prison are a kind of currency. Even if the person in the pre-trial detention center does not smoke, it is better to put 1-2 cartons of average-priced cigarettes in the transfer.
  2. Black tea (200-500 g). Only loose leaf tea is allowed; this is a very popular product among prisoners. It’s better to pour two bags or bags: one worse one for the common fund, the other better one for yourself.
  3. Sugar (1-3 kg). It is allowed to transfer both sand and refined sugar, but they can find fault with the quantity. It's a good idea to replace some of the sugar with honey.
  4. Instant coffee (100-250 g). Coffee is often confiscated during delivery, but you can still try it by pouring it into a transparent bag.
  5. Matches (5-10 boxes).
  6. Salt (250 gr). Salt containing iodine is recommended. Place the salt in a transparent bag.
  7. Bread, buns, pastries (unlimited). Only products with a shelf life of more than 72 hours are allowed.
  8. Sausage (400-600 gr). It is allowed to transfer only smoked sausage, preferably raw smoked sausage.
  9. Lard, lard (300 g). It is advisable to buy lard in transparent store packaging.
  10. Condensed milk (1-3 packs). Delivered in soft packaging.
  11. Butter (200-250 g). It is better to buy ghee, it stores better.
  12. Cheese (250-400 gr). Only hard cheeses are recommended, sliced.
  13. Smoked fish (200 gr). Allowed only in the cold season (November - March).
  14. Tomato sauce or ketchup (500-1000 ml). Allowed only in soft doypack packaging.
  15. Non-ferrous noodles (10-20 pcs). Only noodles that do not require cooking are allowed for transfer.
  16. Vegetable oil (500-2000 ml) and bouillon cubes (100 g). It is in great demand among house sitters, as it is added to almost all dishes to improve taste.
  17. Mustard, horseradish (100 g). Only in soft packaging.
  18. Mayonnaise (0.5-1 kg). Allowed only in soft and small packaging.
  19. Non-ferrous mashed potatoes (200-400 g). Only puree that does not require cooking.
  20. Cookies (300-500 g). Be sure to add it, it’s very popular with tea.
  21. Crackers (300-400 g). Can be replaced with biscuits.
  22. Gingerbread cookies (500 gr). There is also no point in regretting it, since it will sell out quickly.
  23. Waffles (300-400 g). It is recommended to put it in a transparent bag.
  24. Crispbread (100-200 g).
  25. Drying, bagels (300-600 g). It is better to pack in a transparent plastic bag.
  26. Rusks, croutons (100-500 g).
  27. Chocolate (2-3 bars). Any type of chocolate is allowed.
  28. Marmalade (250-300 g).
  29. Marshmallow or marshmallow (300 g).
  30. Waffle cake (1 piece).
  31. Sweets (500-1000 g). Caramel, toffee, and chocolate candies are allowed. But it is best to send the caramel and, if possible, without wrappers. The simplest caramel or lollipops are ideal.
  32. Kozinak, halva (200-300 gr).
  33. Honey (100-300 g). Only clear honey is allowed. We love it very much among prisoners and, moreover, it can be stored for a long time.
  34. Nuts (200-600 g). Nuts can be of any kind.
  35. Dried fruits (200-600 g).
    All types of seedless dried fruits are allowed. Dried fruits are an ideal replacement for perishable apples and pears. The weight is minimal, and the volume is significant, and the benefits and taste are preserved.
  36. Apples (2-3 kg). Preferably green.
  37. Pears (1000 gr). It is recommended to transfer only firm pears.
  38. Grapefruit (1000 g).
  39. Lemon (500 gr).
  40. Oranges (1000 gr).
  41. Pomelo (1 kg).
  42. Lime (100-300 g).
  43. Tangerines (1-2 kg).
  44. Bananas (1 bunch).
  45. Persimmon (1000 gr).
  46. Kiwi (0.5-1 kg). Highly recommended as a rich source of vitamin C.
  47. Tomatoes (1 kg).
  48. Cucumbers (1 kg).
  49. Garlic (250 gr). Onions and garlic must be included in the transfer, because... they can significantly improve the taste of any dish.
  50. Onions (1000 g).
  51. Carrots (1000 gr). Carrots must be washed thoroughly.
  52. Radish (500 gr).
  53. Beets (1000 gr). It is recommended to wash well.
  54. Chili pepper (100-250 gr).
  55. Green radish (1-2 pieces). Be sure to wash thoroughly.
  56. Bell pepper (3 pcs).
  57. Celery root (1 root).
  58. Ginger (100 gr).

The list of food products allowed to be given to prisoners is quite extensive, but there are also restrictions.

Lack of communication affects the mental balance of any person, and even more so of a prisoner. The only outlet is maintaining paper correspondence. Read our material about whether it is possible to write letters to prisoners and how to do it correctly, including through Zonatelecom.


The following types of food are prohibited:

  • products requiring storage temperatures below +8 degrees, for example, boiled sausage and ham, dairy products, boiled meat and fish, perishable foods prepared at home;
  • food products that require heat treatment, for example, raw meat and fish, cereals (Appendix No. 2 of the Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation of October 14, 2005 No. 189);
  • alcohol in any form;
  • drugs and any prohibited substances.

Medicines can be transferred strictly to those prescribed by the medical worker of the pre-trial detention center; trying to transfer other drugs is simply useless.
Attention ! Persons who have attempted to transfer prohibited substances and items may be brought to administrative liability under Article 19.12 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and to criminal liability under Article 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Reasons for return

Inmate transfers may be returned back to sender for certain reasons . Here is a complete list of such reasons (clause 70 of the Internal Regulations of pre-trial detention centers of the penal system, approved by Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation of October 14, 2005 No. 189):

  • release from custody of the prisoner to whom the transfer is being made;
  • if the maximum permissible weight of gears per month is exceeded;
  • if the prisoner has been transferred to other correctional institutions;
  • incorrectly filling out an application for the transfer of products and things;
  • the transferor does not have a passport or identification document;
  • if the addressee is temporarily away on the initiative of the investigative authorities;
  • death of a prisoner;
  • if the prisoner refused to accept the transfer in writing.

Transfer to a pre-trial detention center: what can be transferred and in what ways can it be processed

Anything can happen in life; no one is protected from troubles and misfortunes. And one of the most unpleasant events, probably, is confinement in a pre-trial detention center.

The prisoner there has a hard time in difficult conditions, but it’s also hard for his loved ones, who never cease to worry about their loved one and want to help with all their might. Therefore, in this article we will discuss an important issue: Prison Transfer: What can and cannot be sent to an inmate.

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Basic rules and procedure for transfer to a pre-trial detention center established by law

You need to send a package to prison, and what can be put there and what cannot be placed there are the first questions that will arise before you. But take your time. Before you send a parcel to a loved one in prison, you must understand that a pre-trial detention center is a special place, with a whole set of strict requirements even for the delivery of parcels to prisoners.

The transfer of parcels to the zone is complicated by the fact that there is a whole list of permitted products in the pre-trial detention center, as well as prohibited ones.

The weight of the parcel should not exceed 30 kg (this figure varies depending on the requirements of individual detention centers), and parcels may be delivered to the prisoner no more often than once a month .

When directly handing over the parcel to the person who compiled it, you need to fill out a special form with a list of products and things.

The application indicates not only a list of items, but also the passport details of the citizen who came with the parcel, as well as the prisoner to whom it was addressed.

All contents will be examined - these are the rules of the pre-trial detention center. Only after a thorough inspection will the employee sign and allow the parcel to be sent to the pre-trial detention center.

You can make things much easier for yourself in advance. Before you collect a delivery to the pre-trial detention center, read the list of things that can be transferred to the prisoner (so as not to waste money on something that will not be missed in the end), pack all the products in transparent containers so as not to waste time opening each item.

In addition, if you are delivering the parcel in person, you can familiarize yourself with the assortment offered by the pre-trial detention center stall . Products purchased there will not be subject to opening, and this, in turn, can be very convenient, for example, if you buy cigarettes, which are usually also gutted during inspection. These are the simplest nuances of how to transfer to a pre-trial detention center that you must take into account.

Remember also that the pre-trial detention center has its own schedule and days for receiving parcels , so ask about this in advance if you go there in person.

Now let's talk about what can be transferred to prison from food and common items.

What are the rules?

The weight of each parcel must be no more than 20 kilograms. How many times a month to send parcels to the pre-trial detention center depends only on your desire. During a calendar month, the total weight of the delivery to the pre-trial detention center cannot exceed 30 kg. Did you send 10 kg on February 2? Great, once again in February you can only send 20 kg.

But there are categories of prisoners for whom the weight of the transfer is not limited (clause 66 of the Internal Regulations of pre-trial detention centers of the penal system, approved by Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation of October 14, 2005 No. 189):

  • minors;
  • patients with serious illnesses (after examination by a pre-trial detention center doctor);
  • women with children under three years of age (if the children are kept in a pre-trial detention center with their mother);
  • pregnant women.

A list of food products and things that are allowed to be transferred to pre-trial detention center prisoners must be posted on the wall in the transfer room. It is recommended to give the prisoner food products only packaged in transparent soft factory (preferably vacuum) packaging. It is prohibited to transfer products in glass and iron containers .

So what exactly can you convey to a loved one who is in a pre-trial detention center? And what is the best way to provide the prisoner with food? Let's figure it out.

What can and cannot be transferred to a pre-trial detention center

So, contrary to popular belief, the list of products allowed for transfer to a pre-trial detention center is quite extensive. Here is the list of permitted products in the pre-trial detention center :

  • The main things that should be in your program are tea, cigarettes and sweets. The very things that prisoners manage like money. Even if your loved one does not smoke and does not like tea, still put the indicated items in the bag. With their help, a person in prison solves many problems. By the way, don’t chase an expensive brand; no one will really pay attention to it in jail. As they say, cheap, cheerful, but a lot.
  • Various flavor enhancers, like bouillon cubes, will definitely come in handy. You should have a rough guess about the taste of prison cuisine... Tomato paste will also come in handy, always in soft packaging.
  • Vegetables, with the exception of raw potatoes, which the prisoners will not cook in any way. Onions and garlic are considered the best choice.
  • Fruits, but note that many of them spoil quickly (kiwi, for example). Dried fruits are more acceptable in this regard, since their shelf life is much longer and their weight is less.
  • Instant noodles or porridges that do not require any cooking (just pour boiling water). Prisoners cannot cook food, so semi-finished products will in some way become their salvation. By the way, it is better to purchase them at the stall of the pre-trial detention center.
  • Cookies, but not more than 2 kg.
  • Transparent bee honey is a good solution, since it is prohibited to transfer sugar.
  • Ghee and salted lard are the foods that last the longest without spoiling.
  • Smoked and raw smoked sausage, such as the one that does not spoil the longest. No more than 2 sticks are allowed.
  • You can also hand over baked goods or cheese products, but keep in mind that they are likely to be broken during inspection.

This was a list of food products, but after all, not only food is sent to the prisoner, but also basic necessities . This could be a toothbrush and paste, panties and socks, laundry soap. It can also be a boiler and an electric razor. Regarding other clothing, you need to check directly with the pre-trial detention center where the prisoner is being held; perhaps a change of clothes and a tracksuit will be allowed there.

This is interesting: Responsibility for the production, storage, transportation or sale of counterfeit money or securities

We discussed what can be transferred to the pre-trial detention center from food and more, so now it’s worth saying a few words about what it is better not to take. I think that based on the list presented above, readers have already realized that perishable food that requires cooking cannot be passed on. Medicines can only be sent with the approval of a local doctor. Strictly prohibited things in the article will be discussed separately in the next section.

Products strictly prohibited for transfer

It is prohibited to transfer to prisoners any substances that are regarded by the pre-trial detention center staff as drugs, alcohol or alcohol-containing substances. It is prohibited to send weapons or things that can be used as weapons (for example, scissors).

Watches, optics, pens and rods for them (with the exception of pencils) are also unacceptable. Sugar is also prohibited. Because some “hustlers” make local moonshine based on it.

Remember, for carrying prohibited items you can easily end up under criminal charges yourself, so don’t take risks.

What can be given to a detainee or person arrested in a temporary detention center in Krasnogorsk

The most basic things a detainee needs are cigarettes and tea.

So, what is the very first thing worth collecting in the transfer:

  • Unfolded cigarettes
  • Matches
  • Tea and Coffee in soft packaging (not in glass or iron cans)
  • Rafinated sugar



  • Cookies, waffles
  • Candies
  • Dried fruits
  • Smoked sausages and cheeses (non-perishable)
  • Chocolate
  • Water, juices (in soft packaging)
  • Instant noodles and puree

Hygiene items:

  • Soap with soap dish
  • Disposable razors
  • Toothbrush (preferably in a pencil case)
  • Toothpaste
  • Shampoo, shower gel
  • Toilet paper, napkins (both dry and wet)
  • Loofah (any) or sponge
  • Deodorant (roll-on!)

Several ways to transfer a transfer to a pre-trial detention center

three ways at your disposal that you can use to ensure that your loved one who is in prison receives the necessary things.

also use postal services , but delivery time will increase and you will have to exclude products that could spoil on the road.

Just like sending a parcel to a pre-trial detention center by mail, you can send it using the Internet . Now this area has begun to actively develop; there are certain online stores that provide such a service as sending parcels to the zone.

They do not yet cooperate with all pre-trial detention centers, but the one you need may well be on the list. The advantage of this service is that the cost of their work is lower compared to travel costs, and delivery is faster than with our mail.

Rules for reception and transfer to pre-trial detention centers

Different regions of the Russian Federation have their own rules regarding what items can be transferred to a prisoner. In this case, the weight of the parcel should not exceed 20 kg, and the arrested person does not have the right to store more than 50 kg of things and products in the cell.

Deliveries for people in pre-trial detention centers are accepted in the order of priority for visitors at the reception point at the pre-trial detention center. When you can send things and food to the arrested person, you can find out by reading the work schedule of this point (some of them do not work every day and not throughout the working day).

What can be transferred to a pre-trial detention center?

The necessary things in the pre-trial detention center are:

  • personal hygiene items;
  • razors (electric or safety);
  • comfortable clothes (no belts, suspenders or ties);
  • shoes (without metal heels and instep supports);
  • underwear and socks;
  • dishes made from unbreakable materials;
  • paper and writing materials;
  • bed linen (white or beige);
  • towels;
  • sleep mask and earplugs;
  • Board games;
  • cigarettes.

Medicines that are not included in the list of prohibited drugs (hormonal drugs, dietary supplements, narcotic drugs, dry herbs that are prohibited in pre-trial detention centers) can be transferred in limited quantities - usually no more than one package.

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